Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    Just found this group! I thought MFP couldn't get any better but now....I absolutely love this site!
    I'm 29 yrs old....down 48 lbs so far using MFP.

    I'm a big gamer....I love multiplayer and sports games mostly...Borderlands (1&2), COD, 2k, Madden...etc. I own an Xbox and PS3 (but I mostly play the PS3).
    I just started playing XCOM (free on PS+)

    My PS3 gamertag is JWDySart (add me if you want)
  • nm_353
    nm_353 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey! I'm a mom, wife, almost 30, and a gamer :) I play WoW currently. I used to play Shaiya, Aion, Terra, and I'm sure a few others :) I tend to bounce around and try to check them all out! I recently quit Shaiya after a 7 or so year run. I discovered WoW and I love it! I have two toons that I play on. One is an Alliance, on Shandris, and the other is a horde on Blackwing Lair ( I think is what its called).
  • Hi, I'm new to mfp and the group! I'm 21, married, a mom, and a avid gamer. I've been playing video games since I was a little girl playing crash bandicoot and tekken. I live RPG games and I'm especially into Kingdom Hearts. I play a ps3, and I've recently been playing skyrim, ffxiii-2, and devil may cry.
  • Frag_Bunny
    Frag_Bunny Posts: 39 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm a 25 year old woman in Toronto Canada. I'm a big time gamer on Sega Genesis, PC, PS, PS2, PS3, XBox360, Game Gear, DS, iOS...ya I'v been a gamer for a long time. I really don't have a preference in genre...I kind of play everything from skyrim to forza to assasin's to ratchet and clank to killzone to halo...I try and study all the genres because I'm trying to break into the gaming industry n Toronto. I just finished animation school and am working on in iOS game for a small company right now. I also used to love DDR as well...unfortunately there is no where to set it up in my tiny apartment...Even playing killzone with the PS Move is rather interesting because there is on exact spot you have to sit on the couch for the camera to catch you lol
  • Getting7here
    Getting7here Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all,

    Im a 31 year old guy from the East of England. I have been gaming since the days of the Commodore 64, and while I still game quite a lot, I am finding it harder to enthuse about games as time goes on. I am chronically ill and trying to meet my aspirations as a writer, so that could be partly responsible for why I feel a bit jaded. I still play, and I am sure I will fall in and out of love with digital recreations for the rest of my life. I am also keen to get my hands on the Oculus Rift.

    Favourite games of mine have been: The Mass Effect trilogy, Forza Horzion, Battlefield 3, Saints Row, GTA (3 onwards), Skyrim, and Fifa 13.

    Nice to meet you all :)
  • Mrs_Goatess
    Mrs_Goatess Posts: 15 Member
    Heyas, Gamers!

    I'm a 33 year-old of the female type who plays tabletop games (multiple systems), LARPs (OWoD mostly), and MMOs (SWTOR now, but too much WoW in the past). My weight loss goals are to get down to 145, maybe less if I can. I just started a couple weeks ago, but I've lost two pounds already. Here's hoping I get to lose more!

  • cheninmatthews21
    cheninmatthews21 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey guys, i'm Aerin.
    20 years old, female.
    I mostly play MMO's, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Bioshock and Assassin's Creed-
    Okay, I mostly play WoW as of late, but I just got Steam and am getting into broader PC gaming :)
    Looking to lose about 65 lbs and get active, eat healthier.

    Also looking for friends & a support group on here, so add me if you like :)
  • bubbagoo
    bubbagoo Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Michael, Im 32 and Diabetic. I have been doing MFP for awhile but have just recently gotten back into it full scale. I have zeroed out my previous info and am starting new. I use Just Dance 3 for Wii and am currently doing the 7 Day Fresh Start Challenge of which I am on Day 3 and already about to exceed the weekly calorie burn. I am also going to be adding other games to my work out regime one of them being My Fitness Coach for Nintendo DS, Wii Active Sports, Just Dance 2, Dance Dance Revolution, and maybe Zumba. I am also using which is a Facebook game that gives you very simple easy to accomplish weekly tasks that is also helping me out. So if any of you have a Wii and Just Dance 2 or 3 and would like to "dance" together lets hookup and talk about working out together :)
  • magnum26
    magnum26 Posts: 356 Member
    Hello =)

    I'm new to the site and pretty chuffed there is a gamer group here =D

    I'm 23, Scottish and been playing video games ever since Paperboy on my Master System. I'm well rounded in video games and will pretty much play anything I can get my hands on. Particularly RPGs, survival games, simulators and strategy. At the moment I'm playing mostly indie games like Don't Starve, Gunpoint and Papers, Please. Really due to the fact my poor laptop can't really handle anything else without overheating. Me and my bf own a 360, Wii, GC, N64, SNES, MS (broken =c), DS and GB colour. I'd quite like to get my hands on a PS and PS2, those console I always seemed to play at other peoples houses lol and they're some games I'd love to revisit. Oh and a 3DS! Mainly for Animal Crossing....don't judge.

    Some of my favourite franchises have been Zelda, Tombi, Mario, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fable, Fallout, GTA, Okami, Simcity, Rollercoaster Tycoon, pokemon, minecraft...god to many to list lol. I would really like to try some MMOs but been too much of a *****, as I'm too scared it will steal my life forever!. Starcraft is a game I would love to play, oh! and I'm a major loot horder, games with loot I'm there!

    I'm just going into my 3rd year of Uni so I don't really have the opportunity to play anything except in the holidays. I'm the type of person that gets far too addicted when I play anything, so its best to stay away from the controller. So instead I get my kicks watching lets plays from various youtubers, its pretty much my nicotine patch lol. First thing I will do when I graduate and get a job is to build my own PC! It gets me through the days thinking about it.

    So, just add me if you want to chat. My steam ID is Matalee, so add me if you like =3

    I think i'm in love. :heart: :drinker:
  • Soulfood77
    Soulfood77 Posts: 211 Member
    Hello! My name is Shanna and I'm from Saskatchewan, Canada. My sinful game that I play is Puzzle Pirates. I keep trying to escape it and it keeps sucking me back in!! Oh well, I love it and I've made lots of friends playing it. But it has also helped add to my weight problems with the lack of exercise and bad eating habits when I'm gaming. So, here's hoping I can make a change. I just got back from the Biggest Loser Resort Chicago and am very motivated right now so I'm hoping to keep it up!
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Hello! I'm Sunita from California. I love playing the Fallout series of games, among many others. Right now my DH and I play SC2 Mafia, and I'm almost through the SC2 campaign (latest one, with Kerigan). I enjoy passing the time playing computer games mostly, but definitely enjoy my Xbox too.
  • bmgilst
    bmgilst Posts: 12 Member
    I'm an avid gamer and have been since I was very young. My first online game I played was Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 on the MSN Gaming Zone back when I was 10 or 11. Some of the games I've played online a lot were:

    Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
    Age of Empires 2
    Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast
    Rainbow Six
    Age of Mythology
    StarCraft 2
    Star Wars Galaxies ( 3 years )
    World of Warcraft ( 4 years )
    Star Wars the Old Republic ( 2 years )
    Halo 3 ( 3 years )
    Day of Defeat Source
    Chivalry Medeival Warfare

    Currently I'm playing the Witcher 2, Skyrim, The Last of Us, and Chivalry. Also enjoy playing a long game of Civ 5.

    As far as my fitness goes, I started back in October at 6'1" - 242. I'm currently 209 lbs and can bench press 315. I have been using MyFitnessPal every day for the past few weeks and log even on the days where I'm over ( had a cheat day yesterday, but still came in reasonable on my weekly goal. I believe cheat meals, if you plan them and have them once every two weeks or so, aren't a really bad thing as they give you something to work for. I hope to cut down to 185 lbs and then bulk back up to 200 cleanly.

    Please add me if you'd like some motivation or would like to give me some.
  • Peabody_123
    Peabody_123 Posts: 23 Member

    I am 31, and from the UK, although I live in Norway currently.

    I am a WoW player since vanilla.....(pretty much with the same toon all that time)

    I have tried a few other MMO as they have come out over the years but never really got into any of them.

    I do still love Civ III.....i have tried the new versions but i much prefer Civ III.

    Getting a Wii for my birthday this month also....and getting wii fit and maybe a few others...
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    Hello! My name is Justin. I'm a 29 yr old gamer. I have a PC, PS3, and Xbox...but PS3 get's all of my attention. I'm an avid multiplayer gamer...I love COD, Saints Row, Magic the Gathering, and just started playing Battlefield 3.
    I've been on MFP for about a year...started at 249...down to 199! So far, I've been meeting my goals...kinda' been stuck at 199 for a little bit, but I know my plateau breaking is coming soon :-) . MFP has kept me going and I don't think I'll EVER let this site go.

    Friend request me if you want (just send a little message w/ can even mention this group).

    Look me up on the PS3 too.... @ JWDySart777
  • Jennyflies
    Jennyflies Posts: 94 Member
    Im Jenny. Im 30...I love FPS games, and MMO's.

    I met my husband on WoW...dont judge!

    I used to be REALLY freakishlky good at Halo but i suck at it now.

    I noobsray on MWF and BF2 (or any FPS for that matter)

    I button mash on any fighting game.

    No one can beat me at mortal kombat. RAIDEN FTW!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like

  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Hi, I'm Synapze. 36yo Male.

    Here's the long story.......................................................................

    Been gaming since the C64.

    My username has really nothing to do with the word Synapse, but a game ______ from many moons ago....i wont get into that here....

    My first portable game was Pac Man. It was an EPIC Birthday Present from my Nan when i was around 10yo and maxed that game score over and over.

    Played it so much i had a massive blister on my thumb from the tiny joystick in the middle.

    So wish i still had that.

    Then there was my Atari. Constantly smashing out Space Invaders, Missile Command, Frogger...loved that thing.

    Had a gap there for a while, then came the day i brought a Mega Drive. Paired that with Altered Beast and i think that's when **** got serious.

    So many great games on that platform.

    I hung out in the Arcades a fair bit. My favourite game was, and still is to this day, Daytona. Would spend $$$ keeping my name at the top.

    My dream is to have a twin Daytona rig in my house one day! Oh how i dream....

    I think next came the PS1. Paired that with Resident Evil and OMG!!

    Smashed that out, then came the XBOX.

    I fell in complete love with this platform. 1st game was Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and till this day regard it as one of my favourite.

    Next, Xbox360. GEARS OF WAR Motherf#%$^rs!!!!!

    That was just Epic..then 2...but by 3 i had moved onto yet another console.

    PS3. I just fell back in love with sony when i got this.

    Most recent is Steam. Ive still got my PS3 for the exclusives, but Steam is now my main 'go to' rig.

    75% off Sales...WEEKLY 0.o How did i not catch onto this years ago. Gotta love Valve.

    I'm not much of an online gamer. Smashed out some BO2 and UC2 on the PS3 for a few months, but other than that, i seem to prefer single player campaigns.

    I like to buy the game for the story.

    So, favourite games. These are games i have fully completed that have left me in awe. (Ill try to put them in order):

    Red Dead Redemption-PS3-10/10 Just Epic. Best ending i've ever encountered.

    Uncharted 2-PS3-10/10

    Bioshock Infinate-PS3-10/10

    Crysis 2-PS3-10/10


    Tomb Raider Reboot-PS3-9/10

    Gears of War 2-360-9/10

    Gears of War-360-9/10

    Portal 2-Steam-9/10


    Gamer Tags (i think :P )

    PS3: v13UZZKILLz

    Steam: 5ynapze

    (If their wrong just PM me and ill check.)

    Currently Playing:

    Alan Wake-Steam

    Sleeping Dogs-Steam

    FC3 Blood Dragon-Steam

    ...and then there's Up and Coming releases.....

    GTA5!! The new gameplay video released by rockstar just got my rock on! Cant wait for this one.

    And The Last of Us.

    Both games i have on pre-order. Just been too busy to grab TLOU yet. Id say at this rate, ill be jumping straight into GTA5.

    And the weight loss. Have lost almost 17kg since Jan 2013. Workout at the Gym 7 days a week.

    My goal is 75kg, but we'll see what happens with the weights. Might be happy in the 80's by then.

    And Im Aussie. Love the Beach :D

    In finalizing, i would like to ask, that if anyone here who reads this, that has similar interests in gaming, please add me. I love talking games, but my current FL only has 1 that i know of, so i cant get exited about a new release without the majority of my FL scratching their heads saying 'Wha???' lol.

    Game Hard Freaks!
  • ClaudiaBette
    ClaudiaBette Posts: 38 Member

    I'm glad to have found a group like this here! I"m 36 and I've been slowly and steadily losing weight for the past 3 months (weigh in day is wednesday). But I've been a gamer since I was a kid.

    At one point I played World of Warcraft on a daily basis but my guild fell apart and the guild leader fell apart (literally) and I never could adapt to another group of people as at that time I just missed my old guild. So I let WoW go by the wayside. Now, I just play whatever game my kid wants, like Wizard 101 and such, but I do still tinker on WoW every once in a while but just find it lonely and end up missing being in a guild so I fall away again.

    I'm a single mother so I can't hardcore game like I used to, what with having to work full time, take the kid to hockey lessons and get exercise in there somewhere now that I'm trying to lose weight. But I'm doing good about balancing so far.

    I do miss gaming like I did before though, mostly, I just miss being in my WoW Guild.

    Anyway, glad to be here and I hope to see some of you around.
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    Hello! My name is Heather, and I am 32 years old. I have been gaming since I a kid, my first system being the Nintendo (we had an Atari, but that was my dads...^_~ ) I did play a couple of games on the Atari, but mainly stayed with the Nintendo, and moved on from there. I grew up with the classics, and they are still my favorites.

    My favorite genre is probably RPGs, and simulation games (come on, Sims is fun). I also like shooters, but I am TERRIBLE at them, but still find them fun =)

    Lately I have not been playing a lot of console games, mainly playing MMO's like World of Warcraft, or Final Fantasy XIV (Beta atm). I use to be a pretty hardcore raider in WoW, but now I log on once in a while. The game has sadly lost its luster, and 'wow' factor. Don't get me wrong, I still like World of Warcraft, especially the lore and amazing scores!

    Let's see.... I met my fiance while playing WoW four or so years ago??? We got engaged last year by the Golden Gate Bridge (woot woot!) and we are going to Blizzcon for the first time this year. Really excited to go!!!

    My weight loss goal is to be 200 by time I get married, if I am thinner by then, that's fine with me!

    So far I have lost only 10 pounds. I was a lot smaller when I moved out here to be with my fiance, but leaving behind my family, friends and well, the green, lush land of the East Coast, I gained quite a bit. :'(

    Walks on the beach? Oh heck yea! Just as the sun starts to set ... best time to enjoy the beach! (That and I bake in less than thirty).
  • momofHAN
    momofHAN Posts: 2
    Hey everyone! I'm 44 and have been gaming since Atari's Pong was released at Sears. I have had every Nintendo system, Xbox, and PlayStation since. I played Oregon Trail on my 286. I'm old, but still love gaming! My fav platform is the 360. I used to play WoW but now play SWTOR.

    My weight loss goal is 67 pounds and I just started this journey yesterday. Happy gaming!
  • kymee84
    kymee84 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi im a 29 year old gamer! Been gaming as long as i can remember lol. I mostly play PC but i will occasionally jump on the Xbox if im super bored. Used to be a dedicated wow player but got really bored of the game now im bouncing between Tera, Rift, and Aion. Will occasionally play Magic with the husband too.

    My weight loss goal is 10-15lbs been on MFP for about a month now and seeing some slow but steady results :)

    Happy Gaming!