Hi...lets say hello



  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Whoa a sudden burst of activity here. I like it.

    Welcome Malay, Anurag and Walk.

    @Walk - I did almost 2 weeks of c25K and then had to stop. I'm restarting this weekend with by repeating Week 2 and then intend to finish all the way through. It was good when I was doing it and the app I have on my phone allows me to play my own music so that helped a lot. Looking forward to getting back into it.

    @Anurag - that's a good programme of c25k and weights.

    @Malay - I've been using a few of the other Beachbody products (10-minute-trainer and Les Mills Combat) so am familiar with Insanity also. Will be starting Les Mills Pump in a week or two which is 3 days a week and a 90 day programme. I was thinking of doing Insanity after that but Shaun T is just about to release a new programme called Focus T25. That's very similar to Insanity but in 25 minutes a day.
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Yeah... that's really nice to see our folks interacting with each other.

    Well... today I completed my Phase 1 of P90X. I have shed close to 12 lbs and dropped 2 pants sizes. It feels great to be relatively leaner and lighter. I have more energy throughout the day and my sugar levels do not fluctuate as it used to till 2012.

    @ Anurag & Chet - Yeah.. I am just a couple of months behind you guys. After P90X, I am thinking of doing a C25K. Hope I can do it comfortably.

  • LazyRunner_2212
    LazyRunner_2212 Posts: 299 Member
    @advi congrats on completing P90X. Planning to P90X after I shed some more and build some upper body strength. I can hardly do a proper push/pull up now.
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    No buddy. Just phase 1 of P90X. I am starting Phase 2 from today. When I started doing it, I could barely do pushup /pullup. With time, I could manage to do better. I have not mastered them, but can do better than what I did 30 days ago.
  • Niharika_sri
    Niharika_sri Posts: 83 Member
    Hello everyone!
    N there was group on MFP for Indians??! What a pleasant surprise! :smile:
    Well I guess few of you already are my pals, to the others here's a short (hopefully) intro..:tongue:

    I am Niharika. 20 years old, living in Pune. I started using MFP since 25th ofDecember 2012 and I have been pretty regular since.
    I started off as 86.7 kg morbidly obese person. In the first week I just tracked my calories. Then on January 1st I started exercising n plunged myself into losing weight and getting fit. Currently after some 5 n half months, I have lost 14 kgs so far and I am 20 kgs away from my goal weight of 53 kg. the weight loss has made me a lot more confident, n happy about myself.
    Currently I am doing Turbofire from Beachbody, earlier I did HipHop Abs. And il will finish turbofire after a month. I plan to do Insanity after that.

    All the best to all of you for your goals. We all can keep pushing each other n keep ourselves motivated. Feel free to add me.

    Cheers! Or as we Indians say, Namaste! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Niharika... welcome to the desi club.

    Congrats on losing 14 KG. That's a very great accomplishment.

  • malaykhanwalkar
    malaykhanwalkar Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks @advi and @chetThaker

    @chetThaker - Thats awesome.. I will wait for his new video :D
  • LazyRunner_2212
    LazyRunner_2212 Posts: 299 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far Niharika
  • Niharika_sri
    Niharika_sri Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you Advi and anurag :)
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome Niharika. Clearly you're a motivated person with a good plan that is working for you. Keep up the good work.
  • georgiansus
    georgiansus Posts: 9 Member
    Hello people. Have been on it from long time off and on but saw that groups and friends are there too for motivation.

    Have lost 18+ since 15 Mar 2013.
    Tgt is to reach idle weight of 70 kg.
    going strong.
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome georgiansus! Good progress and I'm sure you're reach your goal.
  • dkalita
    dkalita Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, glad to find fellow Indians in MFP. I joined last month. I currently weigh 69.5 kgs and want to shed 20 kgs. I m short,just 5.2" and so look really over weight. I dont like exercising much. I have started taking daily walks. But i m from a small city and d roads are not really meant for walking, lol. But i m trying and hope can shed some weight in a few months. I have stopped eating junk and sugar completely. If i can get any tips on how to exercise inside the home to lose inches it will be really helpful. Thanks in advance.
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Hello dkalita and welcome. Brisk walking is a great way to start and the fact that you've made those dietary changes means you will start to see the benefits.

    I use home DVD workout programmes so see what you can find that you can use - it works well for me. Alternatively there are a lot of resources on the internet on workouts you can do but I prefer following along to what the DVD instructors are telling me to do. Good luck.
  • dkalita
    dkalita Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks Chet... i am thinking of starting the Jillian 30 Day Shred workout from next week. Hope that will help shed some kilos. If u want to suggest any other work out DVDs that show results i will be really thankful.
  • hi to everyone,
    This is mansi malhotra, 26, who is really interested to weight loss after baby. Please help me in indian style where i shouldn't increase weight, should get good shape and fit. I don't wanna be sick so soon ;)
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks Chet... i am thinking of starting the Jillian 30 Day Shred workout from next week. Hope that will help shed some kilos. If u want to suggest any other work out DVDs that show results i will be really thankful.

    Well I am a fan of the Les Mills programmes and have done 1 round of Les Mills Combat and am doing a hybrid programme of Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat now. Others I've heard are particularly popular amongst females are Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme.
  • ChetThaker
    ChetThaker Posts: 186 Member
    hi to everyone,
    This is mansi malhotra, 26, who is really interested to weight loss after baby. Please help me in indian style where i shouldn't increase weight, should get good shape and fit. I don't wanna be sick so soon ;)

    Welcome Mansi. Best advice I can give you is to exercise regularly and don't reduce your calories too low. The combination of this and tracking accurately what you're eating will help you reach your goals. Good Luck.
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    Yeah. Moderation is the key. Start with a baby-step approach. Good luck!
  • dkalita
    dkalita Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks Chet. I will definitely check these out after the 30 days shred :) I have just started yesterday. Its quite a workout!