

  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    your right now that I think about it I was more flexible than normal while doing Insanity. Maybe adding in the recovery would help loosen things up ?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @alikonda - sorry about the late reply. Yes, I did receive my T25 the day before my departure so that was nice. I've been doing it at least 3 days a week since I got here. I'm doing quite a bit of traveling here as well. Like the 2 days ago, I took a train to my in-law's who are hours away and before that I stayed at some friend's for a couple of days. It makes it very challenging to stick to the workout schedule when you're having a trips within a trip LOL.

    Since I got here, I've been having many conversations about my transformation and the workouts with my friends almost on a daily basis. Some of them were very eager to check out P90X that I had break out some P90X ab ripper X moves on the spot LOL. I told them that diet and nutrition is 80% of the journey. And carb-y food being the staple here is going to make their new lifestyle quite a bit challenging. I went to a local pharmacy to see how much a tub of whey protein cost. I was blown away by how expensive those workout supplements cost here. I wondered how can the general public sustain this on a long term basis. But again, many folks I know here jog and play sports like badminton, tennis and swimming as their exercise of choice. So whatever works for them!
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    Hope everyone is still sweating:laugh: I have been, even though unseasonally cool weather here.

    alikonda: I tried the foam roller and LOVE it. Like getting a full body massage, but only takes a few minutes. I also started using the Insanity warmup before lifting ( just put it in a HITT timer app on my phone and away I go) My hipflexors have loosened up quite a bit and working on my hamstrings. Realize that I miss Insanity and I think I will be starting round 2 in September, I'm going to do 3 days a week Insanity and 3 days a week lifting. Another friend suggested Pilates so I may check out some classes in my "spare time"
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Hope you guys are all doing well! I ran my first half marathon just over a week ago so I think I'm going to head into a modified 'Round 2' of Insanity -- adding short runs a few days a week and replacing one workout per week with a long run. I've lost quite a bit of upper body strength since I completed the program a few months ago but want to keep my endurance up (I'm running a 15k in January!).

    I'm both looking forward to and dreading some quality time with Shaun T! =P
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    alikonda: Congrats that's amazing. Good luck on your 15 K.
    I know the feeling about dreading Shaun T, you forget how crazy the workouts
    Good luck
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    I just finished the Plyometric Cardio Circuit - WOW am I weak!! In addition to feeling some unwanted jiggling during the warmup (grrrrr) my muscles just didn't have the juice they did by the time I finished up a few months ago. My reps were notably slower than I would have liked to go!

    On a positive note, all the running training has improved my cardiovascular health even more -- I recall my heart pounding out of my chest when I started this workout in May, but I didn't feel like I was heading toward a heart attack this time! I'm looking forward to being sore tomorrow and some more quality time with the Insanity crew!
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    MAN. I just did Month 2 day 1 -- whew!! I had gone over a week without running because I was a little burned out on the running thing, but decided I needed to get back to it today - so I ran a 5k before my Insanity workout. Well, I had forgotten that MAX Interval is an HOUR. Suffice it to say that I am pooped!! All I could think as I pushed through the workout today was: "Oh boy, am I going to HURT tomorrow!"

    Hope you all are doing well - I miss our daily chats!
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    Power pushups and football runs are still the WORST, but I also kind of laugh whenever I do them because I remember the first time I tried these particular exercises. I was still in the Navy and out to sea at the time so as you threw yourself to the floor (catching yourself in plank!), occasionally the floor would come up to meet you suddenly, adding a whole extra dimension of panic to the equation! Talk about motivated muscle conditioning!!

    Hope you are all doing well!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    hello everyone, been awhile. currently in month two of insanity. terrible forearm injury. not really sure what happend but it was painful for months. i went on vacation and did very little exercise for two weeks hoping it would go away, it didn't. i've been out of the gym for at least two months, doing some minor rehab on my own with dumbells and stretch cords. i've been doing insanity mostly because its no weights at all.

    finally starting to get better.
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    So sorry to hear about your arm! I guess it's a good sign that you were able to do all the bodyweight exercises of Insanity and that you're starting to feel better -- good luck!
  • AaronGoodlad
    AaronGoodlad Posts: 1 Member
    Figured I'd bump this and see if anyone else is starting Asylum right now. Just finished Wk 1 and I'm looking forward to the process.