10LB Goal.. Starting NOW? Anyone with me??



  • mrsemr
    mrsemr Posts: 4 Member
    I just joined the group after searching for one that fit my needs...keep hearing the same old thing from people around me - "you don't need to lose weight, you look great." Yay - I found this group! I have been back to running consistently since November and am scheduled for a half marathon in August and a full marathon in January. It would be great to have this last 10 pounds off and tone up and strengthen my core! Starting yesterday, I am incorporating a 30-day AB challenge in to my schedule and would like to get in some weight training twice a week. This comes on top of a 4 day run schedule of 20-25 miles a week right now. Early morning runs and gym time! :yawn:
  • saoirse32
    saoirse32 Posts: 33 Member

    I want to sign up for this. I really need something to keep me motivated and going to the gym regularly.

    I have really struggled to go to the gym recently due to feeling really low, tired and lacking energy. I have just been diagnosed with depression and I am currently off work due to this. One of things I agreed with my doctor is after a week or so on the meds I would try and go to the gym so had my first session yesterday after being out for months. Enjoyed being back in the gym and it has been done up since I was last in so looks good.

    I am aiming to go tomorrow morning if I can get up ( not sleeping properly atm) and my first few sessions are mainly light cardio / weights.

    Starting weight as of yesterday was - 9st 11

  • RunningMama32
    RunningMama32 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm in! This is the perfect goal for me right now! I will weigh in and start tomorrow! :)
  • I have an 11 pound goal! I need the weight gone like yesterday! I need buddies to help keep me motivated :happy:
  • origamixstarzz
    origamixstarzz Posts: 15 Member
    10 pounds here I go! I definitely want to try. People always tell me that I don't have to lose weight, but I think I do. I'm 4'11'' and I weigh 118 pounds. I believe I should be at about 100-105 pounds. By the end of July I want to lose about 5-6 pounds or even more. Hopefully by the end of the summer I will finally lose 10-20 pounds. :smile:
    This will be THE YEAR!!!
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member

    49 years old, 5'3 apple shape, small/medium frame

    90 days from 137lb to 126.8lb
    4.5 inches off waist
    4 inches off hips
    ... and that apple belly that bulged from below the boobs - GONE! (along with the double chin, muffin top and bra strap back fat!)

    and its staying off - losing that 10lb was hard work!

    good luck everyone!
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    I'm in!

    I want to lose around 10lb by the end of July.. more if it's possible.. But 10lb would be nice.

    I'm in my "ideal" BMI but I'm not happy. I want to be closer to the weight I used to be in college.. is that too crazy?

    I already follow a clean diet, no bread or pasta and low in sugars and carbs. In one month and a half I lost 6 pounds but honestly, I didn't do a lot of exercise.. So I want to incorporate exercise and a couple of detox to speed up my metabolism...

    So let's see how it goes!
  • puuka
    puuka Posts: 39 Member
    I am in! 10 pounds to go away! I will mix cardio with strength training.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Yup! This is me too! 5'6" and just want to be under 135, where I feel the best, for my Hawaii vacation in November. Trying for the balance between too obsessive and giving up entirely...is there such a place?
  • MissJJ74
    MissJJ74 Posts: 111 Member
    So far 6 lbs down of the last 11 I had when I posted before. So now I have the last 5 lbs left to go. Hoping it's gone before the end of the summer. (Not trying to kill myself. been steadily losing weight since Thanksgiving and intend to keep it off this time!)
  • neub0035
    neub0035 Posts: 2
    I also need to lose 10lbs...recently have put weight on over this winter. Have always been up and down with my weight...so this recent gain has been tough to swallow. I know I need to find a new focus and work hard to lose those 10lbs! Looking for support and help with accountability. Biggest problem is happy hours, social drinking, eating out...etc. thanks!
  • RunIvyRun
    RunIvyRun Posts: 4
    At 160, 10lbs will be a great start for my 5'6 frame. Feel free to message me and add me for some encouragement! Can't wait to get started =D
  • schakiiiii
    schakiiiii Posts: 39 Member
    Im with you! but my goal is about 15lbs :happy:
  • SLVUnit
    SLVUnit Posts: 21 Member
    aghhh! had such a bad week!!!! Lost 3lbs only to put 4lb back on! now at my highest weight of 154lb!!! :mad: feel like crying and giving up!:sad: the more i think about my food the more i want to eat it- must get this all back under control! desperate to be under 140lb again.....

    ohhh dearrrrrryyyyy meee - im in the same boat as you!!! Been away for nearly 6 weeks and i have put on a lot of fat!!! I can feel it!! So depressing when it takes so long to loose it!!
    Anyway today im home and back on track - i have a wedding coming up in 6 weeks so now my aim is to lose all the fat i just added and trim down to reward myself with a new dress!!
    I have loaded up the fridge with fruit and vegs and made a huge pot of veg soup - the only thing im letting myself eat at night!!
    Im going to have to be super strict with myself over the next 6 weeks
    Ive been researching ways to boost the fat burn and interval training in the best - so on my bike i will go......plus weights at the gym!!!

    I know how you feel but keep on going and there are a LOT of people sitting at the other end of their laptops just doing their best day by day who also see those scales going up and down!!!
  • Count me in, too!
    I'm nineteen, five-foot-eight, and from Texas. :D Friend requests welcome!
  • Would love to join! 22 and 143 lbs at 5'5ish. Goal is to be 134 again!
  • saoirse32
    saoirse32 Posts: 33 Member
    Checking in.

    SW as of 2/07/13 was - 9st 11 / 62.1kg
    CW as of 17/07/13 is - 9st 7 / 61.6kg
  • nihaotina
    nihaotina Posts: 25
    Me please :heart:

    CW- 119.8
    GW- 105

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • bdkglk
    bdkglk Posts: 67 Member
    Count me in!! I have 6 lbs to go to reach my first goal (which I set WAY too high!) Then I only want to lose 5 more for my final goal. 11 lbs to go total!
  • Same here! 9 down, 11 more to go! Hoping to be back to 120 at least by the end of the summer.