Today's WOD



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    15 minute AMRAP

    1 wall climb
    5 power snatch
    7 lateral burpees.

    My total - 7 rounds, 2 burpees (65 lb snatch)
    Warm up included rope climbs. Note to self - wear long pants or my knee socks on rope days.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    1RM for the clean was 155. Had no problem getting that weight to my shoulders, but the flip and dip up to my shoulders still needs work.

    1RM for the press was 115. A bit less than I was expecting but I will take it and keep working.
  • lilmissmanx
    lilmissmanx Posts: 81 Member
    20 mins AMRAP Cindy - 5 pull ups, 10press ups, 15 air squats
    I scaled my pull ups to ring rows, and did press ups from my knees

    I did 14 rounds plus 5 ring rows and 8 press ups

    Followed by a 1k recovery row.

  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Looking forward to today!!!

    3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3, For Load:
    Power Snatch

    I struggle with snatches so I'm hoping that I can start to "get it", if that makes any sense!!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    20 mins AMRAP Cindy - 5 pull ups, 10press ups, 15 air squats
    I scaled my pull ups to ring rows, and did press ups from my knees

    I did 14 rounds plus 5 ring rows and 8 press ups

    Followed by a 1k recovery row.


    Awesome work!!!!!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    EMOTM for 12 min:
    odd-10 wall balls @20#
    even-30 sec handstand hold

    For time:
    60 double-unders (scaled to 120 singles)
    50 lunges w/45# plate overhead
    40 KBS @40#
    30 push press @95#
    20 foot handstand walk (scaled to 40 second handstand hold)
    10 ring dips
    400-meter run

    I finished in 16:12. The overhead lunges just destroyed me!
    10 minutes ago · Comment
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'm still completing my foundations course - last one on Monday! After resting yesterday and sleeping in a bit too late this morning, I decided to challenge myself with 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Air squats to push ups. Finished in 6:29. I'm looking forward to joining the level 1 class next week.

    You will be amazed at how quickly your body starts to change, even scaling the workouts.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    WOD on Saturday: 100 burpees for time.

    Took me 21:35. Pretty much twice as long as anyone else. Looking forward to the retest in a few months to see my improvement.
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member

    100 DU (I did singles)
    90 air squats (can't squat due to injury - I did step ups)
    80 situps
    70 pushups
    60 wall-ball shots
    50 jumping pullups
    40 burpees (nixed due to injury -- I did med-bal clean & press)
    30 kbs
    20 toes-through-rings (I did hanging knee lifts)
    10 hspu (I did hrpu)

    Finished in 42:56 ... not last!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Even if you are last it doesn't matter. Just gives you a target to aim at next time that workout comes up.

    Today's WOD

    EMOTM 8

    High Hang Squat Snatch, 2 reps

    –Rest 2 Minutes –

    EMOTM 8

    High Hang Squat Clean & Jerk

    (2 reps clean, 1 rep jerk)

    Coach’s Notes: Reps should be performed in the 60-70% window. Heavy enough to be somewhat challenging throughout, but light enough that your technique is not compromised.

    Today is primarily a technique & practice day. We are working speed to the bottom of the squat after initial hip extension on the explosive lifts. The faster you can pull yourself under with minimal pull from the floor (in today’s case, no pull at all from the floor), the better off your olympic lifts will be in the long run.

    If you are having trouble mobility-wise getting to the bottom, work power snatches & cleans from the high hang, focusing on trying to recover lower inch-by-inch with each passing minute.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    EMOTM for 10 min 3 strict press @50-60% 1RM (115#)

    5 Round For Time (30 min cap)
    400m run
    30 box jumps @24"
    30 Wallballs @20#

    I finished 3 rounds, 45 reps. Lost a lot of time doing the box jumps. Was hoping I could get through at least 4 rounds.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Today's WOD - Tabata

    Bottom to bottom squats
    1 min rest
    Hand release pushups (did them on my knees)
    1 min rest
    Pull ups/Ring rows (I did ring rows)
    1 min rest
    Butterfly sit ups

    No recollection of my scores for any of the exercises (or my total reps), but I was a hot, sweaty mess at the end!!

    Oh, and the strength before the WOD was front squats (3x5 with increasing load) and back squats (4x5 with increasing load). I don't remember where I ended for front squats but I managed to squat 145# for my last set of back squats!! That's 20 lbs more than when we did them on Friday last week and my heaviest to date!!! Love that I am getting so much stronger!! I would have NEVER been able to squat 145# when I started CrossFit just 3 months ago!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    **** alternate skill and strength

    Skill: 3 sets x 30sec Hollow Rock + 30sec superman rock

    Strength: 3 sets x 3 Strict Press + 3 Push Press

    WOD: Every four minutes, for a total of six sets, complete:
    Goblet Squats x 15 reps (70/53)
    400 Meter Run

    WOD was brutal. I finally decided on my kb weight...went with 55#. Was probably the "right" weight. Finished each round between ~2:20-2:40.
  • engineergirl
    engineergirl Posts: 22 Member
    Todays WOD: 3 Rounds for time:
    400m Run (w/medicine ball)
    20 Dips
    20 Burpee Broad jumps

    I am SO HAPPY I finished it! And almost as Rx'd! I didn't carry the ball during the runs but otherwise performed as written! This is my 2nd week Crossfitting. I was dead last to finish, but I finished!

    AND I did 2 consecutive Double Unders in the skill section! Today was a GREAT Crossfit day! =)
  • ssnowdon76
    ssnowdon76 Posts: 19
    Part A) 5 set 6-8 reps Bulgarian Split Squats (50# DB each hand)
    5 sets Reverse Hyper 6-8 reps @ 3031

    Part B) 5 minute AMRAP - Sets of 10 unbroken hang cleans (95#)

    We could drop the bar between each set of ten (shake out hands etc). Was able to complete six sets unbroken before my grip started to go. Was able to grind out 20 more reps.

    Part C) 5 minute AMRAP - Barbell Bear Complex (95#)

    1 Power Clean
    1 Front Squat
    1 Push Press
    1 Back Squat
    1 Shoulder Press

    Complex cannot be broken up (ie. no dropping the bar until after each movement has been completed). Completed 17 bear complex reps.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Back Squat

    3, 3, 3, 3, 3

    Weights ascending. Rest ~2 Minutes between sets.

    (Note: Not necessarily a a 3RM, try to aim to have all 5 sets be challenging. If you can build up, awesome, if you have to do a few sets at the same load by the end, so be it.)

    “Loop, Swoop, & Pull”

    4 Rounds for time:

    20 KB Swings (2/1.5)

    40 Double Unders

    Suggested Scaling Options

    Competitors – Use the 2/1.5 KB regardless, if you need to scale rep total, so be it. Get used to swinging the heavier KB, starting today.
    L2 – 1.5/1, 20 DUs or attempts
    L1 – 35/25 lbs, 40 seconds of DUs, or 100 singles per round

    I will probably do L1 if I go tonight.
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    12 Min AMRAP:

    120ft Overhead Carry
    15 KB Snatches
    1 Rope Climb (Had to scale)

    I got 4 rounds and one carry.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^^Really wanted to to do that WOD but my knee just wasn't having it. Still requires some nursing so I rested today and iced it down. If it feels better I will go in tomorrow. Lots of sprinting, push ups and situps will be on my agenda.

    Pull Ups
    On the minute, for 8 minutes..
    RX + – Strict Pull Ups or Weighted Pull Ups, reps subjective
    RX – 8-10 Reps, kipping
    L2 – 4-6 Reps, kipping
    L1 – 8 Banded Pull Ups, or 6 Ring Rows (as horizontal as possible)

    Partner WOD
    “Blurred Lines”
    AMRAP 20
    Run 100m
    1, 2, 3, 4, etc. HSPU
    2, 4, 6, 8, etc. T2B

    One person working at a time.
    Partner 1 sprints 100m, then 1 HSPU & 2 Toes-2-Bar (while partner 2 is resting)
    Partner 2 sprints 100m, then 2 HSPU & 4 Toes-2-Bar
    Keep building up the ladder as a team as high as possible for 20 minutes, alternating rounds and building on the rep scheme.
    Partial rounds count.

    Scaled versions
    L2 – Abmat HSPU (1 or 2 mats), Knee Tucks or Knees to Elbows
    L1 – Double the reps with Push Ups & Sit Ups (2/4/6/8 Push Ups, 4/8/12/16 Sit ups, etc.)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Skill/Strength: Deadlift

    8reps @ 55%
    6reps @ 65%
    4reps @ 75%
    2reps @ 85%
    1 rep @ 95%

    WOD: For time: (15min time cap) (aka, "Death by air squats")

    500 Meter Row
    50 Kettlebell Swings (55# (rx:70#))
    100 Air Squats
    50 Double Unders/25 attempts
    500 Meter Row


    I'm not very good at DU, but I can usually manage one or two, sometimes three or four if I put a single between them...but I got exactly ZERO successful DU today. That means instead of 50 DU, I did 25 lashings of various parts of my body, mostly my feet. (These Innov-8 shoes offer little protection against a cable.) The squats had my legs fried and the KB swings had my wrists/forearms toast (yeah, I know, less-than-ideal form).

    Speaking of KB swings, I lost control at the top on one of them. Complete bail. Managed to get out from under it without getting hit, so victory, I guess.

    Anyhow, this WOD sucked. Looking forward to what tomorrow's WOD will bring me.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    5 rounds:
    20 sec L-sit hold
    Rest 1 minute
    5 Ring Dips
    Rest 1 minute
    1 rope climb
    Rest 1 minute

    I was happy that I am finally able to climb the rope regularly!

    20 min AMRAP
    5 HSPU (modifiied)
    10 Pistols
    15 Pull Ups (i did kipping)

    Finished 4+15. Must have been 1000 degrees in my box this morning, and it just sapped my energy real quick!