Finished 90 days of CLX!

Hello, fellow CLXers!

I have finally finished 90 days of Chalean Extreme! This is the first program I have ever completed. I did not miss a single workout. But I did take a week off in the last month. I should also add that I did not really diet or keep below 2,000 cals. I'm sure if I had, my results would be much more impressive. I did eat much healthier. Just too much!

Here are the results:

weight: -11 lbs
waist: -2.5"
hips: -2"
thigh: -1"
bf: -6%



Today I'm starting Focus T25. But I will incorporate three days of the weight circuits every week. I don't want to stop lifting weights. This time I'm going to stick to the 1,600 cals recommended diet. But bump up to 1,800 cals on days I lift. I'll post my progress.

I just wanted to add that you shouldn't give yourself a hard time if you indulge here and there. I did and I still managed to make progress. I just tell myself something we have all heard many times: "Fall in love with the process and the results will come." Just keep going.
