stages 2 & 4

AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
For posting history in stage 2 please see the following thread:

For posting history in stage 4 please see the following thread:

We are combining these in an effort to decrease "stickies" so that more of the recetly created posts are available on the home page.


  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    I start Stage 2 today.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Yay! I start Monday! Having shoulder surgery on the 30th & PRAYING it won't set me back!!!! :grumble:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    mrs_mab, even if you have to lower your weights, that's not a set back. Your shoulder will be in recovery and whatever it can handle is a great workout. Don't push it. You only want to have this surgery once, right? :flowerforyou:
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    Finished A3 of stage 2 yesterday!

    FInally got to up my push press. but by 5 pounds. That is so hard!
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    You are right Runz...anything is better than nothin for sure! :happy:

    Good work Chuckles, that's a tough one, but I love it! :tongue:

    First workout of S2 this morning! LOVED IT, maybe just because it's something different than the last 6 weeks of S1! haha!

    Main lesson for me: get to the gym EARLIER in order to get good warm-up and cardio after workout! I got a good warm-up, but the workout took me about an hour and I didn't have time to do any cadio afterwards and was late for work! I will say this workout got my breath a good bit more than S1 workouts, and I liked that. I really need to get a HRM to see what I really burn during these!

    FSPP 3 x 10 @ 45# x 2 & 55# x 1
    Step-ups 2 x 10 (R&L) @ 25# ( I decreased from 35# to 25# and upped my step to 90 degree)
    DB 1-point Rows 2 x 10 @ 15#
    Static Lunge (I cannot do these due to my ankle, I subbed with 2 x 10 of each machine: single leg leg extension (@10#) & Leg curls (@50#)
    Push-ups 2 x 10 modified
    Plank 2 x 60sec
    CHWC 2 x 10 @ 30#
    + I added knees to chest hanging from pull-up bar 2 x 10

    HELP----> What are ya'lls suggestions for subbing out lunges? I don't particularity like the machines, but my range of motion and balance on one foot due to this ankle is not allowing me to do the lunges at all. My husband said to just sub with air squats....??? Thoughts, suggestions???
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I would have no idea what to sub lunges for. extra squats would be my suggestion, but I feel like squats don't make my butt feel as good as lunges.

    maybe a pistol squat? i feel like that would maybe reverse the movement without losing the muscles worked. or maybe walking lunges that you could start small and work up to more static lunges.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    2B1 is in the books, not sure if I like A or B better, but definitely loving S2 so far, I think mainly b/c I feel as if I am burning more and it's getting my breath more. After feedback from here and the facebook page, I DID suck it up today and do all the lunges and the BSS with my ankle. I just did BW, and took my time. I tried to balance when I could, but when doing my bad ankle side I had to use a bar for balance on some.....but I was GLAD I did them! I will say in B I really didn't like the dumbbell prone Cuban snatch.....It just felt awkward to me, though even with my little 10# dumbbells I could definitely feeling it working! I watched myself in the mirror to make sure I was doing it properly, but it just felt awkward to me...haha! Also can someone elaborate on the purpose of the box for the wide-grip DL? I don't get it? Here's my B:

    Wide-Grip DL from box: 2 x 10 @ 95# & 105#

    superset 1:
    BSS - Bulgarian Split Squat: 2 x 10 @ BW
    Underhand-grip Lat pulldown: 2 x 10 @ 85# & 95#

    superset 2:
    Reverse lunge from box w/ forward reach: 2 x 10 @ BW
    Dumbell prone Cuban snatch: 2 x 10 @ 10#

    superset 3:
    Swiss ball crunch: 2 x 60secs AMRAP
    Reverse crunch: 2 x 15 - Incline
    Lateral flexion: 2 x 10 ( I didn't like these either)
    Prone Cobra: 2 x 60secs

    Intervals of your choice: I only had time to do 10 mins on the elliptical b/c I had to get ready for work! I did 1 min hard @ level 10 & 2 min recovery @ level 2 x 4 sets

    Then I practiced my kipping pull-up form for about 5 mins :smile:
  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    2B1 is in the books, not sure if I like A or B better, but definitely loving S2 so far, I think mainly b/c I feel as if I am burning more and it's getting my breath more. After feedback from here and the facebook page, I DID suck it up today and do all the lunges and the BSS with my ankle. I just did BW, and took my time. I tried to balance when I could, but when doing my bad ankle side I had to use a bar for balance on some.....but I was GLAD I did them! I will say in B I really didn't like the dumbbell prone Cuban snatch.....It just felt awkward to me, though even with my little 10# dumbbells I could definitely feeling it working! I watched myself in the mirror to make sure I was doing it properly, but it just felt awkward to me...haha! Also can someone elaborate on the purpose of the box for the wide-grip DL? I don't get it? Here's my B:

    Wide-Grip DL from box: 2 x 10 @ 95# & 105#

    superset 1:
    BSS - Bulgarian Split Squat: 2 x 10 @ BW
    Underhand-grip Lat pulldown: 2 x 10 @ 85# & 95#

    superset 2:
    Reverse lunge from box w/ forward reach: 2 x 10 @ BW
    Dumbell prone Cuban snatch: 2 x 10 @ 10#

    superset 3:
    Swiss ball crunch: 2 x 60secs AMRAP
    Reverse crunch: 2 x 15 - Incline
    Lateral flexion: 2 x 10 ( I didn't like these either)
    Prone Cobra: 2 x 60secs

    Intervals of your choice: I only had time to do 10 mins on the elliptical b/c I had to get ready for work! I did 1 min hard @ level 10 & 2 min recovery @ level 2 x 4 sets

    Then I practiced my kipping pull-up form for about 5 mins :smile:

    Great day, my day was a lot like this! I actually started the deadlift at 115 and decreased down to 95. I ended stage 1 deadlift with 135, but after a week break and adding a box, I figured I better lighten the weights a bit. 115 still ended up being too heavy. although i did all 10, I couldn't concentrate so much on form. bringing it back to 95 helped me do that. Am I REALLY supposed to rest the bar on my toes (I feel like the book was asking us to do that)?

    I didn't mind the cuban snatch. It was definitely different and I am most certainly feeling it!

    For the swiss ball crunch, I held that position for 60 sec. I am confused, is it supposed to be AMRAP or holding it? I hated swiss ball crunch in Stage 1 as I felt that it did nothing for me, so I switched to crunches on an incline (which i love). If the goal is AMRAP, then I am switching back to the incline. I did like holding the position for 60sec. It was tough yet effective!

    My only gripe with 2B is that it is so much longer than 2A. I feel like something from 2B should be moved over to 2A.

    Keep up the good work guys!!!
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Yes, I ended S1 DL @ 135 too, but with the wide-grip decided to drop it a bit, started at 95, and was too light so uped next set to 105, will be upping weight again next week. I am really not sure the purpose of the box? More ROM? maybe someone can elaborate or better yet I shall google to see what I come up with. haha! 2B took me about the same amount of time as 2A, but I don't always do the full rest period between sets & that was just the lifting, it was def longer when I added in the intervals!

    Keep pushing! :wink:
  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    Sooo sore today! Especially in my back and my butt!!! But I feel really good!
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Sooo sore today! Especially in my back and my butt!!! But I feel really good!
    Oh my LORD!! Me too!! I need a foam roller soooo bad! haha! But you are sooo right, it's a good sore and I feel great!
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Doing 2B today. Not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not, since I still kinda feel sore from Friday. I'm hoping to do a good 15 mins of yoga before the warm up, and then I feel up to the HIIT.

    This Stage is brilliant though. It's a good kick up the *kitten* from Stage 1 :P
  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    When I do in 2B the wide grip lat pulldown, I get this shooting pain when I am pulling down in my right forearm, starting from the elbow crease. The pain is only in my right arm. The weights do not feel too heavy, but I am afraid to increase the weights because of the shooting pain. does anyone else get this or no what i am talking about?
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started Stage 2 today. I love that I am feeling strong again!! I forgot how much I love the front squat - presses...I feel super-powerful when doing those! :) Hope everyone else is enjoying their workouts!
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Yes, I ended S1 DL @ 135 too, but with the wide-grip decided to drop it a bit, started at 95, and was too light so uped next set to 105, will be upping weight again next week. I am really not sure the purpose of the box? More ROM? maybe someone can elaborate or better yet I shall google to see what I come up with. haha! 2B took me about the same amount of time as 2A, but I don't always do the full rest period between sets & that was just the lifting, it was def longer when I added in the intervals!

    Keep pushing! :wink:

    I'm pretty sure that the purpose of the box is for more ROM...I feel like I read that somewhere. Is that what you found on Google?
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    When I do in 2B the wide grip lat pulldown, I get this shooting pain when I am pulling down in my right forearm, starting from the elbow crease. The pain is only in my right arm. The weights do not feel too heavy, but I am afraid to increase the weights because of the shooting pain. does anyone else get this or no what i am talking about?

    I would decrease the weights until the shooting pain stops entirely.

    I finished Stage 2 Workout A today.


    I forgot to fill in some of the sets! :tongue: I did do them all. Where they're missing, they're the same as the first set.

    Anna, I feel like a huge weakling on the front squat presses :laugh:
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Well, no weight-lifting for me until post-op, and until the stitches come out of my shoulder from surgery last week which won't be until Aug 21st! Doctor's orders :grumble: The tumor removed ended up being bigger than a baseball, so was a bit more than expected! On a good note, the pathology tests came back today and tumor was benign, which is what the doc expected, but wanted to check just to be safe. However, I am sooooo bummed that I have to put stage 2 on hold after just 1 week in! I hope I don't lose too much strength over the next couple weeks! :frown: I guess I will adjust my diet back to a deficit and do cardio/HIIT while I wait it out.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sounds like a good plan, mrs_mab! Take your time and keep checking in. We're here to encourage you!
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    Well, no weight-lifting for me until post-op, and until the stitches come out of my shoulder from surgery last week which won't be until Aug 21st! Doctor's orders :grumble: The tumor removed ended up being bigger than a baseball, so was a bit more than expected! On a good note, the pathology tests came back today and tumor was benign, which is what the doc expected, but wanted to check just to be safe. However, I am sooooo bummed that I have to put stage 2 on hold after just 1 week in! I hope I don't lose too much strength over the next couple weeks! :frown: I guess I will adjust my diet back to a deficit and do cardio/HIIT while I wait it out.

    Boo that you have to wait but you have to follow dos's orders. I didn't (couldn't) follow docs orders after my surgery (was meant to have a carer for 6 wks but they let me down, I wasn't meant to get out of bed) and I ended up having to have another surgery to correct the damage caused by doing more than I should of.

    Really fantastic news about it being benign. Rest up an heal well.

    I start on stage 2 tomorrow. I am really excited, can't wait to get to the gym in the morning :)
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    Holy cow that kicked my butt big time!!

    FSPP - 2x10 @ 20kgs (bar) (that right there is some hard dodo)
    Step ups -2x20 @ 6 risers / 20 kgs
    Dumbbell one point row - 2x20 @ 14kgs
    Push ups 2x10 @ 2 step riser
    Static lunge 2x20 @ 14 kgs (had to drop the weight from 20kgs and couldn't balance)
    Plank 2x30 secs twice (had to break the 60 secs into two as I can't do more than 30 secs yet)
    wood chop - using Kaiser airpressure machine - level 7 - 2x20

    I was close to not doing the last plank and set of wood chops and I was contemplating throwing up but decided I should just suck it up and get on with it. Glad I finished it :)