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  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Morning all,

    Just a quick call in! Fasting went to pot a bit yesterday when hubby came home with chips and handed me some after knowing I had had a rubbish day with little one again pushing me to the limit. Am feeling reassured this morning after talking to preschool staff and them telling me its normal! Just been for a quick walk to the shops and feel re-energised for me to (hopefully) finish the vat this morning (or worse case scenario this evening).

    PB - Breakfast idea that always goes down a storm in my house..... pancakes with summer fruits and yoghurt. A sort of build your own! I got this recipe from Greedy girls diet by Nadia Sawalha.... works out 153cal for 2 pancakes. I tend to leave the fruit out and eat that separate though.


    LMV - that pound will be off by the end of today! Happy fasting!

    Right, back to work!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi New8 - thanks for the recipe - good idea!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    New8, you are feeding my addiction to cookery books. I've had to order Greedy Girl's diet Book now!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. And a belated birthday wish to you, New82 and thanks. Our birthdays are really close but quite a difference in the years for sure. But I am glad we are meeting here with some common interests and struggles. I sympathize with your concerns about your daughter's behaviour. I'm sure it is particularly difficult with a first or only child trying to figure out what is to be expected and how to react. I had an enjoyable birthday with a lovely barbeque at one of my brother's home and in the company of several of my other siblings. Earlier in the day I got in a good walk, a short bike ride, and a ride on my horse. All the exercise was probably undone by the rhubarb cobbler cake (proudly made by a 13 year old niece) and a generous serving of ice-cream for dessert. My cousin who lives in the Beaworthy area of England called for a nice chat too. And, my birthday will be celebrated again next week as the stable owner is taking me and another woman I ride with to lunch to celebrate our July birthdays. We have continued to have violent heavy thunderstorms until today but I feel I should not complain as there are areas in Canada much worse off. I do not know how much of our news would make the U.K. press but there has been very destructive flooding in the Calgary area with many homes destroyed, the zoo decimated and out of commission until Nov., and many people still not allowed to return to the area of their homes. A brother who lives near Calgary but far enough east to escape damage has done some volunteering with his wife and daughter in High River to help clean up from the flood damage. Parts of Toronto were heavily flooded in the past week by a storm that dumped the most rainfall ever recorded. There were pictures of folks being rescued from a commuter rain by police in boats. Then, of course, every day there is still news of the terrible runaway train accident which has wiped out the centre of a small Quebec town with 60 feared dead from the fires and explosions from the gas the trains were carrying. The raspberry crop here seems to have liked the rains. Yesterday I picked 6 pints and they were lovely berries. However, I may not be able to get any local cherries. The farmer where I pick told me she can't get any local cherries as all the ripe ones have split open because of so much rain. Last year there was no local cherry crop because of a later frost. You have to feel sorry for the farmers. Their livelihood can be very uncertain. One thing farmers can be certain of, unfortunately, is that callous people will drop off kittens on their property. Last week two were found on the Thursday near the stable door. There was concern that there could be more as litters are typically larger. Wouldn't you know it, on the Sunday one of the family's daughters heard a sound near the road and a third kitten was found, bedraggled with a bloody ear from some effort to attack it likely. The family are all animal lovers and the kittens are now being well looked after.
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    A lovely summers evening here, and I have just got in from watering the veggie patch. Today I have picked my first lot of peas and introduced Daisy to the art of pea picking (and eating them all before they reach the kitchen!). I have also picked a lot of broad beans and am going to attempt a broad bean and pea houmous for the weekend which I have found on the net. I am having a few caterpillar crisis' with the cabbages and have been out ever night this week hunting them down! Hopefully I can still savour the remaining cabbages without the added meat!

    LMV - u are addicted to cookery books too! I wasnt as impressed with GGD, as I find some of the dishes a bit 'fussy'. Perhaps I need to sit down and take another look at it. I think I was spoilt with hairy dieters! Pancakes are yummy though!

    Today was also sports day. Daisy done really well, but during the sack race decided to stop holding the sack and run the rest of the way! Was very proud! And then the mummys race.....I was expecting a bit of a leisurely run, but my oh my there was competition for the finish line (think I came last, after a 'leisurely' start!). All good fun!

    Right, Im off to attempt this houmous.
    Have a great weekend, and dont get overheated!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    well I made it into the sea today - Yeaaaay. It was freezio. The sun shine was lovely though this afternoon after a chilly cloudy morning. Have eaten too much although the rot only set in this evening when we had an early supper of lovely wholemeal bread and three different kinds of bread, with a fig compote....... Just kept on eating - irresistible especially with a nice glass off cold white wine. Tomorrow is meant to be hotter although if we go to the coast it will be considerably cooler. I think we will go into Woodbridge though for a wander round Adnams and lunch - then BBQ in the evening for 9........:laugh:
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    PB - well done for going into the sea! Are your beaches as crowded as those pictures I've seen of Bournemouth and Brighton? Your supper sounded delicious I love ALL bread!

    LMV - are you spending your time beside the sea too? And have you ventured into the sea or are you just running/training along the water's edge?!!!

    BM - at this rate there will be no seasonal change for you when you return to Wales it's just going to be hot, hot, hot!!

    BRACKEN - what it the weather now like with you? As always you continue to impress with your exercise regime.

    NEW8 - perhaps you can blame the weather on your daughter's current temperament! Hang in there, I recall my daughter at Daisy's age having a massive tantrum and stabbing me with her finger nail - I still have to this day the scar on my aged hand and we laugh about it now but at the time I was ready to jump off the balcony!!!

    Enjoy the good weather.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi MITM

    The beaches were as crowded today as I've seen them in a long time - but no they aren't usually as crowded as the South Coast - its a lot 'softer' there. And my supper was Wholemeal bread with three different kinds of cheese - I just re-read and realised I wrote 3 different kinds of bread. Ooops. The brie was wondering around the house on its own it was so ripe..... All gone now though. Friends leave tomorrow morning so will be back to normal then.
    Have eaten far too much and now feeling slightly full - into the gym tomorrow evening me thinks.....
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    We had friends staying over the week-end and I ate and drank too much AGAIN! I really am a hopeless case at the moment and my waistline is expanding again. It's got to stop. We have so many visitors at this time of year and I find it difficult to stick to an eating plan especially when they bring food and drink as gifts.

    We went to the village fair on Saturday and I managed to resist one of the delicious lamb burgers which everyone else tucked into. I had a low cal. lime and soda water in the pub and ignored the cake stall completely. A small victory!

    A lovely letter from Bracken dropped through my door on Saturday containing some lovely photos of Nellie and Bracken's really pretty house in Canada. I will scan and post them on here (she asked me to share them) as soon as possible. My wireless printer and scanner aren't communicating with my computer properly at the moment so I need to sort that problem out first. Hopefully I'll get the on here soon.

    New8 there is nothing like picking veg and eating them immediately is there? I haven't had much yet, just broad beans, everything is so late this year. Are you finding that?

    MITM - bizarrely I haven't been on the beach and in the sea this week-end. It's almost too hot there as there is no shade or shelter on he beach. I'm extremely fair skinned and burn easily so I'm always smothered in factor 30(or 50) and skulking in the shade. I'm not complaining about the weather at all as I love the outdoor life which the warm weather brings but I have to be careful. Glad to hear you ad a good time with your friends from the cruise ship. Catching up with people is fantastic isn't it?

    Bracken - really pleased you had a good birthday. I must say that although I heard about the awful train incident in Canada, the floods had passed me by. I've hardly seen any TV over the last few weeks apart from Wimbledon and the rugby so my news is limited to what I hear on radio 4 in the morning as I'm getting up. It sounds like a horrendous situation.

    Right, must get on and change all the beds. I feel like I'm running a B&B lol. Next visitors arrive on Wednesday.

    Have a good day all
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. We are in the midst of a July heatwave here, with no relief in sight for several more days- temps of 32C with a feel of 40Cwith the humidity. Now it is 31C by 9 in the morning and it doesn't cool down much at night. It has made it difficult to do as much walking. I have to choose what activity I'll do in the coolest period between 7-9 a.m. Today I did get a mile walk in and then went raspberry picking again for the freezer. It was impossibly hot by 10 so I left then with my 4 pints. Yesterday I took Nellie to the vets for her spay operation at 8 a.m. so that took up the cool part. Nellie did well with the operation but it really has taken a lot out of her. She will be confined to barracks for the next 2-3 days with only outdoors for 'pees.' She has to wear a large plastic cone over her head so she won't disturb her incision. Sunday the barn owner put our schooling lesson to an early morning time too and even then it was hot so we only did a couple of jumps at a time. LMV, I so understand about summer and the difficulties of maintaining a diet consistently. It would seem at first that summer is a great time to diet but I find with the weather and more socializing that it is in fact not so. This week my birthday continues as the stable owner is taking me and another boarder with a July birthday out for lunch which should nicely undo the bit of walking I've managed during the week in the heat. It is also too hot now for the horses so no riding for a few days. Guests are lovely to have, LMV, but I can imagine you feeling as if you are running a B&B. A friend in Kelona, British Columbia two summers ago had 42 days of visitors, several at a time too. I'm sure you'll hang in enough, LMV, that you'll be able to focus more as guest season winds down. Your visit to the fair shows what you can do! New82, you sound like a really serious gardener- cabbages no less. My back garden is very shady so I can't grow vegs. However, this year my brother made me a portable veg garden. It is like a flower box, about four feet high on wheels, and made of wood, and has a planter tray about 3 1/2 by 5 feet. I have some very nice cherry tomatoes growing, beans, chard and several kinds of lettuce as well as miniature carrots. I've really enjoyed having fresh lettuce at hand. (please excuse me if I mentioned this before as now I am getting a feeling I may have) . PB, I am imagining how nice it would be to cool off in your sea. Must leave now. I'm going to meet a riding friend and we'll hose our horses down with cold water and let then graze a little as a respite from their stalls- too hot and too many bugs and flies for them to be in their field for long either.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning All,

    I hope Nellie recovers well Bracken. Sending get well soon wishes her way. We are enjoying a heat wave too and I'm loving it as I don't have to go to work. When I used to commute into London I used to hate this weather as it made travelling so unpleasant as you were squashed up with hot, sweaty people. If I had to go on the tube that was the worst, people regularly faint in the heat down there.

    I've been using the good weather as an opportunity to get on with things in the garden and we're starting to pull things around after the year of neglect it had when our building work was done. It gets out of control so quickly and takes so long to recover. The herb garden which I created last year is filling out now and is full of colour at the moment. I have some really pretty pink lavendar in it which is flowering now and looks lovely. I have an urn in the middle of the herb garden which was empty but I found some gorgeous primary red coloured pelargoniums in the village fair and they now have pride of place in the urn and look lovely.

    I don't have many veg this year, but yesterday evening I picked some broad beans and within the hour they were on our plates in a delicious broad bean, bacon and onion salad. You can't beat freshly picked produce.

    Have a good day all
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Peas are starting to fill out - yummy. Potatoes taste absolutely perfect. Can't see any courgettes or tomatoes yet although plenty of flowers....
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    I've been feeling a bit fed up with myself recently over my lack of progress. I'm being quite good and maintaining, but not quite good enough to break through and lose that next stone. This has made me feel despondent and annoyed with myself and to be honest I feel fat again. It's not a nice feeling. I'm off to a BBQ tonight and I was fretting about what to wear given that I'm a few pounds heavier than I was this time lat year. I tried on a dress which I loved wearing last year and unbelievable, it still fits. Spurred on by this, I tried on my Christmas Cracker dress and although it's a little bit snugger around the tummy area, I can still wear it. This got me thinking about how much difference those few pounds have really made in reality and how much the "Fat" feeling is really in my mind because of the number I see on the scales. I do want to get the numbers moving down, but it isn't the bee all and end all. It's so much more important to be exercising and eating healthily. I have started tracking my food again and have been under my calorie allowance for the last 3 days. I did quite a bit of gardening yesterday so was on the go, but no running or Rosemarying. If I keep this up then hopefully I will see a loss next week. We're having a bit of a party on the beach after the RFL on Sunday, but I feel I will have earned that after running 5k.

    Bfn xxxx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. LMV, your last post is very insightful and I can certainly apply it to myself. I think you have worked your way through the issue very well. I totally understand how you would feel having put on a few pounds but I think you were very smart to put it into perspective and trying on those outfits and seeing that while they might have been a bit more snug, it was not as if you had suddenly jumped up three sizes. Perspective, realizing that the fat feeling has a large part to do with attitude, and knowing that you are exercising and generally eating more healthy, I think will set you up for long term success rather than just short term. You have not objectively put on that much weight and yet you felt fat and for a while despondent. I think it is a good thing that you are somewhat concerned and are taking some action by tracking food and continuing to garden (your gardens sound lovely but clearly a lot of work has been done) and you're maintaining your committment to the 5k (your heat wave has been well reported here recently). It sounds to me as if you have made the shift to thinking of that thinner self as your real self (I believe Beck talks about that) All this is a mark of success. It has bothered me to put weight on and off recently but I am trying to consider that I have had a history of letting a lot of weight pile up and allowed myself to slip into denial and then of course, negativity which can be a real struggle to pull out of. I think I have had some success in thinking that my thinner self is my real self, even if my thinner self is not an ideal weight at the moment. I hope I am not being confusing here!)So I would say you are handling it well and you have helped me get a better perspective. I am sure you will soon find a time when you can really prioritize losing a chunk of weight again. Here we are still in stifling heat (33C, humidex 42C again today) but I managed to get a 2 mile walk in this morning and a 15 minute bike ride- Nellie walked a little over 1/2 mile. We are promised some relief from this weather this weekend. I can't wait.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    As always BRACKEN you have worded your reply to LMV so well! I will second what BRACKEN has said but I will just play the bad cop for a moment, as although I haven't had time to write of late, I have been following... I read a blog where the young lady was writing about feeling sorry for yourself... and what she wrote along the lines of Becks made me sit up and think 'don't give yourself permission to keep screwing up just because the day is already shot or I'll regroup and start over next week. Start over right now. Take a deep breath and make a better decision than the one you were about to make. Do the right things today. And tomorrow, do them better. Progress is what happens when you keep doing things for a lot of days in a row.' So keep going LMV you can do it, we all can!!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Good advice MITM which I shall try to follow....
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all, sorry I have been absent from the postings for a few days and a few more days. I have had children dilemmas this week. Thursday, Daisy decided to try to eat a laundry washing tablet and rub it in her eye, so much of the afternoon/evening was spent up A&E. Thankfully, all is ok. She was terribly sick so didnt ingest too much, and I chucked her straight in the bath so I could rinse her eye/body. I was so scared that her eye had been damaged, and am still feeling terribly guilty that she managed to lay her hands on it. Apparently it is very common though, but I think she has learnt not to eat anything without asking Mummy first! She is fine now and the eye is looking pretty normal again. Then Friday was spent with my stepson Rhys, having his brace fitting at the Orthodentist. He is adjusting well, but was feeling very sorry for himself yesterday. Seems to be much better today though.

    LMV - Good luck with RFL! I havent done one this year, but am definately going to sign up for next year. Such a great cause, and the feeling you get from crossing that line and knowing you have made a difference is wonderful.
    PB - Which seaside do you visit? Was it Aldburgh again? I tend to get up to the Norfolk coast more - Hunstanton which is 1hour away or Wells next the Sea (lovely fish and chips there, like Aldburgh)
    Bracken & MITM - Excellently put with advice, wish I was as good at finding the right words!!

    Quick garden update......harvesting french beans, cabbages, cauliflower, courgette (only 1 so far!), new potatoes galore, peas, cut and come again lettuce and my first cucumber will be cut tomorrow! Broad beans didnt do so well this year - only got 2 harvests.

    Today has been a fast day - I thought I was going to struggle next week to complete 2 fasts as we were meant to be out for a meal Thursday with the inlaws celebrating a wedding anniversay, but Hubby came home from work tonight telling me he would have to reschedule the meal out for Sunday because of work, so I can now do Thursday! I might just use that as a bonus and do a 4:3 week to work away those pounds.

    Right, bed is calling me, as I want to go swimming tomorrow morning. Nighty night! xx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    LMV, once again, I feel your pain! lol x x Just a few days ago I was dreading going home to the UK fat again. I even went online and ordered a good few dresses, tops and a pair of jeans from Hobbs in a size 18 and was going to leave my 16's here. However.....I tried on "the dress" that was my target for this time last year and it slid on!! it is admittedly tighter on the bottom (my huge problem area((literally!)), some spanx would help there! lol x) but it gave me a bit of a boost so instead of just eating/drinking my way out of the rot, I have been extra careful with diet and my walking. I also remembered the first twice we went home for August I was struggling in a size 20, so although it's been a long time happening I am definitely in a much better place. You are so right in how far we have all come. Bracken/LMV always good advice. PB, you are so brave swimming in the cold sea!! New8 poor Daisy! it must have been such a fright for you. As we all know children are so remarkably quick. When I worked in A&E I seem to remember a steady stream of children coming through the unit who had ate allsorts of weird and wonderful things, and even more who were very good at "hiding" whatever they could either up their nose or in their ears! (My daughter was particularly excellent at what she could fit in her ear!!). These things happen no matter how vigilant we are. Bless her, I hope she is much better soon, and hopefully won't be tasting anything new for a while! x x I have already been out for my walk this morning as it is going to be another hot day here it is 34 now (early am) with a heat index of 40 so it will be too hot to walk later. Bracken, as you say, it is the humidity which drains you. I find it worse than the heat. Hopefully you will have cooler weather soon. I have been watching the news re the UK weather, amazing!! I hate it say it though, but I hope it will be cooler there too when I get home! I just love being home and breathing fresh air! x x Wishing everyone a happy Sunday, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All - poor Daisy, New8! Its OK children can move faster than the eye can see and I bet she didn't eat anything like as much as you think as it won't have tasted nice! I well remember my niece managing to grab an open safety pin and put it straight in her mouth while her mother was changing her - terrifying! But she was fine and so is Daisy. I'm certain that children can move faster than light!

    My nearest seaside is Aldeburgh. I used to go to Hunstanton (and Heacham) a lot when I was a child as I lived in Peterborough and that was the closes seaside (also one of my Mum's Aunts had a caravan there). Lots of time spent digging for cockles. Sunny Hunny doesn't change much though and when I go there its like stepping back in time. When I'm swimming though I tend to go up the coast a short way to Thorpeness to take advantage of the warm sea water from the nuclear power station at Sizewell. Currently awaiting a call from my friend Susie who wanted to go swimming this morning - however its raining here......

    Bailey - I'm now in an 18 (from a 22) but getting frustrated about not being in a 16 yet. I'd be happy with a 16. But I've thrown out all my bigger clothes so I have to keep losing and I must admit its much nicer going shopping now knowing that I have a much wider range of shops I can go to

    Not sure that doing a 4;3 is a good idea New8 - aren't you in danger of going into starvation mode if you do it too often???
    Hoping everyone else is well and focused.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    We're all mad! I tried on THE pencil skirt yesterday and of course it still fitted!!! But in my silly head I was doubting if it would..... until it slipped on!!! Twentytwo weeks until Christmas (ha!) so come on Crackers, keep it together we can ALL do it!!