Introduce Yourself



  • Panda_Path
    Panda_Path Posts: 86 Member
    Hi there :).

    My name is Becky, and while I am not a professional scientist, I am and always have been a scientist in my heart. I am particularly fond of geology, historical geology, biology, zoology, and meteorology (where are the weather nerds at? :P). I come from a scientific family, and grew up being able to explore science as an academic, and play-time, subject. I was going to school for geology, but felt my skills in compassion should be the main focus of my work on this earth. Logic is my main mode of thinking for the most part. I do feel social science IS a science, because there are patterns and ways people/groups do things that can be examined following the scientific method, and logic.

    Feel free to add me as a buddy here :). And, good luck with your healthy goals!
  • Melk967
    Melk967 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello, I'm Melissa :) I'm a clinical microbiologist (I'm technically a medical laboratory scientist but I only work in micro). I'm planning on starting grad school in July to obtain an MPH. Love epidemiology and all that fun stuff.

    Feel free to add me :) just getting back on the fitness wagon. Right now I'm mainly doing ZUMBA! :)
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    Hello, I am Mark

    Chemist, soon to be Pharmacist. Science definitely got me interested in fitness, nutrition, health, as well as anatomy and physiology. I am a strong advocate against "bro-science" all too commonly seen in the fitness world...I go by real science.

    Feel free to add me and pick my brain and share ideas
  • mnturk
    mnturk Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Mari. I just finished my first year as a neuroscience PhD student (4 to go...!), and my work is in neurogenetics. Specifically, I study Alzheimer's / memory & aging.

    I HATE all that Dr. Oz woo-y "science" that gets naive people in trouble, but I try not to argue because his followers are pretty into it. I LOVE microbio, chemistry, and neuro (obviously).
  • Hi! I'm a physics undergrad with chem and secondary ed as minors at University of Illinois!
  • MaizeOfFire
    MaizeOfFire Posts: 8 Member
    Greetings everyone! I have a B.S. in Agronomy and an M.S. in Entomology. I am now an agricultural researcher working in maize breeding.
  • RKG1510
    RKG1510 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, all you brainiacs! Reading everyone's background was incredibly interesting. I think this thread exemplifies how diverse the field of "science" really can be. Here's my cred:

    - BS in Biology
    - BS and MS in Biomedical Engineering
    - Entering my 2nd year of medical school

    As part of my engineering degrees, I was able to help design an above-knee prosthesis that can be produced for ~$30 and was able to see it used on a medical mission trip to Vietnam. I also did tons of flow modeling (mostly blood flow) and biomaterials R&D. The biology degree was just for fun, but it really sparked an interest in cell bio.

    I wish everyone the best in their fitness endeavors!

    - Becky
  • Hi Everyone =)

    I am a biochemist - currently doing my PhD. Specifically, I study Batten disease, a childhood neurodegenerative disease.
  • mycrobemini
    mycrobemini Posts: 122 Member
    Hi all, I guess I'd be considered a general biologist:

    B.S. Biological Sciences
    M.S. Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious Disease
    Ph.D. Biodefense in progress

    Glad to see so many scientists on here!
  • Hi, I'm Tracy and I have a degree in Physics and right now I am teaching teens the love of science and trying to persuade them to become science majors. I have a handful that are in schools for chemical engineering and mechanical engineering. I would love to have more majoring in science but I am just happy that I am helping these students to be scientifically literate. As a geek I am loving reading all the cool studies that you are doing. Students are always amazed at the things scientist do. They really do think we are just holed up in some lab with hair sticking out all over.
  • chemmonkey
    chemmonkey Posts: 1 Member
    Hola fellow nerds,

    I'm just about to finish my undergrad in Chemistry. I currently work in a pharmaceutical lab as a lab tech. My question is what are some other interesting jobs I can do with a Chemistry degree. Working in a lab is a huge snore fest and it's all corporate politics (bleh). I'm looking into grad school but think I'd die if I had to study straight Chemistry again. I'd love to know if anyone knows any "different" jobs that require a Chem degree.

    Thanks guys and best of luck with all your goals.
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    I'm a B.S. in Biotechnology with emphasis in Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics. I dabbled a little in quality control, spent some time being a Lab ***** in academia and finally settled in medical device sales.

    I have an obsessive interest in the mysteries of Quantum phenomenon (wave/particle duality), light speed travel and especially Neuroscience! ****ing love everything brain science. There is so much WHY when it comes to human behavior, sociologic dynamics, REM sleep, the complexities of neuropathalogies and most of all, the wonder of consciousness. Its a big world out there, especially within us.

    also: I am a huge skeptic, I think Horoscopes/astrology, UFO/Aliens/abductions, Ghosts, Hauntings, exorcisms, Dr. Oz and most gimmicky health and diet products are pseudo science bull****.
  • Hi Everyone,
    I'm a molecular/cell biologist working in London. I did a BSc in Biology and Biochemistry, a PhD in neuroscience and I've been post-doc-ing for 9 years. I'm currently working with induced pluripotent stem cells to develop disease model systems for various forms of blindness.

    I'm a recent returner to the app, which my nerdy mind loves. I don't mind admitting that I got a little too excited when I realised I could link MFP to my runkeeper account. All my statistics in one little place - joy!

    Please feel free to add me.
  • Hi there, i am looking for new friends to share and receive updates, encouragements and advice on this neat little app. Feel free to add me as a friend :)

    I am a friendly guy and am a PhD candidate in biochemistry.

    All the best everyone and nice to meet you all :D
  • Formerly did geospatial mapping while working toward a high-school physics teacher's certificate in the Troops to Teachers program. That fell through (my full-time job went away), so now I'm a full-time Correctional Officer (!) working toward my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
  • Doing an MSc in Plant Biology :) Botany ftw!
  • Hello Everyone! I am currently in medical school with a fascination in surgery. Awesome group!
  • Modern_athena
    Modern_athena Posts: 81 Member
    Hello science enthusiasts (or scientists). I'm a student majoring in biology and psychology and aspiring to become a neuroscientist. I only wish this group was more active. I bet you're all awesome people.
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Neuroscience is my special fascination! What inspired you into that direction?
  • Joolyb85
    Joolyb85 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! Glad to see there's a group especially for scientists! I'm a microbiologist and work with environmental water samples; some nice and some not so much but the less said about them the better... Started some work in Genomics recently too (eek! Hello qPCR!) Looking forward to popping in here and making new friends :)