New to the group, check in here



  • CarlaTurc
    CarlaTurc Posts: 32 Member
    debZb, Your weight loss so far is phenomenal! Congratulations! You have inspired me.
  • cindirookbanman
    cindirookbanman Posts: 71 Member
    Just finished 5+ months on a ketosis-based diet called Ideal Protein and moving into maintenance phase. Going to need suuport more than ever... joined this particular group for lots of reasons...thanks!
  • Hello

    Was so pleased to find this group:happy: , talk about resignating true...I am forty and would love to release my inner fabulousness. I have lost all confidence and self esteem personally, still rocking it professionally though.oh arent we the masters of compatalising. Would love some support from like minded people..some inspiration from some fabulous
  • ps. would love some inspiration friends to check in with , please add me x
  • Hi Im 46 in N. Georgia, trying to lose 25 lbs. Today is my first day back at working out, my biggest downfall is trying to make a meal plan ahead of time and stay within 1200 calories. Wish me luck!
  • Hi all

    Yey, a place where I belong...

    Decided I would never be fat and forty...I missed that boat and am now fat and 41!

    So being loggin my 'real' food and drink on here for a while now, no more lying to myself and you know what? All the chat about having no idea why I keep gaining weight depsite hardly eating anything was a bit of a lie really...suprise suprise...seems there were 100s nay 1000s of forgotten or hidden calories slipped into my bodies unconsciously...what about that then?

    So tomorrow...yes I hear you cry...another tomorrow promise...I have my eating plan shopped for and pinned to the kitchen wall, I am proud of that actually cos I almost always say I will start on Monday giving me yet another weekend of mindless indulgence...

    So tomorrow it is and for once I am confident that tomorrow will come


    PS, please add me as a friend so we can support one another, the honest tracking has highlighted that I can be disciplined all day but then binge in the evenings so would love to have some distractions :flowerforyou:
  • jdoug1927
    jdoug1927 Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined 2 groups and don't know what to do from here. Please help. I did make a post, but I don't know if I put it in the right place. Thanks.
  • I'm new to the group. I'm 40 with 2 kids, and so want to get back down to a size 6. I've lost 4 pounds since joining.
  • New to this but I'm 45, mother of three and Nonna (grandmother) to 1 1/2. Next grandbaby due in March. Looking to get back to where I was two years ago.
  • afiallo
    afiallo Posts: 20 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I look forward to meeting and sharing tips to continue my weight loss and healthier new me.
  • cmc9295
    cmc9295 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm a 44 year young wife of 23 years and mom of two beautiful daughters ages 21 and 18 whom I adore; now I'm ready to focus more on my health so that I can be at my best and feel better about me. I'm excited about this group, I feel the motivation and inspiration already.:blushing:
  • hyphenbobbit
    hyphenbobbit Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm 42, married mum of 3 (10, 6 & 4). Not massively overweight, but need to lose just over a stone. Always had to watch my weight but lately it seems to be getting more and more difficult to control!

    A question for you ladies, not really weight related, but does affect my mood drastically which does then have a bearing on how much wine I drink!! Thinks have been going a little haywire over the last few months with cycles reducing to 20-24 days between but now here I am with a record 46 days - have had all the symptoms for weeks (believe me I could throttle something) but nothing happening. I am definately not pregnant and know it is age related but it's driving me crazy - help!!!! is this really going to go on for 10 years!!:explode:
  • Lynnhoussen
    Lynnhoussen Posts: 6 Member
    :wink: Hi, I am 43 years old and lost 21 lbs since Aug 28' 2013. I have 21 or more to go. I joined this Oct' 13 and still losing. I know I can do this and it is really nice to see everyone's comments. I have 2 kids and 3 grand kids. Yup, I am a nanny and love it. I want to fit in a size 5 again. I quit smoking 2 years ago and was piling on the pounds. I gained 40 lbs in 3 years and was/is fed up with how I felt this is why I am losing weight to have a better life. Losing the 21 lbs has certainly made me feel better.
  • Hi I am new to the group. Just started mpf last couple of weeks. Lost 4 lbs so far. Always start loosing weight then give up! Need support and motivation to get going. Don't want 2 give up this time. Find it daunting that i have nearly 3 stone to go. Fed up with feeling fat n frumpy! Have tried ww online before couple of times but after initial 7 lb weight loss put all back on and more! I have a weakness for carbs, chocolate n cheese! Need to find ways of fitting exercise in tomy day without going to the gym or costly equipment. Any support great fully received and ideas how i can fit exercise into my day. X
  • mtns2010
    mtns2010 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi. I'm giving it a fresh try to get back in shape and lose some weight. I'm hoping that if I spend some time around other motivated people on here, it will keep me more motivated. As many of you have also found, what worked in my 30s no longer works for me in my 40s.

    I'm single, 46, and tend to let work and other stress get in the way of taking care of myself. I'm hoping I can give myself more confidence. I try to think of women like Jennifer Aniston (44) and Halle Berry (47), who have fantastic bodies and remind myself that I don't have to be frumpy because I'm getting older. (I know they also have the help of personal trainers and the luxury of hours a day to workout, but it's still something to aspire to get closer to, at least.)

    ...Better yet, this forum looks like it has a bunch of real-life inspirations. Thanks for being here and doing this together
  • DontWeightForMe
    DontWeightForMe Posts: 38 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I'm 43 and will be 44 in a couple of weeks. Just joined today and I'm hoping with this support to make me accountable to my workouts and diet plan. I hope to start now and make 2014 a wonderful year full of goals met, lots of energy and be my personal best! I'm positive and looking to continually motivate and be motivated . If anyone wants to friend me I'd appreciate the suppport. So, if you are really serious about making exercise and diet changes I'd love to hear from you!:):bigsmile:
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    Hi there,
    I am a 45 year old Mom of 2 teenagers. Live in Canada, and work full time. I have a good 50lbs to lose and am tired of diets, etc. Just want to be healthy! I do love to exercise, my problem is keeping at it consistently.
  • hi all

    need some serious support, got a full month of commitment to look the best i can for a date with someone i havent seen for a good couple of years when i looked...well...looked a lot better than i do now..I know I have changed and dont expect to look like i did back then, I just dont want that shocked look which is rapidly followed by that awkward moment as they try to cover it up...:( please help and support...thank you so much
  • Momtolandc
    Momtolandc Posts: 7 Member
    Hi my name is Karen and I turned 40 back in May. I have since gained 10 lbs since then. I had so many goals for when I turned 40 and they just didn't happen. I have been on this website for a while now with no luck. I really think I need to reach out and get support instead of try and do this on my own. I look forward to following this group.
  • whomanbeen
    whomanbeen Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am 44 and have 5 children, well let me rephrase that, 3 grown children and 2 young ones.they are ages 24, 21, 19, 10, 8. I am a full time wife/ mother, part time college student and a sometimes full time hobby farmer (heavy gardening in the summer). I am here to take off the weight that I put on after having stopped smoking, a sedentary job, and a surgery. I am very fit in a muscular sense but I have low endurance/ motivation during the winter. My husband claims I am solar powered. ;) I am great at maintaining a weight, unfortunately the weight I am maintaining is not where I want to be.