What do you want to be ABLE to do at goal?



  • cawoods1
    cawoods1 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks Etherlily1

    I dream of the day I can run again. I am going to do it!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member

    I'm the same way. I've lost enough now to be able to walk. When I'm walking briskly, it feels like I should just amp it up a notch and break into a run, but just can't yet.

  • mindybbw
    mindybbw Posts: 5 Member
    Walk into ANY restaurant and not have to look around in a panic making sure they have a table with chairs and not a booth!! Be able to go to Cedar Point (which I work ONE mile from) for the first time in 25yrs. and ride all the rides. Get on the floor and play with my nieces and nephews. Take a walk with my husband without having to stop to rest every 5 minutes because my hip hurts and i'm out of breath. Buy clothes from ANY store and not even have to try them on because I know they will fit and look good on me. Go out with my friends and not be embarassed to dance. Take line dancing lessons. Lift weights. Go ziplining.:tongue:
  • mindybbw
    mindybbw Posts: 5 Member
    you're right, the wish list never ends and the possibilities are endless!!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member

    One thing about lifting weights, all of us in the group are already doing that big time. I started using machines and found that my legs could press 350#. People were impressed. Not me, they'd been carrying my weight for awhile, so of course they were strong.

    It's my arms that are wimpy (pressing 15#). I now keep a small dumbbell next to my TV chair and use it all the time. It feels good.

  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    I want to shop in any clothing store that is not for plus size people! My short term goal is to be able to get down on the floor and get back up without assistance.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    I like all your ideas! I want to be able to ride a motorcycle again without being self-concious. Walk up stairs without stopping every few steps. Bend over and touch my nose to my knees! Make love on top......without crushing my partner! Learn to dance the Samba and Marenge(sp?) and Paso Doble. Oooh, wear high heels again!!!! And look good in a dress.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I have a bucket list that I’ve been working on. A lot of them I can only accomplish at a much lower and healthier weight, some of them are already in the works.

    I want to hike the Grand Canyon, Canyon de Chelly, Petrified Forest, Painted Desert, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone/Grand Tetons, Mt. Rushmore, Little Big Horn, Black Hills.

    I want to visit the Mediterranean, the Panama Canal, the Danube and Rhine River countries, Disneyworld/Epcot, New England in the Fall, Paddlewheel down the Mississippi, visit Australia/New Zealand and south Pacific Islands.
  • Carysta
    Carysta Posts: 152 Member
    I want to be able to ride a bicycle again. Not a stationary bike (although, that is also on the list!) but an actual, go here-there-and-everywhere bike. There's other things too, like hiking, although I'm fairly confident that the hiking will happen by the end of this summer, because I can walk a lot longer than I used to. I just need to be more flexible for uneven terrain. Other things like not having to shop in the plus size store (heck, even being able to shop in some of the only-goes-to-4x plus stores!), and not feeling like people are judging everything I do or do not eat. I know some of that last one is my own self-consciousness, but some of that is totally what people do. Thankfully no one I'm close to, which I know is what really matters! My friends and family (grandma aside!) have been very supportive of me this whole time.
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    My coworkers and I are all about the same age (28-29). The other day, we were discussing how awesome it would be to go skydiving next summer as kind of a celebration of us all turning 30.

    Whether or not we will /actually/ follow through with this, I don't know. What I do know is that I'm too heavy to go skydiving right now. And if we decide to do this together next summer, I don't want to have to tell everyone I can't because of my weight.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member

    I hope you will consider letting me know when you get to Northern Arizona. I used to work at Petrified Forest (a couple of decades ago.) I think I could still manage to find a couple of the really cool things, unless they have completely eroded away by now. It's only 4 hours away so if you hit it on a weekend maybe we could meet there? I can tell you about some of the other spots too if you want a scoop from someone who has spent a lot of time in that area.

    Jennifer, I know there are people that like to jump out of airplanes. I'm not one of them, so take my turn! Good luck and if you really want to do that, post photo's and signs around your place to remind yourself constantly to be ever vigilant so you can reach that goal! Working on that flash mob dancing should help you get there. Dancing burns a lot of calories in a very fun way!

    Cary, good to see you back with us. :happy: Stick with your program and you'll get there sooner than you would believe. It seems to go so slowly, but looking back it doesn't really take as much time as when we are looking at it by the minute. Remember, the time is going to pass anyway, may as well be losing weight and getting healthier. Right?

    GOIN - I don't think, during my cognizant life I've EVER been able to touch my nose to my knee??? That is an item for thought.

    Mara - keep that dream. It feels wonderful to be able to shop in Kohls or JC Penney and be able to buy clothes. I'm finally starting to venture out of the Big and Tall section. Doesn't always work, but I'm getting there.

    Great goals everyone!

    My next goal: I've joined a Meetup group locally that does day hikes. I'm going out with them starting next month, hopefully, certainly by April. I really hope I'm ready for multiple miles at this elevation by then!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member

    My next goal: I've joined a Meetup group locally that does day hikes. I'm going out with them starting next month, hopefully, certainly by April. I really hope I'm ready for multiple miles at this elevation by then!

    Good goal, Dan.

    Log that practice time. You're not just exercising. NOW you're training!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    I want to join a real dance class. Not just an exercise dance class. Not as the fat girl who wants to dance but as a regular person. Tap maybe... I used to be really good at it. :) I wouldn't even try this till I'm almost at goal.
  • Morgandobes
    Morgandobes Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Y'all
    New to the board, such a great topic
    I agree with other posters, would be great to shop in the 'normal' sized section at
    the store.
    I want to rollerblade with my 9 year old
    I want to get into a canoe without wondering what the weight limit might be.
    I want to go on long bike rides.
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    I found a new thing that I want to do at my goal weight! Extreme trampoline!!! Weight limit is 150# but it looks like sooo much fun! :tongue:
  • Nannabug
    Nannabug Posts: 13 Member
    I want to be able to shop outside of the plus size section and free from that limitation.

    I completely agree with you. That is my goal too.
  • I want to take up boxing, I want to buy clothes off the rack knowing my size will be there, and I want to take up mountain biking and backpacking. :)
  • akeen787
    akeen787 Posts: 11 Member
    ROLLER COASTERS! Go to any amusement park and not worry if I will fit or not on the rides. I love going to Disneyland/Six Flags but haven't in over 10 years, mainly because i was away at school but most recently that reason has turned into being uncomfortable and overweight.

    I want to be able to ride in an airplane and not have to worry about the person sitting next to me OR get stuck in the middle of two strangers.

    Also, I want to be able to ride a horse, wear a bathing suit that is age appropriate not like on for my grandma. (Love You, Grandma!)

    And... go out karaoke-ing/dancing without the thought that people are staring at me because of my weight. ( not much to do with the scale but something mentally that I need to work on)
  • suzybee30
    suzybee30 Posts: 30 Member
    Since I have a lot of weight to lose, I have set mini goals for myself. Those of which include being able to touch my toes and tie my shoes from a standing position, shopping for clothes smaller than what I am wearing now, and taking a flight of steps without being out of breath. I can't remember how many years it has been since I have done any of these things. I guess my ultimate goal is to raid my sister's closet, go rollerblading with my niece, and taking the full six flights up & down the stairs at my job instead of the elevator.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Since I have a lot of weight to lose, I have set mini goals for myself. Those of which include being able to touch my toes and tie my shoes from a standing position, shopping for clothes smaller than what I am wearing now, and taking a flight of steps without being out of breath. I can't remember how many years it has been since I have done any of these things. I guess my ultimate goal is to raid my sister's closet, go rollerblading with my niece, and taking the full six flights up & down the stairs at my job instead of the elevator.

    @Suzybee - This is a GREAT way to help yourself succeed. Thinking about the end goal can become overwhelming, but mini-goals give you much needed emotional boosts.

    Excellent plan, although you will never catch ME on rollerblades. lol