Starting today 1 September

jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
I'd love to have some friends to work alongside me.


  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    Hi Jaz, I'm starting today too :) Although I have to confess, I actually did the first workout a couple of weeks ago but haven't done anything since so am taking this opportunity to start afresh in September.

    I'm pretty new to all this heavy lifting minimal cardio thing. How about you?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Me too. I've done a bit of Chalean extreme but wanted to try something different. I'm going to adapt it to use my adjustable dumbells to start with. When I outgrow these, I'll decide if I want to either buy equipment for home, or join a gym. Where are you doing it.
    It will be great to do it with someone.

    Have you downloaded the werkit logs?
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    I'm using a gym - working out at home is a nightmare with no spare space and 2 dogs and a cat all wanting in on the act :happy:

    One of my MFP friends emailed me some spreadsheets - not sure if that's where she got them from but they're very helpful. She's also starting today as we both agreed we wanted someone to work out with, albeit she's in Japan and I'm in Dubai! I think (I hope) it will keep me accountable and on track.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I'm still reading the book. I did start lifting a couple weeks ago, but I'm so weak and out of shape that I'm having to build up to doing squats and so on. Once I get to a place in the book that I feel confident to start, I'll be starting, too. But I'd love to kind of tag along and learn from you both. :)

    Anyone with an avatar full of dogs can't be bad. :smile:

    I have always kind of despised cardio, but did enough to keep alive. I love lifting heavy. I'm addicted!
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome! I'm starting my 3rd week. I've been doing strength training for about a year now but was isolating muscle groups. So far, I'm liking this program. It's great for both beginners & more advanced people because you can adjust the weight!
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    Workout 1 done, woot! :happy:

    I had to use dumbbells for the squats as I have no idea of the correct way to lift the barbell into position on my shoulders without a rack. Must research that for next time. Also, my knees felt like they were going to give way during the squats and I wasn't using heavy weights. Don't know if that means I'm doing it wrong or if I'm just very weedy.

    Dismounting from prone jackknife was an experience, I'm just glad I didn't land on my face!
  • fiveoaks66
    fiveoaks66 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I started today too! I'm pretty excited to see some others on my same timeline.

    For the past month, I've been lifting a couple of days a week using the EM2WL heavy/light plan (but only doing the "heavy" workouts because I was just lifting twice a week.)

    I lift at home, using dumbells. Had no issues with workout A1 today, other than being sore already from a 4 miler race that I ran yesterday. Was still able to squat 20 lbs (I guess it's really 40 lbs since I was using dumbells...) so I guess I'm not too crippled.

    The only exercise that was completely new to me was the step, so I used my 5 lb weights and focused on my form. I don't have a step-box; I just used my stairs.

    I am lactose intolerant, and would love to hear how you gals are getting your protein in- any non-dairy suggestions are very welcome! I aim for 100 grams a day but rarely make it, even with a soy protein shake for breakfast.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Would love to join you! I have decided to begin New Rules for the second round! I started NROL on September 5th of last year. Took me about 8 months to get through the program since I was doing Workout A on Wednesdays and Workout B on Fridays (bootcamp on Sundays). Up until the optional stage 6 everything went great (injured myself working towards a pull-up...old injury that flared up...) but I perservered through stage 7. My body was in its best shape around stage 4 and 5. Was really pleased with the results. I don't gain muscle easily, but I was definitely leaner.

    Since April I've just been doing my own thing in the weight room. It was nice to have a break, but I'm ready to have the structure back and lean out again (summer BBQs are catching up with me a bit!)

    I logged my food faithfully for a year but am trying to stay away from logging and the scale. Focus more on clean eating and good health - mental and physical!

    If you have any questions, I may be able to help!!!
    One piece of advice: TAKE "BEFORE" PICTURES RIGHT. THIS. MINUTE. In the same outfit you will wear each month. And try to get someone else to take them. Selfies are difficult:)
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I am lactose intolerant, and would love to hear how you gals are getting your protein in- any non-dairy suggestions are very welcome! I aim for 100 grams a day but rarely make it, even with a soy protein shake for breakfast.

    Oh that would be hard - I use Greek yogurt and a protein shake pretty much every day.

    Lately I've been adding a Tbsp of natural peanut butter to my chocolate smoothie in the morning. I also eat 5-6oz of lean meat for lunch as well as for dinner. Nuts are a good source, although obviously high in fats and cals...Do you do hard-boiled eggs as a snack?
  • HSMyTwins
    HSMyTwins Posts: 47 Member
    OP- get protein from eggs & soy. Visit a health food store with good customer service and talk to someone about a good tasting protein powder and/or protein bar. If you are lucky, they will have single serving packets to try. Lunch meat, jerky, rotisserie chicken, hard boiled eggs are all easy to eat.

    Also- YouTube is a great way to get instruction.
  • fiveoaks66
    fiveoaks66 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for responding- yep, had 2 boiled eggs today for snack. I really don't like to eat meat that much, so it has been a bit of a struggle to find palatable protein. I like tofu and beans fine, and eggs, but that takes me only so far.
    I used to be able to eat cottage cheese, but recently my symptoms have worsened. Im eatng turkey burgers, eggs and fish mainly, supplementing with beans and soy powder and the barest bit of shredded cheese.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Oh Jeepers, fiveoaks, that's hard when you don't like meat! Sounds like you're doing ok though. What about nuts? PS. What are your symptoms of lactose intolerance if you don't mind my asking...

    I forgot to mention there are free spreadsheets on as long as you own the New Rules book! They're great!!!
  • fiveoaks66
    fiveoaks66 Posts: 21 Member
    My lactose intolerance shows itself with almost immediate GI distress: gas followed by diarrhea. And depending how badly I've hurt myself, starting almost immediately and can last through the next day.
    To be fair, there are meats I really enjoy- sausages, bacon and ham being the top picks. Once I lose a bit more fat, I will feel better about adding those to my meal plan. They have nitrate- free versions of all that stuff now...

    Eta: just checked my diary for last week, ending yesterday, and I got in almost 800 grams of protein! Woohoo! That's 200 more grams than the week before! I was also 500 calories over my weekly goal, but I am not fretting that so much...
  • BarbBBQ
    BarbBBQ Posts: 49 Member
    I'm starting only challenge is that I am going to be doing it at home. Quick question about the squats. Stage 1 workout A exercise A refers to a 157. Is that a plain ole squat?? Not the ones that follow on the following pages??? Im finding all the charts/logs confusing.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm starting only challenge is that I am going to be doing it at home. Quick question about the squats. Stage 1 workout A exercise A refers to a 157. Is that a plain ole squat?? Not the ones that follow on the following pages??? Im finding all the charts/logs confusing.

    Yes, a barbell squat, also called a back squat. Do you have a barbell at home?

    Also, as I was squatting today I really, really focused on FORM. Slow and controlled on the down, make sure you go deep enough and then push down in the middle of your feet and quickly stand up.

    I have noticed so many people doing "squats" at the gym who never go down far enough. Of course that's way easier!!!

    fiveoaks - great job on the protein!!!
  • JaneUK
    JaneUK Posts: 102
    I've done about 7 workouts, but I've had a week off as I was returning to the UK for work after the summer in France (and we moved house in the UK just before going away, so everything was a bit topsy-turvy and I've been TIDYING!). So I will be back to it today or tomorrow. It's good to find a group with people who are more or less in the same place as each other :-)
  • BarbBBQ
    BarbBBQ Posts: 49 Member
    no--I don't Can I use a dumbell instead---seems so on the pages following the squat. Just remembered I do have a barbell from LMP I guess I could start with that.
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    Workout B1 done. I would just like to say, my *kitten* hurts!

    How's everyone else getting on?
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, yesterday was the start of my 2nd week. I'm working out at home using dumbells. So far, I've only used 12lbs. I would think I could go heavier on the squats, but I have a bum right knee, so I baby it.
  • fiveoaks66
    fiveoaks66 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone, I completed 1B1 today. I lift at home, after coffee and before breakfast, and i notice that a warmup set or 2 makes a real difference for me.
    Got 113 grams of protein in today- a shake, turkey burger and 2 chicken thighs worked out well for me.
    (I do feel a bit like wandering around the living room clucking though ;))