July 2013 Babies



  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    wednesday weigh in - 35 weeks!!

    starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI, recommended gain: 25lb.
    24 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    25 weeks: + 9.5 lbs
    26 weeks: + 12 lbs
    27 weeks: + 13 lbs
    28 weeks: + 13.5 lbs
    29 weeks: + 15.5 lbs
    30 weeks: + 16 lbs
    31 weeks: + 16.5 lbs
    32 weeks: + 19.5 lbs (holy moly! big jump this week!!)
    33 weeks: + 19.5 lbs
    34 weeks: + 19.5 lbs
    35 weeks: + 19.5 lbs (still maintaining from big gain a few weeks ago?)

    Is it a little weird to be maintaining for three weeks in a row? it kind of makes sense since I had that big gain week 32. I will probably just run it by my midwife though, just for peace of mind. I am pretty sure she will say it is no big deal - she is pretty low key about weight gain in general. I feel really good and baby moves around a TON. anyone else leveling off here towards the end?
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    36/2 and finally the baby has turned!!! Yippee! counting down the weeks/days/minutes/hours lol. Starting to get uncomfortable. Hope you all are doing well!

    Yay, I'm so happy for you! I think my baby is still not right yet unfortunately. Did you do any exercises or something to try to help your baby turn?

    I'm getting an ultrasound next week to see if the baby is turned on its own, and if not they will try some external maneuver to turn it. I will be 35 weeks for the ultrasound.

    Yes! I started going to a chiropractor who did the "Webster technique" which helps open the pelvis and make more room for the baby down low. The night after the first adjustment I was woken up at 3am feeling nauseous and tons of movement (which is exactly what she told me to expect) and I am certain that is when the baby turned. Prior to that I did try some movements recommended on the spinningbabies.com website, like doing handstands in pool and literally hanging off couch with my butt in the air, but I found these to be really uncomfortable to breath since the weight of my belly was pushing into my lungs....

    I highly recommend chiropractor, especially if you can find one certified in the Webster Technique!! Good luck!!

    Thank you so much! I think I'll wait for the ultrasound to confirm that the baby is really upside down because one midwife said that baby is upside down and the other one didn't venture a guess because she said she doesn't know where the head is. So lol.. I hope in 6 days I will know for sure. I will definitely try a chiropractor if it is upside down, and if that doesn't work the hospital offers to turn babies as well which I will try as well.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    wednesday weigh in - 35 weeks!!

    starting: 114 lbs, 5'2'' normal BMI, recommended gain: 25lb.
    24 weeks: + 7.0 lbs
    25 weeks: + 9.5 lbs
    26 weeks: + 12 lbs
    27 weeks: + 13 lbs
    28 weeks: + 13.5 lbs
    29 weeks: + 15.5 lbs
    30 weeks: + 16 lbs
    31 weeks: + 16.5 lbs
    32 weeks: + 19.5 lbs (holy moly! big jump this week!!)
    33 weeks: + 19.5 lbs
    34 weeks: + 19.5 lbs
    35 weeks: + 19.5 lbs (still maintaining from big gain a few weeks ago?)

    Is it a little weird to be maintaining for three weeks in a row? it kind of makes sense since I had that big gain week 32. I will probably just run it by my midwife though, just for peace of mind. I am pretty sure she will say it is no big deal - she is pretty low key about weight gain in general. I feel really good and baby moves around a TON. anyone else leveling off here towards the end?

    In one of my other pregnancies I maintained for three weeks in a row right at the end also and the week before the birth I lost a bit of weight. I think it is nothing to worry about, my birth went normal and baby was ok (weighing 9lb 6oz ugh, maybe my body made sure he didn't grow anymore lol) :) Can you believe it's only 5 weeks left??

    Edited to say you look beautiful in your 35 week picture! Love your top!!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    36/2 and finally the baby has turned!!! Yippee! counting down the weeks/days/minutes/hours lol. Starting to get uncomfortable. Hope you all are doing well!

    This is great!!!!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    "That is so cool that you made the baby carrier! Did you find a pattern for it online? How did it turn out? I'd love to see a picture :)"

    I used this pattern: http://www.grumblesandgrunts.com/2010/10/how-to-sew-mei-tai-baby-carrier.html Only difference is I pre sewed in the batting before turning. Seemed way easier than trying to shove in padding with a yardstick.


    Here are some Newborn/small sized fitted cloth diapers I have been working on. I am mad though because they are the best looking diapers I have made but I can't imagine this baby will be small enough to fit in them.

  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    has anyone started preparing for birth by getting car seat in car and packing bag? I cant remember when i did this with my dd (she will be 8!!). I have 3 weeks and 3 days to go (not that I am counting lol). I havent gotten anything like that ready. I am holding off on carseat because we travel alot and I want to wait as long as possible to optimize room in the vehicle, plus that can even be done after the baby comes. I was thinking maybe I should get a bag packed though....
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    My bag is packed for me and husband but I still need to finish baby's laundry to pack her stuff!
    The little lady is still in BREECH position and I'm soooo upset!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    "That is so cool that you made the baby carrier! Did you find a pattern for it online? How did it turn out? I'd love to see a picture :)"

    I used this pattern: http://www.grumblesandgrunts.com/2010/10/how-to-sew-mei-tai-baby-carrier.html Only difference is I pre sewed in the batting before turning. Seemed way easier than trying to shove in padding with a yardstick.


    Here are some Newborn/small sized fitted cloth diapers I have been working on. I am mad though because they are the best looking diapers I have made but I can't imagine this baby will be small enough to fit in them.


    Wow, you are so talented! Beautiful work! I like the baby carrier, it looks so soft and perfect! I am a bit afraid of cloth diapering.. my sister's been trying to get me on board but I just like the convenience of disposables. It's my fourth baby so I am not quite ready to change lol. Thank you for the link, I will see if maybe I could do something like that :) I also like the wrap carriers so I've been looking into what I should make/get.
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    has anyone started preparing for birth by getting car seat in car and packing bag?

    I have just over three weeks to go too. We put the car seat in the car, just because Murphy's Law would ensure that if we weren't ready in that respect, I'd go into labour early for sure. ;) I'm not as concerned about packing a bag, really.
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 257 Member
    2 weeks, 1 day left for me. I have my bag packed with clothes (nursing bras, yoga pants, socks, underwear, taknk tops, a sweatshirt) and toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.). I have my diaper bag packed with a few outfits for the baby, a blanket, diapers, wipes,etc and a boppy. Since we live about 2 blocks from the hospital, I just have the bags sitting by the door, so that my husband can run home and grab them when we need them. We haven't put the car seat in yet, but that's another thing my husband can run home and do quickly. I also have a change of clothes and some pads that I keep in my purse because I work about an hour away from the hospital and my house, so just in case my water breaks at work, I don't have to go around with wet pants.

    I'm getting so anxious to meet our little girl!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Just under 4 weeks for me and I have nothing ready. Hubby likes to stay in denial until I go into labour so I'm trying to chivy him up. I need to order my birthing pool, get some tissue paper on the conservatory windows so the neighbours don't get a show, pack an emergency bag, iron some baby clothes, get the moses basket down from the loft and wash the covers, finish the baby's room (make roman blind, paint, put cot together, buy a nursing chair and dresser). So just a few things to get done. Please baby don't come early. Oh and we have no names picked out whatsoever....
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi Ladies! How is everyone doing?

    I just had my 37 week visit. A little over 2 1/2 weeks to go!!!! Cant wait. I am sooo hoping I go early (of course, doesnt everyone). This heat is really starting to get to me. It was 92 yesterday and supposed to be 95 today and my husband hasnt put in the ac yet.

    I still have to get the carseats in the car, and add some items to bag. I am also waiting for a couple items to be delivered, but otherwise I am ready to go!

    Braxton hicks are getting more frequent and more intense, but I dont know that that necesarily means anything....
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Hey guys.. I just had an ultrasound yesterday and I'm so excited because the baby has turned on its own! I was getting a bit scared because the other babies turned way earlier. I am so glad I don't have to think about it anymore.

    There is another thing I'm a bit worried about, I had developed two fibroids over the last 1-2 years and they are low in my birth canal under the baby, they couldn't even see them in this ultrasound because the baby is on top of them (they were going to check if they grew and location). My midwife said that they could be a potential problem during birth if they got larger or are blocking baby's way out, and they may cause uncontrollable bleeding during delivery and now they couldn't even see them..

    Did any of you ladies have them and was it some kind of problem?
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Hey guys.. I just had an ultrasound yesterday and I'm so excited because the baby has turned on its own! I was getting a bit scared because the other babies turned way earlier. I am so glad I don't have to think about it anymore.

    There is another thing I'm a bit worried about, I had developed two fibroids over the last 1-2 years and they are low in my birth canal under the baby, they couldn't even see them in this ultrasound because the baby is on top of them (they were going to check if they grew and location). My midwife said that they could be a potential problem during birth if they got larger or are blocking baby's way out, and they may cause uncontrollable bleeding during delivery and now they couldn't even see them..

    Did any of you ladies have them and was it some kind of problem?

    My sister had a large fibroid near her cervix and she was induced for medical reasons at 37 weeks. The fibroid stopped her from dilating and she never got past a 2 and ended up with a C-section. It was a very large fibroid though. I bet a lot of women have them and never know and they never cause problems. It's good that you and your midwife are aware they are there and can act should they cause an issue, hopefully they won't. It's great baby's turned now too. They do usually get there eventually, but boy it's nerve wracking when they take their time!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Just under 4 weeks for me and I have nothing ready. Hubby likes to stay in denial until I go into labour so I'm trying to chivy him up. I need to order my birthing pool, get some tissue paper on the conservatory windows so the neighbours don't get a show, pack an emergency bag, iron some baby clothes, get the moses basket down from the loft and wash the covers, finish the baby's room (make roman blind, paint, put cot together, buy a nursing chair and dresser). So just a few things to get done. Please baby don't come early. Oh and we have no names picked out whatsoever....

    3 weeks to go now and I've finally crossed most of this off my list. I just need hubs to finish painting the ceiling so I can put the furniture where it needs to go and the clothes away. I have a friend coming to help me iron on Monday! We have to drive to Edinburgh on Friday (8 hours) for a wedding (I'm a bridesmaid!) and I'm not looking forward to it (the drive). I'm taking my maternity notes just in case baby enjoys the dancing too much... Our anniversary is next Thursday and I'd be happy if it came anytime after that!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    @igottaworkout: praise the Lord to hear that baby turned! very cool. I will be praying about the fibroids too.
    @kellyknepperg: GOOD LUCK at the wedding. you are a true friend to take on being a bridesmaid at this stage. you will be so cute up there in a pretty dress and your tiny little tummy

    I am kind of excited that I am "9 months" pregnant now. It gets so much sympathy from others!! Hehe. Trying not to milk it too much :) Night time leg cramps started this week. I am trying to relax and breathe through them, do my hypnobirthing visualizations until they pass, etc. I am considering them my "warm up" for surges during labor. LOL.

    Hubby had a HUGE accomplishment this week, running a 2:15 marathon. So now it is time to concentrate on "training" for on our next marathon: the birth!! :)
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Thank you for the fibroid advice/prayers :) Since mine were not that big last time they saw it (I think they were about grape sized) hopefully they will not be affecting things much. I'm just worried because they're supposed to grow during pregnancy and they can't even find how big they are right now because the baby is on top of them.

    I've packed the baby's bag now but not mine yet..

    I just sowed some mattress pads for my little one, I bought some towels, cotton sheets and vinyl table cloths and made it into a three layer blanket type thing (vinyl at the bottom, towel in center and soft cotton fabric on top which wraps around the back as well). I made three of these. They just tuck around the baby's mattress and if the baby leaks etc I can really quickly just change out this waterproof pad instead of all the bedding. I found that was one huge hassle with my other kids, changing all the bedding at night.. this will be much quicker :) I had this idea for a long time and finally got around to executing it.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    I just sowed some mattress pads for my little one, I bought some towels, cotton sheets and vinyl table cloths and made it into a three layer blanket type thing (vinyl at the bottom, towel in center and soft cotton fabric on top which wraps around the back as well). I made three of these. They just tuck around the baby's mattress and if the baby leaks etc I can really quickly just change out this waterproof pad instead of all the bedding. I found that was one huge hassle with my other kids, changing all the bedding at night.. this will be much quicker :) I had this idea for a long time and finally got around to executing it.

    Smart to make mattress pads! They are always so overpriced.

    Ladies! 1.5 days until July!!!!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Happy July ladies! Let's stay strong these last few weeks and have healthy, happy babies! (soon hopefully!)
  • lys617
    lys617 Posts: 51 Member
    Happy July! I hope these last few weeks are easy on everyone! So excited for all the beautiful babies to come! Take care ladies! :smile:
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    yay for july!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12 days and counting for me! Hopefully sooner!

    How is everyone doing?
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    It is exciting to be in July, isn't it? Since my estimated due date isn't until the 24th, I keep reminding myself that it is *possible* baby won't be here until August... but still I am excited :) I am doing tons of nesting (dear Lord, why does the furniture moving impulse only kick in once the belly is gigantic?) a *tad* worried that I tested pretty low for my iron level... so trying to eat lots of iron rich foods... and that is pretty much it! I feel pretty ready!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Huge uptick in braxton hicks the last few days. Really for the past 3 days they come as often as 7 minutes a part, but go nowhere. Basically meaning nothing! Feeling ready to meet her, and much less nervous about becoming a Mom. Trying to make lots of plans to occupy myself, and not say no to anything even if it is close to my due date. I figure I can always cancel rather than sitting around wishing I had something to do!

    I have also been having to watch my iron. Taking an additional supplement as well as trying to get more iron rich foods. Also trying to do my spinning babies stretches every day since she still favors a posterior position. Would love to avoid back labor!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    39weeks today and we are in the middle of a heat wave!!!

    Anyone have any babies yet????
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 257 Member
    My due date was yesterday (7/6). I'm a little dissappointed that it came and went and I'm still pregnant! I'm just so excited and anxious to meet our little girl already. I've tried all the old wives tales to get labor started. Long walks, spicy food, sex, foot massage, bouncing on a yoga ball. I've even tried to negotiate with the little one :ohwell: I told her I wouldn't try to force her out anymore, I'll let her come when she's good and ready.

    I'm going to try to keep myself busy and not think about every little thing I feel going on in my belly wondering if it's the start of contractions. This waiting around and not knowing WHEN is so hard!!

    Good luck to all the July mommies! I hope everyone has safe and speedy labor and deliveries!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    I keep checking this thread too to see if anyone has had a baby yet! :) It's so exciting to be so close finally! I hope everything goes well for everyone. Like many of you guys I tested low on iron in my last test also and I'm taking a plant based supplement that is supposed to be easy to absorb and doesn't cause constipation. So far so good :) I hope you guys feel well! I'm super tired since my 36th week but maybe it's iron related.
  • LauraLouFace
    LauraLouFace Posts: 56 Member
    39weeks today and we are in the middle of a heat wave!!!

    Anyone have any babies yet????

    My little guy was born yesterday at 10:49 am! I had a wonderful home birth, 8-ish hours, and I had the pleasure of catching my own baby and putting him immediately to my chest! He weighed in at 6 lbs, 9 oz - WAY smaller than we expected (my firstborn weighed 9 lbs 6 oz :p) He is healthy and we are feeling very blessed and SO in love with him! Luck to you ladies in waiting, I wish you all speedy deliveries with healthy babies :)
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    39weeks today and we are in the middle of a heat wave!!!

    Anyone have any babies yet????

    My little guy was born yesterday at 10:49 am! I had a wonderful home birth, 8-ish hours, and I had the pleasure of catching my own baby and putting him immediately to my chest! He weighed in at 6 lbs, 9 oz - WAY smaller than we expected (my firstborn weighed 9 lbs 6 oz :p) He is healthy and we are feeling very blessed and SO in love with him! Luck to you ladies in waiting, I wish you all speedy deliveries with healthy babies :)

    Yay! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you! Was this delivery easier compared to your large baby? I had one 9lb6oz too and hoping for a smaller one like you :) Take care and I hope you have a great recovery as well!!
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    Congrats to all the Mommas that have had their babies!
    I'm due on Friday and I'm Getting really worried because they think I may have IUGR and I see a high risk OB tomorrow recommended by my midwife.
    I hope my little lady is ok and that I can still deliver her naturally when she decides to come! Trying not to stress out!
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    @kristapennie I hope everything will be ok for you too! You are so close, I would be nervous too just because it could happen any second. I hope you will have a great labor soon!

    I just had my midwife apt. today and everything is going well so far, the baby is increasing in size like expected and I only have 2 appointments left until my due date! I can't believe the time is so close to deliver now.

    I went to walmart to buy a dress because the hospital suggests a loose outfit to wear back home. The funny thing is I just bought it off the rack without trying it on. When I got home I put it on and it fits lol.. I guess it is a very loose dress but the good thing is that it's kind of tight at the top right to the top of the baby bump and then loose so it should still look ok when the baby is gone from the bump :) It was only $9 but hopefully I can wear it for a while. What are you ladies doing to get ready/distract yourselves in the meantime?