That first game that made you a gamer.



  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    The Lost Vikings :bigsmile: Me and my sister spent waaaaay too much time playing it.. and then when we hit a wall waaaaay too much time trying to find the cheatcode to pass that lvl. Was no fun when my uncle wanted his computer back :laugh:

  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    So many games, different platforms in the early days...

    Coleco ADAM, Comodore 64, Vic 20, Amiga 128, TRS-80, Nintendo, SEGA Genesis, 486 DX2-66 PC...

    Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Blake Stone, Star Trek, Silent Service, WarGames, Rise of the Triad (GIBS!), Zork, Mist...
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    My mom and dad are gamers,I was playing sonic the hedgehog and mario before i could talk. Ive always been a gamer.
  • Zelda, Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog when I was pretty young, and I kind of got out of video games. Until 4 or 5 years ago when I was introduced to World of Warcraft. I'm no longer playing that now, but I've pretty much been a gamer ever since.
  • jesseg1989
    jesseg1989 Posts: 49 Member
    Playing Boxing on my dad's Atari 2600 and later getting an NES and playing Super Mario totally turned me into a gamer. So many hours were spent playing those games.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    I had my fair share of Pokémon binges back in the day, but I didn't consider myself a gamer until World of Warcraft.
  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    D&D Pool of Radiance. The game was frickan amazing. The worst part of the game was making your characters... You got random stats every time you made the character. So you sat there making and deleting character after character til you got a set of stats you liked. and you had to make a group of 5 people...TOOK FOR EVER!
  • majasmi
    majasmi Posts: 133 Member
    hard to say...

    but my most classic memories are from battle tanks/battle city/tank 1990, street fighter, sonic, samurai showdown. others i forget, but they all jumble into a great big gaming ball of nostalgia.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I believe it was super mario on nintendo :3 .. but I realized I was a bit more addicted to games when I went to visit my friend upstairs, and she immediately said 'I'll put the sega on for you' for me to play mortal kombat with xD my 'neighbourhood' was good, one friend has super nintendo, one had sega and one had an amiga =D
  • flupps_
    flupps_ Posts: 17 Member
    I started out with Zork on our home computer for a while, but what really made me a gamer, in that I realized I could sit from sunrise to sundown with a single game was Pool of Radiance. That really drew me into games as a medium.

    In between Zork and Pool of Radiance I played games like Bubble Bobble, Super Mario Bros, Football Manager, Super Cars, Boulder Dash, and the <insert word here> Games (Winter Games, California Games, etc), but I never got fanatic about a game until then. I didn't even know English when I sat down, so I kind of had to figure out what the stats meant, and I couldn't really follow the story with some of the harder words at the time.
    After that, I picked up the rest of the RPG-style games (Stone Keep, Darkmoon I & II, Elder Scrolls). A truly under appreciated game from that genre is Betrayal at Krondor. Completely unplayable because of the interface nowadays (since we've become quite spoiled), but great story and world at that time (unfortunately ruined by the sequel).
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Freaking Pong for the Atari... then Radar Rat Race on the Comedor Vic-22 ... Castlevania for NES SNES well Super Mario World... PC it was Doom which turned into UO when MMO's came out then SWG... now HALO and BF ... Mass Effect... these are my new crack along with Spartacus Legends.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Pacman was my gateway drug. That led to Arkanoid, centipede, Galaga and Dig Dug.
    Eventually, I got an Atari 2600 and a Commodore 64 and was addicted to everything else. Wizards of Wor, Kid Nikki, Double Dragons, ET, Dino Hunters, more Pacman, Pole Position, etc...
  • jmmcs
    jmmcs Posts: 46 Member
    The first games I played were on the Super Nintendo. Zelda, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Final Fantasy 4, and a few others were my first games. I spent a ridiculous amount of time playing Zelda and Final Fantasy.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    D&D Pool of Radiance. The game was frickan amazing. The worst part of the game was making your characters... You got random stats every time you made the character. So you sat there making and deleting character after character til you got a set of stats you liked. and you had to make a group of 5 people...TOOK FOR EVER!
    I read that book in high school. I did not know that they ever made it a video game.
  • momofHAN
    momofHAN Posts: 2
    I started gaming with Pong in the 70's (seriously), but I don't think I LOVED gaming until Empire Strikes Back on the Atari2600. Great game!
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    I started gaming with Pong in the 70's (seriously), but I don't think I LOVED gaming until Empire Strikes Back on the Atari2600. Great game!

    I remember that game, it got pretty repetetive. And the manual said there were AT-STs but I never saw one.

    Ah, good ol' Atari games, I was pwning before there were n00bs, haha.
  • JaneDough_
    JaneDough_ Posts: 301 Member
  • susanhiding
    susanhiding Posts: 88 Member
    Castelvania: Symphony of the Night - I was hooked to that game. Still play it.

    Yes! :)
    Zelda was a favorite as well :)
  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    Zelda was a favorite as well :)

    Zelda is probably one of the best video game franchises (not sure if that's the right word).
    The first game never got me hooked... however the second one that well for the most part everyone hated, sucked me right in, then I played them up until the WII versions.
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    Mine was Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Genises..I remember my dad playing when I was like 3 or 4, then my brother and I got old enough to play. I miss that game! Then as I got older I got real into the Tomb Raider games, and it just goes on from there lol