Anyone using Yogaglo?

odonogc Posts: 223 Member
I just started last week, I'm on my 15 day trial, but I'm definitely going to stick with it after that.

I thought it might be fun to share thoughts on instructors, practices, etc.

I did this practice last night - Side body flow

I really liked it. I definitely couldn't do everything, but the instructor had a lot of energy, and I'm sore today, which hasn't happened in ages.

I did a different practice a few days ago, and it was SO advanced, I felt really disappointed. The woman kept falling back into bridge, and then pulling herself right back up, even from one armed bridge! Sianna's home practice.


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Never used Yogaglo, but I really like Christina Sell. I've been to quite a few of her classes/workshops:
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've seen the ads on Facebook and was wondering if it was any good. I took Hatha Yoga classes last year and really liked them, but now they don't fit into my schedule.
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I've seen the ads on Facebook and was wondering if it was any good. I took Hatha Yoga classes last year and really liked them, but now they don't fit into my schedule.

    Even the on demand classes don't fit in? :(
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I did a practice today called "Sneak into a deep practice". It was really good! She said it was a practice she liked to do when she was tired. She started on the floor with a lot of deep stretching, and then later in the practice did the more vigorous part of the practice.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've seen the ads on Facebook and was wondering if it was any good. I took Hatha Yoga classes last year and really liked them, but now they don't fit into my schedule.

    Even the on demand classes don't fit in? :(

    Sorry I meant the local classes I was taking before don't fit into my schedule anymore, so I was wondering if Yogaglo was a good alternative.
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I bet it would fit! They have classes from like 10 minutes up to 90!

    The more I use it, the more I like it.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Does Yogaglo have written sequences? I can't follow a video and keep my neck aligned. I like to look at a flow, memorize it, and do it.
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I don't think so, it seems to be all video based, from what I see.
  • Snapdragons3
    Snapdragons3 Posts: 46 Member
    Yes, I like it. It is easy to search for what you are looking for.
  • dani_bee
    dani_bee Posts: 45 Member
    I just started Yoga Glo. Their beginner series was fantastic. I feel like I'm really making progress and Jo explained everything very clearly. I can't wait to start level 1 classes :)
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I just started Yoga Glo. Their beginner series was fantastic. I feel like I'm really making progress and Jo explained everything very clearly. I can't wait to start level 1 classes :)

    Woo hoo!

    I'm addicted to Kathryn Buding and Dice's classes.
  • readthat
    readthat Posts: 136
    Hello, I am new to this group and new to Yoga. I just finished a five week in studio intro to Yoga to get the basics down. I was looking into Yogoglo and wondered if you were still using it, and if you still like it?
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I am still using it, everyday! I love it.
  • nyhockeyguy
    nyhockeyguy Posts: 6 Member
    I have just heard of Yogaglo, but am not ready yet. I have been going to a local studio for about 3 months and have lost almost 20lbs, along w MFP... loving it... but can't imagine doing yoga alone. Is it weird? whats it like? Plus, I have been doing HOt Yoga 2xs/wk and its amazing... THAT I cannot do at home...
  • I started with Yogaglo about a month ago and I really love it. I also go to a local studio once a week. I like Jason Crandell's beginning classes and Felicia Tomasko has some really nice restorative classes. In general I like the search function so I can find the right class (intensity/length/body focus) for my mood each day. :)
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I'm so used to practicing alone now, that I don't want to practice around others, lol! I don't feel self conscious when I close my eyes or do lion, it's just my little space and time. That of course doesn't stop me from buying cute yoga clothes!

    Felicia Tomasko is great! I did a 90 minute yin yang practice with her and Dice. Loved it but I am WIPED.
  • readthat
    readthat Posts: 136
    I went ahead and joined Yogaglo and I am loving it. I feel the same way, it's something I can definitely stick with. I like running too , but keep ending up injured. I feel like the Yoga will make everything stronger, maybe less future injuries. The search feature is great on Yogaglo. So far I have done mostly basic stuff and stuck with vinyasa flow and a few Ashtanga. Anyone have favorite styles, or teachers?
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I went ahead and joined Yogaglo and I am loving it. I feel the same way, it's something I can definitely stick with. I like running too , but keep ending up injured. I feel like the Yoga will make everything stronger, maybe less future injuries. The search feature is great on Yogaglo. So far I have done mostly basic stuff and stuck with vinyasa flow and a few Ashtanga. Anyone have favorite styles, or teachers?

    I almost always practice with Kathryn Budig or Dice Iida-Klein. I also like Jason Crandell and Felicia Tomoasato
  • readthat
    readthat Posts: 136
    Thanks! I think I have tried the ones you have except dice. I will try him next!
  • Shan790
    Shan790 Posts: 280 Member
    I am about to try out the free trial :) ya'll convinced me :)