Saturday 5th October - 3rd week weigh in



  • oreyna
    oreyna Posts: 88 Member
    Week 0 - 239
    Week 1 - 238 (-1 lb)
    Week 2 – 235.4 (-3.6 lbs)
    Week 3 - 235.4 (Zero Loss this week) :grumble:

    Total Loss (4.6 LBS)...(16.4 LBS to GO!!!)
    Goal Weight 220 by Christmas drinker
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    I need to change my weigh in. It turns out my husband has taken to putting his clothes on our scale before taking a shower. I guess it is remembering that weight because when I step on the scale in the morning after it shows I weigh about 3 pounds less. Then if I step off and let it power off then step back on it shows I am a few pounds more. So I will change my stats to reflect the accurate number.

    Week 1 - 181
    Week 2 - 185 (started a new work out and an retaining water)
    Week 3 - 182.6

    I am not entirely sure if my other numbers are accurate or not but there is no way to know so I am going to keep them the same.
  • SW - 166 lbs

    Sept 21 156
    Sept 28 153
    Oct 5 155

    I've been reading forums with graphic descriptions of all the horrors of 1200 calories, or, heaven forbid, less. So I tried to make sure I get at least 1200 last week (despite my age, height and weight). Result - plus 2lbs. I think my diet plan is to cut down on forum reading.
  • thomasjohnlynch
    thomasjohnlynch Posts: 163 Member
    Week Start: 198 lbs.
    Week 1: 200
    Week 2: 201.5
    Week 3: 199

    Starting back to the gym a bit and think i have shifted around some lbs. but do want to see some progress. Was at 188 on June 2 for my 23rd wedding anniversary (had stopped drinking for 8 months and was gluten and diary free) and between that celebrating and the boating/sailing season in full swing with raft ups, cruises and parties...........bam fast 12 lbs packed right on.
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    Sorry -- I was out of town and forgot to check in last weekend.

    SW = 210
    9/21 = 210
    9/28 = 209
    10/04= 209

    GW = 190
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    SW (10/5): 171.2
  • BeckyJo19
    BeckyJo19 Posts: 49 Member
    SW: 196
    Today: 192.6
  • SW: 250lbs
    W1: 248lbs
    W2: 245lbs
    W3: 245lbs

    I really don't know what happened there...