


  • gfbike
    gfbike Posts: 6 Member
    I agree--I thought the community aspect would be more positive. I left WW for MFP for that reason. WW pushes their own foods in packages and I don't usually eat from packages. (or would prefer not to eat that way). Thanks for your positive comments!

    btw, this is in response to mungowungo's post from a few days ago--my system was slow in serving up all the subsequent posts
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It's open season on clean eating on the boards today. Yesterday they announced the new mods and one of them promptly mocked clean eating in one of his posts. I commented on it on the now locked thread about the new mods and it was removed... but it doesn't bode well (and is odd given his user name is about minimalist shoes).

    Oh well. I should spend less time here anyway.:drinker:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    It's open season on clean eating on the boards today. Yesterday they announced the new mods and one of them promptly mocked clean eating in one of his posts. I commented on it on the now locked thread about the new mods and it was removed... but it doesn't bode well (and is odd given his user name is about minimalist shoes).

    Oh well. I should spend less time here anyway.:drinker:
    that's not a good sign, plus the other that magically dropped off the list due to photos
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    And I now know what you meant about Jonnythan........ he is apparently back.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    And I now know what you meant about Jonnythan........ he is apparently back.
    Hes back alright. Boy he loves to argue just for the sake of arguing.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Late to the party ( this thread, that is!)! I recently posted about the number of carcinogens still allowed in our food....I wasn't trashed nearly as badly as I thought I could/would be. But I also stay on point when discussing on forums too. There are many many many yahoos who want to taunt you into arguing. And I love when the tinfoil hat gifs come flying out too!

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1147808-donuts?page=5 .....btw that jonnythan was part of the "conversation"....ermergosh....I would like very much to quiet that one with a well placed twinkie! ; )

    Suffice it to say: People on the forums literally want to have their poptarts and eat them too. They don't want to believe that we have things readily sold to consumers that can be harmful. The Marketers from these companies have done an outstanding job in terms of "snow job" on the masses.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What baffles me is that some of them (I can think of 3) will simultaneously say that a "paleo diet" isn't healthy (one of them called it dangerous, and another said we don't know enough about it to not think it's dangerous), while then going on about how heavily processed crap is fine. They sure are trusting souls...Trusting in the food scientists and food marketers anyway.

    "Wheat Belly" doctor is dangerous while having ketchup with 3 kinds of sugar, including two invented in the last 50 or so years is good common sense.
  • krista2131
    krista2131 Posts: 33 Member
    I support clean eating 100%, till those people eat clean they will not know how their health is being affected. I have read everything on clean eating and how beneficial it is. Some think that they can eat anything and stay fit, but truth is they may look good on the outside but the inside doesn't look great. I have had many people question me about my clean eating usually I don't even answer with a response because it is my health I am working on and they may never get that until they realize that I was right. Keep doing what you are doing.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    lol. Yes.....the dangers of clean eating and paleo diet, vegan....organic. Yet artificial everything is fine because "the FDA says it's safe"....trusting souls indeed! The logic is completely flawed. Spock would be astounded (haha)!

    I do think that the tide is turning in some of the markets for alternatives to the middle isle junk. For example, did you know that Kroger is increasing it's line "Simple Truth" because consumer demand for natural, organic foods has increased--and the company is listening! Kraft took out some of the artificial colors from their products....many, many success stories for 2013!

    I just read this great article about how young farmers are turning toward non-gmo farming....the market is growing, thus the demand. If anyone is interested:

  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    And then don't forget that the testing of artificial sweeteners was done on specially bred rats that are prone to cancer anyway so the results of the studies aren't correct - so they have to be safe, right? ....... (Yes, I am being sarcastic)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    lol. Yes.....the dangers of clean eating and paleo diet, vegan....organic. Yet artificial everything is fine because "the FDA says it's safe"....trusting souls indeed! The logic is completely flawed. Spock would be astounded (haha)!

    I do think that the tide is turning in some of the markets for alternatives to the middle isle junk. For example, did you know that Kroger is increasing it's line "Simple Truth" because consumer demand for natural, organic foods has increased--and the company is listening! Kraft took out some of the artificial colors from their products....many, many success stories for 2013!

    I just read this great article about how young farmers are turning toward non-gmo farming....the market is growing, thus the demand. If anyone is interested:

    thanks for this ill have a look!
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    It's open season on clean eating on the boards today. Yesterday they announced the new mods and one of them promptly mocked clean eating in one of his posts. I commented on it on the now locked thread about the new mods and it was removed... but it doesn't bode well (and is odd given his user name is about minimalist shoes).

    Oh well. I should spend less time here anyway.:drinker:

    Wait what? These forums are moderated?!? I never would have guessed considering the amount of rude and sarcastic responses that I see to peoples questions especially if you date to bring up the subject of clean eating or how bad sugar or artificial sweeteners are. It's almost like if you have a diet or lifestyle that is even a teeny bit outside the "I can eat all the junk I want and still lose weight" mantra you are shot down in flames. I don't care if someone chooses to eat what they do or doesn't believe in what they read about certain things, but it is plain bad manners to insult people and their beliefs just because they don't share them. That is what annoys me about the main boards. The entertainment value is pretty high though :explode:

    I honestly think it is because they know they don't have the willpower to cut out the junk food they purport to love so much and have to justify their high sugar - low nutrition diets to themselves. Each to their own but I just put the naysayers on ignore and chuckle to myself that it will be them who will need medications to stay alive in the future when they have diabetes, heart disease, liver cancer, macular degeneration and all the other lifestyle diseases a bad diet contributes to, and not me.

    I'm glad there are groups such as these where common sense and sanity prevails though.
  • tmorm
    tmorm Posts: 32 Member
    edited November 2014
    mrsnaethe wrote: »
    It is odd though don't you think that it is more expensive to buy good wholesome food than it is to buy mass produced junk?

    It is really screwed up that a box of biscuits (cookies) is cheaper than a kilo of carrots.

    Absolutely, I think it's ludicrous. That's definitely one of the issues in the US with our obesity problem.

    Here in NZ a 2 litre bottle of water is more expensive than a 2 litre bottle of coke.....
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    edited November 2014
    There's a wonderful book published in the UK by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall called Hugh Fearlessly Eats It All. Written by a cook, it's a marvellously informative book about the food industry. Very funny and informative. The chapter where he tries to recreate a Big Mac in his kitchen is a classic. Read it if you can!
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    edited November 2014
    I've been eating clean for almost 6 months and have lost almost 50lbs (I know my profile says 44...had an increase before coming back down). Honestly I have found the change to be quite easy. I don't feel deprived and actually find a lot of what I used to eat to be unappealing now.

    I am working with the Employee Health and Wellness Nurse at the hospital where I work. Both she and my physician are big supporters of "Clean Eating". The way she explained it is that the closer a food is to its natural state the easier it is for your body to break it down and use it. She also said that it would be very difficult for most people to eat 100% clean. Her advice is to aim for 80% clean.

    I think I will listen to my Nurse and Physician instead of people on the Message Boards who most likely are getting their information on the internet...because if it's on the internet it must be true, right? ;)

    Anyways...I say the proof is in the results...

  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 233 Member
    If you stumble upon an abusive response flag it. If the thread runs amuck report it to admin. They will freeze and eventually delete it. Internet people often take the opportunity to degrade others with differing opinions.

    One MFP user put it really well. The main boards are just plain weird. I'm shocked to hear a moderator made such comments.
  • shemama1
    shemama1 Posts: 30 Member
    just joined this group today. Those people are called trolls and have nothing better to do with their time then to try to upset/argue with people. Many of the boards on MFP are just horrible anyway. I avoid them like the plague. So superficial and in many cases just plain dirty. They say any attention is better than no attention. Tough crowd out there indeed!
  • Becka4Real
    Becka4Real Posts: 1,527 Member
    I got blasted too! You're not alone. I looked into clean eating and thought it sounded healthy and a great fit for me. Not sure why people have such a problem with it.
  • lchadwick2
    lchadwick2 Posts: 49 Member
    Has anyone watched a youtube video series by Barbra O'Neill on healthy nutrition? It has a lot of information about how our bodies react on a biological level to the foods we eat. She has a website and products and even a week long cleanse retreat but none of them are promoted directly on the video. Just good information. I believe she's from Australia or New Zealand.