Daily Accountability Anyone

jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
Hi All,

I am new but I found having a group of people to help me stay accountable has kept me on track for my weight-loss plan. If you are interested post your Fitness/Weight-loss/Lifestyle goals here and check in each day with a quick overview of how your exercise went. Help motivate and support each other as we make our own personal transformations.


  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Round 2 Week 1 Day 4 Ab Cuircuit

    I almost nailed this workout. I was able to complete every task and only took 2-3 30sec-1 minute break. I felt realy good and am hoping to add a nailed it to this workout by the end of the first 5 weeks. Looking forward to STATurday.
  • hopeove330
    Week 2 Day 3 for me... I use Thursday as my STATurday cause I work back to back on Thursday 16 hours...but I feel so bad on Thursdays...like I'm being lazy or something lol... I cant wait til my double day on Fri...So I can ggggget it...all smiles
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Round 2 Week 1 Day 5 Upper focus

    SO I can honestly say I nailed Upper Focus. Had a slight issue during the hip flexer lunge hold after pulse but pushed through. This was not a huge calorie burner as I only had an avg HR of 127. It did hit 150 though so that is good. It feels really good to actually feel the "Burn" and push through it. This round I think I am noticing the difference between burn and pain.

    Hope: Thursday sounds as good as any day for Stats:) As long as its the same day same time each week you are good. I have only done a double once. We don't usually have time so we do the extra workout Saturday. How were your stats this week?
  • bedrockpebbles
    Would love to do this with you. I am on Week 4 of Alpha.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Round 2 Week 2 Day 1 Cardio

    I almost nailed this workout. My knee gave out at minute 23 and had to modify the last 2 minutes. Hiking a rough mountain yesturday took a little more out of me than expected. I will nail Cardio when next it comes up.

    Hope: How did double Friday go? I don't have time for doubles so we break it up 1 on Friday 1 on Saturday.

    bedrockpebble: Welcome. Gratz on making it to week 4. Basicaly this is an accountability thread so each day just post how your work out went, ask questions, and help support others. It has helped my to stay motivated, pushing play. I am currently down 31 pounds on the T25 and 52 pounds since I started my lifestyle change adventure.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Jakeyuma: That's amazing that you're down 31 pounds! Wowza!

    Just had my Shakeology and am hoping it gives me energy for Cardio later.

    Which DVD do you like best so far? Which is the most challenging for you?
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    I don't have a favorite video. I hate planks, plank push-ups, side planks, etc. My goal in round 2 is to make it all the way through the plank moves in both alpha and beta. the hardest video I think is the Abs and ript abs video. My core is not the strongest.
  • bedrockpebbles
    T25 Cardio done (I missed yesterday, so I'm planning on doing Cardio and TBC today). Cardio went great, except I still can't touch the floor during the pivot lunges or during many of the sprint/touch the floor intervals. How's everyone doing? I'll post more after I get my second workout in. Proud of myself for getting back on the workout train today. Just wasn't feeling it yesterday . . .
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Round 2 Week 2 Day 2 Core Cardio

    This was far from a nailed workout. I started strong but my HR monitor stopped working and 12 minutes into the workout I lost all energy. It was a struggle to finish but I made it through.

    5 burpees done. I did not not do a push up or jump at end with them.

    Bedrock - Good job making up the missing workout. I havn't made time to start double days. I am participating in a Burpee challenge. You can find it on the October challenge group. Day 1= 5 burpees Day 2= 10 Day 3 = 15 Day 4 = 20 Day 5 rest Day 6- 20 Day 7 - 25 ect. On day 30 It will be 95 burpees..ouch.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Back on track with Week 4 Alpha! Nailed T25 TBC (except have to modify spider pushups). Feeling good! Hope I can make it through Insanity with Vanessa Head tonight at Brickhouse Cardio Club after all that T25 I did! Can't believe we still have 5 more Total Body Circuits to go! Sweat drips off me during that workout! I can taste the salt!

    JakeYuma: I know what that's like to run out of energy during a workout; particularly hard to get back into it after an interruption like your HRM malfunctioning. But you did it, so that's great! As far as the Burpee Challenge, you go! I don't think I'd be into that, though. I get enough burpees as it is during the DVDs!
  • jz0608
    jz0608 Posts: 11
    Sounds like you guys are working really hard. Bedrockpebbles, I am not sure of your name. It sounds like you are really doing quite a few workouts. I am on the beta phase and while it is more challenging, I am really loving the new workouts. Especially speed 2.0!! That is the best one yet! Hang in there Jake! We all have days where we just don't have the energy to make it through. Nothing wrong with that. Make sure that you are taking some rest days--they are just as important as the workouts themselves since they give your body a chance to rebuild and rejuvenate.
  • bedrockpebbles
    jz0608: Thanks for the encouragement! I'm looking forward to (but am somewhat scared of) Beta in two weeks. What changes have you noticed since starting T25? (Your photo is amazing!). Is T25 your main program or are you doing other stuff, too? Are you using Shakeology? P.S. I don't know your name, either! I'll send you mine by PM.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability T25 Round 2 Week 2 Day 3 Speed 1.0

    Much better workout than yesterday. I nailed this one. I pushed hard enough that I was looking forward to the stretch breaks this time. HR monitor is not working so I don't know my Avg HR.

    20 burpees during Speed 1.0 + my 10 burpees afterwards for the Burpee challenge.

    JZ - I like Speed 2.0 as well. I have no time for rest days :) We take the occasional Saturday or Sunday off.

    Bedrock - Beta is nothing to be scared of. Keep pushing play, and work as hard as you can. Speed 2.0 is a little fast and no stretch breaks like in Speed 1.0.
  • bedrockpebbles
    So tired and unmotivated today. Anyone have those off days? Any suggestions?
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 Week 2 Day 4 Cardio

    Brought my A game to the workout but my knees did not follow. I pushed hard for 22 minutes. Knees went into the "Danger pain" so I lightened up a lot and modified for the last 2 minutes.

    I am starting to get worried, my knees are slowly starting to hurt more and more as I push harder and harder. Will try an Ice/heat program throughout day/morning and see if that helps. I really want to get to target weight before I have my surgeries.

    Burpee Challenge - 15 burpees done. Number 15 was hard and knees are now numb and pulsing. I hope that's nothing bad...

    Bedrock - I have those days a lot. I have to use strong self positive talk, pull up my socks and hit play. 2-3 minutes in I get focused and push hard. Keep pushing play.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Okay, T25 Lower Body Focus done! Now, I just need to do one more T25 today and I'll be caught up. Still have to modify the calf hops and the squats/touching the floor. Anyway, I slept around 12 hours last night; I think I was so tired because I've been overtraining: on Tuesday, I doubled up and did Cardio and Total Body Circuit and I think I paid the price for doing those two on the same day. Does anyone else feel like they've been overtraining?

    Jakeyuma: Sorry about your knees!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Not over training, I think I am eating too few calories. I uped my lunch calories by 200 and my energy shot way up this afternoon. Looking forward to STATurday.
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Accountability Round 2 Week 2 Day 5 Abs

    I suck at this video, my abs suck and I can barely push through, having to modify or rest several times. Wish my hipflexors would improve. I did make it through the video with a lot of self-talk and determination.

    Burpee Challenge - Day 4: 20 completed, I added a jump at the end. Wow, thank god for a rest tomorrow. Not sure how to make it the next 5 day.
  • bedrockpebbles
    Jakeyuma: Good for you for pushing through on Abs, anyway. I think normal to not be as strong in some body parts as others. And now you've inspired me to go push "play," even though I don't want to!
  • bedrockpebbles
    Last Speed 1.0 done. I'll miss you, Speed 1.0!