Where Are You From? What do you do there?

In an effort to ignite this Group maybe a few icebreaker topics??

I was raised in Michigan and moved to Southern California when I was in high school, where I now live with my husband and 3 daughters.
I almost felt guilty over the gorgous weather we have had this past week! ALMOST! Ha!

I live in the High Desert so we (as you can see from my pics) like to walk in the desert on some trails with our dogs.
For most the year you have to plan your outdoor exercise around the HEAT. The pic in my profile pic was during a 6 am walk before it got too hot!

Being in Southern California of course we can drive about an hour to the beach which is something I can't wait to enjoy again!!!

How about YOU??


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am from Southern California too, in the L.A. area. I was born in NY but we came here just before I started high school. I love the freedom that the great weather here provides. I was in NY a couple of weeks ago and it snowed and it really made it hard to get out and about! That would make me crazy on a regular basis! I generally go to the gym for exercise, but sometimes I just have to be outside so I will go down to the beach and go walking on the path there. It's so relaxing!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    I am presently in New Mexico and no, that isn't a foreign country (most common question I got when I moved here from the South.) I have lived in every quadrant of the US except the North East. Which could still happen in my job as an IT Specialist.

    I have two grown children, no grandkids nor prospects of same, as yet.

    While we don't have beaches, there are a lot of great hiking spots in the high desert here in NM as well, although, especially this time of year (9 degrees when I got to the office this morning) I tend to use the gym as my primary activity spot.

    I'm looking forward to Spring again and being able to get back outside for some real walks and some new areas to explore.
  • Susann1963
    Susann1963 Posts: 126 Member
    Originally Canada, now (thank goodness with the weather) Arizona!
  • rgoodeats
    rgoodeats Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a chef from Michigan jealous of all of you from warm climates as it is -30 wind chill outside at the moment. Looking forward to making new friends this is my first day on MFP. I had RNY surgery on December 2nd and always looking for ideas and support. Having to retool my cooking techniques but always up for new books and recipes. I'm looking forward to finding the person I lost inside me and can't wait to be active again and enjoy life.
    Sustain Not Entertain!
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Born in northern Minnesota, College, marriage 40 years ago, lived in Tennessee, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Finland, Sweden, and finally back to Minnesota. One grown child, Two adorable grand kids, two dogs, and a spouse that is my best friend.
    Retired, active and happy since RNY. In Oct 2010. Went to the gym this morning, and yes the wind chill was -50 below zero (F)
    Thinking about taking the dogs and driving south till we hit nicer weather or Mexico, which ever happens first.

    I facilitate several pre and post surgery support group, am a foodie and locavore to the max. If I did not grow it, I better be sure I know what is in it before I eat it. My dream would be to live in Hawaii, but don't think it will happen. Grand kids, too important????
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    ok well thats 6 of us!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    I'm in Pittsburgh, PA! I'm a Safety manager for a retail store. Husband, no kids, 2 siamese cats. I had RNY on October 28th and still working out the "soft" phase - it's kind of fun to experiment with foods again (unless it doesn't agree with me). I've had no complications and feel great. Have gone back to the gym, and realize how much I missed it. Even my husband is on a health kick. :) What a great way to start the new year!
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I am originally from Beloit, Wisconsin, but have been in Orange, Texas since I was ten years old. I am hearing impaired, a type I diabetic, and currently still on disability--with hopes of getting new hearing aids soon so I can return to school/work or both soon. I was a nutrition major years ago. I have been married twice, both spouses walked out. I three sons from my first marriage--they are 24, 22, and 21. My oldest is disabled and my two younger sons both work and go to college. I have 3 shih tzus, used to show them and breed, but those days are over. I love to cook, experiment with new recipes and "tweak" my old favorites to make them healthier where possible. As a family, my sons and I have lost a total of about 260 pounds in the last 18 months. I am the only one who has had gastric bypass surgery.
    Basically, I want to live a long life and be able to support myself. I want to see grandkids someday. I lost my mom and my sister both to diabetic complications--ages 59 and 42. Staying healthy is my goal. I deserve better and so do my sons.
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    I'm in Pittsburgh, PA! I'm a Safety manager for a retail store. Husband, no kids, 2 siamese cats. I had RNY on October 28th and still working out the "soft" phase - it's kind of fun to experiment with foods again (unless it doesn't agree with me). I've had no complications and feel great. Have gone back to the gym, and realize how much I missed it. Even my husband is on a health kick. :) What a great way to start the new year!
    That's Awesome!
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    I am originally from Beloit, Wisconsin, but have been in Orange, Texas since I was ten years old. I am hearing impaired, a type I diabetic, and currently still on disability--with hopes of getting new hearing aids soon so I can return to school/work or both soon. I was a nutrition major years ago. I have been married twice, both spouses walked out. I three sons from my first marriage--they are 24, 22, and 21. My oldest is disabled and my two younger sons both work and go to college. I have 3 shih tzus, used to show them and breed, but those days are over. I love to cook, experiment with new recipes and "tweak" my old favorites to make them healthier where possible. As a family, my sons and I have lost a total of about 260 pounds in the last 18 months. I am the only one who has had gastric bypass surgery.
    Basically, I want to live a long life and be able to support myself. I want to see grandkids someday. I lost my mom and my sister both to diabetic complications--ages 59 and 42. Staying healthy is my goal. I deserve better and so do my sons.

    Fellow dog lover! lol I had shih tzus about 20 years ago, wow has it been that long!?
    I am so sorry for your losses. My daughter as I mentioned is also Type 1, thankfully she has been really good keeping herself on track. She has never been in DKA (since the one time at age 12 when we found out she had it) So I am really grateful for that.
    You have done an amazing, amazing job of taking back your life!:drinker:
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    My husband and I live in Michigan, U.S., and he is getting the gastric sleeve tomorrow! He is so excited. I am a nurse aide, and he is currently on disability. Hopefully, when he loses the weight, that can change (he has a bad back). There are many changes coming down the pike, but we are hopeful and excited. Good night, all, and stay warm if you are in this blizzard that we are right now.
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm a chef from Michigan jealous of all of you from warm climates as it is -30 wind chill outside at the moment. Looking forward to making new friends this is my first day on MFP. I had RNY surgery on December 2nd and always looking for ideas and support. Having to retool my cooking techniques but always up for new books and recipes. I'm looking forward to finding the person I lost inside me and can't wait to be active again and enjoy life.
    Sustain Not Entertain!

    from michigan as well, by the way, nice sparty pic!
  • Daisyboohoo
    Daisyboohoo Posts: 84 Member
    I am from (sunny) South Africa...

    With my husband, we have a digital media company... We just went through a bit of a (very) bad patch with our business, but things are starting to look better. We still have a few months that will be difficult, but we believe that things will start to change now!

    We commute between two big cities that is 1400km apart - Cape Town and Johannesburg. We have offices in both these cities - we are in Cape Town for two weeks and then we travel to Johannesburg for two weeks again...
  • candi_girl24
    candi_girl24 Posts: 19 Member
    I was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ. I'm currently taking a couple of classes at a community to vamp up my creative juices. As far as what I do for a career? I'm currently a supervisor for a men's clothing store and I really wish I can go somewhere else. Right now, I'm in a career cross roads and I'm overwhelmed on where to go next because I've already received my associates degree 2 years ago.

    And that's me lol
  • tabatham1982
    tabatham1982 Posts: 68 Member
    I am originally from CO but currently in VA. I have been married to an Army man for 13 years, we have 1 daughter, 3 dogs (a pit, a chiweenie, and a beagle) and a cat. Right now I work 2 jobs, and am going to school for nursing. I had my RNY surgery on October 21, 2013 and am back to eating "normally" some days I think I eat too much while others I can barely eat anything! I love cooking and trying new recipes and I try to only make clean meals for me and my family.
  • gramsoffive
    I'm from Michigan. RYN 10/21/13. Currently wintering in Florida. So glad about that with the snow & freezing temps in Michigan. Although this morning it is only 29 in FL!!
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm a finance project manager from southern Indiana. Not enjoying the weather right now and looking forward to the spring. I keep seeing these little cartoons on FB about 5 more months til so and so can go outside. It better not be 5 months...lol Had my RNY 9-5-12 and am 18 pounds from goal and I still can't believe I am as small as I am. I have no recollection of being this small in my adult life!
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    I'm a finance project manager from southern Indiana. Not enjoying the weather right now and looking forward to the spring. I keep seeing these little cartoons on FB about 5 more months til so and so can go outside. It better not be 5 months...lol Had my RNY 9-5-12 and am 18 pounds from goal and I still can't believe I am as small as I am. I have no recollection of being this small in my adult life!
    Truly Incredible! So exciting for you!
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    I'm from Michigan. RYN 10/21/13. Currently wintering in Florida. So glad about that with the snow & freezing temps in Michigan. Although this morning it is only 29 in FL!!
    Wow 78 lbs! Is that since the surgery??
  • gramsoffive
    No, I wish!!! I lost 41 since surgery. The remaining was pre-surgery loss. My loses since surgery have been steady but slow/low numbers. I'm still glad I had the surgery. Loss may be slow and I've already had some plateu's but at least it is still coming off. Slow and steady, right?