Super Strong Squatters - September check in and chat



  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Hello hello, separated from my gym by more than 6000km, I did a makeshift Stronglifts session at the gym in my sister's building. Using dumbbells. Gotta say, lifting is a lot trickier with dumbbells.

    60lb goblet squats...Except I couldn't hold onto the 60lb dumbbell properly with goblet squat form (arms too weak!). So I kind of dangled it between my legs, leaving just enough room to get parallel.

    30lb dumbbell OHP...Ok, OHP, as hard as they are with the bar, seem 10x harder with dumbbells because of the stabilization required. I could do 3x5 with the 20kg bar, but couldn't even get one clean rep with the two 20lb dumbbells.

    1 120lb deadlift... I tried lifting one 60lb dumbbell in each hand, and this is just nothing like a loaded bar. Lol. Gave up cause I didn't want to hurt myself.

    I wouldn't call it a total fail, as I still left the gym in a sweat, and at least I tried my best, but yeah, I think I'll have to either look into getting gym day passes or finding alternative activities for the next 3 weeks.

    I tried a dumbbell workout at a hotel! Same problems! I know a guy that prefers dumbbells,,says they are more of a workout. I guess he might be right, because the dumbbells were awkward and I couldn't do them.
    ESP the DeadLifts! My hands are too weak? Maybe?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Weight lifting today, but low low weights with not as many reps.. Trying to build back up to where I was before I got sick. Squats and bench presses. 3 sets of 5 . 50/50/55#. Rows3 sets of 5 @ 55/55/60# ****+ basically, I just did the Warm Up lifts today...LOL

    But I DID IT! I made myself get out there after yesterday's failed attempt! That is a huge accomplishment for me! Last year, I would have given in and said "oh, we'll, I have chronic fatigue problems, I guess I can,t do this."
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member

    I wouldn't call it a total fail, as I still left the gym in a sweat, and at least I tried my best, but yeah, I think I'll have to either look into getting gym day passes or finding alternative activities for the next 3 weeks.

    You can usually get free week long passes from gyms if you act like you're interested in becoming a member. "Oh I'm thinking of moving to this area, and I wanted to check out the gyms in advance..."

    I started Madcow yesterday and then had an exciting 4th birthday party to get to so I didn't get to update. I also got in some pool frolicking. Does that count as exercise? Did 117lb squats, 115 bench, and 79lb pendlay. It just says row so that's what I picked! I also did some assisted dips and planks.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    well, I did it. I still want to cry (mostly because of my sh!tty day, did I mention HR isn't always fun and you see the worst as well as the best, and you don't want to mess with French employment law?!). But I did it. And now I have gin.

    50kg squats, stuck here and these were more good-morningy than the vids I posted at the same weight. I used the foam tube people use on the bar as a TUBOW and that was fine, I just touch it but no more, I think it's the hip drive that is the problem. That and making sure I don't go too low. Any accessory recommendations? Wondering about hyperextensions, which I haven't done for a few months?
    We don't have boxes either so I can't do box squats :(

    OHP I think I increased the weight too quickly in my warmup (20kg bar x 2 then 25x1 then 3x5 at 30kg) and it was HARD, and I still feel like that fricking wiggle is either elusive or is putting too much strain on my lower back. Would it be total heresy to do them without the wiggle??

    Deadlift I built up 4 at 60kg 4 at 65 kg 3 at 70kg and then 4 (boo!) at 75kg but felt form was slipping, and I went a bit black and starry at the top of the first 75kg one so discretion is the better part of valour here. Still not convinced on my form, but there is -nobody- at the gym I'd trust for advice on this.

    3x5 35kg assisted pullups. same as last time. still a struggle.

    forgot to do pressups.
    *pause* *takes a swig of g&t* *drops and gives it ten*
    hm. I'm only getting about half way down. still.

    and I womaned up and did my HIIT on the bike even though I reeeeeeaaally wanted to skip it. But I wrote it in the goal thread, so I had to!

    And that was my cr@ppy day at the gym / office.

    AND got home looking forward to my home made curry, and the huz doesn't feel like it so it's jacket potatoes.
    but I still have gin!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    50kg squats, stuck here and these were more good-morningy than the vids I posted at the same weight. I used the foam tube people use on the bar as a TUBOW and that was fine, I just touch it but no more, I think it's the hip drive that is the problem. That and making sure I don't go too low. Any accessory recommendations? Wondering about hyperextensions, which I haven't done for a few months?
    We don't have boxes either so I can't do box squats :(

    Can you use a bench to do squats? Not sure if you have an extra one that you could swipe.

    Does your gym have these? You could use one of these as well:

    There's always practice at home. You could do body weight squats and use a short table or a chair so you can at least get a feel for what you should be doing.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Nothing like that sadly. I did bodyweight squats between sets to check in the mirror lol..
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Are box squats the the same as box jumps? We do box jumps in boot amp on benches we find - as long as the stability is good (for the box and the ground) and the height is right, I love them. Make sure you open your hips at the top.

    BUT: cautionary tale - last week I landed on one toe rather than square on both feet while box jumping, that foot slipped off, and I landed on that shin, on the corner of the (concrete) step. It involved a trip to the ER and 7 staples in my leg. Just got them taken out today, and have had nearly zero cardio in the past week. Make sure you are focused and centered before every jump - I slipped b/c I was doing them as part of a HIIT circuit! And I was D.O.N.E. in terms of focus.

    Lydia - sorry for your crap day.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    OW! that sounds nasty. No, a box squat is where you put the box at an angle (point forward) and at the right height so that when you squat to 90 degrees you just sit down on it.

    I thought I'd bit the bullet and get starting strength, but don't have a kindle.. and the paperback seems to be out of print and ££££££! Any advice?
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Not lifting today (logistical issues), but I got a new kettlebell video (Iron Core) and a new 25 lb. bell yesterday, and got to give both a spin. It actually felt good to do some higher rep/lower weight (25 lb) squats, and to do one-leg deadlifts and good mornings with 20 lbs. Considering both of those are aggravating my back at higher weights w/ the barbell, I can't really feel that I'm working out the muscles at the heavier weights b/c I'm so focused on protecting the back. But, between the KBL swings and squats/deadlifts, finally felt like my glutes were getting a workout!

    Also involved one-arm presses and one-armed rows, which I did at 25 lb (my WW for OHP is 55-60 these days). Doing them one arm at a time didn't seem to be as challenging as the 2-dumbell set up, but was definitely hitting exhaustion at 10 reps!

    Between SL, working my way towards pull ups (trying to, at least), and these fat KBL handles, I'm getting some beastly callouses. And I've stopped wearing my rings. :(
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    OW! that sounds nasty. No, a box squat is where you put the box at an angle (point forward) and at the right height so that when you squat to 90 degrees you just sit down on it.

    I thought I'd bit the bullet and get starting strength, but don't have a kindle.. and the paperback seems to be out of print and ££££££! Any advice?

    Ah, good the know!

    Do you have a tablet/iPad? You may be able get a Kindle app and read the book on your own device. I have a nook, and I have the nook app that allows me to read my books on my phone or my kid's tablet, if I leave my nook elsewhere - I bet kindle offers something similar. Reading on phone is tedious though - lots of page flipping
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Yay back to the gym today :D
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    OW! that sounds nasty. No, a box squat is where you put the box at an angle (point forward) and at the right height so that when you squat to 90 degrees you just sit down on it.

    I thought I'd bit the bullet and get starting strength, but don't have a kindle.. and the paperback seems to be out of print and ££££££! Any advice?

    I have an iPad with the kindle app on it, so have Starting Strength on that.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I hit 100lbs squats this morning and 105lbs deadlifts! I'm proud to hit one of those milestone markers. Squats I'm starting to lose form under the weight and may stick with 100lbs for a few more workouts just to see if I can correct my form back. Deadlifts are getting really really heavy for me-I've been doing some static holds to combat my weak grip and forearms. Grip is what is holding me back, not my legs powering through. Hopefully I can get 1x5 on 115 lbs next week, we'll see.

    OHP I had to deload, I struggle with this one a lot but I think I wasn't consistent on the added weight? I have the SL app but obviously I wasn't paying attention. When I go back to the gym tonight I'll be trying 50lbs again.
    For bench I only got 4x5 on 70lbs (I think) yesterday. For both bench and OHP I'm switching to something like 3x5 because I workout before work and the long rests I need to complete my sets take too long so I end up rushing home to shower and get ready. They are also my weakest moves so I want to focus more on them.

    Oh and rows, I'm doing better now since I've been doing static holds to improve my grip. My left hand never seems to want to hold onto the bar as well so that's slowly getting better. Also 70 lbs? Can't remember without looking!

    Since I started with a 35lb bar on some moves and 45lbs on others at the beginning of August, I'm feeling so much stronger and love doing a** to grass squats and showing all the boys in the gym how to really do it :laugh:
  • Everyone is doing fab - I love knowing that everyone is focusing on getting stronger! no matter what (yo becca - owweeeee staples!!!)

    slightly amended workout as the squat had its fear hold on me (I am a squatting chicken...) - so I did a build up and will try and hit a full 5x5 next time

    so today

    squat 3x5@80kg/176.3lbs 2x5@ 82.5kg/181.8 - these were feckin' hard and scary and I thought I might get stuck and the fear of that powered me up...eeek.
    Bench 5x5@30kg/66lbs
    Row 5x5 @30kg/66lbs

    Accessories - 40 situps/3x6 inverted rows/ 13 push ups (14 makes me fall down) /5 chin ups/ 170 air squats.

    Then done a evil workout this afternoon courtesy of the amazing girlie (big l thanks!!!)
    20kg bar 6xdeadlift/6xromain deadlift/6xrow/6x hangclean (these were fun!!!) /6xfront squats/6x backsquats/ 6 xgoodmornings
    20kg bar 5xdeadlift/5xromain deadlift/5xrow/5x hangclean/5xfront squats/5x backsquats/ 5 xgoodmornings
    20kg bar 4xdeadlift/4xromain deadlift/4xrow/4x hangclean/4xfront squats/4x backsquats/ 4 xgoodmornings

    ^^^^^^ that is mental and hard and sweaty and is exactly what I need!! burn the fat/ build the muscles/ kick *kitten*.

    My bum is still burning.... hopefully fat!
  • P.s hwillmott - ONLY!!! ONLY 70lb on the bench - that's AWESOME!!!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    P.s hwillmott - ONLY!!! ONLY 70lb on the bench - that's AWESOME!!!

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I just carried 7 water canisters into my apartment..... 19l (i.e. 19kg) each, carried on my chest. I'm seriously consider next time getting them delivered to the bottom of the stairs not the top, so I can carry them upstairs too next time (we're on the 1st floor (USA 2nd floor). Am I completely mad LOL. dripping with sweat right now because of the heat/humidity though... and we had completely run out of water so I'm waiting for the cooler to actually cool the water before I drink any lol. AND i'm going to have a nice cup of tea!

    Anyway, yay for heavy lifting for making me able to do stuff like that!! once upon a time I could barely lift the things at all....
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    P.s hwillmott - ONLY!!! ONLY 70lb on the bench - that's AWESOME!!!

    Nice job on the squat/DL milestones, too!
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167

    Then done a evil workout this afternoon courtesy of the amazing girlie (big l thanks!!!)
    20kg bar 6xdeadlift/6xromain deadlift/6xrow/6x hangclean (these were fun!!!) /6xfront squats/6x backsquats/ 6 xgoodmornings
    20kg bar 5xdeadlift/5xromain deadlift/5xrow/5x hangclean/5xfront squats/5x backsquats/ 5 xgoodmornings
    20kg bar 4xdeadlift/4xromain deadlift/4xrow/4x hangclean/4xfront squats/4x backsquats/ 4 xgoodmornings

    ^^^^^^ that is mental and hard and sweaty and is exactly what I need!! burn the fat/ build the muscles/ kick *kitten*.

    My bum is still burning.... hopefully fat!

    This sounds amazing - and I bow down before your 181lb squats!
  • crazyten
    crazyten Posts: 57 Member
    Hi. First time posting on here. I just did week three workout A and was hoping for a 55 kg squat but failed dismally. So I had to deload (right lingo I hope)
    Anyhow here are my stats:
    Squats :44 kg
    Bench press: 44 kg
    Rows: 44 kg

    All 5x5 by the way.

    I was a bit disappointed with the squat, but this is a going somewhere slowly kinda journey so slow does it better. Its not a race after all.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Long time since I've been around here. Just crazy busy with travel for work and vacation. Got back under a barbell yesterday for workout A. Did a good deload and still feel it today. I get this week at home so I'll get 3 SL days in this week, but I may have to travel again next week so......

    For now I'm at:

    Squat 5x5 @ 95
    Bench 5x5 @ 75
    And did 3x10 inverted rows since the area I use for rows was occupied.

    Finished up with 3x20 of kb pirate ship swings.

    There is some great lifting going on here! Hopefully I'll be able to stop in here more often this week and then keep things going even on travel.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Hey BAMFs!!

    I had such an awesome workout today. It felt good to get back in the gym after everything that has been happening for the past 2 weeks. I deloaded on a few lifts just to make sure I can get back into the groove and by the last 2 lifts I was breaking PBs! :bigsmile:

    Squats- 95 lbs
    Rows- 95 lbs
    Shoulder Shrugs- 125 lbs
    Deadlifts- 155 lbs (I can FINALLY deadlift my boyfriend's weight, as well as use the "BIG girl plates"!! (45 lbers)) :bigsmile:
    I did one rep on the bench at 85 lbs and the rest of my sets at 65 lbs.
    Machine crunches- 70 lbs
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    First B day.

    Oh lord, I had forgotten just how much I HATE OHP. I mean, I seriously hate it. And it's the first lift I dropped when I stopped last year. But it ain't gonna beat me this time, keeping the weight low low low and going up slow slow slow and it WILL be done. My kid who is 19 and lifts coached me on form and even though it's excrutiating having him stood there with his arms folded and a frown on his face I've got to get over that :happy:

    Out of all the lifts the deadlift is the one that's not suffered as much as the rest and should leap up.

    And I had crazy DOMS from the restart so squats were interesting, lots of warm up sets.

    Now just got to get the weight up to where it was and never stop lifting again :smile:
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    So I haven't been around much lately. But, I had to jump in to report that I hit a personal milestone last week---- I deadlifted 200 pounds. That's 1.5x bodyweight, ladies. Making me officially feel like a BEAST!

    Man I love lifting heavy things.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Tested my 1RMs last week:

    Squat: 170# up from 150#
    Deadlift: 170# up from 155#
    Bench: 105# - the same [sigh]
    OHP: 80# up from...I don't know because I never tested it before. :)

    I'm taking a brief hiatus from the structured StrongLift work-out and throwing in some accessories only because I got a little bored. I'm still using the principle of adding weight every time I do a compound lift, but I needed a break. I plan to get back to the actual program again in a few weeks.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    Really struggled with my lifting tonight. I kept all weights the same but things just felt heavy. And my form felt sloppy, which is probably why everything felt so freaking heavy. I almost didn't do it. I'm glad I did it, just for consistency, but it isn't one I'm proud of. :-P

    Squats - 90 lbs
    Bench - 75 lbs
    Rows - 90 lbs
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    So I haven't been around much lately. But, I had to jump in to report that I hit a personal milestone last week---- I deadlifted 200 pounds. That's 1.5x bodyweight, ladies. Making me officially feel like a BEAST!

    Man I love lifting heavy things.

  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    P.s hwillmott - ONLY!!! ONLY 70lb on the bench - that's AWESOME!!!

    Nice job on the squat/DL milestones, too!

  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Had pudding only dinner tonight.. amazing! Hopefully it will fuel equally amazing times tomorrow at the gym lol..
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Today I drove to the gym in my new car... YAY! It was a lovely way to get there... Then I did a B session.

    Still did bodyweight squats. I tried 1 x 5 with the bar, and was all over the place. It's weird how I had them going so well and then lost them. I don't understand it at all!

    OHP with just the bar. It felt heavy, but I did the whole 5 x 5. I was slowly building up before my back shat itself last week. I'll start building up again soon. I just want my back to be healthy1

    Deads - I did 5 x 1 at 60kg. That's a drop back, but it certainly challenged me. I will double up on this again next week, I think.

    Last night I started Scooby's progression for pull-ups, so did 5 x 8 "walking the plank" chin-up drops. I think I was weakened by that. My arms feel like deadwood today! But dammit, I wanna be able to do pull-ups!

    Happy Thursday xx