December Hatters: Determined, Dauntless, & Deserving!

Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
Good morning Hatters..

I chose the three words of determined, dauntless and deserving for our December topic, because I truly believe they describe our past, present and the future of the next 30 days.

It seems many of us get apprehensive as soon as the word “December” shows up on our calendar.. years of bad habits and old fears of “what if” seem to take precedence front and center – we often allow our minds to immediately start worrying about upcoming “temptations” and we seem to start focusing on day one on negative and scary thoughts about what “might” happen right from the start… it’s no wonder this month has sometimes been a stressful struggle for many of us..

This December….. let’s choose to change our mindset.

We do not need to fear December anymore. We really don’t, Hatters. But it is up to each us to make that choice. We can choose to be determined and dauntless in reaching our goals… we are deserving of having what WE are all striving for… to lose our excess weight, and to get healthy and fit. And its up to us to decide whether we will permit anyone stand in our way. And we can be HAPPY working on our goal – we don’t have to be stressed and crazed over who might bring in trays of cookies to work, or family and friends who make that “special dessert” just for us….

When did we become so afraid of just saying “no thank you” ?????? When did we decide that appeasing someone else’s need to feel validated over something they baked, or as we know sometimes with some family and friends, it can be a deliberate attempt to sabotage our journeys… rather than taking care of ourselves.. was okay??

Its NOT okay. We deserve better. We deserve the right to say no. We don’t need to provide a reason either… or argue over the “it’s only one cookie.. it won’t hurt”.. comment. There is absolutely nothing wrong with simply saying “no thank you, I simply don’t want any” and walk away.

Food is meant to nourish and sustain us. It’s meant to be enjoyed – and savoured.

This year, let’s embrace this month – lets look forward to enjoying all the healthy foods we LOVE…. Don’t eat anything you don’t like just because it’s considered “healthy”.. there are so many wonderful things each of you enjoy that are good for you, and this is the time to focus on what YOU like, that is yummy and healthy! And decide now what your plan is for indulgences this month:…. My own plan is to allow myself an occasional home baked treat if offered… as long as I allow the calories for it on the day. I personally won’t waste my indulgence on anything store bought but that’s my own preference. I know I will be attending several dinners and parties; and I will plan accordingly to make sure I stay within my calorie levels because it’s important to me to get to my goal.

If we are determined not to fear this month, but instead stay positive and welcome it, knowing that we are determined to reach our goal, and dauntless in getting what WE deserve.. then we can enjoy the celebrations and preparations. Let’s banish fear and negativity from our minds and instead celebrate that fact that we WANT to be healthy and fit, and we can enjoy ourselves while getting there!


  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Wow Snoozie! Great comments! I agree with you 100%. We don't need to indulge to make someone else feel good to our own detriment. 'No thank you' can work just fine. Don't let anyone pressure you into making unhealthy choices. Make choices for you, not for anyone else. We need to stay strong to meet our goals. We deserve to make our own choices for our own good health. Support is all around us. Especially here with the Hatters and MFP. We need to utilize those resources that are available to us. Stay strong Hatters! Let's have a happy and healthy December!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Patrice.. you were far more succinct in capturing exactly where I was going with all my ramlblings - yes, yes and yes!! Awesome!!
    We can go into the new year this time feeling great and excited about our progress through this year if we stay diligent and dedicated, and change our mindset from deprived in some way, to pumped about enjoying the delicious and healthy foods we love... Time2 did a post earlier about incorporating more beans and veggies and I immediately thought oh I should make a big pot of chili.. or a lovely beef stew! I like my chili with a little raw onion and a wee bit of grated cheese on top; and a big stew chock full of veggies and lean beef?? YUM! We don't have to spend this month fretting about feeling deprived; with judicious choices in small treats here and there and making sure we keep to healthy foods we love and enjoy, we can have a great time AND know we're still well on the way to our goals.. woo hoo! :bigsmile:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Snoozie and Patrice- Thanks for starting our new month off with your words of wisdom and encouragement!

    I used to feel so deprived on this journey, but with time and some attitude adjustments, I have learned to be happy about making all these healthy choices for myself. I am not deprived. I am doing this because I want to. I choose to be healthy and happy, and am determined to reach my weight loss goal along the way. There are plenty of delicious foods that are nutritious, and I feel so much better when I eat healthy and nutritious foods.


    I have always loved the month of December with its holidays and cheer, and I wish for my fellow hatters all the joy of this glorious season.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Wonderful words to wake up to! Especially beginning the DREADED month of December...the gazillion work parties , dinners, and snack days... I like Snoozies idea of not indulging in anything that doesn't pass muster of being absolutly delish and worth Store Bought!! which we know is full of all kinds of perservitives ....Just say No!! .... well:noway: ...maybe No, Thank you! ....(like Snoozie and Patrice said,) .... is a bit more polite

    Well, I've got my Lady visit to the Doc, in 16 days...I put it off as long as I dare, so I'm trying to drop a bit, and thought Veggies would be a great way to jump start carbs made out of Flour!! So when I saw the post about what she( OP) was eating , I knew I needed to copy it, and put it somewhere I could see it...

    I will copy and put it in Mad Hatter's for further backup...I know I sometimes forget all the good choices I could be making and pick up the same things when in the Grocery store..

    Let's make this our Month!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I saw this in a forum post and I want to remember to eat more of these this month:
    • flaxseed
    • legumes: chickpeas, black beans, lentils, kidney beans, cannellini beans, white beans, navy beans
    • fresh fruit: apples, bananas, berries, grapes, mango, melon, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapple, kiwi
    • raw veg: Kale, chard, romaine, green pepper, frozen peas, cucumber, sprouts
    • cooked veg: broccoli, zucchini, Brussels sprout, escarole, spinach, onion, mushroom, cauliflower,asparagus
    • avocado
    • butternut squash, brown/wild rice, cooked carrot, sweet potato, barley

    I see where she left off some I might like, so feel free to let me know of some more good things to eat.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    For someone who usually has trouble knowing what to write it, seems I am blowing up the posts today, Sorry, but I saw this as I was going to sign up for my blood donation, tomorrow...If there are any A+ 's out there....Seems my decision to do mostly veggies falls right in line with my blood type.. see below.
    ( I'll try not to post again, for a spell, but I can't promise....:bigsmile:

    Did you know that your blood type affects you and your well being?

    For instance, Type A’s flourish on a vegetarian diet - if you are accustomed to eating meat, you will lose weight and have more energy once you eliminate the toxic foods from your diet. But it is particularly important for sensitive Type A’s to eat their foods in as natural a state as possible: pure, fresh and organic to short circuit the development of life threatening diseases. Another interesting fact about Type A’s: Many neurochemical factors in the Type A genetic disposition favor a structured, rhythmic, harmonious life, surrounded by a positive, supportive community. Great ways to stay healthy are to establish a consistent daily schedule, don’t skip meals, and engage in calming exercise at least times a week. Donate blood every 56 days and stayed tuned for more blood type analysis in the coming months, because, it takes all types!

    Facts about type-A donors:
    About 34 percent of the population has A-positive blood.
    About 6 percent of the population has A-negative blood.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Snoozie and Patrice- Thanks for starting our new month off with your words of wisdom and encouragement!

    I used to feel so deprived on this journey, but with time and some attitude adjustments, I have learned to be happy about making all these healthy choices for myself. I am not deprived. I am doing this because I want to. I choose to be healthy and happy, and am determined to reach my weight loss goal along the way. There are plenty of delicious foods that are nutritious, and I feel so much better when I eat healthy and nutritious foods.


    I have always loved the month of December with its holidays and cheer, and I wish for my fellow hatters all the joy of this glorious season.


    Susan - I love this picture, and luff what you said - it IS about WANTiNG to choose healthy, and being happy that we do want to!!!! Exactly!! Changing the way we think about food is part of what we are learning on our journey (IMO) and if we constantly continue to believe we're having to do "without", or if we think and verbalize that we're being hard done by in some way because we "can't" eat crappy processed chemical filled junk .... Then our belief system will never change; it will always be a battle and who needs that?? Id much rather be happy and cheerful in my attitude about all the wonderful healthy food I can enjoy! It takes time to change how we think about things and it takes work to change our belief system in anything (after all by this stage of our lives we've usually made up our minds about what we believe about everything lol! ). So it's not easy to change is it .... But we can so it - look at all the wonderful changes we've already made! And we have all changed our beliefs about weight loss and being healthy along the way so we already know we can change how we think about something - we've already proven it!! So my goal this month is to change my attitude and mindset and every day, look forward to what yummy delish and healthy foods I can have!!

    And thanks to Gail's fab posts, I hae a few ideas for some favs that are chock full of veggies and fiber - if anyone has any fav dishes or recipes they'd like to share bring em on - variety is the spice if life!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail / love your posts so don't stop lol! When I worked at the bookstore there was a diet book called something like eat to your type - I think it was based on eating to your blood type ? Interesting concept! Love the idea if adding more veggies anytime if course - and that's definitely something I am goin to work on - I've been cruisin some vegetarian websites just to get some ideas on veggie dishes to try !! Thanks for posting that
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Today, so far, I 've had red beans, greenbeans, mushrooms, turnip greens, squash( steamed w/ onions..not bad...

    While donating blood, I found out my iron level is low,again, so I have have to eat some iron boosting red meat....

    I can't believe I let them stick me twice! The finger part is the most painful to me... one finger had 12.3 the other hand had 13.5....go figure? What I won't do for a blood t-shirt!! ; )
  • 65by60
    65by60 Posts: 23
    Well, today was WW day. I have lost 11.2 lbs in 4 weeks and I am pretty darn happy with those results. November was a great choice for kick-starting my journey to loose 65 lbs. Snooozie, I like the December "triple D" theme! I feel strong and energized by my efforts to date. But most of all, I so appreciate the comments and opinions being shared in this group. Example, last evening was my first pot-luck challenge. I didn't feel threatened at all. I was Determined to take only what I wanted and only what I loved. No store bought stuff on my plate. UnDaunted, I cruised the dessert table and scoped out what I truly wanted. Someone had cut a butter tart into the tiniest pieces. Perfect! A wee taste. A small date square, yum! Both, btw, quintessentially Cdn, eh. And a few almonds, salted no less. I feel powerful and in a good head space to enjoy the season. If I have a bad food day, I will not revenge eat out of anger or whatever. I will not give up on me or you guys either. DP
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Wow, 65by60, sounds like you are really rocking this! That's great-so happy for you!

    We can do this Hatters- I know we can- here's to December's 3D's!!!!:smile::smile: :smile:
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Susan, I have Super Quadruple D's....does that count???? lol

    You ladies are just what I need. I know I can come here read a few lines....get some inspiration, a few good ideas for the future and a tone of laughs. For that, I am very thankful. ( I missed the thankfulness last week).

    Today is our Christmas party and already I have more excercise calories than any day this week. Oh how I wish I were this active everyday. Most days I sit on my tush and can't get too far away from my desk as I am the first line of defense from the outside world. We are the product development center for a world wide communications cable manufacturer. Most of what we do here is top secret:huh: and if I were to tell you I would have to kill you:bigsmile: so don't ask..I love all of you :heart:

    I hope you all have a wonderful day and a better week ahead!
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Timeto: Spinach is a great source of iron!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    We are the product development center for a world wide communications cable manufacturer. Most of what we do here is top secret and if I were to tell you I would have to kill you so don't ask..I love all of you

    Verizon or Comcast???

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    We are the product development center for a world wide communications cable manufacturer. Most of what we do here is top secret and if I were to tell you I would have to kill you so don't ask..I love all of you

    Verizon or Comcast???


    I can honestly say.....neither. We make the cable they use. Verizon is a big customer of ours. and shhhhh......don't tell but so is the US Government.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! :bigsmile:

    Well a wicked week of shifts done and now a week off.. yee haw lol. I opened my fridge this morning and the only things in there were milk, cream, eggs and a sad little chocolate pudding cup...guess a grocery run is in order tomorrow lol. Have been eating a lot of veg this week; mostly raw with a little dip on the side and determined to keep it up - tonight is my first Christmas party (work one) and I broke down and bought a new "little black dress"... mainly because a) I've never owned one and b) I honestly had nothing that wasn't from a few sizes ago.. you all know I hate shopping but I trudged a few malls and managed to score one that also turned out to be 40% off at the cash.. HOWEVER... it's quite form fitting and a little shorter than I usually wear .. ok than I've ever worn lol.. the saleslady actually tried to talk me into buying one size smaller after trying both sizes on, but I just couldn't do it.. it was TOO fitted if you know what I mean?? Funny how our mental image of ourselves take a long time to change.. ! I'm getting a little insecure about wearing it the closer it gets to time to go lol... because I still wear a lot of my "old" clothes there now.. but I think I need to do an attiude ajustment and try for some confidence and attempt to rock the outfit instead of going in feeling insecure... time to drag out the "dauntles"s me thinks!! But its interesting how our heads seem to need more time to catch up with our body changes eh?

    I ate a huge salad for a late lunch and will have a piece of cheese and a cracker before I go to make sure I don't go crazy - I plan to enjoy the food as it's going to be fabulous lol.. but will not just eat it for the sake of it all being there! There will be a glass of wine in hand as well but wil also have a glass of water along for the ride! and that will be a first lol.. wink wink!!

    Hope everyone is having a good month and keeping in mind this can be a great month for us if we are determined and dauntless - cause we are deserving of feeling great and knowing we are on the road to healthy!!

    65x60 - FABULOUS work my friend!! Woo hoo huge congrats!!! so happy for ya and well done you!!

    Gail - awesome job on the beans and veggies girl!! nd I saw you are rocking the exerise too!! super, super job girl!!

    Tammy - know it's craxzy busy for you before the school break for Christmas - sending hugs and look forward to hearing from ya when things slow down a bit!!

    Patrice - glad you managed to enjoy some family time and turkey even with the stitches in your gum! Hope things are well in your corner of the world and glad you're not freezing too badly!

    Tonya - rofl @ the triple D's.. perhaps you could name each cup Determined, Dauntless and Deserving?? perhaps little name tags on them.... ???:noway: Larfing at your secret squirrel comment - I WON'T ask because I don't want ya to have to kill me lol.

    Susan - I see you're keeping up with the yoga.. that's awesome.. my class I took made me realize just how much of a workout it is so kudos on you girl! how are the poor tootsies doing; any word yet on whether the B12 was actually the culprit??

    Janet - hope you enjoyed Hannukah.. one of our guys brought in the special jelly donuts that are deep fried - a Hannukah tradition I think? and yes.. I totally indulged but had to split it with someone cause it was so big..

    Well I'm going to try for a wee nap I think - will check in later but hope everyone is having a great month!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    We are the product development center for a world wide communications cable manufacturer. Most of what we do here is top secret and if I were to tell you I would have to kill you so don't ask..I love all of you

    Verizon or Comcast???


    I can honestly say.....neither. We make the cable they use. Verizon is a big customer of ours. and shhhhh......don't tell but so is the US Government.

    You know I work for the gov't here at Ft Dix and we're going from CAT 5 to CAT 6 wiring....but of course noone did a site visit b4 hand.... so now we need an electrician to update the bldg.... gotta love that pss poor planning! giggles....and of course they never did put in ground wire when they initially installed either.....
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    check out my main post page - to look like this means stay away from the damn dunkin donuts (3d) and cookies...Carol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Sorry Carole - those are the wrong three D's we are focusing on this month ... So no thanks ! (I'm improving at just saying no unless it's something spectacular - and store bought donuts just don't even come close). Let's focus on what we can eat and enjoy rather than what we can't or shouldn't eat ....there's loads of yummy that's also healthy - like a warm gooey apple crisp made with whole grain oatmeal, pecans and honey and topped with a little vanilla yogurt ??? Think positive girl !
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Snoozie you can totally rock that LBD (little black dress). If it feels a little short you can wear black tights to make you more comfortable (and it will keep you warmer if it is a little chilly!) Go fir it gurl!