BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2014

How are you all doing? It is my hope you use this thread to get to know each other better and have a safe place to motivate & support one another daily. This group will be what you all make of it. So let's talk, support, share challenges, successes, and most of all share replases. We can all learn from one another. So please share, share, share. This group is what you make it so lets make it a place for all of us to get support.

One day at a time.:flowerforyou:

A nice poem for us if we think it is just now worth the effort or when the going gets tough and you want to throw in the towel. The name of the poem is:

'Don't Quit' by Jill Wolf

Don't quit when the tide is lowest,
For it's just about to turn;
Don't quit over doubt's and questions,
For there's something you may learn.
Don't quit when the night is darkest,
For its just a while 'til dawn;
Don't quit when you've run the farthest,
For the race is almost won.
Don't quit when the hill is steepest,
For your goal is almost nigh;
Don't quit, for you're not a failure
Until you fail to try.


  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Thanks, Molly! This is just what I need today...I'm finally feeling good and light after my Christmas bingeing and now I am having cravings for a certain binge food! WTH. And it's still early in the day...ugh. I'm waiting for this to pass.

    How is everyone doing today? :smile:
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,509 Member
    Thanks for starting another thread, Molly :-) I cannot believe it's another year already! This is my first holiday season while on MFP and for the first time in a very long time, I don't feel too bad about my food choices. I've had treats and days over by thousands of cals, but I'm still logging (most) all the food and keeping up with exercising. I haven't lost as much weight as I thought I would this past year, but it will come, eventually. Good luck to all!
  • Yesterday was my 4th or 5th binge-free day in a row and the first of 2014. Feels nice to have a clean slate. I basically had a lost year. Fell into depression last Christmas and had a year of yo-yo dieting, back injuries, binge eating, etc. Started this year 18 pounds heavier than I started last year.

    Despite that, I am feeling like I can do this. I am trying to focus on each day, instead of the bigger picture like I always have. Usually I say something to myself like, 'geez, only 90 pounds overweight, at 6 or 7 pounds a month it will take me more than a year... what's the point?' Instead, I am just focusing on making today a positive day.

    Been reading a book which talks extensively about a recovering pill and booze addict who is a year sober through AA. The corollaries are pretty interesting. The biggest takeaways I've had have been that community is very important and nothing is more important than getting through today sober (binge-free for me).

    I know it is January 2nd, but here is an astonishing fact for me...

    This year, I have more gym trips (1) than binges (0). If I can keep that ratio in positive territory for the whole year, that will make me a happier man.
  • eustinjean
    eustinjean Posts: 13 Member
    Today makes 12 days binge-free. One day at a time. I had really good holiday food choices and somehow will make it through my big 50th birthday next Tuesday.

    There is a feeling I have after finishing a meal. It's a hunger that is not physical. I have noticed it and am willing to sit in this discomfort.

    I like the hope here!
  • Today makes 12 days binge-free. One day at a time. I had really good holiday food choices and somehow will make it through my big 50th birthday next Tuesday.

    There is a feeling I have after finishing a meal. It's a hunger that is not physical. I have noticed it and am willing to sit in this discomfort.

    I like the hope here!

    Happy Early Birthday!

    I have literally no understanding of hunger/fullness anymore... other than stuffing myself to the point of being sick. Then I know I am full.

    Last night I made a spinach salad for dinner with my wife and kids. Some chopped bacon, a hard-boiled egg, tomatoes, onions and blue cheese. It was a full plate of food. Afterward I had my dessert of a few squares of 85% dark chocolate. When I was done I sat and thought. I tried to really feel if I was hunger or satiated. I HAD NO IDEA. I just can't make the connection.

    Last night I was able to say, ok, that was plenty of food, objectively, not physically. And I stopped eating. Other times I have not been so strong.

    I wonder when/if I will ever be able to know true hunger/fullness.
  • mellowadam
    mellowadam Posts: 114 Member
    I didn't know this group existed. I've currently been binge free since 2/16/13. I joined a 12 step group which really helped me. I look forward to joining the discussion. I'm on an 8 day logging streak and my goal is to log for everyday during 2014.
  • Ybul
    Ybul Posts: 14 Member
    Hoping this will be the year I get over this monster... It feels impossible. Would be so grateful for any support or words of wisdom from others, and I really hope that you're all well. All the best for the new year! :)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I am also hoping this will be the year that I won the fight against this monster. Last year was actually when it really took over and I am not willing to have a second year like that :(
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I didn't know this group existed. I've currently been binge free since 2/16/13. I joined a 12 step group which really helped me. I look forward to joining the discussion. I'm on an 8 day logging streak and my goal is to log for everyday during 2014.
    Awesome job!! Was that OA??
  • Binge free so far in 2014. I've made a couple poor choices for food but they haven't turned into binges.

    I've gone to the gym three times in five days so far. Progress.

    Just focusing on getting through each day without a binge. That seems to be the key to me. One day at a time. Eventually they'll add up to a nice streak.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Binge free today for the first time in weeks...I am so happy :)
  • Binge free today for the first time in weeks...I am so happy :)


    One day at a time. It is a cliche, but a sound one. The more I fight this thing the more I realize that I have a much better shot at holding my resolve and willpower for one day than trying to go, say, a month or even a week. I have strung almost 10 days in a row this way.

    Just making sure to get through today without a binge. That is my focus!
  • Alluring72
    Alluring72 Posts: 50 Member
    So glad to see this thread! I've been an on again off again mfp member. Goal is to stay on this time around. Started logging yesterday and was going to quit after I got home and when crazy..... I ate more in snacking yesterday than I did in all three meals combined. I start feeling bad about it and that just pushes me to more food..... UGH!!!!!!!!!!! So frustrating that I sabotage my efforts. I want to be healthy but I get in my own way of achieving my goal.....
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Binge free today for the first time in weeks...I am so happy :)


    One day at a time. It is a cliche, but a sound one. The more I fight this thing the more I realize that I have a much better shot at holding my resolve and willpower for one day than trying to go, say, a month or even a week. I have strung almost 10 days in a row this way.

    Just making sure to get through today without a binge. That is my focus!

    I am almost through today and I have made it binge free again. One day at a time for sure.
  • Hi all! Happy New Year! I haven't been with the group that long. Just recently admitting that I definitely am a binge eater. What a challenge to admit that. I had a row of several good days - no binges, logged everything, even went to the gym. Then, the floor fell out from under me Monday and continued on thru Tuesday. I know it is in the past. I can't do anything about it. It just frustrates me to no end. I am working hard to only focus on today and not put too much thought into the past. So far today, so good! Plan to hit the gym tonight and stay out of the kitchen when I first get home (huge trigger just walking into that room first thing).

    Looking forward to getting to know you all and grow a solid support group. Reading all the posts is already so inspiring!
  • Hi all! Happy New Year! I haven't been with the group that long. Just recently admitting that I definitely am a binge eater. What a challenge to admit that. I had a row of several good days - no binges, logged everything, even went to the gym. Then, the floor fell out from under me Monday and continued on thru Tuesday. I know it is in the past. I can't do anything about it. It just frustrates me to no end. I am working hard to only focus on today and not put too much thought into the past. So far today, so good! Plan to hit the gym tonight and stay out of the kitchen when I first get home (huge trigger just walking into that room first thing).

    Looking forward to getting to know you all and grow a solid support group. Reading all the posts is already so inspiring!

    Learning those triggers is key. Aside from specific foods, I have learned that standing up while eating leads me to mindlessly consume. I used to do this a lot when my wife was out and I was cooking meals for the kids. Standing in the kitchen I would just pick and snack and test and eventually would have eaten more than I would have eaten in the regular meal (which of course I would still eat). Now I make sure to sit while I eat.

    Also extended periods alone with nothing to do. Terrible. Now I make sure that when I am going to have these interludes alone that I have something to do... something to focus on. Cleaning or organizing or even knowing an episode of a show I am going to watch.

    The past is the past. Today is another day. Keep working at it.
  • gandysweet
    gandysweet Posts: 15 Member
    hi everyone,
    I recently discovered this group about a week ago, and no one in my life knows i think I have this.
    yesterday and today I have been battling with binging, and feeling sorry for my self, and being extemely hard on myself. I hope to be able to one day to find balance. I'm working so hard for 2014 to be that year.
  • hi everyone,
    I recently discovered this group about a week ago, and no one in my life knows i think I have this.
    yesterday and today I have been battling with binging, and feeling sorry for my self, and being extemely hard on myself. I hope to be able to one day to find balance. I'm working so hard for 2014 to be that year.

    Hi Gandy - first (((hugs))) no one in my life knows that I am a Binge Eater either. It is a deep dark secret I keep. I feel if I were to tell anyone they would quickly discount it primarily because no one knows how I am when no one is around. All of my binges are in secret. Having my family completely blow this off I think would do more harm to me than good. That is part of why I decided to start reaching out and was so happy to find this group where I can be honest and really share what is really going on when no one is around. Hopefully if we all keep coming back we can help each other find the balance I think we all seek. Hang in there!

    For me, yesterday was my first binge free day in a while. I went to the gym after work and thankfully my husband had dinner ready when I walked in the door so there was no opportunity to binge. It felt so good to finish the day on a good note. Tonight is shaping up to be a good one too as I will have to start running kids around the second I hit the drive way - so, again, no opportunity to binge. Tomorrow....well, tomorrow is a work from home day. Never good food wise. Still trying to wrap my head around how to handle that.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I'm so glad I just found this thread. I so need help. :(
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