Start weight weigh in



  • eyleene
    eyleene Posts: 264 Member
    okay as of this morning 9am
    SW - 110.9 kilos / 243.98 lbs
    GW - 100 k / 220 lbs for the challenge
    UGW - 70 k / 154 lbs which is probably high end for my height of 163 cm / 5'4" but i expect to be more acceivable / maintainable than trying to be a supermodel ......NOT
  • Hi everyone! This is my first post here and I'm hoping that joining this group will give me the motivation I've been lacking. And I'm very happy to encourage others.
    SW:185 lb.
    GWFC: 167 lb..
    UGW: 135 lb.

    Best of luck to all!
  • traume
    traume Posts: 2 Member
    This is all new to me putting it out in public (somewhat public ) so I am hoping this will help.

    SW = 216.2
    Goal for this challenge = 199.9

    I would love to get under 200! My ultimate goal is 185 to be healthy.
  • beverley770
    beverley770 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone!

    This is my first time on here so, not really sure what I'm doing! Lol! But glad to be here, taking part in this Challenge, along with such wonderful supportive friends :-)

    I'm 5' 4"

    SW: 9st 4lb (130lb)
    CW: 9st 2lb (128lb)
    GW: 8st 2lb (114lb)
    UGW: 8st (112lb)

    Specific Goals are to keep to 900 calorie intake per day, exercise as much as possible and to drink plenty of water :-)
    Overall Goal is to keep healthy, happy, active and fun to be with! Am SOo excited about this Challenge! :-D Thank you for the opportunity Coolchick :-) x

    Good luck everyone! :-)
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Hey beverley770
    glad you have joined :)
    However, 900 cals is way too low! I think 1 200cals is minimum for females.
    just letting ya know!
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Hi everyone!

    This is my first time on here so, not really sure what I'm doing! Lol! But glad to be here, taking part in this Challenge, along with such wonderful supportive friends :-)

    I'm 5' 4"

    SW: 9st 4lb (130lb)
    CW: 9st 2lb (128lb)
    GW: 8st 2lb (114lb)
    UGW: 8st (112lb)

    Specific Goals are to keep to 900 calorie intake per day, exercise as much as possible and to drink plenty of water :-)
    Overall Goal is to keep healthy, happy, active and fun to be with! Am SOo excited about this Challenge! :-D Thank you for the opportunity Coolchick :-) x

    Good luck everyone! :-)

    Anytime, hon. I'm slightly concerned about your 900 calorie intake goal. Can we up to 1100 or 1200? Just because anything below the 1000 mark will almost definitely cause a starvation response that makes it more difficult to shift the weight, and can be dangerous to your help. Everything else looks infinitely do-able! Excited to be doing this with such an awesome group! :smile:
  • beverley770
    beverley770 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Tara!
    Thank you, I'm glad I've joined too :-)
    Heard from somewhere for females to lose weight you have to work on 1,000 calorie intake. I really want to lose weight as quickly as I can, so thought I'd push it further.
    Unfortunately, have not been doing very well, with Christmas and all, (but working through and exercising). Things will get better as I'm back to work Monday!
  • jenn7129
    jenn7129 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Tara!
    Thank you, I'm glad I've joined too :-)
    Heard from somewhere for females to lose weight you have to work on 1,000 calorie intake. I really want to lose weight as quickly as I can, so thought I'd push it further.
    Unfortunately, have not been doing very well, with Christmas and all, (but working through and exercising). Things will get better as I'm back to work Monday!

    Beverley770 I agree with Tara the 900 calories a day is way too low. It will actually slow your metabolism and cause your weight loss to dramatically slow. Trust me, I know from my own personal experience. I lost weight but it took months. As soon as I upped my calories to about 1400 a day my weight started dropping and I got leaner. I now have a goal of around 1750 calories a day. Just keep those calories as clean as I can. A lot of raw nuts and olive oil
  • jenn7129
    jenn7129 Posts: 15 Member
    SW: 139 lbs
    GW: 127 lbs
    UGW: 120 lbs

    I am going to stick with what I have already been doing the last two weeks cause it has been working pretty well. (I was at 142.4lbs two weeks ago) I am doing insanity 6 days a week, eating clean, home cooked meals, logging my food, and drinking no less than 8 cups of water a day. I will allow myself a treat once a week. I have also taken my measurements but I am not sure if we are supposed to be posting those as well.
  • beverley770
    beverley770 Posts: 17 Member
    Well, to be honest Coolchick207, as you can see, have been finding it difficult, being this time of the year so have been having more than 900 calories but working it off!
    Thanks, but will see how I go for the first couple of weeks back at work
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    SW 168
    GW 156
    Starting Waist : 38 inches and want to lose a minimum of 2 or more

    Start day with 2 cups water then blast water goal throughout day.

    Starting insanity tomorrow 6th... Goal of 5 days a week 30-40 mins a day (Pray 4 me)

    Brisk walk/jog on treadmill eating back earned calories.
    1200 starting calorie balance.

    Well this is the plan and i pray we all succeed in some form or fashion.
    Happy LOSING!! :)
  • jenabee610
    jenabee610 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello, Everyone!

    SW: 194.2
    GW: 140 (maybe lower, depends on how I feel)
    Loss: 0lbs so far.

    Let's do this ladies!
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    Good for Cool chick getting us going!!

    My weight on Jan 5, 2014: 128 pounds (I am 5'2")
    My goal weight is 118 pounds

    I was 130 pounds on Jan 1st but I started the year out re-joing mfp and doing the right things. This is my third yoyo since I lost 30 pounds in 2007. I was down to 120 in May 2013 and then gained as I had some injuries and could not exercise. Then I got sloppy...............and here I am.

    For those of you who have more to lose, I know it might seem annoying....but its all about maintaining once off. The idea is to never get up 10 or more pounds!! Good luck to everyone out there!! We can do this!
  • chickidee87
    chickidee87 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone!

    SW : 532lbs
    GW : 515lbs

    Trying to set a reasonable goal for 90 days... not sure how much I'll lose or how quickly!
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all! I started a 90 day challenge with myself on January 1st, but I haven't really put it into practice yet because I've still been on my school break and out of a routine. So here goes!

    SW: 227
    GW: 215

    I'd love to lose more obviously, but I'm trying to be realistic with the workload I have this semester.

    My goals are to exercise 5x a week (BodyPump 2x, 3x mix of swimming, running, and spinning), log consistently in MFP and stay below my calorie count (currently about 1700), drink 2 full water bottles, and no alcohol. I'm limiting dessert and cheese to once a week.

    Good luck to everyone! Let's make this a great 90 days!
  • Vane0314
    Vane0314 Posts: 190 Member
    If you guys don't mind I'm gonna go ahead and use a ticker for this so I can tell keep track of my weight loss since I started in september and starting today(:

    If you guys want to get one as well it's free. just got to and click on weight lossto make your own(: And the best part is it automatically moves up the scale every time you loss weight so you don't have to keep posting new replies just to show your weight, it'll save you lots of time!

  • clange68
    clange68 Posts: 11 Member
    Sw 184
    Gw 130
    90 day Gw 170
  • kamikazikelli
    kamikazikelli Posts: 23 Member
    SW: 180.6
    90 GW: 165
    Overall GW: 140-145

    Finally back home after Christmas break. Time to get serious!
  • deeksha_s
    deeksha_s Posts: 79 Member
    Hello all, this group seems great. I have tried loosing with Calorie Control once before and it worked wonders. But after stopping it, I am back to square one. I think following are my problems:

    1. Eating out (maybe once or twice every week)
    2. Portion Control. ( I tend to eat loads)
    3. Soda (2-3 cans per month)
    4. Family ( They do not understand my need to loose)
    5. lack of exercise (no excuse)

    Following are my details :
    Start weight : 66.7Kg (147.048 lbs)
    Goal weight : 60 Kg (132 lbs)
    Total loss : 7kgs (14 lbs

    The idea is to loose 2 kgs/ month
    CULTIVATE140 Posts: 22 Member
    Ultimate Weight Range: 150-170 lb// 68.3-77.1 kg


    Beginning of January: 233.5lb // 105.9kg
    Beginning of April: 220 lb // 99.8 kg

    Total Loss so far: ___

    1.06.14---- 233.5lb // 105.914kg

    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep: