November Goals

timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
It's a new month! I liked the previous post about October goals so I thought I'd carry it on. What are your goals this month?

For November, I'd like to:

1) Continue building up my mileage to a 12-mile long run 2 weeks before my first half marathon
2) Add a weekly speedwork session at the track (with the running group)
3) Complete my first half marathon on Thanksgiving in less than 2 hours
4) Focus on core work, hips, glutes, abductors, etc.
5) Stay injury free


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Continue to build my base
    Safeguard against injury with a sustainable cross training program and stretch routine
    Run the Marietta gobble jog in thanksgiving
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Be running 10k in training by the end of the month which means having a working knee. So continuing water aerobics, stretching, strengthening, and icing when appropriate.

    Sign up for the half marathon in April 2014. It opened for registration yesterday.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    Tim - I'm pretty sure you will get that sub-2 unless you get injured. You already run faster than that.

    I will continue working on speed. (This will be hard to do since I've been released to get back into the pool. WaHooo!!)

    I need to decide if I'm going to run a 5K or a 12K mid-December. A bunch of us from the gym were going to do the 12K (it's the same race/day, just have options), but about half of them are switching to the 5K due to injuries. So I can do either one. The 5K is appealing since this is the place where I've run my other 5K's so it will be a good gauge of progress. They are always different routes, but similar on the hills. OTOH, I already run nearly 10K on my long runs, so it would be a fun goal to up my distance a bit.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270

    First 5K this Saturday!
    Thanksgiving Day 5K
    Keep base building and preparing for a half on May 10, 2014
    Sign up for the Run With The Wind 25K that is set for February 15th

    Remain injury free
    stay reasonable warm
    consider how to attach deer whistles to my shoes to discourage wildlife from getting within close proximity
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    November goals (not necessarily in order of greatest importance):

    1-Stop eating Halloween candy (Note to self: Candy is NOT fuel.)
    2-Stick to my running plan despite single parenthood for most of the month while my husband travels for work.
    2b- Continue building out my base and run 8 miles for long run by the end of the month.
    3-Maintain or lose not gain despite the Thanksgiving holiday (also see point #1)
    4-Maintain an attitude of thankfulness despite challenges at work and at home (see point 2)

  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    November goals (not necessarily in order of greatest importance):

    1-Stop eating Halloween candy (Note to self: Candy is NOT fuel.)
    2-Stick to my running plan despite single parenthood for most of the month while my husband travels for work.
    2b- Continue building out my base and run 8 miles for long run by the end of the month.
    3-Maintain or lose not gain despite the Thanksgiving holiday (also see point #1)
    4-Maintain an attitude of thankfulness despite challenges at work and at home (see point 2)


    Beth - you are the BEST! I love your goals. (And I might copy them down.)
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    November Goals

    1 - Finish 10k training plan (this Saturday)
    2 - Start 12 week 15k SmartCoach training plan
    3 - New training plan brings tempo runs and speedwork (new for me)
    4 - Run 50 miles this month
    5 - Bike 50 miles this month (at this point it's a stationary bike, I don't have a real one)
    6 - Lose at least 3 more pounds so my BMI is in the overweight category and no longer obese

    I'm stretching out the 15k training plan to 12 weeks because my goal is to do my first half marathon in July. This will give me 24 weeks after the 15k plan to train for the HM. I know that's a long time, but it will help me build my weekly base and hopefully help keep me injury free.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Tim - I'm pretty sure you will get that sub-2 unless you get injured. You already run faster than that.

    I will continue working on speed. (This will be hard to do since I've been released to get back into the pool. WaHooo!!)

    I need to decide if I'm going to run a 5K or a 12K mid-December. A bunch of us from the gym were going to do the 12K (it's the same race/day, just have options), but about half of them are switching to the 5K due to injuries. So I can do either one. The 5K is appealing since this is the place where I've run my other 5K's so it will be a good gauge of progress. They are always different routes, but similar on the hills. OTOH, I already run nearly 10K on my long runs, so it would be a fun goal to up my distance a bit.

    Hmmm...difficult choice. But I think I would be tempted to go for the PR and run the 5K. You could do the 12K on your own, but how cool would it be to see your apples to apples progress on the 5K?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    In November I'm trying to learn to be flexible with my running. Since I started C25K in May I've religiously stuck to a schedule and honestly that messed with my brain when outdoor running became more challenging. I will continue to run 3x a week, but the distance and specific workout is going to vary. I have a few promising looking treadmill workouts to try out when getting outside isn't an option. I just need to get over this cold first so I can actually run again.

    I'm also contemplating doing a 5K on Thanksgiving. I hadn't been planning on it but now that it's getting close, and seeing other people talk about theirs, makes me want to do it.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    My goal to be injury free may be short lived. But technically I hurt myself in last month's race. So now I just need to see if I can get past this latest issue. During my race I got a sharp pain at my left iliac crest at mile 8 and it got slightly better after a mile. Since then I still have pain there. Last week I skipped one of my shorter weekly runs and during my long Sunday run the pain was tolerable until I hit 10 miles. Today I still have pain there with every step so I think I will skip today's run and do some elliptical & bike at the gym (which does not cause any pain). I'm going back to see my doctor next week. The pain seems to be at the point where the tensor fascia lata and gluteus medius attach to the pelvis. I suspect a weakness in one is causing the other to get overworked.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Inspiring goals! Mine are going to look a bit timid in comparison but here goes :)

    1: Run 50miles. This is linked to a UK running website I visit and they're getting people to post updates on Twitter with the tag #noexcuses every time they run with the idea being we all inspire each other to get our shoes on ... we'll see!

    2: Increase longest distance to 7.5miles by month end (this will help with the above too).

    3: Move my one of my two short runs to the evening. It's dark either way but I'm not good at running after work and I'd like to match my morning time for an evening 5k.

    4: Run a mile in less than 10mins. Fastest so far is 10.17 so this should be do-able but I'd like to be doing it consistently rather than a one-off wonder lol

    5: Keep running!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Trying to keep my knee healthy enough to run a 10k on Nov. 23rd. Also ramping up my cycling in prep for the MS 150 ride in April- Houston to Austin, TX.

    I'm about 1.5 lbs from my ULTIMATE goal weight, would like to hit that before the end of the year.

    Trying to figure out how to get exercise time in, since it's dark when I leave for work and dark when I get off work. :-/
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Trying to keep my knee healthy enough to run a 10k on Nov. 23rd. Also ramping up my cycling in prep for the MS 150 ride in April- Houston to Austin, TX.

    I'm about 1.5 lbs from my ULTIMATE goal weight, would like to hit that before the end of the year.

    Trying to figure out how to get exercise time in, since it's dark when I leave for work and dark when I get off work. :-/

    Good luck with the 10k and the bike ride - that's real sore bum territory lol

    When I started trying to lose some weight I used a Cyclops fluid trainer ( with my mountain bike - set it up in the dining room and away I went. It uses the bikes own gears and creates very good resistance to mimic proper riding. That particular one was quite expensive - about £300 (I borrowed it from a colleague) but if you're seriously into cycling and are going to get lots of use out of it over the winter it might be worth looking at. If you do, get a slick training tyre to cut down the noise as treaded tyres create a bit of 'road' noise that drills into your brain after a while :)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Trying to keep my knee healthy enough to run a 10k on Nov. 23rd. Also ramping up my cycling in prep for the MS 150 ride in April- Houston to Austin, TX.

    I'm about 1.5 lbs from my ULTIMATE goal weight, would like to hit that before the end of the year.

    Trying to figure out how to get exercise time in, since it's dark when I leave for work and dark when I get off work. :-/

    Good luck with the 10k and the bike ride - that's real sore bum territory lol

    When I started trying to lose some weight I used a Cyclops fluid trainer ( with my mountain bike - set it up in the dining room and away I went. It uses the bikes own gears and creates very good resistance to mimic proper riding. That particular one was quite expensive - about £300 (I borrowed it from a colleague) but if you're seriously into cycling and are going to get lots of use out of it over the winter it might be worth looking at. If you do, get a slick training tyre to cut down the noise as treaded tyres create a bit of 'road' noise that drills into your brain after a while :)

    That is very tempting! I live in a tiny house and don't really have anywhere I could set that up. (Thinking about what piece of furniture I could do without!)

    BTW it's
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member

    BTW it's

    Doh! Hope my misspelling didn't send you to some dodgy website lol
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    My goals for November are:

    1.) Build mileage for my half marathon in January

    2.) Stay injury free while building up my mileage.

    3.) Complete my 9k Turkey Trot in under 1:40:00.

    4.) I want to get my longer runs into a 13: m/m time range. I'm good with anything 3 miles or less but once it starts to go past there I climb into 14/15 minute miles.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I've already changed my November goals. I still want to up my running distance and will through the month, but I'm not going to sign up for any of the races I was thinking of. I was going to do an Iron Girl half marathon in April and then two Iron Girl sprint tris in August and September. The reason was because by doing all three I would get another acknowledgement of completing them all. I have also been planning a special vacation for two weeks at the end of August. It's been being planned for five years. I'd have to do one Tri (in the heat of August), fly out the next day for a long plane ride, not be able to do much for two weeks, return and then almost immediately do the other Tri. In addition, I am happier increasing my mileage as my knee allows rather than on a half marathon schedule for April. I want to run for years.

    While I still would like to do these three, and probably will in 2015, next year I'm thinking about commiting to one Sprint Triathlon in the late Spring/early Summer, if I can get my biking up to where I'm comfortable, and a half marathon in the Fall and/or another Sprint Tri. I already feel better taking the pressure off. I'm loving being in the water and really enjoying my running.

    So by the end of November I will:
    - run 10k and do a 10k in December. I was so so close before I started taking it easy.
    - start swim classes
    - swim freestyle 150m without stopping. I can do 50m now doing freestyle only and 200m if I switch up my strokes and do back and breast strokes to rest.
    - get out on the bike again and at least get an idea on where my starting point is as far as mileage.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Let me revise my goals:

    I would like to be able to breath and to stop coughing by the end of the month. If anybody wants to celebrate, I'm having a pity party at 2:30. There will be cake.

    PS - you all are so inspiring. This is the best group on MFP!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Let me revise my goals:

    I would like to be able to breath and to stop coughing by the end of the month. If anybody wants to celebrate, I'm having a pity party at 2:30. There will be cake.

    PS - you all are so inspiring. This is the best group on MFP!

    I am happy to see you posting. I am not happy to hear that you still can't breathe and that you're coughing.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Let me revise my goals:

    I would like to be able to breath and to stop coughing by the end of the month. If anybody wants to celebrate, I'm having a pity party at 2:30. There will be cake.

    PS - you all are so inspiring. This is the best group on MFP!

    Sorry to hear about your chest, Varda. Is this an infection or to do with your asthma? Either way pretty miserable and I hope you feel tip top soon! :(