Welcome and introduction

ajnlee25 Posts: 56 Member

I joined MFP Jan 1, 2013. Its been a slow journey, but I am headed in the right direction. I tried going at it on my own and only lost a few lbs in 2 months, so I decided to come back. I really need the accountability of weigh-ins and challenges. I couldn't find a group to meet my needs, so I made one.

Introduce yourself. I'd love to know a bit about you.


  • Cataleya2510
    Hey! It has been a slow journey for me as well. I have had many health issues that have gotten in the way to be me physically active most of the time. I'm still trying to figure this out. It has been this way since last December. I used to do karate 5-7 days a week prior to that. Sometimes I eat well, and sometimes I don't. Sometime it's by choice, and at other times it's by default (digestive issues). I often feel discouraged due to health issues that intefere with me being "healthy" over the years, and it really leaves me not feeling like myself.

    Anyway, I'm 32, 5'2", 158 1bs. I have a lot of weight to lose. Looking forward to accountability and challenges. I've tried this with people that I know, but they haven't been as serious as I have been about it. That hasn't worked out. I was a teacher, but I'm not working right now due to health reasons. So right now, my primary focus is my health.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    Your Challenge pic is inspirational, so I'd like to align my own Summer Challenge (begun 22June2013) with this group. What I announced to my MFP friends was that I needed to achieve Goal #2. I joined 20January2013 and my first goal was to surpass my previous 8-12lb wt loss-regain blockcade. I had some new nutrition information I wanted to try, and in 3+months I lost 14lbs. Then I plateaued. I regained ~3lbs, but was able to loose them over another 2 months. Then I seemed to plateau again, but continued to loose fraction of inches.

    I used my 6 month anniversary with MFP, to initiate Goal #2 which is to loose another 16lbs and another 2 inches off my waist. So far I am 1.4 lbs and 0.25 inches down. This second goal goes slowly.
  • Kathie444
    Kathie444 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi I also joined in the beginning of the year. I did stop logging for a while but I am determined to log everyday from now on and also need to be held accountable. I just started doing P90X because everyone keeps saying what great results they get from it.
    I am hoping to at least lose some weight by the end of the summer.
  • quitkidding
    quitkidding Posts: 37 Member

    I joined MFP awhile ago and was tracking well in the winter but fell off the wagon in the spring. i'm looking for a group to help me with accountability! Excited to support each other toward a healthy life!
  • TatumOsiris
    TatumOsiris Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am new...well not brand new to MFP...You know how it goes, on and off the wagon. Anyway, this time I am looking for challenges, mini goal limits to achieve until I achieve my big goal....I have lots to lose - but more to gain. :-)
  • KatM2014
    KatM2014 Posts: 263 Member
    Hi, I'm Kat! I'm a student/researcher/lecturer in Scotland, I got to my goal weight about 9 months ago, but between work, university and a couple of health problems, I gained about 10lbs back, so I'm hoping this challenge, along with doing Focus T-25 will help me to get back where I was!
  • CharlieMonroe
    CharlieMonroe Posts: 12 Member
    I've just finished my undergrad studies and am out of shape/eating well as a result! A summer challenge is exactly what I need :)
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    Hi everyone, so glad to have found this group. I have been a member of other groups and found it very helpful and motivating. I joined MFP in Feb and at the beginning it was very slow going. But it has been going a little better lately I still have about 34 lbs to go, so I am hoping that this group will help me get there.
  • klowes
    klowes Posts: 2

    This is the first group that I've joined, but I'm looking for some inspiration and accountability. I have been up and down for years, but I'm at my highest weight in years. I am 42 years old with two children, a husband, cat, and dog. I work full-time on 3rd shift, so sleep is a precious commodity for me as well as finding time to work out. I'm committed to see this through with some help...
  • ahupshaw
    ahupshaw Posts: 19
    I am 40, weigh 174 pounds 5 feet 6 inches and have been on MFP since April..I have lost 14 pounds since April. I need to lose at least another 20 pounds. I need the weigh ins for accountability....looking forward to this challenge.
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    Hi all! I joined MFP about a year and a half ago, just before Christmas. I was 156, down from my high of 163. I'm 26 and a petit 5'2" so finally into a healthy weight at 137, which I reached a year ago. Currently weighing 134, up from my low of 127 in January (I'm so mad at myself for gaining from there, I was in such a good phase!). But hey, nobody said it was easy. So, I'm here to try and give myself that extra little push to make things happen.
    I stay home with my two youngsters (2 and 4) and they sure keep things challenging! We have gone through phases of them being able to sleep pretty well during the night, then nightmares and waking a couple times a night, waking each other up in the process. They seem to have finally settled to a good sleep during the night. Yay for sleep! so, since they are sleeping well, I get better sleep. So now I should be able to get up before they do to get a good workout in! :)
    Hubby both works and goes to school full time. He graduates in Dec. so thrilled this will be his last semester! However, there is a possibility he will be taking the night shift for the xmas season (works in a toy warehouse) so things will be totally crazy for a few months. He did the same thing last year and I'm not looking forward to it. So I need to keep up my exercise to have an outlet for my frustrations (a 24/7 job that never ends is hard!).

    My 5th anniversary is at the end of August and I have a dress I would LOVE to be able to fit into for our date! So, that's my goal for the end of the Challenge. :)

    Hope I didn't give too much info!
  • Voelks
    Voelks Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! I joined MFP a few days ago. I've been a yoyo dieter for a few years now and I'm really hoping to make the weight loss stick this time. I'm excited about the weekly weight ins!
  • ladyoflb
    ladyoflb Posts: 73 Member
    Looking forward to joining another group! So I joined MFP in April 2012 but was on again off again for a long while. Then I restarted in Jan of this year. I have since lost 33 pounds and I have hit a snag....I am hoping to get it going again! So excited!:)
  • habu68123
    habu68123 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm another who has had a on / off relationship with MFP. Joined a group when I first started and it really helped with the accountability but the group fell apart after about 6 months. I have a chronic health issue and plan to participate in the challenges but may modify based on health needs.
  • ajnlee25
    ajnlee25 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm another who has had a on / off relationship with MFP. Joined a group when I first started and it really helped with the accountability but the group fell apart after about 6 months. I have a chronic health issue and plan to participate in the challenges but may modify based on health needs.

    I will try to make the challenges generic enough to meet the needs of everyone in the group. See the first challenge, and I'll give away a future one. I haven't decided which week to use it yet, but I think I will semi-introduce it early, and have everyone complete it later. It will be called "Beat the Clock". In this challenge your goal will be to complete the exercise of your choice faster or longer than you've done before. Hope you find this encouraging.

    Also, the reason I picked 12 weeks was because the group I was in had a similar problem. I figure, if the interest is there, I can do it again, or someone else can, when this is complete.
  • Myweightlossdiary
    Myweightlossdiary Posts: 185 Member
    Hello everyone,

    This is my first group I've ever joined and am hoping the accountability part will help me stick with my goals. I recently discovered that I'm a comfort food eater and it's really hard to think about what I eat when sometimes I just eat without realizing it. I've recently joined a gym near my work and have managed to stick with exercising for a week so far. It's hard and I'm not a morning person at all, but I find myself much more productive when I go to work if I push myself out of bed. What I've been doing is preparing my clothes and food for the next day ahead of time so when I leave, I just grab and go. I find that when I do this, it helps me to limit excuses, but when that alarm goes off at 5 am, I just want to sleep for another couple of hours!

    I'm hoping you all will have some kind of inspiration to share with me and hopefully I can do the same. Weight loss is not something that happens overnight since it took years to add it, but I will be strong through this and win arguments with myself whenever I make excuses to not follow these goals.

    Good luck to everyone! I wish the best for all of us.
  • my3pugs
    my3pugs Posts: 4
    I started using MFP in Jan 2012 and was able to lose 15 lbs through tracking eating habits on MFP & exercise. I joined a running group in 2012 and attribute some of my weight loss to training for my first half marathon. I ran 2 half marathons in 2012 but had to take a 3 month break afterwards for PT associated with tendenitis. During this time, I managed to put back on 10, which I thought I would lose fairly quickly (without tracking on MFP) when I started running again in 2013. Unfortunately, that's not happening so I'm going back to tracking on MFP and using FitBit to track steps, etc. I remember how good I felt with each lb lost - I'm ready to see the scale show those lower numbers again.

    I'm married with 2 active boys and work full time - mostly in front of a computer.
  • electriccdumdum
    electriccdumdum Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Cherise. I'm a college student who just gained the freshman 15 (it was 20 and it happened my Sophomore year) and I'm just looking to get my old body back. I can't wait to complete challenges and race my way to the finish line!
  • Debbiecoel
    Debbiecoel Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Debbie and I am so looking for supportive people who can help to keep me accountable and make this process enjoyable. I gained a ton of weight after I had my son. Crazy right? I gained my baby weight when I was totally sleep deprived and exhausted. My son had terrible terrible reflux and I was always so stressed about his eating and growth and comfort that I stopped taking care of myself and focused completely on him.

    Now, I'm ready to lose the 20lbs that I gained and get out of maternity clothes! Can't wait to experience this journey with all of you :)
  • vicki1094
    vicki1094 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am so looking forward to joining this group and going through the journey with others.

    I am very hopeful that by joining this group I will be more committed to sticking with a program for more that a few weeks! I have counted calories, run from zombies, paid high gym costs and watched way to many info commercials that convinced me that I could loose weight with their program. This time I have a medical concern that is made worse by my extra weight so I really can't avoid it any more. Glad to meet everyone and good luck for the week!