That first game that made you a gamer.



  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Somehow this because a double post.
  • TheCakeIsALie86
    TheCakeIsALie86 Posts: 17 Member
    The first game I remember playing, would have been on an old Amstrad home computer thing, green CRT monitor, and was a Mummy maze/platformer. It was on a cassette, and you could fast forward the loads! LOL

    The first game that made me a gamer, was FF7 which came with my PS1. However my fondest memories will always be playing the various incarnations of PGA tours and EA golf games from Master System to Xbox with my beloved dad :) Miss him loads :)

    One of the last things we did together was play through Uncharted <3 Best dad ever!
  • TheCakeIsALie86
    TheCakeIsALie86 Posts: 17 Member
    Just googled it, was an AMSTRAD CPC 464. and the game was Oh Mummy! LMAO amazing.

    There were more colours than I remembered too!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Double Dragon. The original arcade game.

    EDIT: And the original sit-down arcade machine of Afterburner.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    I feel kind of sad that many of the posts here dont discuss many upright arcade games. (Maybe here is the irony about gaming and being on MFP to be healthy?). I remember being a kid and riding my bike to a store or an arcade to play video games. When you play an arcade game you have to standing. Not sitting on your butt at home on the couch drinking gatorades and cheese doodles. LOL! I used to also like to pace myself (because you only had so much money to play). I would play a couple of games, then find someone else who was playing and watch them. It was a lot of fun. You go to a place like Dave and Busters now and you cant really do that. I feel like the games now are designed to let you play for 1-2 minutes, suck out your money and kick you to the curb. Back in the day if you were good enough, you could play for an hour on 25 cents. Anyway....

    The first video game I ever saw was Bezerk
    I know this looks super cheezy and lame right? Well it is by todays standards, but back then it was SO COOL!

    That was just the beginning. This game was released a bit before Pac-Man and I was exposed to that first and it got me hooked on video games in general. Then when Pac-Man fever hit in 1980 the rest was history....
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Galaga and Pole Position on the Atari.

    Then it was Final Fantasy 7 for the Play Station.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I feel kind of sad that many of the posts here dont discuss many upright arcade games. (Maybe here is the irony about gaming and being on MFP to be healthy?). I remember being a kid and riding my bike to a store or an arcade to play video games. When you play an arcade game you have to standing. Not sitting on your butt at home on the couch drinking gatorades and cheese doodles. LOL! I used to also like to pace myself (because you only had so much money to play). I would play a couple of games, then find someone else who was playing and watch them. It was a lot of fun. You go to a place like Dave and Busters now and you cant really do that. I feel like the games now are designed to let you play for 1-2 minutes, suck out your money and kick you to the curb. Back in the day if you were good enough, you could play for an hour on 25 cents. Anyway....

    The first video game I ever saw was Bezerk
    I know this looks super cheezy and lame right? Well it is by todays standards, but back then it was SO COOL!

    That was just the beginning. This game was released a bit before Pac-Man and I was exposed to that first and it got me hooked on video games in general. Then when Pac-Man fever hit in 1980 the rest was history....

    I think you hit the nail on the head. You could buy a 60 dollar game for a console and a lot longer than if you dumped 60 bucks in an arcade. Plus the arcade was fun because you went with friends, now that social aspect can all be done online.

    But for arcade gaming, there was pinball machine called the black knight that had a sensor when you walked by it said "I'm the black knight, give me your money!" It was awesome.
  • Soccerjen2927
    Soccerjen2927 Posts: 6 Member
    I've always loved playing games, but it wasn't until Black Ops I that I became obsessed. LoL
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    Not sitting on your butt at home on the couch drinking gatorades and cheese doodles. LOL! I

    well to be fair, you can play videogames standing if you want. Just plug in a motion controler/make the table higher for PC gaming or you know.. stand up when playing console :P

    and gatorade and cheese doodles are yukky. Chocolate and pizza is much better :P
  • grum84
    grum84 Posts: 428 Member
    First game I remember playing was X-Men in the Arcade. My brother and I pumped so many quarters into that stupid game. Years later, I would just buy it for my Xbox 360 for like 5 bucks.

    But the games that really got me hooked, were right after we got our first console, the Super Nintendo. We stayed up all night and had blisters on our thumbs after playing Super Mario Kart and The Legend of Zelda. I could play Zelda when my brother wasn't around, otherwise I would have to share and played Mario Kart.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Like many here it was FF7 that made me a gamer. I finished that game and realized how fun and fulfilling and rewarding gaming can be. I play a lot of mmo's now but usually find myself doing it alone or with a family member.

    my daughter has me finishing ff7 again so she can watch as she's a gamer and so is my mother. Its contageous.
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    The Kings Quest series by Sierra. I've been a computer gamer for what seems like my entire life.
  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
    When i was little my sister and I would be allowed to play pac man on Dad's atari, until he bought us our on little black and white tv and and a Nintendo. So Mario Brothers, Duck hunt and Dragon Warrior sucked me in. I remeber I thought Janet Jackson and Paula Abdul were the same person from that little TV haha.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    The Kings Quest series by Sierra. I've been a computer gamer for what seems like my entire life.

    OMG! i totally forgot about that game! i was like 10 when it came out on the old text based game. And me and my brother and sister would spend hours typing it out, even made a map on paper of what was where. I guess that was the first game that made me a gamer. Me, brother, sister, mother, hubby and daughter are all gamers now.
  • brraanndi
    brraanndi Posts: 325 Member
    Playing games seriously? That would be WoW.

    But I definitely played alot of Duckhunt in my day and Mario haha.

    The game that made me realize that not all console games are created alike was Shenmue. I was amazed at how it made every day simple things like hauling boxes in a warehouse and buying toys at a convenience store so exciting. I haven't really played a game similar to that.

    Now my only console crack is Viva Pinata and I stick to mostly pc ( playing through all Dead Space games again atm ).
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    The Kings Quest series by Sierra. I've been a computer gamer for what seems like my entire life.

    OMG! i totally forgot about that game! i was like 10 when it came out on the old text based game. And me and my brother and sister would spend hours typing it out, even made a map on paper of what was where. I guess that was the first game that made me a gamer. Me, brother, sister, mother, hubby and daughter are all gamers now.

    We also made maps. There was one where you had to walk through a desert, and if you didn't have a map, you woud get lost and die. I still have that map. But ya, this series of games was it for me. the other computer games I had at the time were Boulderdash, Montezumas revenge. Later we had a game called martian memorandum and of course the 7th Guest and 11th Hour games. PC games have always been my thing. I have consoles. But i can sit on my pc for days on end. later on in life I played Everquest followed by years of WoW.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    That is such a bummer. That would have been a clever feature to put in to a game like that.

    Did anyone else think it was weird that Donkey Kong went from being the villain to being the hero?

    The timeline is screwed up. Cranky is supposed to be the Original DK, and the DK of DK Country is called Donkey Kong Jr. Which is fine except that Cranky is also this DK's grandfather, which doesn't fit. If this is DK Jr, then it makes sense that he's the hero since in the game Donkey Kong Jr was the hero (trying to save his father), with Mario as the villain.
  • BNS90
    BNS90 Posts: 13
    I never really played video games growing up. It wasn't until I met my husband that I started getting into video games. The game that got me hooked and which is also my favorite game series was, Dead space 2.
  • txmomma0889
    txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member
    We didn't get game systems growing up my mom couldn't afford them. So after high school when I was dating a guy he was a occasional gamer on an online game. I decide to try it. and instantly was hooked followed by game systems when I got them. The first game that got me start was definitely "World of Warcraft" I love the online atmosphere and leveling to achieve goals. Even though me and that guy aren't together. I am married to a gamer and still game constantly.
  • cem614
    cem614 Posts: 54 Member
    I watched my brothers play Super Nintendo a lot and was mesmerized. For me, it was Mario and Zelda. I kinda had a crush on adult Link from Ocarina of Time. <3 The games that I got started on that were officially mine, were Tomb Raider, that purple demon disc that came with the Playstation, and Pokemon Blue.