Daily Insane chat, banter and progress!



  • sgtbrown
    sgtbrown Posts: 58 Member
    Still riding my bike to work. "Finished" Insanity in July...doing Focus T25 now in Beta phase. Going to do Insanity Asylum next. Watched a couple videos online about Asylum and it looks challenging. How does it compare to Insanity?
  • easy2putt
    easy2putt Posts: 36 Member
    I'd rather do Pure Cardio than Plyometric Cardio..ugh
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Not sure how Asylum compares. I think it's faster and more of it.
    Today was my second fit test. Got better in all but two moves. Then tonight I did HHA Ab Sculpt. I can already feel my clothes loosening up...yay!
  • Welshgem84
    Welshgem84 Posts: 45 Member

    I started week one on monday for the first time. I completed pure cardio today and have no idea how next week you are meant to do that with cardio abs! :)

    I am not following the diet plan as I have a strick plan I am already following that suits my needs. Does anyone think this will be a a problem?

    Hoping to able to finish it and the hype will all be true although I am having significant problems with the drills and end up doing the push ups and the leg ups or whatever they are call but cant do the jump yet its just to quick. I ma hoping to get better as I move through the weeks but really going to need some motivation.

    Are people drinking the recovery drinks or doing it alone? advice on this would be much appreciated as well.
  • sgtbrown
    sgtbrown Posts: 58 Member
    Grea job Currlee!
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Alright, fellas, here are my Fit Test 2 results

    Switch Kicks: 43 --> 52 (+9)
    Power Jacks: 30 --> 39 (+9)
    Power Knees: 67 --> 100 (+33)
    Power Jumps: 20 --> 22 (+2)
    Globe Jumps: 8 --> 9 (+1)
    Suicide Jumps: 12 --> 15 (+3)
    Push Up Jacks: 0 --> 10 (+10)
    Low Plank Obliques: 35 --> 60 (+25)

    WOW! I can't believe how much I improved in only two weeks!
  • fayemal
    fayemal Posts: 20 Member
    Not a fan of max recovery at all! :grumble:
  • Hi all myself and my husband are on week 2 of insanity its been hard but worth it my fitness levels are improving all the time
    and this week I lost 3.2lbs so feeling fantastic :happy:
  • fishnr2
    fishnr2 Posts: 31 Member
    Today was the first day of month 2. OMG I wasn't able to get through it. Maybe because of the lack of rest over the weekend and the fit test before the workout but after about 40 minutes I just wanted to quit. I skipped last few minutes as I was running out of time ( i do the workout before going to work) but I'm not sure if I would be able to finish even with enough time.
    Will see tomorrow if it's any better. Now i need a lot of sleep. My body is so tired.
    how were you finding month 2?
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks, SgtBrown.
    Kate, those are some amazing improvements!! Way to go. I can't wait to see how you do in two more weeks!
    I didn't end up working out this weekend(or the last two, for that matter) or this past Monday so I'm 4 workouts behind. I did HHA Fat Burning Cardio and somefree weights last night; three days with no workout would have been super lazy. Then this morning I got up and did Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. Then tomorrow was supposed to be Cardio Recovery, but I figured it's low impact enough for an evening workout and it gets me down to only 3 days behind. So I did that tonight, plus HHA Fat Burning Cardio. My legs felt like jelly! See how they feel in the morning. Not trying to overdo it, lol.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member

    I started week one on monday for the first time. I completed pure cardio today and have no idea how next week you are meant to do that with cardio abs! :)

    I am not following the diet plan as I have a strick plan I am already following that suits my needs. Does anyone think this will be a a problem?

    Hoping to able to finish it and the hype will all be true although I am having significant problems with the drills and end up doing the push ups and the leg ups or whatever they are call but cant do the jump yet its just to quick. I ma hoping to get better as I move through the weeks but really going to need some motivation.

    Are people drinking the recovery drinks or doing it alone? advice on this would be much appreciated as well.

    As long as you are getting enough calories and protein for the demads of this workout, you should be fine. If you don't get enough, your workouts and progress suffer. Also, plenty of water and sleep!
    I drink shakeology after my workouts, but lots of people just drink chocolate milk post workout. And when I got to Month two last time, I ended up getting the Results & Recovery formula and that really helped! It helped with soreness and it helped me get thru the workouts. I drank it during the workout instead of water. And I only drank half a serving with double the water cuz it's really sweet for me. Just finding what works best for you is key.
  • I am starting week 3 tonight so fit test time cant wait to see my results as am feeling a lot stronger after 2 weeks :wink:
  • Wow amazing results well done I do the fit test again tonight so can't wait to see what I get x
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Thanks guys. I was so surprised. Each time I was like, okay, if I can just get ONE more than last time, I'm happy and improving. Some things I got to my previous test's number and was like what? I can do a lot more than that!

    Only one more week until recovery week! Excited to take my month one photos and see how my body has changed.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    When I do my fit test, I write the results on a separate piece of paper and don't look at the previous ones til after. That way I'm not tempted to stop as soon as I reach the previous number.
    This morning I did Cardio Power & Resistance then tonight I did HHA Ab Sculpt and some free weights. Slowly, but surely, I'll get there.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    This morning was Plyo Cardio Circuit. I was too tired to do HHA after work. And yet here I am, five hours later...still awake. Lame.
  • anyone hate pure cardio as much as I do??? i am in week two and absolutely dreading it tmrw:sad: :sad: :frown:
  • sgtbrown
    sgtbrown Posts: 58 Member
    It gets better : )
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Honestly, I love it. Cant get enough to be honest.
    Think of the end result!!!!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    I don't mind Pure Cardio.
    Today I did Plyo Cardio before work and then came home and did my last Cardio Recovery. Only two more workouts in month one!!! Last time I first saw changes during Recovery Week. I've already noticed changes this time around and I'm not even to Recovery Week, yet. I can't wait to see if there are more visible results next week. So exciting!