I'd love to hear everyone's recent NSV



  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    New NSV for me! Not only am I increasing my walk time... But today I noticed I didn't have to stop at my normal 7 min and 14min marks to take a 30 second break
  • TheRainIsGone
    (I'm new and have looked this up twice already, so for other newbies NSV=Non Scale Victory.)

    FYI if you have a new car, call the dealership and ask for an extender, they will provide them for free. Not sure if it's an older model but it can't hurt to ask.
    I'm excited to say that was my first NSV as well, not needing the extender. I thought about what to do with them, I have 2 in my car. Decided to keep them for now, in case I give a larger person a ride, or meet someone in need, I will pass them along.
  • TheRainIsGone
    Being on the bigger side the fact that I have lost 47 pounds doesn't really show that well... I look in the mirror and see the same thing i saw on 4/27 my start date!! I have started to notice little things though... The seat belt thing was a big one for me too!! I had to buy a extender in my van because i have short legs and if i put the seat back all the way to fit there was no way that it was going to buckle. I did the whole not buckle thing until my children got on my case and I decided to buy a extender. I can almost buckle without the use of it not quite yet but he fact that it is smaller makes me smile because i know i am on the right track. This one is kinda a hard one to admit but being 450 pounds left it hard to accomplish things like standing for long periods of time. This was actually my first NSV!! I actually cooked dinner cleaned up and served it to my children without sitting down and taking a break half way!! Every day things are getting a little easier but it wasn't until I started noticing little things like this that I realized how important me getting healthy really is and how far I had actually been. I am so proud of every single person on here who has tried will try and is trying to do this journey because it is the hardest thing I have ever done. Not necessarily the changing my food habits but the emotional roller coast and actually dealing with what brought me to where I was on that day and what continues to challenge me. I have to say that having kids didn't cause me to be fat but it didn't help me one bit having four kids three in less that four years. I think that I have always been the one to take care of others and never really put effort into my self.... but having kids just took it to a whole new level!! I totally lost my self and put me on the back burner and turned basically into a robot changing diapers cleaning the house and taking care of my family. I fell down and my sons birthday party at the start of April this year and I had a hard time getting up. I saw everyone staring at me.. fat me on the floor was humiliating. I said at that very moment that this is my changing day!! I am so excited to live life again and not be worried about fitting in the seat at the ball game or fitting in the booth. I want to experience life. I don't feel the need to be super skinny or and my lowest weight in my life I just want to be what I and my doctors would consider a health weight that allows me to be the best mom I can be :o) I am looking forward to many many many more Non Scale victory moments!!! Good luck to all of you!

    I loved your post and can so relate. Thin people just don't understand the pain involved in doing everyday things, like standing to cook or walking across the room. Even my husband sometimes lost patience with me for asking for help carrying laundry up the stairs. It was all I could do to get myself up them without having to carry a basket. I don't know how you managed, taking care of children and housework, those alone are huge accomplishments.

    I feel so bad for you about the fall at your son's birthday party, that is one of my fears.
    47 pounds is an amazing victory, and don't worry, it will be showing to the world very soon, you just need to get over that hump.
    Don't let anyone discourage you!!! Just wait until you're swimming in your old clothes!
    Edited to say:
    I see your signature now says 77 pounds lost, WOW! You have come a long way and I know you're in smaller clothing by now, congratulations!!!
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    Woohoo! Even though I can't see a difference when looking at my body, yet, I am thankful for any and all NSV's. Several months back I had bought a new pack of panties, got home and they were too tight, ever since they've been in my drawer. Well last night I just reached in and grabbed a pair to slip on after my post workout shower, without looking at what I was grabbing, sure enough it was one of "those" and they fit!
  • TheRainIsGone
    I can relate, one of the hardest things for me has been finding panties that fit my size and shape.
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    I can relate, one of the hardest things for me has been finding panties that fit my size and shape.

    It is difficult to find them that fit size and shape... alot of people don't realize that the bigger the panties the more important a role 'shape' actually has.

    Here's to us finding panties that fit our shape and size much easier in the future with progression in our journey's!
  • AquabearGO
    AquabearGO Posts: 232 Member
    mine was when I could swim 600 yards without stopping, havent been able to do that since High School
  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    On sunday night I went to a party
    and when greeted and hugged by a good friend Mark he said
    "Oh my God Carol where have you gone?
    I can wrap my arms around you twice "

    Anyway I loved him for that
    I have lost 35lb and cant really see it but it is nice to know that someone notices when they hug you
    Mark was always one of my favourite men in this town
    but right now he is the highest with a rocket!
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    On sunday night I went to a party
    and when greeted and hugged by a good friend Mark he said
    "Oh my God Carol where have you gone?
    I can wrap my arms around you twice "

    Anyway I loved him for that
    I have lost 35lb and cant really see it but it is nice to know that someone notices when they hug you
    Mark was always one of my favourite men in this town
    but right now he is the highest with a rocket!

    That's awesome! I knew we do his for ourselves and not others, but it does feel great when someone notices!
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    Last week someone mentioned my favorite flannel pj pants that I was wearing in a pic from 2 years ago, the last time I put them on I took them right back off because I was afraid the seams would split because they were so tight. Later that night I showered and put on my sleep shorts but was chilly so grabbed the flannels to try.... They fit! Not as loose as they were 2 years ago but I was able to wear them comfortably without fear of splitting the seams!

    Also... I was able to wear my sports bra! Haven't been able to wear it in a year!
  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    Congratulations Jemethyst!!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Was in a size 6X before starting this journey 15 months ago... I am now wearing a XL or large shirt... Just put another notch into the old belt... My wife got me a size 38 belt and its too big... I was wearing the King Size belt that goes to 66 and it was almost too small for me when I started.
  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    that is fantastic lew
    i hope i get to follow you along this path
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    A few days ago was a triple hitter for me! I was able to comfortably wear jeans that 5 months ago the zipper was no where near zipping..... The zipper was doing the V previously
    A classmate asked if I've lost weight
    And my dad said it was finally starting to show that I was losing!

    And to top it all off...... I'm at 3 weeks without a real cigarette! (Doing the electric cigs) woohoo!

    Oh, and I'm basically limited to sports bras in public now, my others are no longer supporting me...(adequate for around the house or quick store run). The same sports bras that were small enough I couldn't hook before fit nicely... Not too snug and I can wear on any of the three hook sets!
  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member

    That is a truly fantastic achievement
  • jamietodaro
    Mine happened when I got mad at my sister. I was so ticked off that I ran up the stairs instead of going slowly. Not only did I get up them without killing myself, but I wasn't too out of breath either. It wasn't long ago that I dreaded going upstairs because I would be out of breath when I got their.
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    Running up stairs = awesomeness!