


  • FitAfter4D
    FitAfter4D Posts: 2 Member
    Hello San Diegans! I'm Toby and live in Oceanside. I'm pretty new to MFP, but have enjoyed the experience so far! I have MFP synced to my Body Media band which tracks my daily exercise and activities. I'm not an avid runner (prefer elliptical and/or exercise bike - easier on the knees), but like to do circuit training type of activities, gym classes, assorted workout DVD's, and just getting outside and being active. I completed the Tough Mudder last year about this time and it was a beast! But, it motivated me to try to stay fit (it's a daily struggle) and look for other challenges in the future.

    I currently belong to 24 Hour Fitness and Fitness 19 and try to workout 4 - 6 times a week. Nice to be in a group of locals motivated about achieving their fitness goals!
  • kodiakke
    kodiakke Posts: 379 Member
    Hey there! New to MFP, new to tracking weight, want to break up with quite a few of my long-term relationships - or as we call them, pounds. Looking to get more active and fit. I live in Normal Heights but work in North County. Usually work out in the morning at the gym (weights) and was running a bit until I injured my toe. I go sailing regularly, used to horsebackride, enjoy hiking, want to run when well, and would enjoy having active locals to share workouts, motivations, tips, recipes, etc both on forums and in real life. I need to lose about 30 pounds to start.... and then we'll go from there. I gain muscle easily, but my body just does NOT want to let go of the fat. Currently following a mostly primal lifestyle to see how that works.

  • Hi! I live in the North Park area. I'm a newbie and have lost about 9lbs, with approx. 44 to go to reach my goal of 165lbs. I've lost several times before and used to be much lower in my 20s, but now it's all about achieving and finally maintaining a healthy lifestyle. My biggest current challenge is that I've given up alcohol, which is hard to do when you're single and there's all kinds of awesome happy hours/restaurants in San Diego. My mini-goal for no alcohol is not to drink a drop until some champagne on New Year's Eve.
  • Hey Everyone! I live in Imperial Beach, but find myself all over the county. I'm an assistant coach with a walking group out of Mission Bay on Saturday mornings and I'm trying to do more weight lifting. I lost about 25 lbs on my own and have another 85 to go, but without tracking anything I wasn't staying consistent. In the two weeks I've used MFP I've lost 4 lbs and feel great! I'm following IIFYM and it's working for me so far. See everyone out there!
  • run2bfree
    run2bfree Posts: 108 Member
    Hiya! Crystal in North County. Add me if you want!
  • Hello, my name is kayte I live by san diego state collage.
    I'm 32 and live with my kids father and my two boys who are 13 and 9.
    I'm looking to make friends who want to get healthy and have fun maybe meet up and go for walks,swims as I get more fit runs. I'm easy going and get along with everyone. I have standard poodles I like to walk so maybe If you have a dog we can meet up and take are self and dogs for a walk. lol I know I'm a dork but like I said I can do just about anything and not be board.
  • Ill walk with you I live in san carols I'm a slow walker but I'm trying to work my self up to a fast! just let me know I work form home so I'm always free i have to boys 9 and 13
  • BoxerDogsMom
    BoxerDogsMom Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I live in Chula Vista and work in Banker's Hill. Lifetime WW since 1990's but tracking is key and I like tracking better here on MFP. I was a Jazzercise addict but no longer convenient or financially so trying to get back to my home cardio WOs and it has been hard due to some emotional issues in 2013. I am a morning walker with my Boxers one hour, play tug-of-war with Tank in the park and then off to work. I started walking at Balboa Park and other areas of Bankers Hill at lunch to get out of my law firm and de- stress. I have a two week cruise and want to get my 10 lbs off before I go so my clothes fit again.
  • BoxerDogsMom
    BoxerDogsMom Posts: 8 Member
    Allison and Mario -- me too on Balboa Park. I work by Quince and 4th.
  • asm2014
    asm2014 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I'm Audrey and I live out in East County. I just joined MFP and I'm liking it so far! Hopefully some of us can be friends and motivate one another.
  • mrdwp
    mrdwp Posts: 17 Member
    I'm Dave. I am getting acclimated to fully using MFP... The Community feature seems pretty helpful.

    I'm a member at the La Jolla YMCA - so if you are too, I have probably seen you there. :)

    I'm excited and motivated for various reasons and hope to lose most if not all of the weight I've put on in the last 6 years.

    Friend me if you'd like. The more the merrier.
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi I'm Val. I moved to San Diego in May and began MFP in July. I changed from outside exercise to a gym in Serra Mesa to avoid skin cancer since it is common in my family.

    Looks like many of you take advantage of the great weather and parks in SD.

    I love to cook (and eat, too) but continue to compile a good selection of lower calorie recipes.

    Great to know there is a group of SD people here. Support is so helpful.

    I am looking for employment in career services.
  • DGrootonk
    DGrootonk Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Dorothy. I live in Hillcrest with my partner, and son. I've been off and on with MFP and my dieting until I learned of my hypothyroidism. Now that I'm being treated for it, I know my attempts to lose weight will be successful. I am happy to chat with anyone, just send me a message!
  • SDpanda619
    SDpanda619 Posts: 41 Member
    edited January 2018
    Justin in Golden Hill. Trying to get better a tracking my training in hopes of improving!
  • mpacuan
    mpacuan Posts: 18 Member
    edited October 2018
    Whats up everyone im Mark, i live in spring valley, i used to weigh around 235-240, 245lbs at my heaviest, i am currently weighing around 185-190 at night lmao, took me almost 2 years to lose weight. Still have a long way to go, shooting for 170-175lbs. Im at the gym 4-5 times a week i meal prep almost religously, please feel free to follow me, diary is open as well. Hope everyone here is striving to crush their goals no matter how big or small they are 💪🏽