Daily Check In Thread



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Was supposed to have Zumba tonight but it got cancelled, so I went out and did W9D1. All three runs of Week 8 felt horrible so I was apprehensive, but this run felt awesome. I was at a point where I figured I was about 2/3 of the way and suddenly just felt my body relax into the movement and I swear I actually sped up. Maybe it was mental because I had just been thinking that I was about two-thirds of the way in and knew at that point that I was going to make it.
  • AnnaE
    AnnaE Posts: 53 Member
    Just found this thread. Awesome idea. I'm back in MFP after falling off the wagon for a while...
    I did week 4 day 3 yesterday. Tad nervous about week 5...
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    W8d2 down and done
  • Cazzyxo
    Cazzyxo Posts: 104 Member

    ....... I DID IT. I DID IT. YES I DID. I ran 1.8miles with a pace of 11:05 min/mile :D 
  • BeingKevin
    BeingKevin Posts: 109 Member
    Two posters say they use the C25K app to record distance? Is that the free app? I didn't know it did that. Guess I should look it over more!

    The RunDouble app is free for the first 2 weeks, the upgrade was around $2 I think. I love it- uses gps to track distance, speed, rate, calories burned and can be used with music players on your phone.

    I use the Active C25K app to track distance. I did pay $1.99 for it.

    I downloaded Runkeeper last night but it was pouring out all day and I was too lazy to go to the gym. Plus I'm finding it hard on the treadmill now anyway. I'm hoping to go out and do it tomorrow.
    Thanks for all the answers re the apps.

    I use the RunDouble app as well. I had another version that was free (don't recall the name) but didn't like it as much so paid the $2 for the RunDouble.
  • BeingKevin
    BeingKevin Posts: 109 Member
    Completed W6D2 last night. I tried to slow my pace as if I was running straight through and I felt like I could have - the second 10 minutes were much easier than I expected. There are no more intervals in the program, so I guess this is where the fun really begins? Looking forward to the next few weeks.
  • pmcbrady
    pmcbrady Posts: 31
    Did W3D3 today, but will be repeating the week. Seems as if it takes me 2 weeks each time to be able to fully do the runs. I'm still having trouble pacing in that I run the beginning runs too fast and then end up having to walk on the last one. Hoping I can get it together, starting to get frustrated, but then keep reminding myself anything is better than doing nothing!
  • mtcastillo86
    mtcastillo86 Posts: 119 Member
    Did W3D3 today, but will be repeating the week. Seems as if it takes me 2 weeks each time to be able to fully do the runs. I'm still having trouble pacing in that I run the beginning runs too fast and then end up having to walk on the last one. Hoping I can get it together, starting to get frustrated, but then keep reminding myself anything is better than doing nothing!

    I lingered on W3 and W4 for a while. I'm on W6 now. I'd be interested in hearing other's take on this, but here is my opinion. Right now, you're in this place where you're training not only your body -- your legs and your lungs -- but also your mind. We get used to that voice in our heads that tells us we can't do it because we've never been an athlete, we're too fat, we're too slow, we haven't done anything more than walk to the fridge since we graduated from high school, etc., etc. As your body graduates from jogging 1 minute to 3 minutes to 5 minutes, your mind starts to wake up and you start hearing another voice (kinda quiet, but it's there) that tells us that maybe, just maybe, in spite of everything, maybe we CAN do this. The first voice is still there, too, though, so you're afraid to trust the second voice.

    So here's my advice for getting through W3&4: SLOW DOWN. Seriously. I can maintain a faster walk than I can a jog. The jogging motion is harder. It works your heart more. It works your lungs more. So slow down until you think you can't possibly jog any slower, and then slow it down some more. THAT is what will get you through to W5D3 and beyond.

    Do that, and once you conquer that W5D3, you'll believe with every ounce of your being that you CAN do this, and you'll punt that first voice to the curb!
  • sirrahsim
    sirrahsim Posts: 20 Member
    W4D2 today. It went better than I thought it would considering I didn't sleep well last night!

    I switched from listening to music to listening to an audio book that I rented from the library and that really helped with my clock watching tendencies!

    5 minutes seems shorter when I am listening to a book versus listening to music and thinking "Oh crap I have to keep running for one and a half songs!"
  • destructor2013
    I did W4D2 today as well and it was much easier than W4D1 was. Not as exhausting as that was which is good. Not looking forward to next week (D2 & 3 of that)...

    I listen to podcasts when I'm doing this. It keeps your mind focused on the content of the audio instead of on running and thus you're less likely to over think it or psyche yourself out IMO.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I finished W5D3 yesterday!

    I remember a few weeks ago, when I peeked ahead to see what everybody was talking about, I thought, 20 minutes! Holy crap, will i be able to run 20 minutes straight by then? Well, I did. I think somewhere between running 5 minutes and 8 minutes nonstop, I conquered my breathing, and from there, it's just mind over matter.

    I am slow, though. Other runners at the track lap me repeatedly. It is encouraging to see others here who are slow like me, and who still put on their shoes and go out there and do it. It does help me to know that I'm not the only one who finds this challenging.

    So question: What strategies did you other beginners use to increase your speed? At this juncture, I can't even imagine finishing a 5K in 30 minutes.

    A lot of people can't finish a 5k in 30 minutes by the end of the program. You will, however, be able to run an entire 5k. I graduated in February and probably could have done a 30 minute 5k by June.
    Yep. I think the goal of the program is more to be able to run a 5k without walking. Pacing to do 30 minutes or less will come later as your body improves. My pace has been improving every week. Last night I did W8D1 (only 2.25 miles because I'm going more by time but also watching my distance on my app), and my avg. pace was 12:47/mile, so I'm expecting to be at MAYBE 12:00/mile (if I'm lucky) when I can run a full 5k.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Completed W6D3 today. I felt so inspired that I installed the C210K app on my phone! Maybe, just maybe I can run a 10k in February next year!
    I've been using the c210k app since the first 8 weeks of it are the c25k program. Then I don't have to switch apps when I move on to 10k training. :smile:

    You can definitely do a 10k by February! I'm hoping to complete the 10k training by the end of the summer. Then it's on to half marathon training because apparently I'm a runner now??? :laugh:

    P.S. You should join the bridge to 10k group. According to the group description, it's "For C25K runners, or those who've already graduated from the program, who want to set their sights a little bit further ahead."
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Did Week 7 Day 2 and finally had a bad run. The mid 80s temp with the 90% humidity and a few showers didn't help. Plus I tried the Runkeeper app at the same time and didn't like the every five minute time notes. I did want to see the exact mileage since my Fitbit is a little inconsistent. My route was shorter than I thought, so my pace ended up being a lot slower. I did 1.7 miles. The pace was in the 14 minute turtle range. My breathing was a bit labored and my focus was off. But it's done. I plan on the next one being on Friday and maybe doing an extra day of week seven over the weekend. Runkeeper will stay off until I'm done with the C25K program. Right now I need to focus on the time/endurance rather than the speed/distance.
  • pmcbrady
    pmcbrady Posts: 31
    I lingered on W3 and W4 for a while. I'm on W6 now. I'd be interested in hearing other's take on this, but here is my opinion. Right now, you're in this place where you're training not only your body -- your legs and your lungs -- but also your mind. We get used to that voice in our heads that tells us we can't do it because we've never been an athlete, we're too fat, we're too slow, we haven't done anything more than walk to the fridge since we graduated from high school, etc., etc. As your body graduates from jogging 1 minute to 3 minutes to 5 minutes, your mind starts to wake up and you start hearing another voice (kinda quiet, but it's there) that tells us that maybe, just maybe, in spite of everything, maybe we CAN do this. The first voice is still there, too, though, so you're afraid to trust the second voice.

    So here's my advice for getting through W3&4: SLOW DOWN. Seriously. I can maintain a faster walk than I can a jog. The jogging motion is harder. It works your heart more. It works your lungs more. So slow down until you think you can't possibly jog any slower, and then slow it down some more. THAT is what will get you through to W5D3 and beyond.

    Do that, and once you conquer that W5D3, you'll believe with every ounce of your being that you CAN do this, and you'll punt that first voice to the curb!
  • pmcbrady
    pmcbrady Posts: 31
    Just tried to quote mtcastillo86, but it doesn't show up as a quote, it shows as if it was my post.? New to the forum posting! Anyway, thanks for the reply, I will continue to try to slow down so I can go the distance. I think you're on target with the needing to train my mind, too! I hadn't run since 8th grade and given the fact that I'm now 48 that was a long time ago and lots of self-doubt on the athletic front.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    W4D2 today. It went better than I thought it would considering I didn't sleep well last night!

    I switched from listening to music to listening to an audio book that I rented from the library and that really helped with my clock watching tendencies!

    5 minutes seems shorter when I am listening to a book versus listening to music and thinking "Oh crap I have to keep running for one and a half songs!"

    I did C25K last year and only listened to audio books. Kept my mind distracted. This year I've been switching between audio books & music depending on my mood.
  • kimstwin
    kimstwin Posts: 136 Member
    Week 3 done! I even ran the last walk bit for a total of 6 whole minutes in a row jogging!

    Thanks for the post mscastillo, it's a good one.
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Tonight was Week 7 Day 1; and i upped my speed during the jog to 4.5mph. Yay me, it was super tough but i completed it. this is the furthest i've been!
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Week 7, Day 3 done.

    Nice to be back to road running after the treadmill on holiday. Did a different route around the town, which was interesting - lots of staring, comments and almost got hit by a car - but good for a change of scenery.

    I felt fine at the end of the programme so kept running and did 4.93k in 30 mins. Pretty happy with that. I guess I'll continue to do that until the official end of the programme and try to even out my pace across the splits. My OCD compels me to keep running the app (Zen Labs) so I can get all the workouts ticked off nicely. :)

    My 5k is July 14. I'm also signing up for an 8k in mid-August and 10k in mid-September. I hope this is enough time to get up to speed.

    Any advice on that?
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    Just completed W6D2. I paced myself slowly for the first 10 minutes and when I got to the second 10 minutes, I felt like I couldn't make it. I just kept telling myself, "You did the 20 minute run, you can do this". Then I kept choosing landmarks to make it to before I would give myself permission to stop. Then I kept telling myself, "You'll be mad if you stop and only had 10 seconds left" and this is how I got through the last 10 minutes. I don't know why it seemed so hard but then I checked my pace at the end and apparently I had picked up the pace. Now I have to remind myself to slow down but its also good to know that my body can naturally pick up the pace and endure....gradually :-)