Week 1

meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
Thread for Week 1 of RI 30


  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm glad that I have done 30 Day Shred, as it really builds you up for RI30 Level 1.

    The warm up seems to have quicker moves in it than 30 DS.

    The format is the same, except that there are 3 Strength moves instead of 2.

    Slightly felt that I'd been working out, but no major pain the days after :)
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    I am just finishing up The 30 Day Shred and so yesterday, I took my crazy pill and did 30 DS Level 3 followed by Ripped in 30 Level 1 (Day 1). One solid hour of Jillian kicking my butt! Most of my strength lies in my lower body. Doing The Shred has been very challenging for me because of that. All those moves that work my arms, back, shoulders and core are killing me! (But in a good way. :wink: )

    In general, I get an initial impression that Ripped in 30 is going to be even harder than The Shred, but that it is also a little more "balanced" and in tune with current exercise philosophies...like insisting that we take a day off every week. The body needs that to recouperate and repair.
  • ambardi
    ambardi Posts: 5 Member
    This is my first time doing any Jillian programs. I tried a "test" of it on Xbox Fitness and decided to go ahead and do the whole program. I figured it would be a good kick off to getting back on a regular workout routine. Day three and I'm definitely feeling some serious all over soreness. I know today's workout is going to be tough to push thru.

    What sorts of things do you all do in addition to 30 min with Jillian?
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member

    What sorts of things do you all do in addition to 30 min with Jillian?

    I don't have a gym membership and we do not own a treadmill or other serious execise machine. However, I take a brisk walk most everyday. I have a FitBit One and I try to hit 15,000 steps and 50 floors (flights of stairs) per day. Sometimes I will jog/run (if hubby is not with me.) I also jump rope in my garage, especially if the weather is not nice outside. Before I started "The 30 Day Shred" last month, I was doing regular garage workouts that consisted of intervals of jumping rope and other high intensity moves with my medicine ball, hand weights, & body weight. Since Jillian's workouts really work my whole body, I haven't been doing much of my garage workouts lately. When I finish with Ripped in 30 next month, I will probably just start alternating doing some of my old garage workouts with the workouts in Shred and Ripped. I live in Wyoming where the winter weather is pretty dang bitter. The dvd's come in handy when it is miserable outside.
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    I am curious...what size hand weights do most people use? I have 2 lb. and 5 lb. dumbbells that I used doing "The 30 Day Shred."
  • ambardi
    ambardi Posts: 5 Member
    I'm using 3lb & 5lb.
  • hopperem
    hopperem Posts: 228 Member
    I'm planning on starting Ripped on Sunday. Did a week about a month ago and gave up! Was using 3lb weights. I also am trying to run three times a week for at least 30 mins. And a yoga class weekly too.
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome all! I'm using 1.5kg (3.3lbs). I also have 3kg ones which I might use for some of the excercises. I'm not doing any other workouts. I plan on starting Body By You in January, and probably alternate with RI30 and 30DS.
  • mellyish
    mellyish Posts: 253 Member
    I finished Week 1 on the 14th, I did it 5x over the course of 7 days, then I took a 2 day breather (by accident, family got in the way) then started Week 2 on the 16th. I have 3 sets of weights 2, 3, and 5lbs. If it's to easy I go up to 5lbs, if it gets too difficult to where I can't complete the exercise I go down one.
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Started week 1 on Monday. STILL so sore I can barely move.! Arghhhh!!!!
    Ive been using 8lb weights.
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    Started week 1 on Monday. STILL so sore I can barely move.! Arghhhh!!!!
    Ive been using 8lb weights.

    8 lb. weights? You go girl! There are some moves that I could do with heavier weights, but not the whole workout! :noway:
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Started week 1 on Monday. STILL so sore I can barely move.! Arghhhh!!!!
    Ive been using 8lb weights.

    8 lb. weights? You go girl! There are some moves that I could do with heavier weights, but not the whole workout! :noway:
    yeah, ive lifted in the past (though not recently) but didn't realize quite how many reps would be involved in 20 minutes! I totally pooped out on the shoulder raises. Something to work towards, I guess.
  • My DVD arrived today so I plan on starting tomorrow. I don't have weights yet. I figured I would start without them just so I don't keep postponing this any further. I'll try to get the weights in the next day or so. I'm not quite sure what kind of weights I should get either. I've never done DVD work outs. Seems like 3lb weights is the way to go?
  • ritornare
    ritornare Posts: 42 Member
    I use 1.5 kg weights but I'll probably be purchasing new heavier ones (maybe 3 kgs?) as I progress with RI30.
    Along with these DVDs, I workout 1h a day 6 times a week, usualy alternating HIIT on the stationary bike and steady cardio also on the stationary bike. Yesterday I dusted off zumba fitness 2 and loved it so much I think I'll substitute the bike for it every other day.
  • hopperem
    hopperem Posts: 228 Member
    My DVD arrived today so I plan on starting tomorrow. I don't have weights yet. I figured I would start without them just so I don't keep postponing this any further. I'll try to get the weights in the next day or so. I'm not quite sure what kind of weights I should get either. I've never done DVD work outs. Seems like 3lb weights is the way to go?
    Use tins or water bottles till you get weights. Not so heavy but better than nothing!
  • First day down! This is my first time doing any sort of DVD workout. I wasn't sure what to expect. It was nice! Good workout. I used 1.5 lb makeshift weights that I would combine to make 3lb whenever possible. I need to get real weights. Let's see if I'm gonna be too beat up tomorrow.
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member

    How are you all finding Week 1?

    Have a great weekend!!
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    Hey ladies

    I was supposed to start RI30 on Wednesday but I've been feeling a little under the weather so I decided to wait until I was feeling better. It was only a bit of a cold but as I'm fairly sure RI30 is going to be tough going I didn't want to start when I couldn't breathe through my nose!!

    So, I could possibly start today after work but I'm planning to start tomorrow morning. Feel free to add me and yell at me if I haven't logged it tomorrow :bigsmile:

    Catch up with you after Day 1. Interested to know how everyone else is getting on!
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Sorry to hear you are unwell olalola. I remember when I was doing the 30 Day Shred, I attempted 1 day with the cold, but felt that I didn't put in enough effort, so didn't do any more till I was better.

    Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    PS, niceties over, YOU BETTER GET YOUR *kitten* IN GEAR TOMORROW!!!! Lol!!
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    Olalola, I haven't been feeling 100% this week either! That being said, I took yesterday "off" from any "real" workout. I did get in over 15,000 steps and over 50 floors (up the stairs) worth of walking.

    I have only done Ripped, Level 1 one time this week because I am still finishing up The 30 Day Shred. Depending on how today's "Shred" workout goes, I might do the Ripped workout afterwards. Either way, I should be okay. My goal is to finish Ripped by December 20th, which is my wedding anniversary...I wanna' knock his socks off and make him glad he's stuck by me all these years! :wink: