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  • annleg83
    annleg83 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello from Wisconsin!

    My name is Annette, I'm 48. I've had MFP on my phone for a while but didn't use it, even though a co-worker had lost a lot of weight using it. Anyway - I ended up trying it a bit ago and love it!!

    I have about 50 pounds to lose - but really - i just want to be healthy and active (and get off the BP medication)

    I have lost weight before and kept gaining it back - this past time around I caught myself this time before I gained it all back (and then some).

    I want to be the grandmother that dances at weddings :-)
  • Hi,
    My name is Marilyn. I've just restarted using this site. I originally joined last August and then stopped recording my foods after awhile. Logging my foods is definitely something I need to do as my weight is gradually building up again. I have about 20 to 25 pounds to lose. This looks like a fun group, using a combination of tips, humor, support and advice.
    I recently retired and am now splitting my time between Massachusetts and Florida. I might still work part-time in the future, but I'm having too much fun to job hunt. I am married and have two grown sons--one lives near Boston and the other lives in Japan!! (I've been working 8 years to change that, but there may be hope in the horizon).
    Snacking is my biggest issue. As a whole, my husband and I cook healthy meals, but when I'm sitting still between hand reaches into a bag (without my consent of course) and brings snacks into my mouth. :wink:
    'til next time,
  • TriciannT
    TriciannT Posts: 58 Member
    Cathy, feel free to friend me. I need some nice support also. After reading your post I agree with what you say.
  • NewJulie001
    NewJulie001 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. My name is Julie. I'm a 49 year old mom and teacher. Yesterday I had lunch with a group of ladies I hadn't seen altogether in years. I had a fantastic time! Then when I saw this group's name this morning, and I thought this is just what I need. My story is this...In the past 10 years I've gained almost 40 pounds. In the beginning, I had recently remarried and referred to my weight gain as "happy fat". Then years later when I got a divorce and I started to gain more weight I referred to it as my "I'm too sad to care" weight gain. It dawned on me that I'm not sad anymore so there's no reason to continue to accept me at this weight. In November and December I joined a "Biggest Loser" competition at work and won! That was all the motivation I needed to keep on going. I just packed away all of the pants that I was wearing two months ago. Yeah! :smile:
  • Hi Everyone! I am Julia, turning 55, and now an empty nester after raising 2 terrific kids with my husband, Mike. We live in NW Washington, and I would love to lose 25 lbs- what I weighed when I left Bozeman, MT 7 years ago. I just started walking on a regular basis, and now that I am tracking my food, I feel like I have a direction and a map! I love crafts, especially sewing and cardmaking, and am glad to be part of your group!
  • finewine
    finewine Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there - My name is Fonda and I live in beautiful AZ. I am originally from the suburbs of Philadelphia and have only lived in AZ for a year. while most of the time I like to exercise alone - I love to entertain, eat, enjoy a lovely wine and socialize whenever possible. I am employed full-time but try to work out every day for at least an hour. By joining this group, I hope to stay motivated to eat right, exercise regularly and indulge in healthy chat and recipe sharing!
  • Frmvt
    Frmvt Posts: 15 Member
    Hi All, I am new to MFP and am very excited to have found this group. I am a homeschooling mom of three kids in beautiful central Florida. Since turning 51 I am struggling with menopausal weight gain and all that comes with it!
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Hello, hello! I'm a working mom who is going to be four-oh this summer. I have a toddler and hubs who I love madly. After a lifetime of weight ups and downs, I'm finished fooling around. Very slowly I've made small changes. Pennies make dollars, as my grandma used to say. I workout regularly, eat mostly healthy meals & snacks, meal plan, am caffeine free*, drink only water, get enough sleep, always eat sitting down, etc.

    I struggle with emotional eating, particularly eating for comfort. I gave up sugar** over the summer and now I eat salty carbs for comfort, although not as much and not to the point of discomfort, like I did with sweets. I also love to go for walks outside but not when it's c-c-c--cold and gets dark at 4pm. I don't belong to a gym but have tread, bike & weights at home.

    It's also hard for me to stay motivated when the scale moves. so. slowly. I've been around the same weight for about three months... I sometimes think very mean things about myself and am trying to change that.


    *What, am I crazy?
    ** Seriously!
  • Livybell69
    Livybell69 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. I just joined MFP a few days ago. I am a 44 year old SAHM to two girls (4 & 5). I am an American who has been living in England with my British hubby for almost 10 years. The past 10 years has been a big Yo- Yo for me regarding my weight. This year I have decided it is time to do something about this once and for all! Look forward to getting to know all of you ladies. XX
  • I am Tammy from Toledo, OH- new to the group but not new to trying to get healthy, seems like an uphill battle most of the time. Looking for support so please feel free to add me. My daughter is getting married in June and I need to lose weight before then but not only that, I need to feel better! Looking forward to your motivation and helping to motivate. :-)
  • DebbyeC
    DebbyeC Posts: 4 Member
    I've had the MFP app on my phone forever, but I'm finally ready to tackle this for real!! I got a Fitbit for Christmas and I'm dedicated to finally logging my food. I'll be 43 next week and I have 2 daughters, 13 and 11. My hubby is a Corporate Chef by profession, so I am lucky to have him help with the cooking. I'm a "fit" fat and I've run 4 1/2 Marathons. I'm a little shy even online, but I'm committing myself to some accountability! Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • Hello all,

    I ama 47 year old teacher who moved to Western New York due to my husband's new job. I have been overweight, meaning obese, all of my life. I lost over 130 pounds using weight loss surgery, but I re-gained eighty of the pounds. THIS TIME I have decided to take iff the weight in a healthy manner.



    I would love to be added as a friend to any and all.
  • MarjeanWillis
    MarjeanWillis Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Marjean - This group sounds like fun. I have started with MFP a couple of times and tried to go it alone, but I thought it might be fun and interesting to join a group this time. Just being accountable to someone else helps a lot! I am 64 years old, retired, married to a minister. We have 5 grown children, 9 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Since I have been retired I have put on some pounds which I need to get off. I love to walk, that is my favorite exercise and I was very faithful to that until last Sept. My husband and I walked at least an hour a day. I broke my ankle on Sept. 12, had surgery - a plate and screws, ended up in ICU with blood clots on my lungs so - needless to say the walking stopped for quite some time. I have started walking on the tread mill again because it has been so cold outside. I have lost weight before and know I can do it again!! Just need some positive motivation and someone to share the journey!!

    Hope I am doing this post correctly!!
  • sjmnhh
    sjmnhh Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Julie and I joined 2 weeks ago. I just turned 42 and have decided this is the year to get healthy. I have tried ww several times, but my commitment wasn't there. I have 2 girls that keep me very busy (ages 18 and 14), plus I own and run my own business(marketing/trade show) from home. I would like to loose 60lbs. My biggest hurdle is getting exercise in. I have a gym membership, but am having a very hard time getting there.

    I am looking forward to taking is journey with all of you and getting and giving lots of support. Please feel free to add me as a friend.

  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    Hi My name is Fran I've been on MFP for a while I have taken care of everyone now Its time to take care of me My kids will be away at college soon. I want to be around to enjoy the second part of my life a lot healthier then the first part
  • Good afternoon all,
    I am 44 years old, love the gym and red wine, I am finding I am picking at food (hence the calories are mounting up!)
    Your support and advice would be very much appreciated!
  • mamacst1316
    mamacst1316 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to this group. I am 66 years of age and diabetic. Trying to loose around 60 pounds so maybe can get off some of the 10 pills I take every morning. Keep telling myself I need to go to the Gym and start strength training and/or walking but this cold weather stops me everyday. Guess I am just a WIMP!!!
  • franchiskag
    franchiskag Posts: 1 Member
    Hey ladies. My name is Franchiska and I live in Riverside County, CA. I am 43 and trying to lose 40 pounds. I have been on Weight Watchers but felt as if I was always focusing on food and the more I went the more I wand to eat!!!! I just need encouragement to make this work. My goal is to live a healthier lifestyle
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy and so glad I found this group! I live in Knoxville, TN but hail from Toledo, Ohio and southern Michigan. I'm 52 and 5-5", mom of 3 grown children, wife to the man of my dreams for almost 32 years. Life has been good but not to my body lately. I was always a tomboy and kept myself in pretty good shape. Never had to "diet" like my friends. After baby #3 (21 years ago), my weight settled in the 150s and never went back into the low 140s that I was accustomed to. A few years ago I hit my all-time-high of 200. Talk about a face-smack. About died went I saw that. Got my weight back to 190 but again, I settled in and convinced myself that I just wasn't ever going to be anything but overweight. I had a laundry list of excuses--pre-menopausal, hypo-thyroid, 55 hour a week sedentary job in my home office, venous insufficiency (no running per doctors orders), kids in sports/4H/band, you name it I told myself a bunch of baloney to justify the weight.

    Fast-forward to mid-September 2013. I live 500 miles away from my husband due to our work. We see each other once a month for several days. Life has really changed but I'm so excited to be actively working on my health. And hubby is on the same journey though he's way ahead of me. He's down to 185 from his all time high of 232. So though we're apart, we're walking this path together. I'm down almost 25 pounds and feeling so much stronger and happier than just 5 months ago when I started. I look forward to being part of the conversation here and making new fitness friends!
  • lisort
    lisort Posts: 4
    Hi everyone! My name is Lisa. I just turned 41 last month and i need to get myself in shape! Need any encouragement I can get!