
  • ElizabethT72
    ElizabethT72 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. Please feel free to add me. I would love to have more friends to take this journey with.
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    Hello My name is Sharon. I will be 53 Saturday. My starting weight with MFP was 241. Current weight is 211.2. Goal weight is 185/190 or what ever gets me off BP meds or a size 12. When I started I was on two BP meds. Now I am down to 1. I do not want to be diabetic. I exercise 5 days a week. In the late 90s is was over 285 pounds. I am a W. I. P (Work in Progress).:wink: Taking one day at a time on this health journey. :love:
  • abowdry
    abowdry Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm a 26 y/o newlywed looking to get healthier and toned. I just got married, moved, and started a new job. With all that going on working out and eating right went out the window. I am now doing much better with logging on mfp and making healthier choices. I plan on reaching my goals with walking, zumba, and fitnessflender videos.

  • DaRealMcKoy
    DaRealMcKoy Posts: 56 Member
    Robyn here. I have been a member of MFP since about 2010. But I've only been active for the past almost 2 months. It's just time for me to get it together, so I started taking strength training classes at the gym, got a fitbit, and hired a trainer. I want to attack this problem 20lbs at a time.

    Age: 42

    SW: 226
    CW: 214
    Current GW: 206

    Ultimate GW: 145

    I look forward to going through this journey with you Ladies.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm a 36 year old woman who has struggled with my weight since my grade school days. In high school I lost a lot of weight, however during college the pounds started adding up. Before I knew it I was 255 lbs (highest known weight). I'm 5'11.

    Last year I got to the point where I had enough so I got off my butt and started working out. Then I got my eating habits under control and started reading health/fitness forums. I was also and still am fascinated about learning the science behind weight loss. At the same time I always felt out of place on messages boards because I wanted to have some muscles and keep some curves...never wanted to be thin and skinny.

    I didn't have a goal weight, but I did have a dress size/measurements I was aiming for. Once I figured out what was working for my body I focused more on changing my body composition/fat loss and getting fit and the weight loss came with it.

    Since January 2012 I have lost 80 lbs. without a gym membership or using a diet plan and I am working hard to maintain a 5lb range.

    Outside of my partner (he is slightly overweight) I don't have much support offline since everyone I'm around is average in weight, so I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am 45 years old woman who is trying to primarily get healthy . . . I just went to the doctors and my BP was within the normal range!!!

    I am 5' 2" started at 244 lbs, currently at 188, hoping to get to 175 by the end of the year (weight my Dr. and I agreed on to get me off BP meds) but I really do not a ultimate weight goal, I hope to get to a place where I just like my body - I am not at that place now.
  • MsTW32
    MsTW32 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Tahese. I'm 34 years old and I have always struggled with my weight. I joined MFP on September 2, 2013. So it's been a month now and so far I'm seeing results. I am 5'7" and my starting weight was 257. I currently weigh 247, so I lost 10lbs to date. My short term goal is to reach 200 and my ultimate goal is to be about 150-155.
  • MrsSweetT
    MrsSweetT Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Tara and I'm 38, married and the mother of five beautiful teenage and adult children. I would like to be in the best shape ever by my 40th birthday but hoping to reach that sooner! I have tried several diets and workouts and will lose some weight but always fall off. This time I plan to give it 100% and hang in there until I reach my goal weight of 160 lbs.

    When I joined MFP last year I weighed 215 lbs. When I officially returned back to MFP last Wednesday, Sept. 24th my weight was 236.8. Right now my current weight is 225! :happy: I've been working very hard to stay w/in or under my daily calories and drinking lots and lots of water...Yes! I'm constantly running to the restroom. :noway:

    I plan to use Shaun T's new Focus T25 workout and his Hip Hop Abs workout. I have several BB (P90X, Insanity, Brazillan Butt Lift, Hip Hop Abs & Focus T25) workouts but they are only being used to collect dust in my closet...RIGHT NOW. Plan to dust them off starting Sunday. Last year I did Julian Michaels 30 Day Shred and was doing great for the first 10 days but quit and was seeing great results. I plan to hang in there this time around b/c everytime I quit I gain more weight on top of the weight I'm already trying to lose.

    Wish me luck & ladies hang in there w/me!

    Getting MY SEXY back!:love:
  • probb10
    probb10 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello ladies, my name is Pat. I am looking forward to getting myself to a healthy body weight. Looking for friends who would like to share tips and tricks. Good luck to everyone. :drinker:
  • mizkej
    mizkej Posts: 7
    Hi everybody

    I am KJ

    I don't even know my current weight. Last week it was 321, yep. That saddens me to input that number, but it is what it is. I am 52 years old and this has been my struggle for YEARS. I keep trying and failing to grab ahold of this. I am trying again. So as always I am hoping to find a sisterhood with like minds to support and be supported by to get healthy.
  • Hello Everyone! My name is Jasmine and I recently turned 24 years old. My height is 5'9 and I'm 30 pounds into my weight loss journey. My starting weight was 292 and I'm currently 262. My goal is to be under 200 pounds. I hope to be inspired by everyone's journey in this group and I hope I inspire you as well!
  • We are all with you KJ!!!!
  • Hi everybody

    I am KJ

    I don't even know my current weight. Last week it was 321, yep. That saddens me to input that number, but it is what it is. I am 52 years old and this has been my struggle for YEARS. I keep trying and failing to grab ahold of this. I am trying again. So as always I am hoping to find a sisterhood with like minds to support and be supported by to get healthy.

    We are all with you KJ!!!!
  • mrsspj
    mrsspj Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Stephanie! I'm 31 years old and trying to get my body back after having a beautiful little boy named Christian! I'm starting to see some results and I'm happy about it!!! Looking to get down about 35 pounds!
  • Truegoddess22
    Truegoddess22 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm Alexis, I'm 25 and I have a son who is 8. My current weight is 179 and my goal weight is 125-130. I have PCOS such mashes weight loss a little harder but I know I can do this. I have to my son needs me to be around. I haven't gotten my exercising down like I want. I'm still trying to figure our what I can do from home. I'm thinking C25K and Jillian Michaels YouTube videos. Nice to meet everyone. Feel free to add me
  • Hello my beautiful sisters,

    My name is Whitney. I am 28 years of age. I'm ready to see results. Last week, I weighed 218, today I weighed myself.. My current weight is 214. Of course I don't see it yet. My goal is 185 lbs (for now). I've gained a lot of weight after my college years and my baby. Currently, I'm trying to stay away from bread, so I'm not eating it. I'm here for encouragement on my journey and any tips you ladies can give me. Let's help one another.

    -Peace & Love,
  • Cookie0914
    Cookie0914 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi ladies,

    My name is Vontrese and I'm 35 years old. I'm hoping this is my last time starting this weight loss journey...hopefully I can stick with this for good. I'm 5' 8'' and currently weight 196. My goal weight is 170. I'm trying to get in the habit of being more consistent and accountable. Good luck to everyone on this journey!
  • chacokat27
    chacokat27 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!

    My name is Rose and I am 36 years old. I've been on a weight lost roller coaster for over 10 years now. My lowest weight was 150 lbs and my highest has been 220lbs. I want this time to be it and I am confident that it will be. Besides losing the weight I have adjusted my thinking; I am committed to a lifestyle change. My last weigh in was late last month and I was 181.5 lbs. My goal is to get down to my leanest weight which according to my doctors would be 145lbs. I workout at least 4 days a week some days twice, but I have been slowly shredding the pounds. According to the professionals I am doing everything I am supposed to except sleeping. I'm excited about walking out this journey with all of you!!!
  • GoJovaniGo22
    GoJovaniGo22 Posts: 1 Member
    Greetings Ladies!

    My name is Jovani (Jo for short) and I, like most of you have been on a weight roller coaster. I always maintained my weight between 150-165 from my teenage thru college years. I'm a former athlete and college cheerleader so I know what I am capable of in terms of fitness goals and weight requirements. I too am a new mom. I have a 1yr old daughter whom I know keeps me busy, but with her, working full-time and a long commute home, fitness and exercise most days falls off my radar. Currently I am at my heaviest at 198. During pregnancy I got up to 215, but with good old fashioned breastfeeding, I was down to 186. Soon as I was done breastfeeding...the weight went right back up!

    I am tired of hiding behind clothes and constantly having to replace articles of clothing because something doesn't fit. My weight has completely changed my perception of myself to the point where I don't recognize what I see anymore. So finally, I got fed up enough to start making the changes I needed to gain ME back. I have the support of my loving Partner who is also on the fitness challenge with me...he is wanting to get back into football shape and even my daughter has fun working out at home with us!

    I'm not looking to be skinny (I think I would look funny) I just want to be fit and curvy. I don't care about abs (though that would be nice. LOL) but as long as my belly is flat and my muffin top has vanished...I consider that a victory! Black women have the most beautiful body shape that comes in all shades of brown. We have hips. We have booty. And if you are like me you have Thighs for days! I believe that if we set realistic body image goals for ourselves and strive toward achieving those goals fitness can be fun...especially with the help of like-minded sisters like ourselves!
  • Hello all,

    I am 47 year old teacher who recently moved to Rochester, NY. I need to lose 77 pounds and am ready to lose the weight. I am exercising and doing clean eating.

