RE: Stats



  • tanyab1990
    tanyab1990 Posts: 212 Member
    Nice job!
    Today is my first check-in and I'm pleased to report progress! I lost 1 pound and a quarter inch off of my waist. Ultimately, I would love to get my waist measurement under 30"

    SW: 143.5 lbs
    BMI = 23.9
    Neck: 12.5"
    Waist: 31"
    Hips: 37.5"

    PW = 142.5 lbs
    BMI = 23.7
    Neck = 12.5"
    Waist = 31"
    Hips = 37.25"

    Onwards! :smile:
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    WOOHOO!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    Great job!
  • GmomLinC
    8/26/13 Starting weight 173.1
    % body fat 32.9
    Bmi 27.9
    Neck 12.25
    Upper Arm 13.5
    Bust 36.5
    Waist 32.0
    Belly 41.0
    Hips 42.75
    Thigh 25.5
    Calf 16.5

    9/2/13 Weight 171.7 -1.4 for the week
    % body fat 32.4
    Bmi 27.7
    Neck 12.25 same
    Upper Arm 13.50 same
    Bust 36.25 -0.25"
    Waist 31.75 -0.25"
    Belly 41.0 same
    Hips 42.75 same
    Thigh 25.25 -0.25"
    Calf 16.5 same
  • joann_xvi
    My stats
    weight 55.5 kg
    neck 12.5 "
    waist 27.5 "
    hips 36 "
    thighs 21"
    biceps 11"
    Calf 14"
    bf% 25.1%
    so far so good...
  • kristle00
    kristle00 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Everyone! It's My weigh in Day!!

    Here are my Stats from the First day of the challenge


    Weight: 193.4
    Waist: 37 1/2
    Hips Across Belly Button: 41 1/2

    My stats 1 week in


    Weight: 191.4
    Waist: 37 1/2
    Hips Across Belly Button: 40

    So this week I lost 2 lbs and an 1 inch and a half right across my belly button! :) Very excited about that!

    Onto Week 2 of this Challenge!
  • GmomLinC
    Hi Everyone! It's My weigh in Day!!

    Here are my Stats from the First day of the challenge


    Weight: 193.4
    Waist: 37 1/2
    Hips Across Belly Button: 41 1/2

    My stats 1 week in


    Weight: 191.4
    Waist: 37 1/2
    Hips Across Belly Button: 40

    So this week I lost 2 lbs and an 1 inch and a half right across my belly button! :) Very excited about that!

    Onto Week 2 of this Challenge!

    Fantastic! Good week for you!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Congratulations!! Great job! We are moving into week 2 and everyone is doing awesome. Keep it up!!!:smile::smile:
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Ok so I measured EVERYTHING so don't laugh :laugh:

    Day 1 of 90

    Weight 194.8 lbs

    Neck: 13.5 inches
    Both Arms : 13.5 inches
    Waist at smallest 35 5/8 inches
    Waist at navel 40.5 inches
    Hips at widest 41 5/8 inches
    Both thighs together at widest 45 inches
    Right thigh 28.5 inches
    Left thigh 28 3/8 inches
    Right calf 16 3/8 inches
    Left calf 16 3/4 inches
    Bust 35 1/4 inches

    Day 9 of 90

    Weight 192.6 lbs

    Neck: 13.5 inches
    Both Arms : 13.5 inches
    Waist at smallest 35 1/4
    Waist at navel 39.5
    Hips at widest 41 1/2
    Both thighs together at widest 44 1/2
    Right thigh 28. 1/4
    Left thigh 28 1/4
    Right calf 16 3/8 inches
    Left calf 16 3/4 inches
    Bust 35 1/4 inches
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Nice work!! The inches are coming off as well as weight!! Keep it up you're doing great!!
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    Day 1-Here are my stats:

    Weight 167

    Neck: 14
    Arm: 12.5
    Bust 39
    Upper waist 34
    Lower waist 40
    Hips 43.5
    Upper thigh 26

    I'm only going to measure my self every 30 days, but I will weigh in weekly. Happy losing everyone!

    Day 8/9 of 90:

    Weight : 167 ( I stayed the same, which doesn't surprise me with the food I ate over the weekend, lol)
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    SW: 143.5 lbs
    BMI = 23.9
    Neck: 12.5"
    Waist: 31"
    Hips: 37.5"

    PW = 142.5 lbs
    BMI = 23.7
    Neck = 12.5"
    Waist = 31"
    Hips = 37.25"

    PW: 141.50 lbs
    BMI = 23.6
    Waist = 30"
    Hips = 36"

    Check-In Day! I'm pleasantly surprised that I lost another pound and, another inch off of my wait, another inch off of my hips! To be honest, I wasn't looking forward to today's weigh-in as I wasn't "feeling it" this week, but now I'm totally amped up for the week-end and beyond :-)
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Great job! Everyone is moving along and that is great!! Keep up the good work!
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    Starting weight - 216 (218 beginning of August when I joined MFP), initial Goal 180
    Waist (at belly button): 42.5 inches
    Thigh: 25.5 inches
    Arm: 13.25 inches

    Day 14 checkin (I took weight before my workout and measurements after, not sure if that has any impact):
    Weight: 209.8lbs
    Waist (at belly button): 41
    Thigh: 24.5
    Arm: 13-1/8 (is that supposed to go down or up with working out lol)
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Here are my stats after completing week 2

    Weight 192.6
    Neck 13.4
    Arms 13
    Waist at smallest 35.4
    Waist at naval 39.6
    Hips at widest 41.5
    Both thighs together 44
    Rt thigh 28.3
    Lft thigh 27.6

    SO basically in Week 2 I lost 2.25 inches and 2.8lbs :) Not to bad for still following the modifier most of the time :0)
  • EFish111
    EFish111 Posts: 14 Member
    Week 3 Weigh-in:
    SW: 160
    CW: 155
  • GmomLinC
    8/26/13 Starting weight 173.1
    % body fat 32.9
    Bmi 27.9
    Neck 12.25
    Upper Arm 13.5
    Bust 36.5
    Waist 32.0
    Belly 41.0
    Hips 42.75
    Thigh 25.5
    Calf 16.5

    9/9/13 Today's weight 167.6
    % body fat 31.6
    Bmi 27.0
    Neck 12.25 same
    Upper Arm 13.0 -0.5"
    Bust 36.0 -0.5"
    Waist 31.25 -0.75"
    Belly 40.5 -0.5"
    Hips 42 -0.75"
    Thigh 25.25 -0.25"
    Calf 16.5 same

    So.....2 weeks done, 5.5 pounds gone. I kicked up exercise last week a lot. Feeling amazingly stronger. Just realized yesterday that my knee hasn't hurt when I walk up stairs in quite awhile. See what losing weight can do!

    And exercise last week: I logged a total 36 miles of WATP….7.5 miles of which using handweights. Total weekly exercise time : 8 hours, 53 minutes. I beat my personal goal for last week of miles done. For this coming week, don't know if I'll be able to do as many miles......but my first week I did 24 miles, so I'll just try and top that again.

    Have a super week all you Holiday Hotties!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Nice! Keep up the great work!!
  • kristle00
    kristle00 Posts: 140 Member
    Well...i had a terrible week last week...i got all my workouts in, but i wasn't watching my calories very well, and i wasn't pushing my workouts b/c i've been sick....jump on the scale for weigh in day this am and go from last week at 191.4 to this week 193. Needless to say i didn't measure this week b/c I didn't want to know. Not really happy about it...but i need to be held'm feeling a bit better today...gonna push it all week...and goal for next way in to be 189.

    I think I can do it...I just need to get my body back on track...everything has been out of the ordinary for me so gotta get back to normal. Gotta focus and push myself to the limits. Maybe I'll add some double workouts here and there if i can this week. I'm gonna make this happen...

    One bad week will NOT define me. I got this.
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Week 33 Weigh In:

    Starting Weight: 168.4
    Week 2: 168.0
    Week 3: 165.0