


  • james231287
    Hi Guys,

    As this is a support group; I think it's good to share tips to stay focused - I think just being a part of this group is a very good start!

    Anyway, I've never blogged before but after each insanity session I've been blogging my thoughts etc. and it's certainly helping me.

    If anyone else is blogging please add me as a friend so we can read each other's blog.


  • melfitz91
    Hi everyone.. I'm Mel.

    I started Insanity yesterday too. Joined for support advice etc...

    I have also decided to blog my experience, would love anyone to read/comment/support ...


    Thanks everyone... DIG DEEPER!
    hi all

    I started yesterday! it was tough, but I expected it to be. looking forward to getting stuck in today! trying to dig deeper!
  • fhargis0002
    fhargis0002 Posts: 113 Member
    I am 24 yr old. I have 3 kids and I am a full time student/ wife, so no time for the gym. I was one week short of completing this program in October 2013. basically 3 years ago I quit smoking and put on 60 lbs. I am 5'2 and weighed 220 @ my hw. now I weigh 166. I am working towards getting to 130 but my ultimate goal is around 115. I am not sure what I expect my results to be 60 days from now but I know that I have to get focused again on getting healthy. insanity is tough and I feel accomplished each day that I complete it. and even though I got through 7 weeks last year, I literally feel like I am doing it for the first time all over again!! :-)
  • Smiley0514
    Good Luck to everyone who is just starting! I am starting Week 2 today. I am on my 3rd round of insanity! I have lost a total of about 45 pounds using this workout. I didn't start seeing results until the end of month 2, because of this after my second go at insanity, I repeated month 2 twice. I do not count calories or weigh myself. This is supposed to be about a lifestyle change not just rapid weight loss. I do however check some of my measurements just to see my inches lost. Some days I also go to the gym after insanity with my boyfriend since he hates at home workouts. This also helped get me to where I am today. Hope to meet new people on here and keep each other motivated! Feel free to add me!
    Starting weight: 113
    Goal weight: none just to see some abs ;)
  • melfitz91
    Hi everyone,

    I habe just written my second blog for day 2 of insanity... Yes I am in agony. Please take a look!

  • michaelablueeyes
    michaelablueeyes Posts: 38 Member
    Hi I started on the 6th also so day five today pure cardio.

    Anyone want to adde feel free.
    Started at 178 lbs
  • Ayesha0624
    Ayesha0624 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi All

    Started Insanity on the 6th as well, just happened to come across this forum :) I do all of my workouts in the morning...tuesday i fell off the bandwagon didnt do it that morning or evening. Wednesday didnt wake up to do it in the morning either so I tortured myself wednesday night by doing Tuesday AND Wednesday back to back. It was painful BUT im back on track and thats all that matters lol

    Good Luck to All!
  • Aqua_Girl92
    Hi Everyone! My name is Chantal.
    I started on day one of Insanity, successfully completing the fit test. I am excited for more tomorrow. My starting weight is 169 lbs and I hope to achieve 150 lbs. I am optimistic that I will get through it. I am thinking about using alternate diet and work out times to the program. I usually eat a lot of protein and vegetables and I plan to stick to this diet. I also noticed that I usually do not have a lot of time to do Insanity every morning so I am going to be flexible to doing it at any time in the day. Hopefully this works out and I can get those lean muscles I am after. Good luck everyone!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    I just watched the fit test video and I'm tired just thinking about it.
    Can I just do the Fit Test as my workout?

    need to find time and schedule these workouts in.

    Who lifts heavy and do insanity? please share your program/workout plans: what days do you lift and when do you do insanity?

  • gwhitw01
    gwhitw01 Posts: 5 Member
    I started on the 13th. I travel during the week so I do the Insanity workout in the evening each day. In the mornings I run either outside or on the treadmill depending on where I am that week. I am starting at 5'10" and 195lbs. Based on my Withings scale I am at roughly 28% body fat. I am shooting for getting down to the 160lbs range give or take 5lbs.

    Started my running and nutrition plan on the 6th and already dropped a few pounds the first week (about 5).
  • danielleec
    danielleec Posts: 4 Member
    hey, I also started (again) on the 6th I did one month over the summer but got a knee injury so had to stop. This time I hope to make it through. I think the T-shirt would be an awesome 30th birthday present! Almost done with week 2!