Team A Loft!



  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I just posted results for weeks 10 and 11! You can check them out on our discussion board. In case you don't have time for that, here are some of the current overall standings!! :)

    % Lost by Team (without advantages)
    1) Team A 5.07%
    2) Team B 4.61%

    % of Weight Lost Overall (without advantages)
    1) annebaum41912 11.98%
    2) channy70 11.02%
    3) yoyotired 9.41%
    4) mjharman 7.82%
    5) 2muchchocncrisps 7.78%

    Results of our month-long walking, running, biking, and swimming challenge: These people completed the farthest distance in each of the four categories!

    BadAtitude - Walked 102.76 miles!
    mjharman - Ran 30.7 miles!
    Ljsiegel - Biked 236 miles!
    Sandi117 - Swam 3000 meters!

    Congratulations to the people that have lost at least 15 pounds so far!
    29.6 pounds - annebaum41912
    20.6 pounds - channy70
    17.1 pounds - mjharman
    16 pounds - yoyotired
    15 pounds - cgphelps
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    1. 6/7 days of exercise

    2. Person that does the most squats, push-ups, crunches = I have not counted them but I guess not enought to count.

    3. Try something new = weight lifting well not actual weights, baby lifting. "bench press" type of lifting with my grandaughter who is 18 pounds. She likes it and I am getting stronger. Working up to my grandson who is 27 pounds. Then hopefully the oldest who is 52 pounds!!

    4. 6/7 days with breakfast = 1 lbs advantage for success,
    Sorry no pic. I usually take a box of ceral to work and didn't think that was very interesting.

    New weight
    202!! So close to one-derland!!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Hello again ladies! So sorry for posting our challenge for this week a day late! Since it is late (and because I'm running out of ideas) I made this week's challenge very personalized. You will be setting personal food and exercise goals along with our usual exercise goal and our month long challenge. I love running this for all of you as it keeps me very motivated, but I'd really love to get some challenge ideas from you all! Please post in the following thread to let me know what ideas you have:


    Exercise Challenges
    1. Exercise 4 out of 7 days this week for at least 30 minutes. The exercise can be either cardio or strength training. It can be at a gym, at home, outside, or anywhere else you'd like. Squeeze it in during your lunch break at work or while your kids are at their extracurricular activities. Whenever it is and whatever it is, make sure it happens at least 4 times this week :)

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeeds

    2. Week 3 of the month long challenge! Do as many squats, crunches, and push-ups as you can each week. Make sure to keep track of how many you accomplish! At the end of the week, the person with the most in each category will get an advantage pound. At the end of the month, the people who've gone the farthest in each category will get an extra advantage pound.

    1 lbs advantage for the best performer in each category

    3. Set a personal exercise goal for yourself. Make it attainable, but don't make it too easy. Remember that you are supposed to challenge yourself!

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeeds

    Food Challenge
    4. Set a personal food goal for yourself. Make it attainable, but don't make it too easy. Remember that you are supposed to challenge yourself!

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeeds

    In Summary:
    1. 4/7 days of exercise = 1 lbs advantage
    2. Person that does the most squats, push-ups, crunches = 1 lbs advantage
    3. Personal exercise goal = 1 lbs advantage
    4. Personal food goal = 1 lbs advantage
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Not a great week for me. I got home from vacation and immediately got sick :( Guess I'll have to step it up this week!

    2/4 days of exercise
    0 squats, pushups, crunches
    nothing new
    3/7 days with breakfast
    no photo
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Here I am...a day late AGAIN!

    Yesterday I weighed in at 201.3.

    Challenge results:
    1. 5/7 days of exercise
    2. OK ... I just didn't do them...
    3. Nothing new
    4. 7/7 days breakfast but I didn't post a picture.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • channy70
    channy70 Posts: 178 Member
    3/4 days of exercise
    0 squats, pushups, crunches
    eliptical which isn't new, but haven't used in awhile
    7/7 days with breakfast
    no photo

    CW 163.6lbs, down 2.8lbs, 4lbs away from the 150s :drinker:
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Thank you, everyone, for your commitment to this challenge! I don't know about you all, but I have really been slacking lately. I need to kick it back into high gear because I am so close to losing 10% of my body weight!!! Also, our teams are extremely close in percentage of weight lost, and each week we switch back and forth between which team has lost more. I love the friendly competition! Anyway, here are the results thus far. Hopefully, we can all have great weeks this week!

    Week 12 Biggest Loser - Without Advantages: channy70 --> 1.68%
    Week 12 Biggest Loser - With Advantages: annebaum41912 --> 3.04%

    Overall Biggest Loser - Without Advantages: annebaum41912 --> 13.44%
    Overall Biggest Loser - With Advantages: BadAtitude --> 36.18%

    % Lost by Team
    1) Team B 5.26%
    2) Team A 5.13%

    People who have earned at least 35 advantage pounds so far!
    47 pounds - BadAtitude
    41 pounds - sandi117
    36 pounds - adancer59 & Ljsiegel & Maalea

    People that have lost at least 15 pounds so far!
    33.2 pounds - annebaum41912
    23.4 pounds - channy70
    17.3 pounds - mjharman
    17 pounds - cgphelps
    16 pounds - yoyotired
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Hey everyone! How have your weeks been going? I haven't done much exercise. I've definitely been lacking the motivation. I'm hoping that it will help when I have my workout buddy back. My boyfriend and I used to workout together, but then he started working nights. We found a couple days ago that he only has one week of nights left, and then he'll be back on days!! I can't wait! Now I just need to find some motivation until then.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Hello again ladies! Thank you for your dedication to the challenge! Please post in this discussion thread to let me know what challenge ideas you have:

    Challenges this week!!

    1. Exercise at least 4 of 7 days = 1 lbs advantage
    2. Do as many squats, push-ups, crunches as possible = 1 lbs advantage
    3. Eat 5 colors of food at least 5 of 7 days = 1 lbs advantage
    4. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every day this week = 1 lbs advantage

    Good luck this week ladies!
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    I admit it, I have been having a difficult time getting workouts done. I HAVE changed my lifestyle so that I am more active than before I started this challenge, but that past couple of weeks have been so stressful that I find it difficult to find time to do the workouts I want to do. I have found some zumba classes in my area that are free and I really want to start going, but I just don't have the time or a baby sitter to go.

    Luckily I have not gained any weight since I am a stress eater. I know my stress level will be up for the next month but I am not giving up. This is something that I am doing for myself. I want to be a healthy weight and be active. I enjoy being active a whole lot more than feeling fat and sitting on the couch!!
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    wow another week has passed already! I'm sorry I havent been on much ladies, I am coming to the end of my semester and everything is a mess lol. I will try to do better this week!
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    1. 6/7 days of exercise = done
    2. Person that does the most squats, push-ups, crunches = not counting
    3. Personal exercise goal =I worked out on my stationary bike every work day - done
    4. Personal food goal = I ate breakfast every day - done

    current weight 201.2

    I can not access the spreadsheet any longer from work so I could not update my weight.
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    i've been really sick the last two days, they think I may have a stomach ulcer so I havent eaten hardly anything or done any exercise thus far, hopefully I feel better and am able to put in a good effort the rest of the week!
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    i've been really sick the last two days, they think I may have a stomach ulcer so I havent eaten hardly anything or done any exercise thus far, hopefully I feel better and am able to put in a good effort the rest of the week!

    Just do what you have to take care of your body. If you haven't been able to eat much, don't feel as though you must exercise. Give your body the break its asking for. Hang in there! I hope you feel better soon!
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    thanks! I went to the hospital this morning and, luckily, found out that it is nothing serious. I got my meds and I am ready to fight this thing!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm am so sorry! I feel like I have dropped off the map. I'm not sure what's been going on, but I have not had any motivation for the entire month of July. I have only been to the gym once!! And I have not been keeping as close an eye on my food either. On a positive note, I haven't really gained any weight during this time, so at least I didn't fall back into old habits completely! Anyway, I am hopeful that this week will be different. My workout buddy (aka my boyfriend) is back! For the past 6 weeks, I was working days and he was working nights. We weren't able to work out together like we used to. Now we will be able to get back on a schedule of going to the gym together :)

    I know that activity on the teams' discussion boards has dropped significantly and that not as many people are participating in the challenges anymore. However, I think that for those of us that are, this has been very motivating. I want to thank those of you still here for making me want to get motivated again. This group gives me a reason to keep going, even though I've been stalled for quite some time. Thanks!

    I will post new challenges and results super soon!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Below are the challenges for this week! I'm really starting to struggle with ideas for challenges, so if you can think of anything, please post your ideas in the following thread:

    1. Exercise at least 4 of 7 days = 1 lbs advantage
    2. Walk or run at least 7 miles this week = 1 lbs advantage
    3. Complete at least 70 burpees this week = 1 lbs advantage
    4. Plank hold for at least 7 minutes this week = 1 lbs advantage
    5. Post on the discussion board at least 5 times this week = 1 lbs advantage

    There are only 5 more weigh-ins left!!! The challenges this week should really help us improve both strength and endurance while also strengthening our bonds with each other. They will also help us improve the skills in our fitness test!

    Good luck this week ladies!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Thank you, everyone, for your commitment to this challenge! The friendly competition continued this week :) Two weeks ago, Team A had lost a greater percentage of weight than Team B, but last week Team B swooped in and stole the lead. This week Team A is back! Only 5 weeks left! I wonder which team will have lost more in the end...

    % Lost by Team
    1) Team A 5.69%
    2) Team B 5.36%

    Week 13 Biggest Loser - Without Advantages: Ljsiegel --> 1.85%
    Week 13 Biggest Loser - With Advantages: pjgreen0830 --> 3.04%

    Overall Biggest Loser - Without Advantages: annebaum41912 --> 12.62% (2nd place is not far behind! channy70 --> 12.51%)
    Overall Biggest Loser - With Advantages: BadAtitude --> 39.47%

    People who have earned at least 35 advantage pounds so far!
    50 pounds - BadAtitude
    43 pounds - sandi117
    39 pounds - Maalea & pjgreen0830
    38 pounds - Ljsiegel
    36 pounds - mjharman & adancer59

    People that have lost at least 15 pounds so far!
    31.2 pounds - annebaum41912
    23.4 pounds - channy70
    20.1 pounds - mjharman
    17.8 pounds - cgphelps
    17 pounds - yoyotired
    15.1 pounds - 2muchchocncrisps
  • channy70
    channy70 Posts: 178 Member
    Hello everyone, I know I've been kind of MIA, but I am trying so hard to get back on track. I'm not sure what's going on these past couple of weeks, but it's been really hard for me to get back on track. I know some of it is my husbands work schedule, he's working 4pm to midnight. When he gets off he's up until 4 sometimes 5 in the morning, him & my 9yr old son, keeping me awake, making it impossible for me to get up at 5am and go the the gym before work. Once I get off, I have to pick my son up, again unable to go to the gym. Not going to the gym in a week, really has me down, but I'm hoping this week, I can get back on track.

    So as far as the challenges last week, I don't believe I completed any. My CW 164lbs up by 0.4lbs.
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    1. Exercise at least 4 of 7 days = done
    2. Do as many squats, push-ups, crunches as possible = didn't count
    3. Eat 5 colors of food at least 5 of 7 days = done
    4. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every day this week = 5 days

    New weight 200.2

    I weighed myself 3 times to be sure and yet not under 200!! I am stepping it up a bit this coming month.
    I am determined to get this weight off!!