Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • backtp
    backtp Posts: 23
    I'm 27 i live in Dallas TX

    i have a 360
    i play splinter cell , fifa (since Road to world cup 1998) , NBA and NFL

    working on losing 60+ lbs
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    I'm Jan Romel a.k.a Janro
    I'm 20 yrs old
    I'm from Philippines ,im a Filipino
    I love to play PS3,PSP & PC Games and love to watch anime and read manga
    well about my fitness goal i want to become skinny ripped
  • 31 year old male from Baltimore, MD. Avid console gamer (although I did play WoW off and on for about 8 years) since I was about 5 years old. I have all the current consoles, but my favorite consoles of all time are the NES and Dreamcast.

    I'm a bookworm and a blogger as well. I write my own gaming blog called Cheap Boss Attack (

    Favorite games of all time are The Legend of Zelda and Metroid for the NES, and I'm still a huge Nintendo fan although the Wii U is moving at a snail's pace. Other favorites are Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon's Dogma, Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Castlevania SOTN, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, etc. Way too many to list them all. I'm an RPG guy first and foremost, but I dig indie games like FEZ, Limbo and Super Meat Boy.

    I already dropped my gamertags, etc., in the appropriate post, but feel free to toss me a friend request on here and we can keep each other motivated.

    360 - Amgfail, PSN - PepperedSnoot, Wii U - CheapBossAttack
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    Hey! I'm 27, been an avid roleplayer and gamer since Ultima Online back in the 90's. Played nintendo before that but really got into MMO's as I got older. I build PC's for friends as a hobby, so if you need a second opinion on hardware let me know! :3

    Joined MFP in 2012, haven't been serious about a healthier lifestyle until more recently. Happy to see there are forums on here, you guys on MFP are super supportive and cool peeps! ^^;

    I am a voracious reader, and I'm always open to suggestions!

    Favorite Games: UO, Pokemon, Portal, DFO, Starcraft (I and II), and Ogame.

    Currently playing: WoW; UO; Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon (on my Pikachu LE 3DS XL~ be jelly!); Portal 2; FFXIV (Beta); GW2

    Currently reading: Strings by Kendall Grey; Born of Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon; The Finding by Nicky Charles

    Let me know if you want handles, I don't like posting them on public forums because of the inevitable trolls! (Sorry!)

  • cccoursey
    cccoursey Posts: 116 Member
    Hello, I'm 38, consider myself male, and I have an RPG addiction.

    It all started with my brother inviting me to play D&D with his friends before my developmental teen years. I went on to play RPG games on the C64. Pool of Radiance, Champions of Krynn, and Wasteland. I must mention one game that ruined my young years that wasn't an RPG though M.U.L.E.

    I grew up building PCs and playing numerous RPGs. Then the MMOs hit and I was swallowed whole. I tried UO and Everquest but settled on Asheron's Call. Playing on Harvestgain as the Crossbow Tank Chirurgeon. I enjoyed the community for many years. I eventually left for FFXI joining the Midgardsormr Server, Valor Linkshell, as the Paladin Parish. Soon Friends started scattering and I ended up, like millions of others, playing World of Warcraft. I started in vanilla and enjoyed the numerous changes. Actually moreso the people. Some good; some horrid. Changes and people. I no longer play WoW but bounce around numerous MMOs and some console games.

    Current PC games: Skyrim, Fallout*, Supreme Commander 2, Firefall, Guild Wars 2, Rift, Borderlands 2, Final Fantasy XIV beta

    Current 360 games: Deadpool, Final Fantasy XIII, Fable*, Mass Effect*, Lost Odyssey, Dynasty Warriors*, Ninety-Nine Nights
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    Hello everyone,, Im Jan Romel a.k.a Janro,, im 20 yrs old,, im Asian living in the Philippines,, i love to play online games,ps3,psp & pc games any kind of game genre,, love to watch anime & read manga ;)
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Well good grief I did not realize there was so many Gamers here. My name is Sue. I only got into playing when I met my husband. I play here and there but he is the fanatic. We have played D&D and Star Wars but now we mostly play the game he is writing. He is almost ready to publish! I can't wait.

    I have been here for 2 years now and I lost about 70 lbs in the first year, but gained about 20 back in the second. I had a goal of 150 but never got there. I was within 10 lbs though. I am working on getting back moving in the right direction.
  • Book_A_Boom
    Book_A_Boom Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, all Ive been gaming as far back as I can Remeber. When it comes to gaming I tend to play games like Dishonored, Skyrim, and Assissins Creed solo. I play FPS like Call of Duty, Battlefield and Halo Online and i'm also into games like WoW, GW2 and Dungeons and Dragons Neverwinter. However, I hardly have any time to play anymore except on tuesdays and wednesdays.

    Im trying to link up with people in the charlotte, NC area to start hittng the gym, I find it easier to stay motivated that way. (feel free to add me) So a little more about me, Im 6'4" and 292lbs I round up to 300 to make it easier, I work the third shift at Time Warner Cable.

    Looking for someone around my height / weight to go to the gym with 5 days a week, an hour or more a day with 10-30 mins dedicated cardio and the rest would be lifting.
  • Jlongblade
    Jlongblade Posts: 77 Member
    Name is Larry I have been playing video game going all the way back to the Activision (great for PONG :) ). I prefer RPG's and Strategy games, but will play anything. I also have played D&D for 18yrs, Magic the Gathering for 10yrs, so I believe I really qualify as a GEEK :)

    Currently PC games playing on Steam: Crusader Kings II, DC Universe online (with my 11yr old Daughter Happy Geek Dad here), Final Fantasy VII, & Fallout New Vegas

    Current Xbox 360- games playing Dead Rising 2, Skyrim (because it never gets old), MLB2k12 (refused to buy newer versions of the same game with no changes), and will be getting Madden 25 later this week.

    Add me if you would like.
  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
    Who are you: Rebecca
    Age: 25

    Nerd Status: Married to the nerd love of my life (met him through video game club, I was hooked when I found out he was the president of the college's anime club) <3 Started at 240lbs, and I'm working down to 160. 205 atm. I love going to conventions and playing video games with my husband. I also enjoy anime and Dr. Who marathons. ^o^

    Tabletop Games: Pathfinder (have yet to jump the gap and try D&D)

    Favorite Video Games: Golden Sun Series, Harvest Moon *pretty much all of them*, Animal Crossing: A New Leaf, Runefactory Series, Final Fantasy (the first), Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss, Guitar Hero, DDR (Arcade), Puzzle Quest Series, Legend of Zelda (Link to the Past ftw!!) , Pokemon (up to Black and White)

    PC/MMORPG: Runescape 3, Puzzles and Dragons, Bejeweled
  • grumpysnail89
    grumpysnail89 Posts: 14 Member
    Who are you: Liz/Grumpysnail

    Age: 24


    I am a huge game enthusiast. I play all different games from WoW to Modern Warfare. My husband plays everything with me, until I get into my breeding games like Khimeros or Aywas.We did not meet on WoW, but I think once we found out that the other one played it, we were a lot more interested in each other.

    I eventually want to write story lines for the games I love and work in character development. I am halfway to getting my Bachelors in English and art (I am currently being a mommy and taking some time after financial aid screwed me out of a lot for taking their time to file, and I just had a baby in June.) I am working on a blog to get practice for writing reviews on the video games that I play.
    I have done a lot of D&D as well as several other tabletop games. My friends are currently working on a Naruto inspired table top game.
    As for Larping, I really really want to. I have been looking for a community, and the town that my friends live in has an active community for Larpers. I will eventually join them in the fun. I also am hoping to start cosplaying once I start reaching weight-loss goals as a reward for my efforts. :)

    As for weight-loss, my goals are pretty high (135 lbs, my high-school weight), but I am at a point where I desperately want change. I gained to 321 right before my daughter was born. I had been trying to lose before I had even conceived my baby, but it did not happen as fast as a surprise baby did.
    My starting weight after the baby was born was 306, and I am at 294.4 when I last weighed. I am making some slow, but steady progress!
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    Wow, there's lots of people on here! :tongue:

    Hi, I'm Meagen, & I'm a 23 year old video game nerd. :glasses: I own 2 xbox's, a PS3, WII, & an AlienWare computer, which I play the crap out of. I was new to the scene around 7 years ago, & didn't really start getting serious until around 3 years ago. Right now, I mostly play PC games, with League of Legends & Guild Wars 2 consuming most of my time these days. I love MMORPGs, have been addicted to Skyrim (like most of the world, I feel), & Alice: The Madness Returns. Currently, I'm working on getting a stream up & running on Twitch! :happy:

    Outside of the video game realm, I play Magic at the local card shop every Friday. I'm so happy the black discard deck is coming back ~ This deck is what got me hooked in the first place! For those of you who haven't tried this, it's EXTREMELY addicting. I say, go for it. :wink:

    Fitness goals? Hmmm. I'm currently 220 pounds, & have been battling a disease called PCOS (men probably don't know about this) & was recently diagnosed with Hypothyroidism to boot. Losing weight is extremely difficult for me & the conditions I have, but ultimately, I would like to be 145 pounds. My goal is to get moving more often & work on buying & consuming more & more organic products.

    If you'd like, feel free to add me on here! I am always looking for new friends. Also, my gamertags are:

    Xbox Live: xSirensSong
    PS3: xSirensSong
    LoL: xSirensSong (noticing a pattern yet? lol)
    GW2: xSirensSong
    Steam: xSirensSong
    Twitch: xSirensSong

    Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    Hi. Patzy here.

    6ish years of WoW, years of EQ prior with various MMO's in the middle of all that. I have a PS3, but despite having a few consoles over the years, I never played with much dedication with the exception of some FF titles.

    Recently stepped away from WoW again and was playing Neverwinter, which was really cool, but got a bit stagnant at max level.

    I started playing MMO's when after I had a kid. Single mom ect. I found it was the cheapest and easiest form of at home entertainment, gave me something to really DO when my kid went to bed at 8pm. But I never quit. She's 12 now. And frankly for those people who say that I shouldn't play games like that anymore, i say poo poo to you. As long as you balance your life, your diet, you boyfriend and friends. It's a great form of entertainment. Sure beats hours of TV.

    I started MFP at 210 Lbs, which was my breaking point weight wise. I'm 35, 5'8 and was just feeling ... dumpy. I put all this weight on in the past 3 years. Its coming off now, a bit more slowly than I would wish. I'm at 195 as of this morning. I want to lose about 30-35 more pounds.

    Outside of games and work. I have a boyfriend who's great (also a gamer). I have two cats. I do a lot of yoga. I'm also a painter/artist and I'm an avid reader.

    I have no MFP pals/friends so please feel free to add.
  • vampkitten31
    vampkitten31 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! I'm Angela! I'm 32 and just moved to Florida. My husband and I are gamers and actually met through WoW. I play mainly RPGs and I am a PC gamer. Some of my faves are the Mass Effect series, Dragon Age series, Elder Scrolls series, Terraria, Minecraft, etc. I also play Magic The Gathering and D&D. My most recent MMORPG was SW:TOR. I miss it but can't afford to subscribe and the free-to-play is just awful. lol

    I have gained 40lbs in the last 4 years and I want to shed that fat as well as gain some muscle. I am 5'2" with a petite frame and currently weigh 148lbs. I am starting on Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30. I did it today for the first time and wow....I couldn't do every single second of it but I'm proud of what I was able to do!

    So, hi! :)
  • cem614
    cem614 Posts: 54 Member
    I am Claire, age 23. Female. I have done RPs before, but not consistently. I do have Xbox Live and play League of Legends oftenish. My Xbox is used mostly for netflix, but I will get on it and play if I have someone to play with. I used to play Halo 2 and Halo 3/ODST religiously....and then came Halo: Reach, which ruined it for me and led to my decrease in Xbox gaming. I do enjoy Gears of War and lots of arcade games as well. If interesting in getting a few games in, message me for my gamer tag or summoner name.

    I have lost about 70lb and am trying to lose about 35-40 more to get down to 135lb. Good luck everyone.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Hello all, TAM here. 33 year old gamer. New to the group but not MFP. Strength training and running are my thing. I'm 6'2", 275lbs at the moment. PS3 only and will have a PS4 at launch. PM me for the gamer name or whatever. I don't really do war games like battlefield and COD, and prefer games that emphasize co-op. In either case, let's continue the journey to fight off those pounds!
  • Mustgetbuff
    Mustgetbuff Posts: 267 Member
    Hi there, I'm Kate from Alberta, Canada. I'm 27 years old and have been a gamer for most of those years, beginning with the old school Nintendo up to my current PC and PS3. I gained most of my weight from my hardcore raiding years in WoW; if there was a WoW achievement for being fat and lazy, I would have earned those points like a boss. Thankfully there were only so many times I could kill the Lich King without losing my mind, so I lost interest and pried myself away from the computer long enough to get fit. I've lost 25lbs so far and hope to lose another 20 in order to reach my goal weight through a routine that involves weights, yoga, swimming, cycling, and circuit, not to mention watching what I eat.

    My favourite games are Final Fantasy X, Mass Effect 2, and Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I may have recently started leveling another warlock in WoW...but I promise I'll remain a casual player this time, honest.

    I'm new to MFP and would love to chat with my fellow geeks regarding nutrition, exercise, and of course, games.
  • DCruz83
    DCruz83 Posts: 99
    Heya! I'm David from Montreal Canada and I've been a gamer for quite some years, always on PC though, I'll never trade my mouse and keyboard! (Except for a racing wheel!) Love a bit of everything, I started my gaming life on racing and flight simulations back in the mid 90s but over time I've grown to love a whole lot of genres! Pretty sure I game too much for my own good but it hasn't stopped me in my quest to lose weight and get back into a better shape!
  • KirbyT16
    KirbyT16 Posts: 411
    Hello, my name is Kirby (I know- like the game- guess I was destined to be a nerd) I am 25 years old (26 in less than a month). I am happily married to my fellow game loving husband. I have always loved video games. Growing up I loved playing games like Red Alert, Counter Strike, anything on my GameBoy. I still love computer games but I mostly play PS3 now, and I already have my PS4 pre-ordered. I love all types of games but I mostly play FPS and RPG’s. I also LOVE board games!

    I am fairly new to MFP and would love to add people and talk about games, losing weight, and anything else!
  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    Hello all, I am a 36 year old, 5'11'' 197lb geek. I have a 14 year old son who is also a gamer and owns me at FPS games, and totally surpassed me in league of legends. Work fulltime at verizon, have a dog and am married to a wonderful woman. I get to see my son on the weekends and since joining MFP and lifting heavy, I have made attempts to do something other then games. Still at heart though I am always looking forward to getting my game time in. Playing diablo 3 on xbox360 right now. So glad I didnt get this for PC, or I would have got fired, divorced and gained even more weight then I did.. (JK) No but really I am loving diablo. Wanted to try getting back into wow pvp with 5.4 but having trouble finding the motivation.

    Been on MFP for about 67 days now, watching calories, trying to eat as clean as possible. Started doing stronglifts 5x5 about 5 weeks ago and loving it! I never thought I would ever enjoy lifting weights but I think it was because I need a plan, I need a progress chart something to see how things could progress when I do xyz for so many days. I also liked the program because it was straight forward and easy to remember. When I got the spreadsheet for it I was reminded of the DPS spreadsheets for my hunter, or other gold profit spreadsheets to make gold on the AH.

    My wife is going to be starting 5x5 soon but has to go slow due to past injuries. She is very excited to get into it and so far she has been down stairs watching me and helping me with form. My plan is to gain as much strength as possible in the first 12 weeks. After 10+ years of gaming with horrible posture and sitting at a cubicle trolling forums and working, my back is bad. Not anything crazy light disc problems, mainly just lack of muscle and strength.

    I am hoping to maintain weight, gain muscle and drop fat over the next few months. If I am happy with progress after 12 weeks, which will put me at end of Nov, I will prob start another 12 week routine but I am thinking in Jan or Feb I will cut back and eat at a deficit and/or try IF. Anyone that games, please add me to friends if you want. I am very active and always looking for new friends that are like minded.