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  • daisygeep
    daisygeep Posts: 49
    Hi, I am a 45 year old stay at home mom to a 3 and 5 year old. I know, I know - I was a little late to the baby making game! I worked in healthcare (read; on my feet) for 18+ years and my weight was never an issue. Now that I had late in life babies and am at home around all my good cooking all the time, ain't like it used to be! I could stand to lose 20 lbs but honestly would just be happy to fit into my clothes and have everything be a little less jiggly and soft.

    I am running a few mornings a week and trying to hit a couple of yoga classes at the gym as well. I am definitely building muscle but the fat burning off thing is a little slow. I need to stay motivated.

    I love food. I love to cook. I could probably stand to eat a little less cheese though! Definitely my weak spot.
  • coretha38
    coretha38 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I am 44 years old from Houston, TX. I always had a weight issue but the recent passing of my mother made me decide to gain control of my weight problem. I love to cook and bake. I always get a kick out of making new dishes for my family(add a little wine here and a dash there :) ). My goal is to walk at least 30 min. a day and change my eating habit.
  • ferdarlene
    ferdarlene Posts: 2 Member
    HI, i just had my 47th birthday (wow is that hard to say). At 40 i was thin, 5'5' at 120 lbs. Since turning 40 i have put on 40 lbs and growing. Its time to " stop the madness" although i realize 160 pounds is not huge, it still feels like a failure to me. I once heard or read that "skinny feels better than anything tasts", i would have to agree. I dont really expect or want to go back to dkinny, but 140 would be great. Losing only 20 lbs might seem like nothing to those that have alot more to loose but at this age, and stage of my life it feels like a near impossible task and i am hopefull that myfitnesspal will be what i need.
  • cherchel
    cherchel Posts: 4 Member
    Hello - I'm Cheryl. I am new to this - again ;) I signed up when I had less weight to lose - now I've got a lot more. Hopefully, I will stick around. Would love to have some "friends" to make me feel accountable in a way.

  • dimple_gal
    dimple_gal Posts: 138 Member
    Hi there! I am getting back into MFP again - and have been pretty dilligent for about 2 -3 weeks now. I have gained most of my weight since turning 40, and I would like to lose about 20 pounds, rather than the gaining of about 2 + pounds a year. I recently joined a gym, and am very interested in getting healthy - I don't want to retire wishing I had taken better care of myself! I would love some friends to help keep me accountable!
  • yellowrose6145
    HI, I am new this week of august 2013, I need to lose 50 to 80 pounds and I am 52 years old. I was told about this site threw one of my husbands ex-co-workers, We are just fairly new to being married as of august 3rd 2013. I haved gained amount of weight since i lost my job.I am now at home hopeing to start up a new bussinees here at home an outdoor pizza oven resturant. I haved nevered been this heavy in my entire life . When i seen my husbands ex co-worker at our wedding, I didnt know who she was , so I asked him and he told me , I couldnt believe it ,, What a difference , she looked beautiful and walked so proud..[GREAT JOB CATHY]] So I called her up at her place of work and asked her how she done it and she told me about this site ...So I had to look into it and so here I am ...I live in wisconsin and am willing to have and listen to any advice and I am willing to help coach anyone of you on and any other way that I can be of help...I haved tried over 5 dozen of diets and haved always failed at them all and gaining weight back plus an extra pound or two...So now it is about time I do lose , cause I want my husband to look at me like he used to do and all the little thing's he used to do before I gained the weight THAT he doesn"t do no more. So i am hopeing to have most of it off by next summer JUNE I hope....
  • ericabertoli73
    Greetings and salutations. My name is Erica. I am in northern Maryland but was born and raised a jersey girl. I have had issues with weight my whole adult life, and while I am 30 lbs lighter than I was at my heaviest, I am 30/40 from where I'd like to be.

    I admit, of all the groups, I joined this one because I am a Sondheim fan and like he reference of the group's name.

    I am relatively new to MFP and feel good about it so far. My thing is that this can't be a diet- it has to be a lifestyle, and as such, I need LIFE in my lifestyle. So if I'm out to dinner, I refuse to order the salad, if I have friends over, I'm gonna have a drink, and sometimes, I absolutely NEED a Starbucks iced breve latte. I know it will be a slow journey- but as long as I am moving in the right direction I consider it a win.

    Nice to meet you all.
  • csidneyreed
    csidneyreed Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I'm Sidney, a newly retired teacher and must be about the oldest person on this board. I have had a weight issue since I have been 15. There have been periods of months or even a few years when I was on target, but even then food has controlled my life.

    I have just joined MFP and am determined not to let my age dictate my body shape. In the last 2 years it has been changing form 'hourglass' to 'apple'. Enough. Recently I have begun walking about an hour a day, and even more recently have added light weights. I haven't yet seen a difference yet, but should soon, right?

    I am thinking with tracking and support that I can turn this around. On seeing the Cocktails, anyone? thread, I knew Ladies Who Lunch was my kind of group!

    It feels good to be here.:smile:
  • sidneydoris
    sidneydoris Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Sidney Doris an I am my worst diet enemy. I hope to remove almost all prepared foods and take charge of my weight. I seem to loose the battle in the afternoons before dinner. Hoping to take charge of my cravings with healthy choices. Using fruit instead of cookies.
  • sidneydoris
    sidneydoris Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Sidney Doris an I am my worst diet enemy. I hope to remove almost all prepared foods and take charge of my weight. I seem to loose the battle in the afternoons before dinner. Hoping to take charge of my cravings with healthy choices. Using fruit instead of cookies.
  • madiken4
    madiken4 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm Barbara! I just started here a few weeks ago and am loving it! I'm a wife and mother of two daughters, both in high school. I'm 51, and live in hot and sunny Florida. I was excited when I saw this group and joined right away! Great to be surrounded by so many like minded women! I love reading all the posts!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hi ladies!
  • renatewolfe
    renatewolfe Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Sheri and Ladies!
    My name is Renate and I am 50 years old. I have 240-250lbs to loose. I did not have any weight issues until I got into my mid thirties, and I did not get into serious trouble until my late husband, late parents and son (he's fine now) became seriously ill, and I took a night shift position (I am a nurse) so I could care for them during the day. I joined in April, but was still on night shift zombie mode so I didn't do a thing until 2 weeks ago. A friend of mine recommended it, and I am glad she did!

    I love to cook and eat, and fortunately, love healthy foods, so this is the group for me! So glad you started it and looking forward to posting and reading!
  • jenniferwgarrett3
    Hello out there. My name in Jennifer. I live in Troy AL (go Trojans). I am starting a new chapter in my life as an empty nester. My son is 22 and married , my daughter is 18 and just started college ( only 10 minutes away so I will survive). I decided it is time to spend some time on me and loose some weight and get healthy. Even got my husband into the act and we go to the gym together. Looking forward to all the tips, conversation and recipes on this group.
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 517 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Marie, (S Marie, but go by Marie since it is easily translated as a Maori name) and am a single American woman living and working in New Zealand.

    So happy this group exists!

    I'm 47 with no children, and have never really had problems losing weight when I have needed to in the past. In the past two years, however, the old metabolism experienced a major slow-down and I gained 20 pounds. Am at the highest weight of my life, and don't care to go any higher.

    Joined MFP for motivation and support in losing the weight and building healthier habits, as well as engagement with others (I live in a very remote rural area, and spend far too much time alone!).

    Looking forward to exchanging ideas, thoughts, and motivation as we all move along in our weight loss/ fitness "journies".
  • shellsan
    shellsan Posts: 11 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm 39 but certainly enjoy a good lunch ;). I started back in MFP about a month and a half ago. My "last ditch" fat clothes were so tight I was convinced I had the wrong trousers. Alas, no. The scale was employed. Tears were shed. Revelations were had! Now I'm back to it. I am partially convinced we all know exactly how to lose weight, of course. It's the HOW to actually do it thats the issue! Demanding career, family, fiends and social life but somehow I need to find time to plan healthy meals and snacks. Then there is the preparation, the cleanup. Again and again. I tell you, it's exhausting! I love the groups and fiends and MFP for proving that extra push of motivation. The lovely sliders and graphs of progress. The fun tips, tricks and amusing anecdotes Happy to be here, looking forward to getting to know you all
  • cathead9

    I'm Lisa and I'm 48, married, no kids and I need to lose about 80 lbs. Menopause is making trying to lose weight so much fun (not). I gained almost 100 lbs in a year about 11 years ago when my mom was terminally ill, then various health problems have made it very difficult to lose any of it.
    I joined a great gym in Jan 2012 and I've been working out 5 days a week, mostly cardio. My main problem in the way of eating is my ginormous sweet tooth. I look forward to hearing any tips you can offer!
  • pamelaches
    Heiio my name is Pam. I am an upbeat individual who loves to share with women that are the same!!! I am 55 years old and currently on Weight Watchers and I have two weeks left on contract, so to speak. I have not reach my goal weight which is 145..I have been on WWs. for 3 months now and have lost 6 pounds. The first two weeks, I Iost 5 pounds right off the bat... But now I am at a plateau..I am frustrated!! !to say the least.. I am post menopausal and during my menopause I went up to 170 pounds. So in the last year, I have lost about 16 pounds for my son's wedding..Started on WWs during that time and it was coming off very slow (probably do to my hormones) So to lose the weight I went on X-30 drops..Lost the weight but eventually gained it back to 159 pounds..So went back to WWs at end of June 2013. So this bring to the present moment!!!
    I have been doing pilates twice a week and then cardio and the circuit.. I belong to my local YMCA...I am incorporation swimming and senior stretch classes too. I do have condition with my sciatica! !But doing core and stretches makes it much better.. I like WW because of the accountability factor. I like being in a positive atmosphere....But I hate spending all the cash...So I would like to try this
    journey and be inspired my ladies that have the some of the same life challenges.
  • NicoleCooney92
    NicoleCooney92 Posts: 43 Member
    I've "technically" been on mfp since 2011, but only discovered the online community this August when I lost my blackberry and had to start logging from my computer; so in many ways I feel like a "newbie".

    I am 43 years old; a mother of 4 children aged 13-20 and a high school English and Social Studies teacher. I also teach cooking and baking classes at my high school. I especially love French cooking and baking which includes a lot of butter, sauces, and wine. I also love to eat out and try new restaurants and cuisines.

    This group sounds so perfect for me.

    I have had issues with food and my weight during most of my adult life. When I was younger, a friend in the healthcare field told me about a derogatory term used by some doctors to describe women at risk for health complications; triple "F" meaning fat, female, and forty. I was appalled. I am still appalled and I hope this person was exaggerating, yet that term has been at the back of my mind for many years. I am now in my 40's and I have realized that I have become what I secretly feared. I want to make a serious change in my life. The first change will be in my thinking from now on, I am going to think of myself as fit, forty, and fabulous.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Hi, I'm Sara and I'm 43 w/a 9 & 7 yr old. I'm married and I do enjoy cooking & baking (& eating). I'm looking fw to sharing & getting support. I've got about 30-35 lbs to lose. When I turned 39 my body seemed to hit a switch & I've been struggling to lose weight that would've come off easier in the past. I'm determined to do this! I've signed up with the "lose 20lbs by Christmas" to motivate myself. I'll be checking in daily b/c it'll keep me accountable. Nice to be in this group.