August Weigh-ins + Motivation

New group, new goals, new members, and tomorrow... New month! Let's start if off right with setting goals, and doing weigh-ins throughout the month. We can motivate each other and keep each other on track. :)

Let's conquer August! We got this!

My Numbers:
SW: 269.9
CW: 265.2
GW: 255.2
LTGW: 150

Week 1: 8/01/13 = 264.2 - down 1 lb from CW!!! :D
Week 2: 8/08/13 = 260.4 - down 4.8 lbs from CW!!!! :happy:
Week 3: 8/15/13 = 257.8 - down 7.4 lbs from CW!!!! SUPER HAPPY!!!! :bigsmile:
Week 4: 8/22/13 = 257 - down 8.2 lbs from CW!!! Yay! (I was SHOCKED that there was actually a loss...)
Week 5: 8/29/13 =


  • lauralouwho84
    SW: 300
    CW: 300
    GW: 290

    Week 1: 8/01/13 =
    Week 2: 8/08/13 =
    Week 3: 8/15/13 =
    Week 4: 8/22/13 =
    Week 5: 8/29/13 =
  • get2stacey44
    Ok, I'm in.

    SW : 238
    CW: 238
    GW: 130
  • GabbyGlitch
    GabbyGlitch Posts: 14 Member
    There are times I feel so overwhelmed with wanting to lose 100 lbs but I know if I stick too I can do it. I know with support I can do it.

    SW: 291
    CW: 281
    1st GW: 250
  • GoinToKickThis
    GoinToKickThis Posts: 19 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 217
    CW: 214
    GW for Aug: 199

    Week 1: 8/01/13 =
    Week 2: 8/08/13 =
    Week 3: 8/15/13 =
    Week 4: 8/22/13 =
    Week 5: 8/29/13 =
  • djmcle
    djmcle Posts: 1
    SW 249
    CW 249
    GW 239

    Just started MFP today - I will need all the motivation I can get.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    I'm in!

    SW 375
    CW 332 (weigh in tomorrow--fingers crossed--will update)
    GW 200

    August 29 weigh in objective--315 or less!

    I only weigh in every two weeks on Thursdays...there is a receptionist at the obesity clinic that refused me treatment who lets me sneak in and use their digital body fat/composition scale for free. It even prints me a little ticket with the numbers so I can stick them to my wall chart.

    On the Thursdays that I do not weigh in, I try on old clothes that haven't fit for years. So far, I am back to what I weighed 8 years ago?

    Want some motivation? How about a closet full of suits and jackets that now fit like David Byrne's Stop Making Sense Suit?!

    July has been gorgeous. Dry, but not too hot--just perfect for a sedentary fat bloke to start a new regime! I have been walking myself into a lather every day. August will be the month to see if I have a second gear to kick up into!

    Good luck everybody!
  • coretha38
    coretha38 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in.

    SW : 280
    CW: 277
    GW: 150

    August Goal: 267
  • EirePetal
    EirePetal Posts: 54 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 305
    CW: 305
    GW: 135

    Week 1: 8/01/13 =
    Week 2: 8/08/13 =
    Week 3: 8/15/13 =
    Week 4: 8/22/13 =
    Week 5: 8/29/13 =
  • BoricuaMami5785
    To everyone who has posted before this… There is a short message for each of you.

    *Please remember that GW is specifically for the month we are working on…* Slow and steady wins the race. :) You are more than welcome to add your long-term goal weight to the post as well… I will be adding it on mine as LTGW. Feel free to add yours however you wish. My LTGW is 150 lbs, so I am quite far; but feel I will get there successfully with all of you. Welcome, and let's do this!

    laurarichards: Good for you, welcome to the group!

    ariel1116: I too am just starting my weight lose journey, I am 5 days in and only 2 days of them on MFP. Let do this together!!! :)

    get2stacey44: Yay!! glad we're going to be doing this together!

    Gchambers86: You CAN do it, and we're all going to do it TOGETHER!!!

    AimeeGrill: OMG so close to under 200!!! You go girl I KNOW you can do it!

    djmcle: Welcome to MFP, welcome to the group, and you will DEF get motivation here. ;)

    m23prime: What great luck that you can use such a fancy scale. lol I wish I had that. lol Great job so far on your weight loss and welcome to the group. :) btw… LOVE your ticker. Also, I live in Orlando, the weather here has been BRUTAL, soooooooo HOT; almost unbearable to go out in.

    coretha38: YES!!! Let's do this!!!

    isispetal: Welcome!!! We got this. ;)
  • cathyg321
    cathyg321 Posts: 155 Member
    How does this work? Will there be daily challenges to do, or do we just check in every day and post our new stats (hopefully new!) at the end of the week?

    My Numbers:
    SW: 249
    CW: 233.2 -- *** will use tomorrow's weigh-in weight as my starting weight for August**
    GW: 220.9
    LTGW: 145

    Week 1: 8/01/13 =
    Week 2: 8/08/13 =
    Week 3: 8/15/13 =
    Week 4: 8/22/13 =
    Week 5: 8/29/13 =
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    I've never told anyone how much I weight before! I love the internet hehe.

    My Numbers:
    SW: 318
    CW: 318
    GW: 312
    LTGW: 150

    Week 1: 8/01/13 = Skipping this one as I've only just started and don't want to see no change hehe
    Week 2: 8/08/13 =
    Week 3: 8/15/13 =
    Week 4: 8/22/13 =
    Week 5: 8/29/13 =

    P.S. M23Prime your inspiration part of your profile made me laugh xD
  • BoricuaMami5785
    cathyg321: this discussion thread is just for weigh-ins. This is not only to make us responsible for our own weight loss; but helps keep us in check, motivated, and in touch with others who are sharing our own struggles, advancements, and possible set-backs (hopefully there aren't any). I do like your idea of having daily challenges. If this is something you are interested in let me know. I can start a discussion asking everyone else if this is something they would be into as well, and you and everyone else can come up with the challenges. Let me know. :)

    Gnawgraft: I, too, have never told anyone else what I weigh. Including my fiancé, and we have been together 4.5 yrs and have a 3-yd-old together. Don't be afraid to post on the 1st, bc you may be surprised to see that you have lost something, even if you didn't it would help you stay on track of weighing weekly in order to keep track of a healthy weight. This isn't a competition to see who loses the most weight, or who doesn't, but a personal journey that we are CHOOSING to share with others who are on the same journey that we are on. I, too, have just started and I weighed myself today, so there may be no change tomorrow; but it is important to create a habit so that we don't let too much time pass. We may be able to catch a plateau, or increase in weight, sooner if we weigh ourselves often. Again, it isn't forced so you do what you feel is most comfortable for YOU. There is another group member who is only doing weigh-ins every 2 weeks. So, you have all of the freedom to do as you please. The group is here just as a support system and motivator. :)
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    Hehe I see what you're saying! I'll weight in when I wake up but it's only been a couple of days so I will be shocked if anything's happened so fast. That said I had a very good day today so fingers crossed ^_^

    P.S. The challenges sound potentially great!
  • BoricuaMami5785
    I'll be looking, and if there is I'll be first in line to praise you for all of your hard work!
  • katie8485
    katie8485 Posts: 19 Member
    SW: 230
    CW: 230
    GW: 220
    LTGW: 140

  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 350
    CW: 265
    GW: 250
    LTGW: 150

    Week 1: 8/01/13 =
    Week 2: 8/08/13 =
    Week 3: 8/15/13 =
    Week 4: 8/22/13 =
    Week 5: 8/29/13 =
  • BoricuaMami5785
    katie8485: Good to see you're joining this discussion as well. Yay!! Let's kick August's butt!

    demarii06: Welcome to the group and the discussion… Wow!!! What an achievement you have already accomplished, 85 lbs!!! Congrats on taking control and taking your life back. :) I am super happy that you have joined our group and look forward to work on our weight loss goals together.
  • get2stacey44
    Hi. Thanks for your post about GW vs LTGW..I did misunderstand. Here it is again...the right way :)

    SW: 238
    CW: 238
    GW: 229
    LTGW: 130

    - Stacey
  • tubbytot
    Hey guys, starting over (again!) today. For the past few weeks I've not been counting calories, but just been more aware of the food choices that I make. I have lost a few pounds doing this, but dont like the control that calorie counting gives me. I had some surgery 2 days ago so am unable to exercise until recovered but will stick to my daily calorie limit. Just a question - how many calories is everyone eating per day? Will be interesting to see. Good luck everyone :) xx

    My Numbers:
    SW: 252
    CW: 243
    GW: 236
    LTGW: 135

    Week 1: 8/01/13 = 243
    Week 2: 8/08/13 =
    Week 3: 8/15/13 =
    Week 4: 8/22/13 =
    Week 5: 8/29/13 =
  • yogazumbalift
    1 kg = 2.2 lbs (approx)

    SW: 100 kg
    CW: 94 kg
    GW: 89 kg (By August End)

    Weigh in Dates:
    8/4 -
    8/25 -
    End of Month -

    Total weight lost:-