Let's get started



  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Yes we can MITM - 22 weeks that's 22lbs. I would be about right then!
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Morning all,

    Thanks for all the well wishes for Daisy - she has now recovered and when we was at the supermarket on Sunday saw the washing tablets and said 'I wont eat these Mummy, they taste yuck' so hopefully a lesson has been learnt!

    Well done to LMV for your RFL - I am going to sign up next year. I am going to try to get my best friend to join in too, as her mother-in law has just died from cancer, and I think it would be a really nice thing to do. It was also Cambridge (my local) race yesterday.

    Today should be a fast day, but I think I am going to abandon it for today - my friend has caught the Zumba bug, and is wanting to go to tonights class in addition to Wednesday, so think I will join her at wiggling those pounds away. I have skipped breakfast, but will have a healthy lunch and dinner so that I have the calories in me to exercise well. According to the book 4:3 is apparently ok if you have a lot of weight to lose, or have had a few bad days. I know that I couldn't manage this on a regular basis though!

    MITM - 22 weeks until Christmas is a scary thought! and what was even scarier was PB comment of 22lb off! My next challenge is going to be 1/2 stone off by the end of the school holidays, so 5th September here.

    BM - I don't know how you cope with all that heat! It has cooled down a little here, and I am quite thankful!

    Right, I must go and do some paperwork! xxx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Well I had a cracking day yesterday. The Race for Life atmosphere starts building as soon as you get into the vicinity of the start and you see lots of ladies dressed up in pink. The local radio station was there playing music to get the party feel going and despite the heart rending reasons why people are running there was a real fun feeling. All 4,000 of us did the "Cancer Slam" - a warm up dance which you can see on YouTube including moves such as the "Tumble turn" and "Armpits" and then it was off to the start ready to go. There had been some cloud cover early on but it had disappeared by the time we started so it was very hot. I decided on a slow steady pace and the first kilometre marker came up pretty quickly. Then it was time to turn off the road and run along the Swansea Bay beach front where there is absolutely no cover from the sun and the heat reflects back at you off the marina buildings. It was HOT! But I kept going and saw the 2k marker, it then seemed an interminable time until the 3k marker appeared, but I knew I was more than half way by then which gave me another burst of energy. I could have clocked the smartness DJ who commented "Well let's face it girls, you can't really call yourselves runners can you?" Did he think it was funny? I would have liked to see him with his big fat tummy have a go at running the course! There were only about another 500 meters after him through the marina and people were lining the route urging you on which really helped get me to the finish and the welcome bottle of water. I did it in just over 39 minutes which I was very pleased with considering I hadn't done as much training as I should have. I heard later in the day that the last person in walked it in 2 hours 10 minutes and she was a girl with severe physical disabilities who went round the course with her carer. Bravo to her, what a fantastic effort.

    Swansea has a twilight Race for Life on the evening of 26th October and I'm thinking about doing that one too now as it will give me an incentive to keep training.

    Thanks for the comments following my last post everyone and I'm delighted it has started a spate of trying on of our favourite skinny clothes and that we can all still get into them. I think it's brilliant that one way or another we've kept the weight off sufficiently to still wear them. PB, I too am brave enough to give my big clothes away now as I am confident I won't need them again. The only waybI'm going is DOWN in size.

    New8, 7lbs by 5 Sept sounds like a good challenge to me, so I'm in. Let's get cracking!! Also delighted to hear Daisy's realised that washing tablets are yuk!

    Right then Crackers, time to get out into the garden and do something useful

    Lots of love
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Wow. I can almost feel the energy all the way here after reading the recent posts for all and the exercise thread. I think it is great that we are persevering despite difficult weather for most of us and the many ways in which life gets in the way (it was exactly as I wrote that last word that my phone rang, my sister said had I heard the news, I said "Has she had the baby?", my sister said it's on tv now so I did leave and turn it on and watched the live announcement!)( before the phone rang I was thinking about you, New82 and your children- so glad to hear that all is well now). Now back to what I was planning on saying. A big round of applause to you, LMV on completing the 5k run in the heat and I think you should be very proud of your time. I've also seen your exercise thread for today and indeed you really did have a marathon day with all that extra walking after the run- that has got to show you have really built up some endurance. As for the DJ, with so much unemployment how do people like him get to make such inane comments. As you say, it was wonderful and inspiring to hear that a disabled girl did the course. MITM, you can really make me laugh sometimes the way you put things. I loved your "We are all mad!" Of course the pencil skirt fitted. LMV has reminded us of another good strategy for dealing with losing weight- trying on our favourite skinny clothes or realizing how far we have come by trying on a piece that is now much larger. As soon as I finish here I am going to try on a pair of light coloured long pants I bought in late spring but have put aside because of the heat- I hope they will now fit easily as they were a bit snug when bought. BM, good to hear that you are persisting with the walking despite your heat and glad you had a boost with the dress. You will get to that 16!
    PB, you are really swimming up a storm! MITM, I thought your comment from the blog was a good one and I don't see it as a contrary position to my point but rather as a necessary adjunct- I think one need to be able to hold both positions, or rather juggle then, the trick being to figure out when is the time for the one approach and when is the time for the other. I had a good weekend exercise-wise as on Saturday I walked 3 miles and did a 25 minute bike ride, Sunday I walked 3 miles and had a good schooling lesson on my horse, this week working on four jumps in succession. I rode early this morning because of the heat and have walked 2 miles so far but would like to do a bike ride or another mile today. Tomorrow I am to a friend's for a BBQ dinner so hope I can at least get in some exercise before I go. Nellie had her post-op checkup today and has recuperated well- she is now part of the regular walking and I certainly feel that she has helped me improve my speed. It seems much easier to walk more briskly with her 'encouragement.' Take care of yourselves all.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - well we all sound like we are getting ourselves well and truly motivated. I'm inspired to look at some local race for life opportunities - also thought about doing the moonlight marathon at some point but if I'm honest I'd probably be happier swimming so will look for a swimming opportunity as well.

    In fact went for an early morning swim this morning but to be honest I didn't enjoy it as much and only managed 80 lengths so not one of my best. I must be a bit careful though as I had a long day at work yesterday and will have another long one today. Will be busy as we have a partners away day tomorrow afternoon and I'm still writing papers and background for it. there is never enough time in the day is there? And I don't have anyone to look after but me.....

    Mum has announced that she and Dad are planning to spend the majority of August at mine which is fine but it could get a bit complicated. Still I won't have to do the housework!

    This morning it is damp and has thundered a bit - off in the distance. Its still what I would call sultry and I expect it will be hot at work as I don't suppose anyone will think to open my windows and turn on the fan. Oh well. will need to get organised and go to work soon.

    Well done to everyone of you. You are an amazing group of people who give me enormous inspiration.

  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Aw, I do love reading all these positive posts. It also gives me great satisfaction knowing that we are all helping each other along the way, and all appreciate each others opinions so much. Today, I too am feeling spurred on from reading all the lovely comments. I must take a look at the exercise thread - I tend to call in here rather than there.

    So last night I done Zumba again, and my friend was late to arrive so the instructor pulled me to the front and introduced me to the 'regulars' and take my lesson from the front. Oh my, I felt out of time and struggled with the footwork, especially on the salsa. I am finding I really need to concentrate otherwise I lose myself and it gets so much harder when you are getting tired and sweaty! But on a positive note, I did improve on the footwork a little on some of the easier routines. My friend is wanting to do 2 times a week, but I am weighing up whether I can commit to twice a week with Hubby's irregular work hours at the moment.

    So today is the last day of term, and Daisy has gone off all excited about giving the teacher a cake! We are having a little 'party' around another parents house later, but it will be interesting if its still raining/thundery. Then the daunting 6weeks holidays begin....argh!!

    PB - There was a swimming challenge I was going to sign up to last year for spinal injurys. It was a 'swim the channel' style challenge, where you would log how far you swam each day/week over a period of time with the aim being to swim the distance of the channel.

    Right off I go, going to have a nosey on the exercise thread. xx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    My back has really stiffened up today so I am taking it easy. I was on my feet most of Sunday and then yesterday the husband and I had a marathon tidy up of the garage and shed as the husband's new car arrives on Thursday and he is determined to start as he means to go on and keep it in the garage. My car is always tucked up in the garage at night, by "his side" has had lots of stuff stored in it since the extension was done. Anyway, it's all cleared now ready but my back is suffering. I think I may have to go for a massage.

    Every cloud has a silver lining though ....... as I'm not working outside today because of my back, I've had itme to sort out the connectivity problem between my printer / scanner and computer and have now scanned the photos which Bracken sent me. I'm afraid they've lost a little bit of photo quality by being scanned but I hope they will be OK.

    Firstly, two lovely pictures of the adorable Nellie:



    Secondly, the front door to Bracken's house and the gateway to the back garden



    Fingers crossed that these all come out OK. It's such a pretty house Bracken, you must love living there.

    Carole, I can highly recommend the RFL experience and I got into running last year by using the NHS C25K programme. It's excellent and got me from the couch to running 5k in 9 weeks. I never, ever imagined I would run, but I actually quite enjoy it.

    New8, glad you are enjoying the zumba and on the days you can't go to the class get Rosemary's salsasize DVD out!!

    Right, dying to "post reply" and see if the photos have worked

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Woo hoo, they worked. Don't you just want to give Nellie a hug?

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi New8 - that's really useful that's my kind of challenge! I'll look out for that sort of thing locally!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    If you ever get fed up with Nellie - please pass her on to me. She is gorgeous.....

    Photos are beautiful all round thanks for doing that LMV

    Feeling cream crackered. Its been a long day and very muggy although little rain and only a rumble or two of distant thunder. Some places have had a lot of rain and storms but my parents had quite a storm this morning.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hey Carole,

    I'm up for a swimming challenge like that too. Let's investigate and support each other through it!


    ps I have first dibs on Nellie!!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Good Idea LMV. I'll have a word at the club and see if anyone knows of anything locally or if we need to make something up.....

    Re: Nellie - I think we are both going to be out of luck!

  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    This is the challenge I looked at last year.....take a look at www.aspirechannelswim.co.uk its 22miles in 12 weeks - starts 9th September and you can use your local pool. I haven't had a look into all the ins and outs this year.

    Cant stop by for too long.......Daisy has caught hand, foot and mouth disease, and is suffering.

    Love Nellie! xx
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Right whilst she is asleep I can pop by.

    From last posting you will know that Daisy has managed to get HFM, so she has mouth ulcers, and spots not just on her hands and feet but also on her body. She was up most of the night once again with a temperature, but I am struggling to get Calpol into her(as her mouth hurts) - I did succeed with this once in the night, and it brought her temperature down. We have been up since 4.30am, and Im starting to feel the affects of getting up at such a time. I should be going to Zumba this evening, but don't know if I can face it and whether I want to leave her. Shame because I was looking forward to it, but these things cant be helped. We will have to stay in for a few days now, until the spots disappear as she is contagious....great start to the holidays.:frown:

    I love the photos of Nellie - I would love to have a dog, but its such a huge commitment.

    Let me know thoughts on swim challenge - I am toying with the idea, but don't know if I could fit in enough sessions.

    Right, going to take this opportunity to get a few jobs done before the patient awakes. xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Thanks LMV for posting the pictures and Nellie's head is getting swollen from all the flattery! I had my first bad exercise day in quite a while today and the weather was not to blame but only myself and the results of last night's dinner with friends in which I did rather overindulge but worse a lot of what was served did not work for my stomach condition and today I felt really crappy. I find it difficult to centre myself out so I go ahead and eat what is served basically but in this case I think it was a number of small things which all added up. The hamburger had garlic in it, I was going to ask for my burger without the wheat bun as I have been better avoiding gluten as much as possible but they were brought in from the barbeque assembled with the bun so I ate it as presented, I had a beer because I don't like white wine (weird I know) but doesn't work that well either for stomach, then I did say I absolutely have to avoid a pie pastry because of the lard but did not turn down the dish of ice cream. I love ice cream but am better with lactose free products which I usually have at home with lactose free milk and yoghurt. So all in all it was rather disasterous. At least I avoided the pie because a pie crust can effect me for two days at least. I may be absent for a couple of days, hopefully no more because my friend is picking up the hard drive of my computer tonight to do some cleanup/ repairs on it. New82, sorry to hear your daughter has been ill again. You must be exhausted. The channel swim sounds like a neat challenge. I'm not a swimmer but I like the idea. I'm hoping if the weather moderates a bit to be able to go back to a bit of Jillian if only for upper body work as what I am doing now is mostly lower body. I'll be thinking of all if I'm not on here for a day or two.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    That was an unfortunate set of circumstances with the food Bracken and I hope you are feeling much better in yourself by now.

    New8 - thanks for posting the info about the challenge. I'm definitely up for it and even more so after visiting the physiotherapist today. The stiffness in my back hasn't improved so I went to see a physio this afternoon and she has banned me from running at the moment. I've had a leakage from the membrane between two vertebrae into the muscle beside it which is causing my lower back muscles to spasm. I had some ultrasound treatment and manipulation (painful!) and need to take anti-inflammatories and paracetamol and go back on Monday. Running, esp on roads exacerbates it, so no more running for the moment. Swimming on the other hand is very good for it, so it's swimming, cycling or power walking for me in the immediate future. This challenge is therefore just what I need to force me to get down to the pool. We have friends on the way to stay this week-end, so I'll look into it properly next week.

    MITM - I'm missing you. I think your family were due to arrive so I expect you are up to your eyes looking after them and keeping them entertained. I seem to remember your Father worked liked a Trojan in the garden last year AND did a load of cooking. I know my Father-in-law likes to be busy when he visits and sometimes it's more wearing finding things for people to do than it is doing them. Hope everything is OK with you.

    I had a piece of good news today - I passed my Welsh exam! I'm absolutely thrilled and despite my disastrous oral I was only 2 per cent off a distinction - darn that brain freeze! Anyway, champagne tonight and blow the calories!

    Have a great w-e everyone.

    Lots of love
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    Im trying to get geared up for a good week starting tomorrow, so thought I would pop by to be inspired!

    LMV- sorry to hear about your back, it sounds nasty, and I agree to resting from the running. I hope the swimming challenge helps you on your journey and gives you a focus. I admit it will be pretty cool to think that by December you have swum the distance of the channel!

    Bracken - sounds like a disaster with the food, I too hope you have fully recovered.

    We are all recovered and back to good health here.... hooray I cry! Unfortunately, some of Daisys friend are now suffering from the contamination from Daisy. I am thankful though that I believe we only got a mild strain of HFMD compared to the horrors I read on the internet.

    Had my 'date of the summer' mentioned in QOTW(we must strike up another question or change it to QOTM!). I had an evening out at the races Friday night and had a fabulous evening of cocktails, racing(losing money!), and singing and dancing. We had Little Mix(X-factor group) and main act Labrinth (pop, r&b, electronic artist) performing and it was an awesome evening!
    Then yesterday involved another trip to Newmarket races(I sound like a right little gambler!) to take Daisy to see Peppa pig, as my husband was working, and I found out last minute that Peppa was there. This is the first time I have been to the races and not seen a single race! She had a great time as there were bouncy castles, inflatables, activities and face painting for the children. Daisy adores Peppa pig, and it was so cute to see her calling and waving at peppa, and seeing her smile when Peppa waved back at her. Today has been a quiet day (no races today!), so nothing major to report back on there.

    Hope everyone else is well.

    by the way LMV - I have just pre-ordered Hairy Dieters new book from Amazon, just incase you want to add to the recipe book collections, how are you finding greedy girls diet? I have only done 1 recipe so far!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Apologies Crackers for my absence....

    You are indeed correct LMV in thinking my parents are staying and never a truer word said about the Trojan part!! Having worked rather like a Trojan myself if you recall in the run up to their arrival; to protect my husband who works like a Trojan himself all year round but is always made to feel like a naughty school boy who hasn't done his homework in the garden, by my father the expert gardener because during the summer season he works weekends in addition to his normal Monday - Friday hours and there are only so many gardening hours in the day.... our garden/vegetable plot for a change was all under control on his inspection! And whilst it was quietly satisfying not to be 'told off' in your own garden, it's proved to be a double edged sword now keeping him occupied. In sheer desperation, we're letting him paint our balcony this week after spending last week prepping it and making dust and mess everywhere, plus of course he's cooking...

    And yes I know I should be grateful to have someone cooking but I'm married to a chef so it's not a novelty for me, instead I'm being told what to eat and when in my own home!! I fear it's going to be a long month and I know I'm not going to see 9.9 on my scales next weigh in with the amount of dripping butter. And before anyone suggests I ask him to go easy on the butter, I'm wasting my breath - my father knows best!! I'm beginning to realise why I live in Austria!!!

    LMV - do take it easy and let your body fully recover, I'm sure that means no nasty Jillian either!! Excellent news about your Welsh exam, well done! You deserve a glass or two of the Champagne to celebrate - glasses not bottles!!

    BRACKEN - I hope you have fully recovered? I was thinking of you as I was picking blackcurrants and redcurrants for garnishing purposes for the husband and was thinking if only you were a neighbour I'd happily say pick all you like! We can't eat or freeze all that we have. And your house looks like my dream home but I'll pass on Nellie as cute as she looks!!

    NEW8 - So pleased to hear Daisy is back to her usual self and that you enjoyed your day at the races.

    BM - Glad to be home? Silly question of course you are. Now let's hope your scales don't break next!!

    CAROLE - Are you winning? When you own parents come to stay (mine do not do housework) do they cook?!!

    Well Crackers look at the time, I must get to my bed to get enough sleep to stay calm!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Very quiet on here Crackers....

    Well the good news at my 'once over' check up at the doctors, I was complimented on my flexibility (a first!!) so I have Jillian/Rosemary to thank for that! But the bad news after ultra sounding my throat it would appear my thyroid gland is not working correctly. Have I been gaining or losing weight rapidly - not that I'm aware of I've stayed the same weight since Easter!!!! Have I had difficulty sleeping? When I eventually make it to bed I'm out like a light. Am I 'tired'? Well after a hard days slog in the garden or working until past midnight yes but otherwise no. Anyway my blood results will come back from Innsbruck next week and we'll take it from there.

    However maybe this is why my thighs are so much larger than the rest of me!!!! I only went to the doctors as I feel perfectly fine because the daughter insisted upon a clean bill of health before she leaves for England and it's free! But then as you do, I started reading up on the internet and other symptoms are anxiety or increased irritability!!!! And when I think what I've been eating of late and yet the scales are not gaining... and then I stepped on today and I've lost 2lbs and I'm back at my target weight but I've been eating treats everyday since my parents arrived. Then again the last time I saw target was when my father was doing the cooking, this time - last year! So I await my results, will keep you posted.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    MITM - Thank you so much for sponsoring me! Really sorry to hear you may have a thyroid problem. Let's hope it's nothing to worry about and just a very thorough doctor checking everything out fully.

    Sometimes a change of diet works wonders so I hope your excellent weight loss is down to that and your own efforts and nothing to do with the thyroid. Your weight has been very stable within a 7lb band for a couple of years hasn't it? It doesn't seem like you have had a rapid weight gain or loss does it? Anyway, fingers crossed everything is fine.

    BM - very impressed with you checking in while you are on holiday. Also, I will be going to Abergavenny one day next week, probably Tuesday or Thursday. Will you be around either of those days and have half an hour for a coffee?

    I'm still having physio on my back, but it is improving. My exercise as been limited as a result and because I've generally been feeling a bit fed up with it, I have been indulging in some comfort eating. I hope I've put a stop to it today (so far so good) and that I'm back on the straight and narrow.

    The weather has turned here today and we've had torrential rain. It's very grey and miserable so we've had a very lazy day watching the cricket. I hope this isn't the end of our wonderful summer.

    Hope everyone's had a good week-end.
