What part of Charlotte?



  • rae_rae330
    rae_rae330 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm originally a Long Islander too! Now I live in Mooresville. Been here since just after New Years. It is so much friendlier down here then it was back in NY. I don't know much about the Raleigh area, but I love the Charlotte area. Some parts are just like back home and others are a bit of a culture shock. The city of Charlotte is really nice. So much cleaner and less crowded (usually) than Manhattan. My first time there someone actually smiled at me as I passed them in the street. A nice change from the stressed out and angry people in NY.
  • PinkEnvyx
    PinkEnvyx Posts: 172
    Most South Eastern part in Ballantyne...Lived in Charlotte, NC since 1994.

    I am from WV but all of my friends and even my husband are from NY most from Rome my husband is from Westchester. It just sort or worked out that way. :) Hello all.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Glad everyone found their way here!!
  • belle_noelle
    belle_noelle Posts: 6 Member
    I live in South West Charlotte --- but I have spent the majority of my life on the south side of charlotte in General. I attended South Mecklenburg off of Park Rd.
  • JeannieFo
    JeannieFo Posts: 35 Member
    I am new to MFP and currently live on Long Island, but we have our house for sale and moving to NC sometime by the end of the year! I knew it was time for me to try and get back in shape NOW, as I know the stress of selling a house - buying a house and moving was going to just make me put MORE weight on (I am not one of those people who lose weight when stressed, I turn to comfort food!!!)

    I hope its ok to join this group, even though I am currently a New Yorker. I am excited about our move to NC....it cannot come fast enough!

    We have been back and forth between Charlotte area and Raleigh - but I think we are leaning heavily towards Charlotte right now....anyone have any thoughts/comparisons on the two areas?? I wish I could rent first, but thats pretty tough because we have big dogs (Newfs - German Shepherds) and 3 cats....and I REALLY would not want to think about having to move twice!!! I want to find a nice country setting - room for the dogs, and even considering finding a place where I can have a horse again.....that is something that is helping me push getting into shape again!


    There's tons of fellow Long Islanders here in Charlotte! I moved here from Nassau County back in 1997 and I love it here. Even though traffic sucks, it doesn't compare to the LIE or Old Country Rd in rush hour or spending 3+ hours a day taking the LIRR and subways to get to work! Plus, you can't beat the weather.
  • PennyMcCumber
    PennyMcCumber Posts: 2 Member
    I live in South Charlotte right at the Union County Line. We are less than a mile from Weddington. Great area since we're just as close to rural areas as suburban areas. Anyone else in this area who would like to get together to work out?
  • RichStraitiff
    RichStraitiff Posts: 3 Member
    Southend and work Uptown.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I live in CLT proper and am almost out to Matthews. I've got a 15 min max drive down Monroe Road to get uptown Love it here.... the food is great, and there is always something to do!

    haha, and I work from home, when I am not traveling for my job. Otherwise, I have to drive out to the airport to go to work since I fly 3 weeks per month.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Oh and any of you Matthews people.... my hubs and I go to the Planet Fitness off of Sardis Rd N- M-F (when I'm here) at 8AM.
  • I live in the Charlotte side of Higland Creek (awesome neighborhood). 4 kids and a great wife. New here and looking for some motivation. Grew up playing sports but that went away with work and kids. Time to kick it back in gear.

    Oh yeah....I have work in the comedy business for over 20 years. Laughter is healthy!
  • I live in Monroe and work in east Charlotte.
  • liz827
    liz827 Posts: 193 Member
    I live and work in Rock Hill!
  • nwalker76
    nwalker76 Posts: 3 Member
    Just logged into My Fitness Pal again!- single mom who moved to Charlotte last year. Looking to meet new people and all that fun stuff. Work in Pineville and live in the Ballantyne area. - It says I joined in 2010 - Did absolutely nothing with it but have hit an all time high weight so decided to check it out again
  • recaboo
    recaboo Posts: 5 Member
    Hello I live in east charlotte and work in the University area. I'm looking to meet new people with the same goas as me, LOSE THIS WEIGHT! I would love a fitness pal to workout with during the week. I 'm also looking for good Zumba classes. Add me if you like. I'll be speaking with you!
  • jen076
    jen076 Posts: 45 Member
    I actually live in Rock Hill and I am moving to Charlotte at the first of the year. :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I actually live in Rock Hill and I am moving to Charlotte at the first of the year. :)
    so going from the burbs to the city...nice
  • Klyn4123
    Klyn4123 Posts: 26 Member
    I live in Huntersville, near the Concord side. We love where we live, but the traffic can be brutal! I am new to My Fitness Pal, but really looking forward to the accountability it entails. I was always fit, until I got married and went to law school. I want my old body back!
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    Is that near the Concord Mall? Love that mall..better then the Carolina Place mall down here by me. Welcome to MFP...
  • 115pls
    115pls Posts: 1
    I live in Ballantyne and work in South Park. I really love both of these areas and don't head into the downtown too much since there's a lot to do in these areas.:drinker:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I live in Ballantyne and work in South Park. I really love both of these areas and don't head into the downtown too much since there's a lot to do in these areas.:drinker:
    you mean uptown? :tongue: