Daily Insane chat, banter and progress!



  • I just started Insanity today. I decided to change my life for the better. I just got a new home now its time for a new body. I am starting this at 214 lbs on a 4ft 11 inch body. basically I look like the Pillsbury dough girl.
    I just completed day 1 fitness test. I managed a bloody nose and almost passed out. but hey Tomorrow is another day and I will keep at it. Any suggestions on protein foods for after the workout?


    Well done for making a decision to do insanity!

    It is brutal but as long as you keep your form right and get regular breaks when needed you will get btter. I would advice to try and not to hurt yourself.

    In terms of protein after a workout, either a results and recovery formula or i really enjoy a freshly made smoothie: almond milk + bluberries + honey + banana mmm yummy and so good for recovery. If youd like something less sugary then beetroot juice is very good for after workout. It might taste horrible but will be worth it.

    Make sure you follow the diet plan provided with insanity, dont hurt yurself, keep that core contracted and keep pushing play you will see the results! Its all about a change in lifestyle and not a quick fix diet.

    Feel free to let me know how you are getting on

  • LeemTHEdream
    LeemTHEdream Posts: 32 Member
    Congrats, Leem! Lend me some of your motivation - I start Month 2 tomorrow!!

    Alikonda--> Just think of it this way, you're more than halfway there:-) Push through it!!! & THANK YOU!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    LEEM-> don't forget to send in your info at teambeachbody.com for your tshirt :)
  • LeemTHEdream
    LeemTHEdream Posts: 32 Member
    LEEM-> don't forget to send in your info at teambeachbody.com for your tshirt :)

    Will Do!!! :)))
  • lilli_xo
    lilli_xo Posts: 2 Member
    Starting insanity for the nth time on monday! My resolution is to do it every morning at like 6am.

    I've found if I can have it done first thing I'm all good - otherwise I get demotivated during the day!

    What time of day does everyone else do theirs?
  • terra415
    terra415 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree early in the morning is best to just get it done. The problem is getting from the bed, past the fridge and to the TV at such an early hour. Granted I have to get up about 5am (or 4:30) depending on the dogs wanting out early just because they hear me up.

    I have noticed that I do burn more calories later in the day than I do in the morning. But I'm guessing if I did probability testing, I am more likely to get it done early in the morning than in the afternoon. I think it takes me a little longer to fully wake up and warm up. Maybe even more so during the winter.

    Yay for starting another round on Monday! I will be starting my second round then too!
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    I'm a couple days away from finishing Month 2 Week 3, but I need to figure out what I'm going to do next week for workouts.

    I've been doing a modified version of Insanity in order to include a moderate running schedule (~16 miles/week), substituting a long run (>10k) on Sundays. My schedule is such that my rest day falls on Tuesdays. I have a 15k race coming up next weekend which would fall in the middle of my last week of Insanity. While I'm not necessarily trying to win the race or anything, I don't want to be too worn out to run a decent time, and I also really want to finish the Insanity program feeling strong. So I'm currently considering a couple options:

    A - Continue as I have been, simply bulldozing through everything. Finish Insanity as scheduled. This would leave me pretty worn out for my run, especially since there's no Recovery workout in Month 2 Week 4, so I am thinking this is not the best option.

    B - Do the scheduled workouts on Wednesday and Thursday, do recovery workout on Friday and light cardio on Saturday in preparation for the race. Run the race on Sunday and do Core Cardio & Balance on Monday. Take Tuesday rest, then do the full last week as scheduled in the program. That would mean a whole extra week of Insanity and I've been getting pretty burned out on these workouts, to be honest.

    C - Skip the rest day between weeks 3 and 4 and take it on Saturday, the day before my race. Run the race, do last day of Insanity on Monday as scheduled.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on my proposed options as well as any other suggestions you may have. Thanks!
  • lilli_xo
    lilli_xo Posts: 2 Member
    Hmm alikonda that sounds tough. Only you know yourself and your stamina! Personally I would take the rest days (they're important!) and just skip 2-3 insanities to accomodate your running schedule. You could make them up right at the end? It's just a few more days then, not an entire week.
  • Hi everyone, I am in my first day, just done the fit test! Bloody hard lol! What do people think about sticking to the food plan diet? Don't no whether to be really strict and stick by there diet or just eat healthy?!?! What does everyone think?? Help please lol
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    I just started Insanity, I'm on Day 3 and I plan on eating good but wont really follow their diet plan.. one thing at a time for me LOL