
This is an open group, so if anyone does know anyone, feel free to introduce yourselves and any goals that you might have!

My names Jared. For me, my goals for this challenge are to push harder than ever before. Last time, I ended up getting injured from running more than halfway through the program. I'm going to be smarter with my body this go around. I want to increase my endurance, strength, and not only be able to see the results, but I want to feel them as well!

My starting weight for the challenge is 194 lbs. By then end of it, I want to at least see the 170's


  • Cuna77
    Cuna77 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there. I am starting tonight. I am at 176lbs and looking to go to 156 in 60 days. I am taking 1 day off a week.
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Hi all, cant wait to get started tomorrow. Good luck everyone!
  • Hello everyone, I just so happen to get lucky and find this group, I'm a day ahead ???? sorry, I hope that isn't a problem

    \f0\fs24 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
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    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter}
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Starting weight 133
  • Hello everyone, I just so happen to get lucky and find this group, I'm a day ahead ???? sorry, I hope that isn't a problem

    \f0\fs24 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 39680356.png\
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter}

    No problem at all! Welcome! I'll just make sure I create the topics a little faster for ya :)
  • Hi all -

    Just found this group today. My husband and I started on Saturday (1/4) with the fit test, and completed workout 1 today, so just a couple days ahead. Really looking forward to checking in to see ideas, tips, progress, etc.

  • BriPZ74
    BriPZ74 Posts: 19
    I started last week, this will be my third time doing this program. I took about three weeks off from my last one to starting this one. I hope I can still get encouragement etc even though I'm a preme.

    Current weight 195
    Goal weight 185 -- 180.
  • I started today, my weight in today is 191lbs..... I hope to lose 20lbs by the end of Insanity!!!!
  • Bonjour a vous tous j'ai trouver se groupe se soir et je fait aussi arrive et j'ai hâte de commencer demain
    bonne chance à vous tous
  • harperowleyes
    harperowleyes Posts: 2 Member
    Hey guys!

    Quick question- I've never done Insanity before but am really interested to join the challenge! What site or workout format should I be following or downloading? Not sure what I need to be doing/ logging for the challenge...


  • Hey guys!

    Quick question- I've never done Insanity before but am really interested to join the challenge! What site or workout format should I be following or downloading? Not sure what I need to be doing/ logging for the challenge...



    It's a DVD workout created by Shaun T. You can find a copy on Amazon or Beachbody.com

    As to the format, you just follow the workout calendar. It breaks down what you have to do everyday
  • Hi,

    I'm interested in the challenge but I don't seem to have found the info on what it involves. Can someone shed some light on what the challenge is, what do we have to do within the "insanity challenge".

    I weighed myself earlier and will be starting from 219lb's

    I would like to get to 184 lb's as soon as possible.


  • Hi,

    I'm interested in the challenge but I don't seem to have found the info on what it involves. Can someone shed some light on what the challenge is, what do we have to do within the "insanity challenge".

    I weighed myself earlier and will be starting from 219lb's

    I would like to get to 184 lb's as soon as possible.



    It's a DVD workout created by Shaun T. You can find a copy on Amazon or Beachbody.com

    As to the format, you just follow the workout calendar. It breaks down what you have to do everyday. The program is 60 days long
  • Hello! I started insanity for the fourth time on 1/1/14. Hopefully this will be the first time that I complete it! Last round I got very close to the end but wasn't seeing results and got discouraged, so I kinda forced myself to fail I think. This is the first time I am joining a group, hoping this will keep me accountable. I am 5'1.5, with at least 25 lbs to lose.
  • Hi I am also planning to start tonight, am a little under the weather but will give it a go! Current weight is 166lb after a very heavy Christmas/NY, planning to get to 147lb so hoping this will be a good start towards it! Good luck everyone!
  • Hey everyone!
    I'm excited to add this into my ever expanding routine.
    I am not looking to hit a goal weight. I'm trying (and usually failing) to get away from that.
    I'm hoping by the end of the 60 days to drop my BF by 3% and I'm curious to see how much shorter my heart rate recovery time is! though no specific goal for that either.
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    This is my 3rd round. Just wanting to lose the holiday fluff. After my 2nd round, I went on to T25, but the holidays hit and the cal burns with T25 were not up to par compared to the longer Insanity vids. I know the results I got before and I'm ready for my round 3. I actually started yesterday b/c I alter my weekly calendar according to work and other events. My goal is 10-15 pounds lost, I skipped the fit test, already been there done that way to many times and those results will come regardless. I will weigh, but not measure probably, as again this is round 3 for me. I know the wt and inches will come off without worrying about measuring. I've got my 2 t-shirts for proof haha. Good luck yall.
  • DawneAdore
    DawneAdore Posts: 5 Member
    My name's Dawne. Current weight is 206 lbs and want to get down to 160-170 lbs. My goal is to increase my strength and stamina with this program. I'll also be keeping up with running and gym visits throughout the program. Good luck everyone!!:happy:
  • kmcewan4
    kmcewan4 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am looking forward to doing the Insanity challenge again. I did one month of it before a vacation last year and loved it. I have a super hectic schedule so I am happy to have found some sort of "support group" where we can talk about the workouts.

    I'm excited to go through this journey with all of you!
  • Hi Guys,

    As this is a support group; I think it's good to share tips to stay focused - I think just being a part of this group is a very good start!

    Anyway, I've never blogged before but after each insanity session I've been blogging my thoughts etc. and it's certainly helping me.

    If anyone else is blogging please add me as a friend so we can read each other's blog.

