"I work out!"

gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle... You guys do know the song right?

Well anyway, this is where you can post you fitness for the day IF YOU WANT and maybe what you're doing to lose weight.

9/4/13: I burned 1098 calories with dance class and random strength moves. I'm happy about that~!


  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    That's a really great work out!

    I haven't had my work out yet, but my husband and I will probably be going on a walk this afternoon! I can't wait until the weather is nice. I love fall!
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
    Finally picked up my bike from my parents house so I'm going to take the mutt for a nice long bike ride when I get home from work!
  • thxo
    thxo Posts: 107 Member
    I'm on day 2 of the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred! Hoping it doesn't take me much longer than the allotted time given but I have a friend staying with me for the next few days and it's a little awkward to be hopping around my room with her watching hahaha.
  • I'm doing the Slim in 6 Program - 3rd day done!! Oh and I shall say - this month I'm also doing a squat challenge. Today was a NO squat day (woot woot!) but tomorrow I got to do 70 (WHA!!??!!??) so not me but hey, anything to lose an inch from the bum-bum!
  • simone2060
    simone2060 Posts: 13 Member
    Today I did 20 minutes of Hight Interval Training on the ellyptical followed by 1hour with my personal trainer. We did what seemed like a gazillion dead lifts! I highly reccomend lifting to anyone trying to shed inches!
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    I'm doing 30 day plank and squat challenges from Pinterest this month. Today was rest day from squats thank god. The plank was only 30 seconds, which is totally doable for me. The end goals are a 5 minute plank and 250 squats!

    I've also just started going back to the gym! I used to be a weight lifting beast but I totally stopped when I came to college. For right now, I'm just focusing on consistency and actually getting TO the gym 3x/week and doing 30 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical. Once I've lost enough weight and regained enough flexibility/mobility to lift safely, I'm going to start StrongLifts 5x5 again. I love and miss lifting.

    My goals for September are to complete my challenges and get to the gym 3x/week for the month. October's goals will probably be a little more aggressive once I get in the swing of things.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I did yard work today and burned ~700 calories. Did 2:15 hours of activity. So sleepy! Headed to bed now.

    Catch ya later!
  • Wow, that's a huge number of calories burned. I barely got 400 with 40 mins cardio and 20 mins on weights. How many hours a day do you workout?
  • miller930
    miller930 Posts: 31 Member
    I have an elliptical and a Weider Ultimate Bodyworks total gym (knock off of The Total Gym endorsed by Chuck Norris & Christie Brinkley at a fraction of the price.) So today I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of circuit/strength training. This home gym really has changed my life already. We got it the middle of February this year and by the end of March I had lost 27 lbs. just working out on it 20 min about 5 days a week. Then we went on vacation and I didn't exercise and never got back on it when I got home. I thought I would maintain my weight loss over the summer, but 9 lbs. already came back on. I started at 230 lbs., got down to 203 lbs. and now here I am, joined MFP 1 week ago at 212 lbs. I did lose 5 lbs. this past week so I'm motivated and happy to be apart of this group!
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    "Girl look at that body...!"
    Cause you know I have to keep the song going :D
    Today I did my daily Hip Hop Abs. When I get home from work (11pm) I'll do my leg lifts (100 each side) and my nightly cruches (200). Doin for the bikini, BI-KI-NIIIIII!!
  • nh38318
    nh38318 Posts: 124 Member
    Ive signed up to a local leisure centre for 3 months to help motivate me. I have been going for just over a week now and been to the gym every day for an hour, swimming once a week and a step aerobics class once a week. Should I have a rest day? I dont want to at the moment as my motivation is really high and I want to capitalise on that whilst it lasts!

    I am sticking to 1200 cals a day and eating back around 200-300 cals from my exercise so am definitely not going hungry. Lost 5lb in my 1st week which is great (i know this will drop).
  • amberecochran
    amberecochran Posts: 124 Member
    Exercise plan for today: Walk at least 30 min and start day 1 of LMP.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I took back to back spin classes last night burning over 2200 calories. I need to lift today and hoping to get an outside bike ride in. I am hoping to incorate swimming and boxing into my workouts also.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    I hurt my foot running on Tuesday so I am going to take it easy today with some stationary biking.
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    Yesterday evening after work my husband and I went on an hour long walk.

    Today I will be cleaning in prep for company I'm having over this weekend, and I'll probably also do my Jillian Michaels DVD.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Cardio day this morning - interval walk/run for 60 minutes this morning. Burned 1200 calories :)
  • KatC_88
    KatC_88 Posts: 101 Member
    Cardio at lunch! Woot Woot :tongue: :happy: Then my evening workout will be at Spin class! Absolutely love it! Goes by so quick and its a killer workout!
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    9/5 went on a 48 minute run!
  • LeeKeplar
    LeeKeplar Posts: 40 Member
    on 9/3/13 I walked on my treadmill for an hour got 10,000 steps in and did day 1 of the ABS and Squat challange.
    on 9/4/13 I went to a step areobic class and got 10,000 steps in and did day 2 of the ABS and Squat Challange. Just gotta keep it up tonight.
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    today's workout was a 40 second plank and 70 squats. i'm going to to take a shower and cry for my quads right now.