What is your weight goal after completing T25



  • LizRodmell
    LizRodmell Posts: 70 Member
    i hope to lose another 15lbs at least. i have about 25 to goal. so more would ne nice :-) i remain skeptical as to it working as well as insanity! but time will tell
  • Egodogg
    Egodogg Posts: 10 Member
    Ah, thanks for letting us know about the calorie intake! I don't have the nutrition guide so I wasn't sure but saw somewhere online that it said either 1200 or 1600, depending on your weight and acitivity level!

    That's right. After looking at it for a minute I realized

    1200 Calories - Sedentary Woman under 130 Pounds
    1600 Calories - Everybody else. Haha
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    Well, I'll never be under 130, and I'm more "lightly active" than sedentary....but I think 1600 is too much for me to keep losing they way I want...so...I'll stick with 1350ish and see what happens...I'd love to see a big loss, but regardless, I feel good doing T25. I needed a change!
  • Egodogg
    Egodogg Posts: 10 Member
    I think they focus more on calories per meal than total for the day though.

    Breakfast - 400 Cals
    Snack - 150 Cals
    Lunch - 450 Cals
    Snack - 150 Cals
    Dinner - 450 Cals

    But it is strange how a 300 lb man has the same intake as a 131 lb female. Haha. They're just trying to keep it simple.
  • knucklesammie
    knucklesammie Posts: 196 Member
    i'm at 121 right now and would ideally LOVE to be at 105. but i think 110-115 is more reasonable/realistic for me (i'm 5'3") considering any other time i've been that weight i've just been skinny with little muscle. this time i want to be more fit with more muscle. sooo we'll see. i want to drop at least 5 pounds. more is preferable though!
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    I think they focus more on calories per meal than total for the day though.

    Breakfast - 400 Cals
    Snack - 150 Cals
    Lunch - 450 Cals
    Snack - 150 Cals
    Dinner - 450 Cals

    But it is strange how a 300 lb man has the same intake as a 131 lb female. Haha. They're just trying to keep it simple.

    R u meant to eat back the kcals u have burnt? x
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    At least 7lbs will be nice x
  • Egodogg
    Egodogg Posts: 10 Member
    I think they focus more on calories per meal than total for the day though.

    Breakfast - 400 Cals
    Snack - 150 Cals
    Lunch - 450 Cals
    Snack - 150 Cals
    Dinner - 450 Cals

    But it is strange how a 300 lb man has the same intake as a 131 lb female. Haha. They're just trying to keep it simple.

    R u meant to eat back the kcals u have burnt? x

    Not exactly sure. I don't think so. They want you to have a larger calorie deficit so that you lose more weight quicker (This is just my opinion). I did 1 week and I dropped from 199 - 194.4 (this morning!). My fiance also lost about 2 pounds in the first week (she's been stuck plateauing almost a year. No matter how strict a diet or what exercises she's been doing, the weight hasn't been coming off that she wants to lose), and she's doing modified almost exclusively. Very pleased with our results so far!

    I love how they say you're allowed 450 calories for dinner. If it didn't, I'd eat all my leftover calories and have a 900 calorie dinner most nights, which would certainly slow down the process. Haha.