weighing in and plan of attack



  • Hi All, Good Luck on your journeys!

    I weigh 212 now. My goal by the end of November is to lose 20lbs. It has been a while since I have seen those numbers on the scale. I am just starting Hip Hop ABS I walk 1 mile 3-4X weekly and want to start learning to jog.

    I will be following a meal plan very strictly and also having one cheat day per week - alternating cardio and interval training.

    Cheers!! :)
  • kmouse2
    kmouse2 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone - I would like to lose 10 pounds by the end of Nov. Hopefully I can do this by cutting the carbs, watching my portions - and trying to walk at least 10 minutes/day (I am limited to the amount of exercise I can tolerate). I will need lots of motivation - when I get down I eat to feel better :ohwell: I know I shouldn't but I do :sad: Any and all help is welcomed to get me 10 pounds lighter! I usually weight in on Mondays so I can see how bad I was over the weekend - that's the hardest for me. Good luck everyone! :happy:
  • My current weight (as of this morning) is 174.6.
    My goal is to lose 15-20 lbs by the end of November. (154 lbs)

    I'm a mother of four so its sometimes challenging to find some time, but if I can stick to working out 4-5xs per week I believe my goal can be achievable. I also have thyroid issues that make it somewhat difficult to lose weight, but I'm at least going to try. It's better to do something than nothing at all.

    My workouts will consists of running (outdoors and treadmill), Zumba DVDs (at home and gym) and mix it up with Insanity workouts and Jillian Michaels DVD workouts (I tend to plateau quickly doing only one thing).

    Keeping a food journal everyday and watching my food portions will be very important.

    My ultimate weight loss goal is 44.6 lbs to get to 130 lbs. But short term goals are more doable for me (for now). :wink:
  • rAc_hEl
    rAc_hEl Posts: 246 Member

    my goal for November 30th is to lose 20 pounds my starting weight is 161.8. ill be weighing in on mondays :)

    plan of attack: no late night snacking!! meal is ok but the endless snacks have got to go. strength training arms and legs every other day plus cardio 5x a week. good luck all!!
  • TylerB1982
    TylerB1982 Posts: 9 Member
    My current weight is 308 lbs and by November 30th I would like to be 290 and lose 18 lbs. That is less than 1.5 lbs a week. I will be weighing in on Tuesdays.

    My plan of attack is to journal/log my food and work to hit my calorie goal or less. Also I plan to incorporate some more activity in my life. Good luck to all!
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Current weight : 175
    Goal Weight by end of challenge : 163

    Plan of attack : Either keep following 5:2 or switch back to 1500/day, whichever i feel like doing as they both equal one pound a week loss, just different roads to the same destination. Try to exercise at least once a week ( i know i know but i never ever exercise) and continue my constant trials of trying to drink more water.
  • lacyrae83
    lacyrae83 Posts: 6 Member
    Current weight 169
    Goal weight end of challenge 153

    I started this weight loss journey two months ago although haven't been on fitnesspal that long. I started at 189 and was disgusted at what I saw in the mirror, and wanna be healthy for my son I started by calorie counting walking and jogging and running 15 minutes now I walk run or jog 2+ miles 5-6 times a week as well as not consuming soda anymore, just looking for people who are going through what I am to give me the extra push. I will weigh in every Monday :)
  • Matt_1972
    Matt_1972 Posts: 56 Member
    Last June I weighed in at 103.3 kg's.
    By April 1 this year I was down to 93.7 kg's.
    I am now back at 97.8 kg's.
    I want to be at 93.3 kg's by the end of this 3 month challenge.
    I have put together a 4 week cycling program which is part of a 16 week program. By riding 3 days a week and working into some strength training on my off bike days once my routine is settled I expect to lose the weight and increase overall fitness considerably.
    I had a Dr tell me last week that a medical condition I have may be improved by losing weight. He was so diplomatic about the way he put it that I didn't know whether to be grateful or to cringe. I have been looking for a solution/management plan that didn't involve surgery or medication for a long time so I was actually pretty appreciative of the advice he gave.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • lewis350
    lewis350 Posts: 53
    Thanks for letting me know about this group CS!

    CW 65.6kg. I would like to loose 5kg and see how I look at 60kg. In December 2012 I was 61.5kg, I felt and looked good. I brought a new summer wardrobe so wanna wear some of those nice skinny clothes again AND buy more hehehe. I plan on eating healthy clean food and sticking to my 1200 cal diet, my exercise will consist of either running, walking, biking or doing an exercise DVD 5-6 times a week.

    Good luck to everyone, I look forward to going on this journey with you all :))
  • lewis350
    lewis350 Posts: 53
    Yay Matt we posted at the same time! Good to see you and TT again, I wonder if Relish and the other EB people will join us.......
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Okay So I bought a new Digital scale and it showed a 10lb gain, however my other scale stayed the same so I have still lost the weight, just was heavier then I thought to start out with. Updating

    Wait I want to be on my Birthday(November 30th): 165lbs
    Current Weight: 185.4lbs
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 0lbs
    Total amount left to complete Challenge: 20lbs
  • rdennisjr
    rdennisjr Posts: 402 Member
    Starlight rocks for starting this challange - thanks for doing it!

    Current weight - 199.5 lbs (yep, the .5 counts!) plus/minus any given day
    Goal weight - 190 lbs (10 lbs down)
    Stretch goal - 185 lbs (15 lbs down)

    Plan - Keep my exercise simmilar - I cross train 4-5 days a week with body weight / aerobic / kettlebells. I do want to bump my running up to about 15-20 miles a weeks as that will help I think. Need to work on quality of eating but quantity is well under control now. More water I think would be good. Fewer beers for hydration!
  • lacyrae83
    lacyrae83 Posts: 6 Member
    That's what I'm doing as well
  • msoto2011
    msoto2011 Posts: 20 Member
    I will weigh in Monday 9/2 as well. My plan of attack make sure I exercise at least five times week. Also pack launch to work.
  • Matt_1972
    Matt_1972 Posts: 56 Member
    Yay Matt we posted at the same time! Good to see you and TT again, I wonder if Relish and the other EB people will join us.......

    Hey Lewis, welcome back. I'm sure we can mention this group in the other group and see if they want to come across.
  • SassyMama5
    SassyMama5 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all :)

    Current Weight: 203lbs
    Goal Weight by November 30th: 187lbs

    My plan... Im going to be doing a charlean extreme/brazil butt lift hybrid. So that is my workout plan lol Eating as healthy as I can and without denying myself something as long as I do small portions and stay in my calories I should be good. Im in a great mindset currently and cant wait to start. :O)
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    Hi everyone, glad to find an active group!

    Current Weight:163.4
    Challenge Goal:150

    My plan of attack is to continue cycling as many miles as I can. I also have to challenge myself to do more strength training. It is not something I enjoy so it is a struggle to make myself do it. I know that it is important and the measurements I see will make me happy. I will be starting work in the next few weeks, so another of my challenges will be to fit my exercise in.
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi, my goal is to lose 24lbs by 11/30. I know that it is lofty but challenges work for me. My plan is to continue walking, complete the daily challenges and strength training. Tracking my food & macros have been extremely helpful for me and I plan to continue to do that also.
  • Samantha0723
    Samantha0723 Posts: 36 Member
    My plan of attack is to keep tracking my food daily and to keep on doing monthly challenges. For September I plan on doing the push up challenge. I'm also going to do cardio 2x a week.
    Current weight- 164lbs
    My Goal weight for November 30th is- 144lbs
  • mjgo56
    mjgo56 Posts: 93 Member
    CW: 190.6 GW: 175 Plan of attack: I aim to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes. Last month I tried the 30DS and although I leaned up a bit, I did not lose as much weight as I had hoped. This month I am exercising primarily with Hip Hop Abs (variety of workouts, with lean abs and cardio in mind. It is fun and there are workouts with weight training as well. I also plan to stick to my 1200 calories...and try not to eat all of my workout calories back. Drinking water is hard for me, but I am improving and hope to drink the recommended half your weight in ounces during this challenge.Thank you Starlight for starting this challenge.
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