Monday: We Run



  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Another week 1 person here =)

    Kicked pretty good butt on Monday so I'm excited for today. Did a nice circuit workout Tues and will repeat that Thurs, next week I have arms/chest tues and legs/back thurs instead and I'm adding 15mins arc or elliptical depending on how spent I am from circuit =)
  • toni_mmh
    toni_mmh Posts: 78 Member

    I;m sure my question has been asked many times.....but I cant seem to find the speeds I should be aiming for on my runs & walks. I am currently walking at 3.7 mph and running at 5 mph. Is this average for a novice? too slow/fast?

    Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

    I completed C25K in October and ran my first 5K in Nov. I STILL run slow because it's what my body tells me to do (muscles, heart rate etc). Your speed should be YOUR SPEED. :wink:
    Me, as an example, I run at 3.5 and walk at 2.9 when I need a recovery. Nearing the end of my run, I kick it up to 4.0 for as long as I can just to push myself. I am as slow as a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter. BUT I RUN. It's better to run at any speed than to not run at all.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    D1W1 completed today.

    I decided to lose weight and get fit at the end of August and have lost 2 stone so far and hoping to lose the same amount again. I have been exercising most days and built up a walking base of a brisk walk for 30 minutes at a time and have introduced different inclines over the last 2 months.

    I have never run as I thought I was too big and having a big chest was too embarrassing a thought for me! Since losing 2 stone and becoming fitter I have decided to give it a go. So with new running shoes and an extremely supportive sports bra here I am having completed day 1!

    I am doing the programme on a treadmill and am quite excited at the prospect of running for any length of time let alone 5k.

    I;m sure my question has been asked many times.....but I cant seem to find the speeds I should be aiming for on my runs & walks. I am currently walking at 3.7 mph and running at 5 mph. Is this average for a novice? too slow/fast?

    Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

    I was running at 4.8 today and that's faster than I ever did for C25k....but the answer is whatever works for you. If you are able to complete all your runs and you feel completely recovered (your heart rate and breathing is normal) by the end of your walks, you are fine.

    If you aren't able to complete your run, you get a side stitch, you urgently need to stop for water or air or a bathroom break, then you are going too fast.

    Your speeds are faster than many new runners. This means that you have a lot of room to slow down. Most people need to slow their run down to the point where they can walk faster to get past week 6. I can run at 3.8 if I need to. And I did. :)
  • hteepeg
    hteepeg Posts: 64 Member

    I;m sure my question has been asked many times.....but I cant seem to find the speeds I should be aiming for on my runs & walks. I am currently walking at 3.7 mph and running at 5 mph. Is this average for a novice? too slow/fast?

    Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

    I completed C25K in October and ran my first 5K in Nov. I STILL run slow because it's what my body tells me to do (muscles, heart rate etc). Your speed should be YOUR SPEED. :wink:
    Me, as an example, I run at 3.5 and walk at 2.9 when I need a recovery. Nearing the end of my run, I kick it up to 4.0 for as long as I can just to push myself. I am as slow as a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter. BUT I RUN. It's better to run at any speed than to not run at all.

    I am going to go off topic here to say: You are amazing! I'm a fellow turtle who runs through molasses and or Nutella. :)
  • sydneybeachgirl
    I am planning to run tomorrow :)
    Either I get to do W1D2 on ground or it is treadmill and then W5D2 repeat - I still have to take a breather halfway in the I need to work on that before moving on...
    but tomorrow is Friday - I run :)
  • nh38318
    nh38318 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks for the advice on speed, i slowed my pace down today for day2 and it felt better for me. Just have to try and remember that it doesnt matter what I look like to others whilst im running on the treadmill!! And I dont need to keep up with them!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Week 1 Day 2 complete!

    I'm glad to be with some other slow runners - seems like a perfect group here for me!
  • sydneybeachgirl
    I did W5D3 on the treadmill today morning - with some adjustments...
    W6D1 is very scarrryyyyyyyyy...I cannot run 10mins nontstop at 7.6-7.5.. if I go slower than that it is more like walking.....what do I do..
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Week 2 Day 1 complete.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did W5D3 on the treadmill today morning - with some adjustments...
    W6D1 is very scarrryyyyyyyyy...I cannot run 10mins nontstop at 7.6-7.5.. if I go slower than that it is more like walking.....what do I do..

    You can run in place. Really, you can. You can run at 0 miles per hour. It's actually really good practice for getting your feet under you, which is the foundation of good form. If you can do that, you can run slower than 7.6.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Thanks for the advice on speed, i slowed my pace down today for day2 and it felt better for me. Just have to try and remember that it doesnt matter what I look like to others whilst im running on the treadmill!! And I dont need to keep up with them!

    I'd delete the "on the treadmill" part. It's YOUR run, where ever or when ever you do it.
  • Thyme4change
    Thyme4change Posts: 46 Member
    Week 2...taking it really slow because last time when almost done and full run my legs and really started hurting because of shoes, lack of stretching well enough and too fast..

    Currently Walk at 2.4-6 run at 4.0 and drop down to 3.7 last part

    Good luck, be safe, enjoy!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Week 2 day 3 complete!