July Weekly Check Ins



  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: VJ
    Date: 7/14/13

    The Good

    Diet - One more week of bulking left.

    Fitness - I finally got a 90 lb OHP. I've added 20 lbs to this since the start of my bulk.

    The Meh

    Diet - 150g Protein hit 4 of 5 days and lowest protein intake was 119, so overall I am pretty happy with that. I've gained 4 lbs so far on this bulk, I guess I was expecting more, but .66lbs per week seems about right.

    Fitness - I took some form videos of all of my lifts except for bench and squat which I will do next week. It was helpful because I was able to identify areas of improvement--- and I can improve form on all
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    beast machinery week is behind me.
    rest week and a holiday by the sea side is ahead of me.
    here goes.

    july 08-14

    the booyah:

    diet: no full blown and/or pre-planned binge. was tempted a few times, but stopped myself. even had a mini bbq today and didnt drink or gone over! was over my protein limit every single day too - good stuff.

    exercise: lifted 6 times, instead of the usual 3 and got my jogging on too on the 'rest' day. im by no means an exercise addict, but spontaneously going for a week mini holiday monday-friday and wanted to get as much lifting in as i could.
    btw i put together a short ish body weight exercise routine for the holibobs, quite pleased with it actually. wont be too strict on it though, probably wont even practice it, unless ill be feeling super out of shape. we will be walking around a lot anyway, so that should do it as an active rest week.

    the boo:

    diet: been over many times, anywhere between 100-600kcals. came to realise i cant have peanut butter in the house because im too tempted to snack on it all day - demolish the whole jar within a matter of hours. ouch. back on pb2 i go. also had a few alcoholic drinks, but no madness. around ~1000kcal over all together on the weekly base. not beating myself off about it much, because ive worked out 7/7.

    exercise: i know my method this week wasnt too healthy, muscles be needing more rest, but thats what next week is for. i even had a subtle back pain on thursday, possibly due to my crappy form on bent over rows.
    the jog was short and kind of pathetic too.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    Unfortunately not as much good this week. Maybe because I am writing this after really the only bad point. My week view is a bit skewed at my present state.

    Name: Monkey
    Date: 07/14/2013

    The Good

    Diet - Um. . .was honest MOST of the week Mon-Sat

    Fitness -Made it all 5 days. Even did cardio for the first time in a while. Bench max at 80lbs for 1 rep! Yayness!

    Self -Image - Didn't stress over mirror image as often this week.

    The Meh

    Diet - Was doing so well, then today took a look at my finances, realized I was in more of a rut than I thought and instantly downed an entire jar of almond butter. Hate myself for it. I was finally so close to a perfect week! Jar is gone, no more will be bought. Going to try a repeat of the week.

    Fitness - Still feeling weaksauce with most of my lifts. I know a major factor is my lack of sleep. I need to work on that.

    Self-Image - Still extremely bloated in the evening messing with my confidence. My eating schedule/habits would be the cause of this. Seemed like an easy fix, but is proving to be a rough challenge.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: VJ
    Date: 7/14/13

    The Good

    Diet - One more week of bulking left.

    Fitness - I finally got a 90 lb OHP. I've added 20 lbs to this since the start of my bulk.

    The Meh

    Diet - 150g Protein hit 4 of 5 days and lowest protein intake was 119, so overall I am pretty happy with that. I've gained 4 lbs so far on this bulk, I guess I was expecting more, but .66lbs per week seems about right.

    Fitness - I took some form videos of all of my lifts except for bench and squat which I will do next week. It was helpful because I was able to identify areas of improvement--- and I can improve form on all

    Even your meh's are awesome!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Weekly Check-In

    Name: Casey
    Date: 7-15-2013

    The Good

    Diet - Fasting felt pretty effortless last week. I think I am hitting my groove with it.

    Fitness - My strength coach commended my progress with my deadlifting form.

    Self -Image - I noticed that my thighs are getting leaner. At least they look way to me, and that's all I care about.

    The Meh

    Diet - I didn't have much of an appetite all week. Even after not eating all day and then going home and doing a tough training session, I just didn't really have the desire to eat. I also ate some things this week that I don't normally eat (chocolate cake and bread) that left me feeling kind of blah.

    Fitness - My recovery sucked this week. I missed a day of mobility work, and I did not really sleep well all week. This has to get better.
  • Weekly Check In

    Name: Jessica
    Date: 7/15/13

    The Good

    -Diet: I have eliminated all junk food from my house so there haven't been any temptations to splurge at home!
    -Fitness: I have hit my goal of burning 1,000 calories since I made the goal (except when I was sick)
    -Self Image: Pants that were way too tight 3 weeks ago, now fit perfectly!

    The Meh

    -Diet: I was sick so I binged on crackers and potato soup.. two things that are not included in my eating plan. I also drank sprite which goes against my no soda rule
    -Fitness: I missed two days of workouts due to being sick so I feel soft.
    -Self Image: It's that time of month so I've been extremely bloated which is making my confidence go down.
  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    Weekly Check-In
    (Bit late on a Tuesday)

    Name: Jenn
    Date: 7-16-2013

    The Good

    Diet - Weekly average of calories & macros was pretty close to my goals.

    Fitness - Started doing dumbbell cleans (would rather do them with a bb but my wrist wont let me) and set a few new PRs. Adding more cardio into my routine went pretty well.

    Self -Image - I lost .4 kg/a couple cm (mainly off my upper body) and I start noticing that my clothes defenitely feel loser. I've noticed lots of improvement in my arms recently.

    The Meh

    Diet - I didn't log Friday and Saturday (attempted to but ended being half-arsed logs) and I defenitely went over on calories. Going out with friends is still a reason for me to dump my calorie/macro goals and I got to work on that asap.

    Fitness - I didn't push myself last week as hard as I should. Even though I set a few PRs I still didn't give my best with all the lifts, especially deadlifts didn't go as good as usual as I had MAJOR issues with grip. I didn't get enough sleep at all (roughly 5 hours each night during week days) and I guess it just really showed in my lifts.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    I will actually be doing a weekly check in on 7/21 or 22 since life has settled down again to the point that I can actually focus on diet and workouts.

    Mini Check In - finally back to a routine, so far so good.
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    Weekly check in (very late.,had a hectic crazy week)

    July 18th

    The good

    Diet -stayed under cal goals most days and ate a lot of healthy food.

    Fitness- Had a very busy week with dog sitting and moving around so had a bad fitness week. However, on the sat when I went to the gym I went with my boyfriend. We never work out together and he was super impressed by how strong I am getting!!

    Self Image- I saw my grandfather mid week and he said 'you look like you have lost weight, I noticed from a mile away..keep up the good work!" that made me happy!

    The Meh

    Diet- Was actually low on cals a lot of days due to bad planning. I skipped some full lunches and was snacking a lot. I still have to work on planning my meals for the week on a sunday.

    Fitness- Apart from my dog walking I didn't work out Mon-Tues or Wed. I suck ha ha what can I say..busy few days working from 8am until 10pm at night.

    Self Image- I am not going to "meh" about this. I still have a lot of work to do. I know this but I am coming along.
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    was on holiday - the excuse of crap eating and beyond.

    july 15-21

    the booyah:

    diet: at least tried to make healthy choices and logged everything apart from one day.

    exercise: active rest week, been walking around a lot, sightseeing, hiking, mainly uphill with my daughter sitting on my shoulders/neck.

    self-image: went through all the holibobs photos and theres only a couple of me i dislike - which were taken at the very end of our vacation aka very bloated. so heres hope of looking better on a long haul/when im back on track. also, had a conversation about lifting with my brother-in-law, he asked me to flex, i shyly did humming ive only been lifting at home and so far for a few months only but he said he can clearly see my biceps definition. so it _is_ noticeable to others, yay!

    the boo:

    diet: healthy choices lasted til about noon each day, or until i had a drink. or two. or more. over. every single day. binged twice in the name of no hangover.

    exercise: no lifting. i feel like a mad woman, need to get back on it asap.
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    July 15-21

    the good:

    diet: i did great half the time. made good choices for the majority of each day, half the time for the whole day. an out of town funeral on <3 hrs of sleep after a night shift on wednesday through me off a bit...

    exercise: again, the funeral put a monkey wrench in my week, but what can ya do. Lifted Sun, Tues, and then didnt get to lift again till today. Did the Savage Race (mud obstacle run - with a fellow MFPer and some friends- had a crazy good time, and except for 2 obstacles that i sucked at, i kicked *kitten*!! finding a few new bruises today tho- lol). did cardio 2 days, had 2 rest days.

    the bad:

    diet: see above. need to get my **** together

    exercise: no lifting. nothing really. my workouts have been consistently great for a while now. i was pissed that this crazy monkey bar obstacle was one of the ones i sucked at- i dropped in the water pretty quickly.

    self-image: the scale has been the same for a month, when i gained 2-3 lbs back after a bad week. its pissing me off, but its my own fault since ive been going over too often.
  • cutieryan
    cutieryan Posts: 20 Member
    Name: Hayley
    Date: 7-22-2013

    I almost forgot to post this week.

    The Good

    Diet - I logged everything

    Fitness - No good here :(

    Self -Image - I finally found a pair of pants in my "Smaller Clothes" Box that fit so yippee! I have an option for something other than dresses for work

    The Meh

    Diet - We have our stepdaughter staying with us for the next month, she's an awesome kid but I am having trouble feeding such a picky eater while keeping my own calorie goals in mind.

    Fitness - I just can't make myself get up to work out before I go into work-- and I can't do it in evenings because its now just me and 2 kids hanging out. If I'm not careful I'm going to gain everything I lost back in no time.

    Self Image- I'm kind of feeling like a serious failure right now. I need to find that frame of mind I was in again.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    the good:

    diet: finished my 'bulk' and have cut to 1680 per day in cal.

    exercise: no change in program. all is well.

    the bad:
    though I finished my bulk, I've already lost most of whatever I've put on.... (though I am 'checking in' late) I've already lost most of the weight I put on---- and logged a weight of 143.6 today down from 147.4 (3.8lbs of food and water weight).

    nothing bad to report, but no PR in weight-- I did get a rep PR of 2x2 of 90lb OHP which was nice.

    My parents are staying with me for an entire week July 29-Aug2. Help me.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Name: Rebecca
    Date: 7/23/2013
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 170lbs
    Age: 24

    The Good

    Diet - Stayed at a deficit for the week while travelling, averaged about 1800 calories per day. I was also able to stick to 20/4 for 6 out of the 7 days.

    Fitness - Made it to 11 of my 12 workouts, hit some perfect deadlift form on even my heavy sets.

    Self -Image - Wore a sundress and cowboy boots out to drinks with a friend, did a double take in the mirror in the bar bathroom.

    The Meh

    Diet - Macros were a bit wonky and definitely could've done better with food choices over having to supplement to get even remotely close to my protein goals. Let silly ol' brownies break fast way too early one day.

    Fitness - Squats were awful this week. Well they were all *kitten* to grass but I still need to deload more to work on this. Starting to realize how much my weekend food is effecting my Monday workouts so that's something I'm definitely going to work on this week. Following through all the way to Sunday with adequate cals and spot on macros.
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    July 23rd
    Height 5'6
    Weight (Promised myself I wouldn't weigh myself for a month)
    Age 33

    The good

    Diet. I logged everything all week and I stayed at a deficit all week

    Fitness. I had three lifting days and good workouts that I was proud of. I think my deadlift form is pretty good now and I am starting to finally feel a lot more comfortable at the gym

    Self Image: I bought a new bikini mid week and I actually wore it to a family members pool. I have been wearing a tankini for the last two years so it was a big step for me to wear a full out bikini.

    The meh

    Diet. Even though I was at a deficit I made some bad food choices that I really think do effect my energy levels and how I feel at the gym. Monday night I went for all you can eat wings and beer..that was a bit of a *kitten* show. I also had a blizzard the next day.

    Fitness: I did squats on Monday and was in SERIOUS pain for a lot of the weer. I still did go back to the gym on Wed but I maybe shouldn't have. I had to skip Friday and go on Sat as I was still sore. I could barely walk and when I walk for a living I can't risk hurting myself. I was doing dog sit for two nights for a client with a pool so i did laps two mornings. It did help with my leg pain so I think swimming has to become a 2 time a week thing now.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    July 24th
    Height 5'4
    Weight : ~135 (not weighing while on Stronglifts)
    Age 27

    The good

    Diet. I l have logged in for 20 complete days and have stayed in check for the majority. I am doing a great job at eating TDEE + on lifting days and -TDEE on non-lifting days.

    Fitness. I made an excel spreadsheet and made notes on form to take to the gym with me. I am off to a great start on Stronglifts.

    Self Image: This weekend was girl's weekend and I looked good going out to dinner with my maid of honor. My thighs are starting to tighten up. The heels made it even better.

    The meh

    Diet. Girl's weekend meant a four course wine pairing dinner (champagne, 4 glasses of wine, bread, two entrees, two desserts... you get the idea). I also had a beer at lunch earlier in the day. I don't regret a moment of it though.

    Fitness: I am still struggling with form on rows. Thanks to some help from friends, I think I may have figured out the key. I also lost track of time in the garden this morning, so I will have to move my workout today to after work. But, hey, you can't garden in the dark!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    22-28 july


    diet: if we decided to delete thursday and sunday evening from history, i had the perfect week.

    exercise: im at a stage in my program where ive gotta do more reps hence using lower weights and boy doesnt it challenge me! a week long doms here, no exaggeration. lifted 3x and jogged 1x so stuck to my routine.


    diet: thursday bbq. if it wasnt for the alcohol then reaching out to a massive amount of food (binge) in the name of no hangover the following day, it all would have been alright. similar situation on sunday, mates bbq. not much food though but insane amount of alcohol - over but no binge.

    exercise: i still hate jogging and by the looks of things im getting worse in it too.
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    22-28 july

    diet: cant seem to get out of this 75ish% great 25ish% over funk. did great Sun-Fri evening, then went a little over friday night- nothing major. but my husband then drove 8 hrs to see me for saturday- and we went to a restaurant week 3-course lunch, and then had friends over at night to grill and play games (healthy food, but more than i should have eaten) and several glasses of wine. ive juggled the same 3 lbs for 2 months because of my lack of consistency :(

    exercise: finished NROL4W stage 5 and likely starting stage 6 tonight. workouts are still rockin
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    Name: Sarah

    July 29th (week of 22nd-28th)


    Diet..I was under my Cals everyday
    Fitness..I got in what a could even through a pretty stressing and hectic week
    Self Image....this will have to be under the "meh" section ha


    Diet....I had a rough week going to and from the hospital for my grandma. It resulted in some drive thrus and junk eating. 'Maybe some of it was stress eating as well. I just gave in and didnt even pay attention to what I was putting in my body.
    Fitness. I had to cancel two of my workouts as I was at the hospital after work most nights. I am not going to stress; my family is a lot more important to me then a gym workout.
    Self Image. Not the best. I am not going to really even look at myself till next week when I know I will feel a little better ha ha
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Aug 1st but checking in for last week
    Height 5'8
    Weight : 170ish
    Age 24

    The meh

    Diet. I am still really struggling with binge eating and also bulimia, this week it really got bad.

    Fitness: Workouts were decent until I started getting anxious about going back to CrossFit... and then it spiraled out of control. Stress management techniques were less than desirable.

    The good

    I had my first shrink session this week. I am looking forward to my next appointment. On top of that I am getting help for my injured shoulder and getting a doctor's excuse to get out of my CrossFit membership. I will always appreciate CrossFit for being my intro to lifting and giving me a much better relationship with exercise but it's just not a good workout option for me right now and not a good fit at the box I was going to anyway. I really need to be more diligent about getting a decent sleep schedule established as well even if it means using a sleep aid like Tylenol PM.
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