Is anyone interested in starting a daily thread?



  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Did a second swim last night....slightly better than first floundering attempt.

    Today: 4.5mile recovery pace run. Ate too many christmas cookies to run fast.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Congrats on doing pullups. I'm not quite there yet.

    I couldn't do a single one back in November when I started climbing. It's amazing how quickly you get there.
  • kwilson18
    kwilson18 Posts: 42 Member
    I had a nice run on Christmas day (5 miles) and did 1/2 hour of intervals on the bike this morning. I'm headed to upstate NY for a 10 day vacation- my goal is to exercise 20 minutes a day (yoga, strength, or running). It will be a challenge!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Swim - Band Strength Set - 3200 Yards

    1 x 1000 warm up. Mix in odd strokes.
    20 x 50 all out with ankle band. 10 seconds rest between 50s.
    10 x 100 paddles all out. 15 seconds rest between 100s.
    1 x 200 easy.

    Bike - ZR Bike w/ OLP - 1:00

    Stay in ZR throughout the ride. Keep your HR in low ZR if you feel you need the rest. Focus on maintaining high cadence. Mid-way through the ride insert 6 x 1' one leg peddaling (6 minutes on each side). Make sure your cadence for one leg peddaling stay above 90 rpm.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Long speed day on Thursday was a poor workout choice. Shut it down early, since I had no legs and ate too much food the day before.

    Took yesterday off to rest.

    Weather in high 40's today, so able to do a 65 minute run outside.

    Tomorrow looks like a pool day.
  • rmhmartin
    rmhmartin Posts: 46 Member
    Missy, I am also doing my first 70.3 this spring (in May). I am glad I found this group... Now I'll have to go through and read all of the posts. :)
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    2 hours on the trainer this morning.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Swim : Body Position Drill Set - 1600 Yards

    Planned Duration:0:45:00
    Completed Duration:0:42:21
    Planned Distance:1400 yards
    Completed Distance:1400 yards
    Calories:494 caloriesWorkout Description:
    For all of these you can use fins to help with body position.
    4 x 50 Free Warm up. Focus on body position and small kicks from the hips.
    4 x 50 Kick with kickboard. Relaxed legs. Kicking from the hips.
    4 x 50 One arm out, one arm at your side (alternate between right and left sides)
    4 x 50 One arm freestyle (alternate between right and left sides)
    6 x 50 Freestyle with pull buoy
    6 x 50 Freestyle -- no fins and no pull buoy
    2 x 1 minute vertical kicking

    Run : Water Running

    Planned Duration:0:45:00
    Completed Duration:0:39:00
    Calories:572 calories
  • Orema
    Orema Posts: 1
    Hello! New to this group - glad to have joined! I've been a swimmer & runner for years and have done a few sprint tris (most recent was this past July) and have goals of doing more in the year ahead.

    Today's workout: Easy 35 min. run (making sure my old Garmin hr monitor works before tomorrow's bike LT test)
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Registered for my first Sprint event to be held June 1. Focused now on building good basic swimming form, since I have little experience there. Local tri club coach has helped so far.

    Yesterday was 10 laps with pull buoy, focused on stroke and breathing. Took breaks as needed, since form, not fitness is my first priority.

    Today was a 22 minute tempo run. 2.75miles, 8:00 pace, with 1 mile wu/cd.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Registered for my first Sprint event to be held June 1. Focused now on building good basic swimming form, since I have little experience there. Local tri club coach has helped so far.

    Yesterday was 10 laps with pull buoy, focused on stroke and breathing. Took breaks as needed, since form, not fitness is my first priority.

    Today was a 22 minute tempo run. 2.75miles, 8:00 pace, with 1 mile wu/cd.

    Brilliant, well done on committing :-)
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Yesterday run 5.2 miles cross country , very boggy - Z3/4 and a little 5 up the hills
    Today upper body and quads resistance, 25minues intervals on a static bike 140-215Watts, 2.5 mile run Z2 (aerobic Threshold)
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Registered for my first Sprint event to be held June 1. Focused now on building good basic swimming form, since I have little experience there. Local tri club coach has helped so far.

    Yesterday was 10 laps with pull buoy, focused on stroke and breathing. Took breaks as needed, since form, not fitness is my first priority.

    Today was a 22 minute tempo run. 2.75miles, 8:00 pace, with 1 mile wu/cd.

  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Run : Run - ZR/Z1 Run - :35

    Planned Duration:0:35:00
    Completed Duration:0:35:00
    Completed Distance:3.47 miles
    Calories:513 caloriesWorkout Description:
    Start in ZR. If you feel good work your way into Z1 and finish at the top of Z1.
    The purpose of this workout is just to keep your legs moving. Do not feel pressured to push into Z1 if you need the rest.

    Bike : Bike - Tabata Intervals - 1:00 Total

    Planned Duration:1:00:00
    Completed Duration:1:00:00
    Completed Distance:17.01 miles
    Calories:850 caloriesWorkout Description:
    20 minutes at ZR.
    8 x 20 seconds all out, 10 seconds easy spin
    Ride out to the the remainder at ZR.
    The most important part of this workout is the 8 x 20 seconds all out. When warming up at ZR make sure to get a little sweat going so you are ready to hit the first interval hard. You don't want to be using the first few intervals to warm up. These intervals should be exhausting -- give them your all out effort.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Last night was my first sufferfest ride of the year.

    Video: The Hunted

    Warm up then right into a high effort/ low effort interval pattern for a good 20 minutes
    The a steady climb with attacks for 20.
    Final 20 started off with 4 minutes of high cadence spinning, ten minutes of high/low effort attacks and then the final five minutes was a difficult ascending tempo to sprint pyramid that went from 50/10 seconds of tempo/sprint, to culminate at 10/50. That was hard.
    Light cooldown and I was off like a pair of pants.

    A little sore this morning.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Doubled up the work today.

    Started with another 10lap pull buoy swim session to build technique, followed it with a 2.6m treadmill run.

    Shoveling snow was my bonus workout. :)
  • LouSmorals
    LouSmorals Posts: 93 Member
    50 min spin class tonight. Usually take it a bit easy on Friday as I do my LSD runs on Sat AM.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    5.2 miles cross country over Cannock Chase in the UK. No rain but the ground was sodden so it was hard work but fun. Mainly Z2 but a little but of Z3. Taking it easy because I'm planning to really hit Z2 hard next week so I'm having a mainly rest day tomorrow.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Below zero temps yesterday morning, so Long Run was scrapped for 50 minutes on the treadmill....boring.

    more swimming today to work on technique.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Below zero temps yesterday morning, so Long Run was scrapped for 50 minutes on the treadmill....boring.

    more swimming today to work on technique.

    so glad I live I'm a more temperate climate. I don't think I could make it 30 minutes on the treadmill, let alone 50! So I'm impressed already!

    I start up my next "season" of training tomorrow with a good swim. Going to record my stroke to see what I should work on this year. Excited to see where the next year takes me!