November 2013 Babies



  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    I have mine two weeks from Thursday. This is my first pregnancy, so I don't really know what to expect. My doctor's office told me I don't have to fast for this one.
    Great work everyone! Ugh, the 1 hr glucose test is just around the corner for me. Has anyone already done theirs? I don't mind the drink, and I don't mind the lab draw, I just feel so judged by the resulting number. :)

    Mine is 1 week from this Thursday. And @ajzmann - they are right, you are supposed to eat like you normally would. But I DO think you aren't supposed to eat for so many hours before the test. I can't remember what the # is... I'm not too worried about it because I have an 8:30 a.m. appointment, so I just figured I'll eat some breakfast afterwards ;) Maybe someone else can chime in with what that magical # is...
  • Julzet
    Julzet Posts: 15
    I did the one hour test last week and they said to eat normally...I ate lunch an hour before test...I would believe you could eat/drink up until the test. Mine came back negative...I didn't ask what the number was because I know I would google it and over think it lol

    I have heard that the closer you do it to 24 week the more accurate it can be...but I am not in medical profession

    Good luck!!! :)
    I have mine two weeks from Thursday. This is my first pregnancy, so I don't really know what to expect. My doctor's office told me I don't have to fast for this one.
    Great work everyone! Ugh, the 1 hr glucose test is just around the corner for me. Has anyone already done theirs? I don't mind the drink, and I don't mind the lab draw, I just feel so judged by the resulting number. :)

    Mine is 1 week from this Thursday. And @ajzmann - they are right, you are supposed to eat like you normally would. But I DO think you aren't supposed to eat for so many hours before the test. I can't remember what the # is... I'm not too worried about it because I have an 8:30 a.m. appointment, so I just figured I'll eat some breakfast afterwards ;) Maybe someone else can chime in with what that magical # is...
  • jagger27
    jagger27 Posts: 79
    Hey Ladies. Sorry I haven't checked in. I have been trying to walk/jog a few times a week and up until 2 days ago I was doing pretty good. I over did it and I've been in pain ever since. I'm trying to do a very fast paced walk and at times I do pick up the pace to a jog. On Tuesday I did about a 13 minute mile. I miss running. Anyways. I did about 3.5 miles. It felt good while I was doing it, but yesterday and today I'm just pain in my "area" :) I developed varicose veins with my last pregnancy. They went away after I had him, but came back on the inside of my right upper thigh (close to my girl "area") when I was training hard for my half. Well that one is back bad and I also have other areas, ugh...they have continuously gotten worse with each pregnancy. Long story short...I have a lot of pain and discomfort down there. I'm thinking I'll continue with easy walks, but no more hardcore walking/jogging. I just can't deal with this sort of pain for 3 more months. I have the Expecting More DVD, I might just start doing that more and maybe walk a couple times a week.

    Besides that I'm gearing up for my GTT also. I do mine on the 12th. In the past I haven't had any issues...Good luck to us all!!!
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    hi everyone, been a while since I checked in... 23 weeks and 3 days here. no formal workout/exercise plans for me.... going to the grocery store wears ME OUT!! I also have three little ones at home. :-) Just started back logging because I'm gaining too much lately due to bad eating habits.
  • jgrodzicki
    Welcome back to you both... we're all just chugging along! :) We've created weekly goals for ourselves that we start on Sunday and check in each Monday to say how we did and what we will do to try to improve, etc. Just a little bit of accountability. ;)

    @Jagger - sounds like you've been doing awesome, that stinks about the varicose veins though! I didn't realize they would be painful, but I guess that makes sense. :-\ Hopefully the light walking will ease your pain as well as keep you moving and healthy!!

    @Joyfulteach - it's never too late to start, that's for sure! It's hard to get into a routine though, I am experiencing that myself and I think I'm fairly active on this board and STILL have a hard time getting into the groove of exercising... I am just so tired and unmotivated all the time. But I'm trying!!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Happy Friday, ladies! Hope everyone had a great week.

    I ate about 3,000 calories (I didn't even attempt to log them because I was just eating, and eating) I got myself up for the gym today. Felt great. The elliptical is so much easier on my body right now than running was. Granted, I'm still going to try for a few miles on Sunday as I've been doing the past few weeks.

    I have no little ones running around (unless you count the cat!), so I have the luxury of focusing on myself. I can't even imagine how difficult it is with having children right now. You women are superheros to me!!!
  • arkans
    arkans Posts: 4 Member
    Hi folks! Hope the weekend was good!

    I'm just entering week 24, and starting to feel more tired than I did about a month ago.. slightly relieved to see that some of you are feeling this way too - I thought this only starts in the third trimester!

    Weirdly I'm not very hungry!! In fact I get full quite easily and sometimes have acid reflux/heartburn so hopefully I won't overeat.. But I'm also worried that I'm not eating enough nutrients for the little one as I end up "rewarding" myself with chocolate/sweet stuff :( Should buck up and be more disciplined and focus on healthy stuff! (But at least I'm not stuffing my face with chips like I did right after marriage :P so that's one plus point)

    In terms of exercise, I haven't found Tracy Anderson's project yet, though I did find a Tracey Mallett book and a Summer Sander's prenatal workout video - anyone heard of these?
    Other than that, I only stretch for about 10min every morning, and walk for 20-30min about 2 times a week. Sounds like it's totally not enough :|
    Just can't seem to muster up the discipline, especially to wake up early and exercise before work!!!

    Feeling a bit blue this Monday sorry..
  • nan199678
    nan199678 Posts: 140
    Hi everyone. I'm also in week 24 Arkans. I've definitely been more tired too for a little over a week now. I'm pretty excited to be starting my 6months with only having gained 6lbs. It seems like I've Finally figured out a system that works for me. Looking forward to adding more walks to my life once the weather is less hot. Yoga is the best thing ever. This pregnancy has been much easier thanmy last but I'm still excited for it to be over. I don't love being pregnant at all. :-). Hope everyone is doing well! Have a good week.
  • jgrodzicki
    In terms of exercise, I haven't found Tracy Anderson's project yet, though I did find a Tracey Mallett book and a Summer Sander's prenatal workout video - anyone heard of these?
    Other than that, I only stretch for about 10min every morning, and walk for 20-30min about 2 times a week. Sounds like it's totally not enough :|
    Just can't seem to muster up the discipline, especially to wake up early and exercise before work!!!

    You sound exactly like me, honestly. I do feel guilty for not being about to get myself into a workout routine like I promised myself this time around... I lack the desire, motivation, energy and time. All excuses, I'm fully well aware... but it doesn't change anything for me unfortunately. I wanted to get the Tracey Anderson project video as well and never have... I also plan on walking ~30 at least 2 times per week, and that rarely happens. I just keep trying! I have been able to sneak in some walks during work (maybe once or twice per week) - which still isn't much, but it's something at least. :-\
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    @jgrodzicki, don't feel bad about not working out as much as you planned...I have seen from the past 5-6 months how exhausting PG can be on your body and your mind. Sometimes just getting out of bed is an accomplishment. And I'd be proud of the days you can squeeze in walks at work. Many days, I just do the same. It's better than nothing!

    I think it's just tough, knowing how hard you can work without a baby in your uterus, and then just not having that sort of energy dedication while pregnant. I struggle with it every day. But us all being here is a testament to us being committed to being healthy, which is really most important. Let's just count our movements in any ways we can, and stay healthy for the babies. I'm on board for that. (I'm tired of feeling down on myself on the many days I don't get up and work out, so I am thinking this attitude is healthier all around.)
  • Julzet
    Julzet Posts: 15
    Ajzmann- great points! I also think every pregnancy is different and every woman's body reacts differently. I was hoping to be one of those pregnant runners who runs until I deliver but get tough pains during and after runs. So listening to my body and will pick up new activity and stop beating myself up and being disappointed. Making it a positive attitude! :)

    Jgrodzicki - I just ordered the Tracey Anderson Pregnancy Project off Amazon (think it was $18...figure I can regift it when I am done).

    Last week not so good at tracking and was on vacation and the scale did notice that ugh! So really trying hard to track this week and make "good choices"
    Also, want to keep moving and I am excited to start the TAPP DVDs!!!
  • jgrodzicki
    @Ajzmann - yes, those are very good points. It is definitely healthier to be in a good mental state and do your best physically then to be down on both. ;) I usually don't let it get to me, I just feel I'll regret it after I have the baby and struggle with weight - but again, I'll just do my best and hopefully I'll get some energy and motivation back at some point!

    @Julzet - that's really not a bad price for it, I may have to look at it again - and I like your idea of re-gifting afterwards, that way I don't feel like I spent the month when I was already in my THIRD trimester - on a lighter note, so THRILLED to say that!! :)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    I think I spent $19 or $20 on my TAPP...and I fully plan on sharing with my pregnant friends, so I felt like this would be a good investment for all of us.

    I'm with you, @julzet, I was hoping to keep running, but it just doesn't feel great on my body anymore. That and the whole having to pee the entire time makes it significantly more challenging. I don't know how those women do it (meaning those that can run til the very end).

    And third trimester...HOLY CRAP. Where has the time gone? (Do all pregnancies fly by? Or am I just seeing it this way because it's my first and I am terrified of what happens when the baby comes!?)
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    24 week appointment this morning... Only gained 1 lb since last visit. think I'm up 10 lbs. overall. I failed my one hour glucose test so now I have to take the 3 hour. YUCK!! I've had to take it before with two of my other pregnancies.... Hope it goes well.
  • Julzet
    Julzet Posts: 15
    Hope your appointment went well @ Joyfulteach

    Hahah I love this line @ajzmann
    And third trimester...HOLY CRAP. Where has the time gone? (Do all pregnancies fly by? Or am I just seeing it this way because it's my first and I am terrified of what happens when the baby comes!?)

    I totally agree!!! I can't even deal with the thought of childbirth or changing diapers!

    I am happy to report that I was impressed with the Tracy Anderson video...I didn't have 3 pound weights so used 5 lbs and wished I was using 3s! It was harder than I thought!

    My goal for this week:
    2-3 TAPP video
    Cardio/walking 4-5 times a week
    Keep tracking

    Hope everyone is feeling well!!!
  • jgrodzicki
    Great goals, Julzet! And yes, Ajzmann - this is my second and both of my pregnancies have seemed to fly by! There are times of course that it seems to drag, but that's mostly day to day... but looking at the big picture, it always moves so fast!!

    I caught myself watching birthing videos on YouTube the other day - not a great idea, because it just totally freaked me out! haha. And I've BEEN through it before! There are quite a few things I'm NOT looking forward to... but holding that baby in my arms after truly does make it all worth it.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I had kind of a crappy week last week sticking to my goals, but this week is a new one, right?

    I did get out on the boat this weekend when we were down visitng my parents and I used that as an excuse to get some exercise in by treading water. I realized finally that the 10 lbs I have put on affect me...I couldn't get back on the boat! My husband had to give my butt a good push. Of course, my parents and my husband were all laughing at me...but dang! You realize all of a sudden what making a baby does to your body!

    I have dinner plans wiht my friends tonight, so I thought perhaps I would walk to the restaurant. It's two miles away, so that would be a good workout. Plus, I will have dinner to reward myself!

    @Julzet, I do my TAPP with 5 lb weights too, and yes, there are times where I wish I had 3 lbs. Ouch!
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    well I failed the test and have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes... :-( waiting to hear from hospital on diet and testing blood sugar.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Oh no, @joyfulteach...I'm so sorry to hear that.
  • jgrodzicki
    @Joyfulteach - oh no! So sorry to hear that, but you'll be that much healthier for you and your baby in the long run - so not a terrible thing. Keep your chin up!

    I've been out of the loop all week because I was traveling for work and then out of town visiting family. It was NOT a good eating or working out week at all! I'm up 11 lbs. officially with 11 weeks to go. Gotta start keeping it in check now, because I'm afraid I'm an 'end-gainer' meaning I gain the majority of my weight at the very end of pregnancy. And I'd REALLY like to not gain more than 1 lb. per week for the remainder of time. We'll see how this goes I guess!!